Fantasy Baseball League?

Do we have enough baseball freaks out there to fill out a fantasy baseball league? I did the recpoker one a couple of years ago, but might be more interesting with a small community. I know it's early, but just seeing if there's any interest.


  • Interested for sure...

  • I'll definitely play.

    If you want I can commish and get this off the ground and just let people sign up as more become interested.
  • We used Yahoo fantasy before... it was pretty good. Does anyone have any others they prefer?
  • IMHO, Yahoo provides the best free fantasy service.
  • westside8,  if you want to commish that's fine.   I don't mind taking that task either, but really I'm indifferent.

    What I'm looking for is a group of guys who will stick with it throughout the season.   There's nothing worse than having a couple of owners who don't even touch the team past opening day, so they're sitting there with two superstar players and half of their active rosters injured for the season.  :)

    One thing about these fantasy leagues is, it's so much easier to do online... I remember the old days I was commish for a league in high school..  I'd go and buy Baseball Weekly every week so I could get the boxscores of all the games and manually calculate the weekly head-to-head matches.   That was a chore.   So worth it though...
  • I never experienced the pen and paper method, it has always been online for me :D

    I don't mind creating it simply because I'm on it right now joining a winner's league and also a private one as we speak.

    I completely agree with your comments about having a group of guys who can stick it out throughout the entire season. If we don't get a huge turnout, we can simply expand the roster, but commitment it key.

    I will create one now and post the info here in a few secs.
  • I am in, yahoo is the site I am most familiar with.
  • League ID: 56700
    Password: browntrout :D

    Draft time is right now set to March 31 @ 10:30pm.
    This is not set in stone, but I wanted to set the draft as close to the season starting as possible, and I thought Friday night will probably be best. If there is a overwhelming cry for change, I will change it.
  • Thanks Wes.

    Registered as "Hork's Big Jopke"
  • I'm interested, being in hockey pools for the last few years totally reaquainted me with the game. It would be fun.

    What's the format, if this hasn't already been answered. I prefer a head to head format to a roto, and find it keeps people interesetd to the end of the season, since they can always be competitive in any given week. Sometimes in roto leagues, those near the bottom just call it a day and stop playing or managing their team.

  • We're doing points system, similiar to the way we are doing it for the hockey league this season.

    I don't mind head-to-head, roto or points. We'll see what people wants.
  • I'd much prefer head-to-head.
  • I prefer head to head as well

    PS. Westside check the Plumber Scores
  • Hey Wes this sounds great I would be interested. Would there be a draftand where would we do it and how much would each person put up say 50-100 for the season.

  • I know nothing about baseball - However I do enjoy gambling - can you give me the low-down??


    Are the Blue Jays still good - Kelly Gruber and Pat Borders still playing??
  • I signed up today. If you can't guess which team I am..well then you're a sorry bunch.
  • BLAZIN 72 wrote:
    Hey Wes this sounds great I would be interested.  Would there be a draftand where would we do it and how much would each person put up say 50-100 for the season.

    I had actually not thought of doing this for money... I'm up for it, but only if everyone agrees. I would not want to lose any players by making this a wager..... Although, money on the line would make it more likely that people will keep interested until the end.
  • I agree with Hork, if putting money on the line means we might lose a player or two who might be getting into this the first time (or who aren't too familiar with baseball), I rather just play this for fun and just bragging rights. But if everyone is comfortable with playing for money, I am up for it too since I'm sure that will keep people focused until the end.

    Heck, if we got enough people wanting to commit to this long time, we can even do a keepers league.
  • Head to head is the best it keeps you active in the pool on a more regular basis...and I'm in for kicking your asses!
  • westside8 wrote:
    I agree with Hork, if putting money on the line means we might lose a player or two who might be getting into this the first time (or who aren't too familiar with baseball), I rather just play this for fun and just bragging rights.  But if everyone is comfortable with playing for money, I am up for it too since I'm sure that will keep people focused until the end.

    Heck, if we got enough people wanting to commit to this long time, we can even do a keepers league.

    I was just thinking $2.00-$3.00 a week or something what do u think. Or not

  • I'd be in if it was free...

    and yes Tom...miracles of miracles, Pat Borders was infact still in the league last year the age of 43 I believe.

    Still "steps in the bucket" on every swing...but, after a few stints in the minors is still grinding out a career and is now back in the majors.

    Gruber I believe is still busy trying to sue the Dr's over his neck...probably hurt it trying to pat himself on the back over how great he was.
  • Hey Cameron

    I think what we can do is just start with no money this year as we have a few people who are new to this.
    And due to popular demand, this will become a head-to-head format
  • Im interested if we do it for money.

    Im also interested in the keeper league idea.
    I just started a basketball keeper league last year, and its pretty good(yahoo).

    I think a pool for $10-20 for the season would be solid, it would keep all parties interested and honest.

    Could a seperate pool be created for all those interested in playing for money? and keep the original for all forumers
    We could all send the money to Westside

  • For sure the current league will remain free and open to whoever is interested in playing.

    For those interested in joining a keepers league, or a league where its for money, I also do not mind starting one up even though it means I'll need to open another yahoo account to accomdate my many teams

    If you want to play keepers and/or for money, post here or PM me (I prefer PMing...just personal preference tho)

    P.S. Tim, you really want that plumber title eh
  • i'm in, yahoo is definately the best... are we doing a live draft or just letting yahoo sort that out?
  • It'll be a live draft. More details earlier in the thread.
  • I used to be in a few leagues, many years ago. I wouldn't mind doing it again. Is there any limit on the number of entries?
    Is it NL and AL?
  • Its both league, and I think I capped it at 20 teams. We are sitting at approx. 12 right now
  • All league GMs!!!! Please check the league board for a couple of commish notes regarding draft time and upgrade. Please reply ASAP
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