Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge match!! IS OVER - RESULTS!!!



  • stpboy wrote:
    I just can't help getting more votes, even after I finished in last. Thanks Mr. or Mrs. Voter Person!


    It was a pity vote... and you're welcome. :)
  • Zithal wrote:

    It was a pity vote... and you're welcome. :)

    Just so everyone knows, I'll take pity votes, grudge votes, skill votes, random dice rolling votes, man-flirting votes, sexy votes, wanna-get-some-of-this votes, jump on the band wagon votes, rigged votes, Irish massage votes and any other reason for voting you can think of. I will also thank you for those votes and on the day I win the KWGM I will.....
    get to makes sweet love to your dad, while I tell him that you were the better player today.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Zithal wrote:

    It was a pity vote... and you're welcome. :)

    Just so everyone knows, I'll take pity votes, grudge votes, skill votes, random dice rolling votes, man-flirting votes, sexy votes, wanna-get-some-of-this votes, jump on the band wagon votes, rigged votes, Irish massage votes and any other reason for voting you can think of. I will also thank you for those votes and on the day I win the KWGM I will.....
    get to makes sweet love to your dad, while I tell him that you were the better player today.


    stpboy for Prime Minister??
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    stpboy for Prime Minister??
    I'd vote for him over Harper any day! Well... I'd vote for anyone over Harper any day, so I don't think that's much of a compliment.

  • The next K/WGM preliminary is just 5 days away!

    This one will be held at "Shopsy's" basement (which BTW is nicer than some casinos!), and will begin at 1:00 p.m.! I expect taht all KWGM participants will be there on time, and willing to lose to me!

  • Let"s get ready to Rumble !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Watch for updates as the day progresses.
  • stpboy wrote:
    I just can't help getting more votes, even after I finished in last.  Thanks Mr. or Mrs. Voter Person! 


    See you kids soon. I'm bringing coffee today, not beer. Man I'm hungover.....

  • Any car pooling happening??
  • Hey Shannon, I"ll take a large 2 milk 2 sugar Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee,

  • Shannon hung over... shopsy needs caffeine, and Tom's whining already?

    This one is MINE baby!

  • shopsy wrote:
    Hey Shannon, I"ll take a large 2 milk 2 sugar Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee,


  • DrTyore wrote:
    Shannon hung over... shopsy needs caffeine, and Tom's whining already? 

    This one is MINE baby!

    Sorry Mark, but 3.5 hours of sleep was enough for me!  You're going down!!!  Well, would you be happy with 2nd place?  I can make you a deal ;)

  • If any one wants to meet at my place I can drive
  • KWGM 2 is over! A game as good as the first, with ups, downs, and one MASSIVE suckout hand..... here's the placings....

    10. G2 Greg
    9. Two Three Braad
    8. King Mob Dave
    7. The Prophet 22 Brent
    6. Ineedanick Dave P.
    5. Shopsy Jeff
    4. stpboy Shannon
    3. TNORTH Tom
    2. Zithal Rob
    1. DrTyore Mark

    Here's the hands that ended the pain for everyone...

    10. G2 Greg

    Blinds 25/50

    Preflop, Greg raises 250, re-raised by Mark 2725, and is all in. Greg calls with his remaining chips (about 1700) and shows QQ. Mark flips over AK suited. Flop comes 2-3-9, Turn J, and that dirty river A to eliminate Greg.

    9. TwoThree Braad

    Blinds 75/150

    Shopsy raises preflop 450, Braad pushes all in for 2000, which is called by Shopsy. Braad flips over 99, and Shopsy shows KK. Board ends up Q-8-10-2-5, no help for Braad, and he is out in 9th place.

    8. King Mob Dave

    Blinds 75/150

    Dave, short stacked, pushes all in for 2225, Zithal Rob insta-calls and shows his KK to Dave's 44. Board ends up 8-8-9-9-K... just for good measure.

    7. TheProphet 22 Brent

    Blinds 100/200

    Rob calls UTG, and Mark makes it 1000 to go, putting Brent all in. Brent calls and Rob folds. Brent's KJ gets no help against Mark's AQ when the board ends up 5-6-7-9-Q

    6. Ineedanick Dave

    Blinds 150/300/50

    Rob is UTG and makes it 800 to go, Dave calls. Flop comes 6-9-10. Dave bets 1000, and Rob calls. Turn comes a 7, and Dave pushes all-in for 6300. Rob calls and shows 77 for Trips. Dave gets no improvement with his K-10 when the river comes a 6.

    5. Shopsy Jeff

    Blinds 300/600/100

    This hand was CRAZY.... Shannon raises himself all-in for 2100 UTG, which is called by Shopsy for his last 900. Tom, in the BB, calls for the remaining 1500. Now pay attention here....

    Tom: Q-6 diamonds Shannon 77 Shopsy: A5o

    Flop comes: 9d - Jd - Qc (Tom's ahead with top pair and the nut flush draw)
    Turn comes: As (Shopsy is ahead with top pair)
    River comes: 7c (Shannon wins with trip 7s).

    Shannon is alive, shopsy is eliminated, Tom is stunned, and various sucking sounds permeate the room.

    4. stpboy Shannon

    Blinds 400/800/100

    Tom, UTG raises to 1600, which is re-raised by Shannon to 2600, which Tom calls. Flop comes 7-8-9 rainbow. Tom Checks, and Shannon pushes all in... right into Tom's trap as he shows 10-J for the nut straight. Shannon grudgingly shows his AA. Although the board paired on the turn with another 8, the river's 10 ended Shannon's night.

    3. TNORTH Tom

    Blinds 400/800/100

    Tom raises to 1600, which prompts Rob to go All-in. Tom calls, showing his K-J, and stares in dismay as Rob shows A-Q. A board of 5-9-8-A-5 adds Tom to the celebrity dealer pool.


    Chip Count

    DrTyore Mark : 16, 100
    Zithal Rob: 33,900

    After some back and forth, and very even playing, Mark doubles up to take the chip lead on a paired K. Rob comes back and makes the players even, by the final hand, Mark had Rob covered by about 1k in chips.

    Pre-flop, Mark in the SB just calls, and Zithal Checks. Flop comes down 2-3-9. Mark bets out 4k with his Q-9o. Rob pushes back all in, and Mark calls after some thought, so see Rob reveal Q-2o. The 3 and K of hearts on the river helped nobody, and Mark is the winner of the 2nd KWGM preliminary.

    For updated chip counts and the dates of the forthcoming games, see the original post.

  • Great game and thanks to Shopsy for hosting. I'm more than a little disapointed with my heads up play as I made a call that I REALLY shouldn't have AND I had a chance to bust Mark earlier in the night but got pushed off the pot.

    Leading into heads up, I was very pleased with my play.. I picked up good hands at the right time, got people to pay me off when I had the goods and got people to lay down when they did. (And I'm also glad to follow up a second place finish from my alternate with a second of my own.)

    My plan from here on in is to take first at the final prelim and enter the finals with 33,000 chips. :)
  • Great game everybody, it was a tough match tonight. Thanks to Shopsy and his love making table for hosting.

    I also could have knocked Mark out of the tournament earlier but had more respect for him. I think he actually misplayed that hand as did I for not calling him. I'll post that hand in another thread...
    Of course, Mark won the hand so how can I really say that? I'm just adding to the grudge.

    I played a super tight game as I needed some more chips, and unfortunately was very certain Tom had me beat on the final hand as I reluctantly pushed the few chips I had in. It sucks to bust with the best hand you've been dealt all day. To quote Rob "A better player would have recognized my trap". Yes, adding to the grudge and the hatred.

    I played well tonight but could easily have played a little less tight. I'm ready for the final two matches and am feeling a victory coming soon. The cream will rise to the top!

  • As I said early in the match

    "Damn, I am playing a more risky game than I like"

    I was on the brink of elimination SOOO many times yesterday. I got lucky, a LOT and I think I won every coin flip that I was involved (makes up for G2's Friday night). But it was a great game, and there is STILL no doubt in my mind that anyone can come out and win this thing.

    Though that trophy is probably just gonna stay where it's at right now.. :)

    'Sides, I'm not the only one that was pushing people off pots... right ROB?!??!??!??! Grr.. stupid KQh

  • Sigh... still no new voting? You people suck.

  • Hey Mark - Can you calculate the current status of all our stacks to see where we stand and post them - Just so we can see where everyone is?
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Hey Mark - Can you calculate the current status of all our stacks to see where we stand and post them - Just so we can see where everyone is?

    See page 1 of this thread....

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Rob -        20,000 chips   (2, 2 , ?)
    Shopsy -   17,000 chips    (1, 5 , ?)
    Mark -      17,000 chips     (5, 1 , ?)
    Tom -      10, 500 chips    (6, 3, ?)
    Braad -       9000 chips     (3, 9, ?)
    Dave P -     8500 chips     (4, 6 , ?)
    Shannon -  6500 chips     (10, 4 , ?)
    Dave K -    4500 chips     (7, 8, ?)
    Brent -      4500 chips     (8, 7 , ?)
    Greg -       2500 chips     (9, 10 , ?)

    I would just like to tell Rob how happy I am he's winning...

    Team Kitchener as a team isn't doing so poorly, sadly this isn't the Royal Cup and team scores don't matter. C'mon captain, you can score a victory on the next one, can't you?


    It's really very sexist of you guys not to include a female in your grudge match...I've heard way too many a male complain we women are the root of most of your problems...
  • Easy wrote:
    It's really very sexist of you guys not to include a female in your grudge match...
    LOL - I'm sure the girls will be good enough to qualify some day :) ! Seriously though, Jenn and I discussed the number of female players that were in the area a few months ago. There will be some in a future grudge match for sure. However, you could also set up a Ladies night tourney - either a single game or a series like the grudge match. Just a thought.
  • Easy easy...

    It's not because you're female that you're not in the grudge match...

    It's just cuz I want to win this thing.

    And you never let me.

  • Sigh...

    1.5% of all members voted.

  • Go pay a chick downtown $5.00 if you are looking for love Mark.

    Begging for votes doesn't seem to be working.

    I'll now cast my 4th vote for Shannon.
  • Wolffhound wrote:

    I'll now cast my 4th vote for Shannon.

    Hear hear, seems to be the right thing to say! I love Insurance Adjusters! I also really like coffee and can't wait for that new TJ's cafe to open....!! Wooohoooo....

  • Do we have a date for Grudge Match #3.
  • Yup...

    Wednesday, February 22, location TBD since G2 can't host now... he'll be coming late from his mid-term. We're hoping to start by like 7:30ish at the latest. Hoping to have it hosted near the University for G2... Shannon? Can you accommodate 10 people at that table of yours?

  • I thought it was a 6:30 start, I really only agreed to the week night game cause of the 6:30 start. 5:00 a.m comes early
  • Well

    Let's aim for 7:00 then... 1/2 hour shouldn't make a big difference should it? I mean, I work until 6:30 most nights, and G2's exam starts at 7 and we don't wanna totally screw him.

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