Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge match!! IS OVER - RESULTS!!!



  • Just hours away!!

    That's right, in a little under 2.5 hours, the finale of the Kitchener Waterloo Grudge Match will begin!! Who will come out on top? Watch here for (hopefully) live updates once Braad busts out first.

    My predicitons:

    Dave P.
    Dave K.
  • What do the blinds start at today ?
  • shopsy wrote:
    What do the blinds start at today ?
    I believe they start at 25/25

  • Same blind schedule... 40 minutes per level...

    Sweet god help us.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Allright now.

    GRAND FINALE ($30 buy- in):  Average stack 15k - determined individually by performance in preliminary events.

    -  1/2 hour blind schedule (with a cap)
    -  Top three positions pay:

    1st place:   $500 and a trophy
    2nd place:  $300
    3rd place:   $200

    don"t you mean 30 minute levels
  • First update!

    Blinds at 25/25 (first level)
    Dave P raise to 100
    Braad reraise 500.
    Dave calls

    Flop Q42

    Dave leads out with 1K
    Braad reraises 5K
    Dave goes all-in
    Braad calls

    Dave shows KK
    Braad shows AA

    Turn 3
    River 9

    Braad doubles up.
  • Second all-in of the day

    Blinds 25/25

    Dave P raised 100
    Called by Rob, Braad, Mark, Shopsy

    Flop :3s :2s :5c

    Braad raised to 100
    Called by Shopsy
    Dave P pushed all-in 975 on top
    Greg called
    Braad raised an additional 2500 on top.
    Greg folds
    Braad flips over :As :9s
    Dave P flips over KK
    Turn 6
    River 7
    No spades

    Dave P doubles up.
  • First player out - blinds at 25/50

    Dave K raied 150
    Called by Greg, Rob, Braad

    Flop :as :kc :2c

    Dave raised 600
    Greg fold
    Rob raised 1600
    Braad fold

    Turn :5c

    Check check

    River :qd

    Dave all-in
    Rob calls

    Rob shows :Ac :4c for nut flush
    Dave K shows :6c :8c for lower flush

    Dave K is our first player out for the grudge match.
  • 5+ hours into the grudge match, and the warriors break for food.... Mmmm... Swiss Chalet

    So we lost one other player: Blinds are 50/100

    Braad raises to 250 called by Dave / Greg

    Flop: 9 10 J (2 spades)

    Dave bets 800, greg goes all in for another 1750, Dave calls

    Turn 4 and river 10 (neither spades) doesn't improve either hand, but Dave's KJ beats Greg's K8 (spades).

    And, as we said, there are still 8 players remaining. Blinds are currently 100/200 with a 25 ante, chip counts are as follows:

    Mark 30, 975
    Rob 23,800
    Dave P. 23,525
    Tom 22, 525
    Shannon 15, 550
    Shopsy 13, 275
    Brent 11, 000
    Braad 10, 350

    Wish us luck!

  • Blinds 200/400

    Shopsy MP raise 2000

    fold to Shannon BB raises to 11,400

    Shopsy calls all-in 11,350

    Shannon QQ
    Shopsy 1010 ( OH OH )

    Board 8 9 K 9 3

    I"m out !!!!
  • I'm out! Worst tournament ever. :( Was up to almost 40k early on then dropped 10k+ to Dave. I was unfocused for the a good portion and *missed* two flushes that I had. One I luckily won anyways, but the other I mucked.

    Finally with 10k I wanted to start pushing raisers as no one was calling large re-raises pre-flop. Dave (again) bets 1,600 on blinds of 300-600, and I move in with AQo. Dave calls showing KK and I'm out in 7th.

    Horrible, horrible game. Completely defeated myself. I belonged no where near the money.
  • Woohoo! Johnnie owes me $5. GO SENS!!!

    Any KWGM action?!?!?!?!

  • We are down to three since the last update

    With blinds at 400/800 (100), Dave raised 2200
    Brent pushes for 2800 more (5400 total)
    Dave calls

    Brent 33
    Dave A 10
    Board comes J 10 9 7 6

    Brent is out

    Blinds 400/800 (100)
    Brad call 800
    Mark raise 3500
    Tom goes all in
    Brad folds
    Mark call

    Tom flips over 99
    Mark with AK

    Board comes 2 3 A A Q

    Tom is eliminated

    Blinds still at 400/800 (100)

    Brad raise 1600
    Dave rerasies 4K
    Brad call

    Flop A 10 9 (with 2 diamonds)

    Dave pushes all-in
    Brad calls

    Dave with AA
    Brad AJ

    Turn 5, River 6

    Dave wins and is at 73K, Brad down to 15.7K

    Blinds at 500/1000 (100)
    Brad raises to 2500
    Mark pushes all-in
    Brad calls

    Mark shows AA
    Brad AK

    Board 8 3 9 10 2, no help for Brad and Brad goes out as bubble boy
  • Final 3 chip count

    Shannon 17,300
    Mark 60,500
    Dave 72,200
  • I predict:

    1st - Mark
    2nd - Dave
    3rd - Shannon

    What are the stacks looking like?

  • And it's OVER!!

    The first KWGM is now in the books. After almost exactly 11 hours of poker, this most brutal SNG is over. Here are the final four eliminations.

    3rd place: "stpboy" Shannon

    After "TwoThree" Braad's exit, Shannon finds himself short stacked. He pushes repeatedly, and starts building his stack. Unfortunately, with the blinds at 600/1200/200, Shannon and Mark call the 3000 raise by "Ineedanick" Dave.

    Flop: 8-9-6

    Shannon pushes all in, and Mark folds. Dave calls, and shows JJ, no help on the turn or river, and Shannon's A-8 puts him out of the tournament in 3rd place for a $200 payday.

    2nd place: "DrTyore" Mark

    Coming into heads up a 4:1 underdog in chip count (31,900 Mark - 118, 100 Dave), Mark and Dave battle back and forth. A 3-diamond board filled up BOTH of their flushes (3rd time this happened today!!), but Mark's K-high flush allowed him to double up. However, with the blinds at 800 / 1600 / 200, Dave raises from the button to 4000. Mark pushes all in for his remaining about 35k in chips, which Dave "RELUCTANTLY" calls. Dave shows 66, and Mark flips over AK suited

    Board ends up 3-7-2-3-Q rainbow, and Mark's tournament is ended in 2nd place for $300, and awarding 1st place to "Ineedanick" Dave P. for a $500 payday, a trophy, and the title of the KWGM I CHAMPION!!

    Big props go out to the official KWGM wench "Easy" Amanda, and to "Shopsy" Jeff for hosting in the world's greatest basement!

    Stay tuned for announcements on KWGM II!!

  • Congratulations Dave!  And Shannon and Mark too... great game guys.

  • Great game guys - I was a long long tourney but great poker.

    Congrats dave.
  • Congrats Dave on taking this down!
  • Congrats "Ineedanickname" "GrudgeMatchChamp" Dave!! Way to go!

    Congrats to Mark and Shannon on a well played marathon of poker.

  • Congrats to Dave for that massive comeback, down to 1K in chips in the first blind level. Sure you needed to get lucky but you really played a great game, we all need to get lucky.

    I was relatively happy with my play for most of the day, until I was the chip leader. I was just under 40K and started to really loosen up my starting hand requirements. I got caught once by Mark trying to steal a hand on the turn when he had tripped up, I only had top pair. I lost about 10K in that hand and subsequently went to donk off another 5K in the very next hand. No, I never tilt.

    My hand of the night was definately against Brent. He raises to 1200 (4x) from UTG. Folded to me on the botton and I have JJ. I ask Brent how much he has left, about 6500 more. I have a stack 3x the size of Brents. Part of the reason I asked him how much he had left was to plant a seed for the flop, to let him know I had a strong hand. I end up just calling his raise.

    Flop comes 235 rainbow. Brent moves all in and covers himself up with his hood. My gut tells me to fold, he knows I'm strong but still wants to get his chips in. I fold my Jacks face up, Brent mucks. Brent then sees that I've folded JJ and grabs his two cards quickly and shows AA. I was pumped after this hand, for the past few years I've had sporadic moments where I haven't trusted myself and went on to kick myself for not. I think this was the defining hand in my tournament that allowed me to make the money.

    Thanks to all the hosts and to Mark for putting this together. I suggest to anyone that wasn't involved to PM Mark now and request to get in, it was a lot of fun. It was nice to spend so much time with such a great bunch of guys. Like I said to Mark yesterday, "We're like a family now".

  • Thanks for a fantastic game everyone, and for all the nice comments! I would like to thank the poker Gods and dealing Goddess Amanda for a great run of cards: pocket kings 3 times, pocket aces twice, hitting flops. Any monkey would have done well in my position.

    My most memorable hands of the tournament (both psychologically and in terms of chips):
    - my kings losing to Braad's aces in the first blind level, leaving me severely low stacked (around 1000) but not in blind danger yet.
    - hitting a higher flush than Braad (A high versus Q high with K on board, IIRC) to double me up to nearly my starting stack. This helped me to relax, and gave me some confidence back.
    - playing A2 against Rob, and having the board come down 22x. The double up was obviously nice, but FINALLY beating my nemesis Rob in a hand was more important. Rob had previously busted me out in 4 of the last 5 tournaments we have played in together (yes, I was counting).
    - Braad's AJ running into my AA with only 4 players left. The double up gave me a comfortable lead, and nearly crippled Braad (who unfortunately ran into Mark's aces about 8 hands later!). Having the chip lead when Braad bubbled meant I didn't need to make any moves against Mark and Shannon, which would assuredly fail. Even with a lead I didn't like my odds.

    Memorable moments from the final game:
    - The number of hands against Braad...We had more than our fair share of all-ins, and countless stabs and steals. I'll remember you betting into and hitting your 72. This grudge will continue I hope.
    - Battle of the blinds with Tom. I'm glad you were to my right.
    - Tom and his pants..'nuff said
    - proving that polls on the internet are not to be trusted
    - the fabulous environment (thanks Shopsy!) and the great group of people.

    Thanks to Mark for organizing. Looking forward to number II.

    Dave P.
  • "This grudge will continue I hope."

    oh it will :rage:

    j/k Was tons of fun, but going from 2nd in chips to out on the bubble in 3 hands not 8 :( by running into back to back Aces and for all who don't know my AK was suited......

    Want to say thanks to everyone for this really fun game, and I want to thank Mark for putting this madness togeather! I think I will have to pick on Dave in the next one :P

    and thanks again to all the dealers and Shopsy for his wicked basement (which I want to live in).

    and Tom... Pants... Closet... HAHA was alot of fun
  • stpboy wrote:
    Congrats to Dave for that massive comeback, down to 1K in chips in the first blind level. Sure you needed to get lucky but you really played a great game, we all need to get lucky.

    I was relatively happy with my play for most of the day, until I was the chip leader. I was just under 40K and started to really loosen up my starting hand requirements. I got caught once by Mark trying to steal a hand on the turn when he had tripped up, I only had top pair. I lost about 10K in that hand and subsequently went to donk off another 5K in the very next hand. No, I never tilt.

    My hand of the night was definately against Brent. He raises to 1200 (4x) from UTG. Folded to me on the botton and I have JJ. I ask Brent how much he has left, about 6500 more. I have a stack 3x the size of Brents. Part of the reason I asked him how much he had left was to plant a seed for the flop, to let him know I had a strong hand. I end up just calling his raise.

    Flop comes 235 rainbow. Brent moves all in and covers himself up with his hood. My gut tells me to fold, he knows I'm strong but still wants to get his chips in. I fold my Jacks face up, Brent mucks. Brent then sees that I've folded JJ and grabs his two cards quickly and shows AA. I was pumped after this hand, for the past few years I've had sporadic moments where I haven't trusted myself and went on to kick myself for not. I think this was the defining hand in my tournament that allowed me to make the money.

    Thanks to all the hosts and to Mark for putting this together. I suggest to anyone that wasn't involved to PM Mark now and request to get in, it was a lot of fun. It was nice to spend so much time with such a great bunch of guys. Like I said to Mark yesterday, "We're like a family now".


    An amazing lay-down by Shannon there, I can't think of one other person would could do that... and it was AMAZING.

    Also, I'll be the first to say it, the hand where I tripped up, i sucked out on Shannon, but I just couldn't be 100% sure that he had top pair!! :)

    A great day, but dammit, I'm *STILL* tired.... great game had by all, and the pictures will be up soon!


    P.S. Yea.. .we're like a family... much love, but the occasional "What a jackass" moment.. :)
  • Hey all

    Just some photos from the world's greatest basement after the KWGM!!

    WARNING: Players are shown after 11 hours of play, and may be delirious!!

    Our Third place winner: stpboy SHANNON!!! WHOO HOO
  • Our 2nd place winner: "DrTyore" Mark YAY!!
  • Come on! Where's the WWE pose?!?!?!

  • And finally, a shot of the winner "Ineedanick" Dave P.  CONGRATS!!!

    Also, a shot of the trophy presentation by the organizaer / 1st loser, and shot of the three winners together!

    Great game all!

  • g2 wrote:
    Come on!  Where's the WWE pose?!?!?!


    Wow... I just wasn't thinking... I gues 11 HOURS OF POKER WILL DO THAT

  • g2 wrote:
    Come on!  Where's the WWE pose?!?!?!
    LOL - that's the first thing I thought of too. :D
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