Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge match!! IS OVER - RESULTS!!!

Allright now.

Here is the structure of this event.


Game 1; Sunday January 22nd 3:00 p.m.
Game 2: Saturday February 4
Game 3: FRIDAY February 24, 2006 7:30p.m. @ G2 Greg's
Game 4 (FINALE): Satuday March 4, 12:00 LOCATION CHANGED... SORRY!

3 ($30 buy-in) preliminary tournaments will see our ten contestants battle for a $50 first place prize, and a higher starting stack at the finale.
- 5000 chip stack start
- 20 minute blinds (with a cap)
- Chip payout structure as follows, players will accumulate chips in these three preliminary tourneys:

1st - 26% (13,000 chips)
2nd - 20% (10,000 chips)
3rd - 15% (7500 chips)
4th - 11% (5500 chips)
5th - 8 % (4000 chips)
6th - 6 % (3000 chips)
7th - 5% (2500 chips)
8th - 4% (2000 chips)
9th - 3% (1500 chips)
10th - 2% (1000 chips)

GRAND FINALE ($30 buy- in): Average stack 15k - determined individually by performance in preliminary events.

- 1/2 hour blind schedule (with a cap)
- Top three positions pay:

1st place: $500 and a trophy
2nd place: $300
3rd place: $200

Standard Robert's Rules apply. However, there is one added stipulation....

NO CHOPPING (people with grudges don't get along well enough to deal).



10. "King Mob" Dave K.
9. "G2" Greg
8. "Shopsy" Jeff
7. "Zithal" Rob
6. "The Prophet 22" Brent
5. "TNORTH" Tom
4. "TwoThree" Braad --> Bubble prize!! $10 and grandfathered into KWGM II
3. "stpboy" Shannon --> $200 and grandfathered into KWGM II
2. "DrTyore" Mark ---> $300 and grandfathered into KWGM II
1. "Ineedanick" Dave P. ---> $500 + trophy and grandfathered into KWGM II

Great game all! Keep an eye out for pictures and information on KWGM II.


  • Looking at the vote, It looks like im going to need to pull out all the stops to take down Shannon :fish:
  • Woohoo!!! :D  Somebody loves me!

  • g2 wrote:
    Woohoo!!! :D  Somebody loves me!

    3 people love me! :):):)

  • g2 wrote:
    g2 wrote:
    Woohoo!!! :D Somebody loves me!

    3 people love me! :):):)

    5 People love you now, Greg.

    Have fun guys, let's have some live updates, OK?

  • Well... 4 people love me... plus I love myself :D

    2 wins in a row... how can I lose this tomorrow?!?!?!

  • g2 wrote:
    Well... 4 people love me... plus I love myself :D

    2 wins in a row... how can I lose this tomorrow?!?!?!


    Calling 3X BB raises with 6-8 suiteD? GRRRRR... :)

    Now Mark... you're not tilting now, you just need to BEAT HIM MERCILESSLY!!!

    I mean.. umm.... good luck today all.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Calling 3X BB raises with 6-8 suiteD?  GRRRRR... :) 

    Now Mark... you're not tilting now, you just need to BEAT HIM MERCILESSLY!!!

    I mean.. umm.... good luck today all.

    Come on Mark... we both know I had implied odds... I did get all of your chips after all!

  • Allright all...

    I'm off to Kelly's place for the first KWGM preliminary game. It will begin at 3:00 pm today, and hopefully everyone will make it. There was a last-minute location change, and I still haven't hear from twothree.

    Shopsy cannot make it today, though we've found a "ringer" and sent everybody's favorite "Itsame" Mario!! We'll see how he does. Updates will come later this evening.

  • I'm sure I won't have my A game today as I'll really be paying attention to the 3pm football game. I should be able to squeak into the top 3. See you soon.

  • I got your message Mark, but I'll be watching the Divisional Football games today.

    See you at BSC XXII

  • Can"t wait to see who won, wish I could be there. See you all at Robs on Wed.
  • You're short stack with 5 players left Shopsy.


    Congrats to Shopsy (Mario) on winning a hard-fought see-saw battle with Rob (Trevor). I guess Rob is just bad at HU :)

    Great game, awesome blind structure. And congrats to Brad on busting out most of the players at the table before finishing 3rd.
  • sence I was the only real Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge match player left for the night :P

    I have the Bragging rights so far?
  • TwoThree wrote:
    I have the Bragging rights so far?
    You can keep telling yourself if that makes you feel better :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    TwoThree wrote:
    I have the Bragging rights so far?
    You can keep telling yourself if that makes you feel better :)

    But it is true :) btw I went in with the best hand you just caught.
  • And the first one is done!! Some grudges were formed, some laughs were had, and some surprising placings resulted!!

    So the tournament got going at 3:00 p.m. sharp, with two of the scheduled participants being drawn away for various reasons, and both utilizing their one "replacement" player... so the final roster today was:

    "stpboy" Shannon
    "TNORTH" Tom
    "The Prophet 22" Brent
    "DrTyore" Mark
    "King Mob" Dave
    "Ineedanick" Dave
    "Itsame" Mario (for Shopsy)
    "Beanie42" Trevor (for "Zithal" Rob)
    "g2" Greg
    "TwoThree" Braad

    I will just post the results and a quick summation of the hands that eliminated them.

    10th place: "stpboy" Shannon (Blinds 50-100)

    After a brutal beat by "itsame" Mario greatly reduced stpboy's stack, shannon called a 300 dollar raise from "beanie42" with 8-9 clubs. Flop comes 4s 4c Qc, stpboy checks, beanie42 bets 600 (into a pot of 975), stp re-raises to 2k total. Beanie42 calls with .... A-10 clubs... no help for either player

    9th place: "g2" Greg (Blinds 100-200)

    Greg raises pre-flop 475, which is called by Braad. Flop comes 9-9-6 (2 diamonds). Greg bets 800, Braad goes all in, which pushes Greg in for his remaining 4300. Greg calls, and although I didn't write down the hands, the rivers gives a third diamond, completing Braad's flush.

    8th place: "The Prophet 22" Brent (Blinds 100-200)

    Braad raises to 400, Mark calls, Brent goes all in (650), Trevor goes all-in on tom (A lot!) Braad and Mark fold
    Brent flips over K-Q suited, Trevor flips over A-K suited. Board ends up 10-10-6-9-7... no help for either, AK wins.

    7th place: "King Mob" Dave (Blinds 200-400 (50 ante))

    Dave goes all in UTG for 550. Braad calls the 150 needed blind. Dave flips over A-9o, and Braad shoes 8-3o. Board ends up 10-10-8-K-5, giving Braad two pair, and Dave is out.

    6th place: "TNORTH" Tom (200/400/50)

    Tom raises 1500 of his 4000 chips, Braad goes all in behind him, forcing Tom to decide for the rest of his chips. Tom pushes his remaining 2500 in with A-5o, Braad shows K-Q suited. The board comes K-8-6-K-6 boating Braad to Tom's two pair ace kicker.

    5th place: "DrTyore" Mark (300/600/100)

    Mark UTH with 2600 left, raises himself all in. Mario calls the 2600, and Braad goes all in behind him, forcing Mario to decide for all of his chips. Mario opts to fold his A-2o, and it's down to Mark and Braad. Mark shows Q-4o, to Braads J-6o. Board ends up 4-7-10-K-J on the river for another one of Braad's elimination. Followed by a lot of confused faces, and Mark's kicking and screaming on the ground! :)

    4th place "Ineedanick" Dave (300/600/100)

    Dave is UTG and raises 2500, Trevor calls, and Braad pushes allin again for more than 6500 on top. Dave calls for his remaining 3500, and Trevor folds. Braad shows QQ, and Dave shows K-2 suited (Huh... Braad had a hand, who knew?). Board ends up 3-J-3-9-Q, with 2 of Dave's suit, not enough to beat Braad. Dave is out.

    3rd place: "TwoThree" Braad (Blinds unknown)

    Braad was crippled a little earlier after his pocket pair got beat by AQ of Trevor's, leaving him with only 3000 chips. A few more hands gets Braad up to 5100. Mario raises from UTG with the three players left to 3500, Braad pushes all in for 5100, and Mario calls. Mario shows 10-4 of spades, and Braad shows 6-4o (No, I don't understand either). Board ends up K-9-5-A-Q, Giving Mario his higher, umm, kicker? Braad is out in 3rd.

    2nd place: "Beanie42" Trevor (for "Zithal" Rob) - (Blinds 800/1600/200)

    Heads up Mario was significantly under Trevor, though when we finally got a count, Mario had worked up to 15,400 in chips, to Trevor's 34, 600. Mario doubles up when his 10-7off hits a flop of 10-J-10 and Trevor's J-4 causes him to make a fateful push. A few hands later, Mario bets 3500, and Trevor goes all in for 7000 more. Mario calls, and shows A-J suited, Trevor shows Q-8 suited. Board ends up 9-K-K-10-Q, rainbow, giving Mario a straight to Trevor's two pair.

    1st place" "Itsame" Mario (for "Shopsy" Jeff) - AKA "Marioshop"

    Mario played an impressive game after coming back with 5 players left from a stack of 4700 when the blinds hit 300/600/100. He is QUITE upset that he did all this for Shopsy! But we're all sure Shopsy doesn't mind.

    We'll see you all for the NEXT KWGM, which should be on February 4th, 2006. You may go ahead and continue voting!! :)

  • Was a wicked game guys! Grats on the win Mario/Shopsy!

    "3rd place:  "TwoThree" Braad (Blinds unknown)

      Braad was crippled a little earlier after his pocket pair got beat by AQ of Trevor's, leaving him with only 3000 chips.  A few more hands gets Braad up to 5100.  Mario raises from UTG with the three players left to 3500, Braad pushes all in for 5100, and Mario calls.  Mario shows 10-4 of spades, and Braad shows 6-4o (No, I don't understand either).  Board ends up K-9-5-A-Q, Giving Mario his higher, umm, kicker?  Braad is out in 3rd."

    I was running late, I was BB (1200 + 200 anti) so really I was hoping for 2 live cards :P

    Anyways I took out half the feild :) hoping to do the same next game!
  • Good strategic play, Shopsy! Mario is a very bad man.
  • What the hell? Shannon busts out first and gets another vote for it??? LOL

  • Now he's got "motivation"

    Mark :)
  • *cough* dummy account *cough*
  • I'm glad Shopsy won this one. I guarnatee I win the next!


    lives on.....
  • Braad,
    With calls like those (J6, 83o) you will definalty have some grudges againist you. :D


    See you all on Wednesday

  • Woohoo!! Great job Trevor! I think I got lucky with my double booking and the fact that Trevor could take over as I was coming off a four-show, complete lack of sleep weekend.

    Looking forward to the next one!
  • Great job Mario, I knew all those bad beats I"ve taken from you would finally pay off :D

    See you soon,
  • I think these are the hands Brad would die to be in (all-in preflop)

    *** FLOP *** [2d 2h 4s]
    *** TURN *** [2d 2h 4s] [2c]
    *** RIVER *** [2d 2h 4s 2c] [8d]
    metfan630 said, "lol"
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    BALLSLLAB: shows [Qd Qh] (a full house, Deuces full of Queens)
    rk8391: shows [As Th] (three of a kind, Deuces)
    BALLSLLAB collected 2760 from side pot
    Jeelsy: shows [2s 3s] (four of a kind, Deuces)
    Jeelsy collected 4850 from main pot
  • Great day of poker Mark.

    Was a well fought grudge match by all. Wish only my win was for me not Shopsy (lucky I like you Shopsy).

    Shannon sorry for that beat. I know how you felt because Mark did the same thing with me with J10 suited.
  • Allright all.. the OP has been updated with the new chipcounts for each player thus far... also, just so everyone knows, I received the trophy for the KWGM #1 last night, and I will bring it to Bristol Street tonight for a viewing.... :)

  • I just can't help getting more votes, even after I finished in last. Thanks Mr. or Mrs. Voter Person!

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