Toronto Team Thread



  • Brent, you need a shave and to drop 98# :D
  • You know the deal, have to make the before pictures look good so when you see the after picture you say "who is that guy"

    Prophet 22
  • As a guy that didn't know what to expect going in I had a good time there and would like to thank the organizer's, captians, and the girls that helped out (I hope others tipped them for their time).

    I had a great time, until of course running into BBCz but afterwards found out he was always like that so got over it and moved on.

    Concerning Brent's comments, I would agree, I wasn't feeling the best at the end and went to my captian and asked if I could play the HU's up early. I believe I ended up being the first HU's game because of that but not sure.

    My thoughts of team's are as follows:

    Milton, you guys are probably the classiest folks I have ever played with, respected the gall of some calls and congratulated the players that were able to pull you into a trap, that's a hard thing to do.

    Kitchener 1, congratulations on some fantastic play and patiences, Shannon I still don't know how you could have stayed sane during the marathon Stud game. Team spirit was definitely on your side, only suggestion is don't celebrate too early.

    Toronto, congratulations on some of the best play I've seen.

    Guelph (sr) Great attitude, it was a joy playing against each one of you that I ran into.

    Guelph (jr) I seemed to end up with the same guy at all my SNG's so can't comment much, never met the rest of the team (lol)

    Waterloo, I have never beat any of you before in tournament and I guess the streak continues, well done.

    Kitchener II, I can only apologize, I got put on tilt in Omaha and went out of my best game with only 7 points.

    Overall a fantastic tournament, need a few clarifications next time (does best hand require 2 cards, or only one?, and what is the amount of time when someone calls Time on themselves).

    All the best folks and as I tell my son in grrade school, when someone makes personal attacks with no basis ignore them, they are seeking any kind of attention they can get.
  • To BBC_Z:

    I'll admit.. I am a very animated player. I throw my entire being into my game, and when I win, I celebrate, when I lose, I am bummed. Just who I am. I'll admit that I can sometimes be cocky / arrogant and less than classy when I win or lose. These are my faults, and I own them. However, I also know two things: Anyone that plays with me often, I think, usually enjoys the experience (though I can't be 100% certain, I do feel most people enjoy having me over - even Wolffhound that fucknut! - Kidding Wolff... much love).

    Second, I was watching the heads up battle, and I think I'm one of the few people that felt bad to see everyone cheering when you got bad beat on that last hand, and I even immediately went to find you and congratulate you. When I did find you, I sympathized and offered some condolences, observing you went in with the best hand whenever it was shown down that I saw. My heart went out to you, and I know how frustrating it must have been.

    Temptation is high to slam you, or to respond with sarcasm and begin another "flame war", but I won't. I agree, I was over animated. You are right BBC, I acted in a less than gracious manner. I apologize if anyone was offended, and I respect the talent of everyone that I played against (in fact, it was this respect that kept my game together). I just want to say that the Omaha game was really fun, and at no point did I get lacksadaisical or feel superior to anyone. The Limit game table showed me that I definately have my weak spots, and everyone at that table outplayed me. The NLHE game was a tough one, and I feel I won it simply by getting the right cards at the right times (BigE can back me up here, AQ suited when three people have an M of 3 or less is ReALLY lucky). Heads up, Dave was an excellent opponent, and as I told my teammates, would not let me get any sort of plan of attack on him, he had me on the defensive for most of the game, and fully earned the win - even though I bribed him ;) . A pleasure Dave, and I would love to play you again this way.

    To anyone who thinks that that "DrTyore" guy is a punk showoff, well, I didn't give you much reason to believe otherwise. I am sorry, I was really pulling for my team, and wanted to win so much. If anyone has a hate on for me because of that, well, not much I can do. Hopefully we'll get a chance to play more, and I can change these opinions. People in K/W (and those nutty guys from Milton) know me a bit better, and I hope my reputation speaks for itself.

    Thank you BBC. You have given me pause to think and a chance to improve myself. I am in your debt.

    Beanie42: Much love for your defense of me. I am very grateful to have fantastic people like you and the rest of your family in my life.

  • Mark,,,, Now THAT is a class reply.... Much love Mark.... not sure about the hugs tho... in my day guys didn't do much hugging... lol.
    Always love playing with you and you're right, once people have met you they know it's just your exuberance and enthusiasm for the game and people associated with it.... Looking forward to the next event... Rob's Legends event.... after we get back from Vegas... Jeff...

    Trevor.. also a very classy guy and reply.. Can't believe you took that comment so maturely, and after your fantastic performance as well. Your solid, thoughtful play and mature attitude is an example to us all.

    BBC Z... Sorry if I fired of some not so subtle barbs... will not happen again.. Lets all just do group hug and get to work planning the next one....
  • Jeff
    Your right, no hug for us, But the odd pat on the touche, and a hearty "Way to go!!"

    A PAt on the Touche to everyone that had a good time !
    And a kick in the Butt to those that didn't, your lose!

    Milton Slim
    (not yet)
  • DrTyore wrote:
    To BBC_Z: 

      I'll admit.. I am a very animated player.  I throw my entire being into my game, and when I win, I celebrate, when I lose, I am bummed.  Just who I am.  I'll admit that I can sometimes be cocky / arrogant and less than classy when I win or lose.  These are my faults, and I own them.  However, I also know two things:  Anyone that plays with me often, I think, usually enjoys the experience (though I can't be 100% certain, I do feel most people enjoy having me over - even Wolffhound that fucknut! - Kidding Wolff... much love). 

      Thank you BBC.  You have given me pause to think and a chance to improve myself.  I am in your debt.



    Great response Mark.
  • Making excuses for lack of prep, complaining about bad beats, and criticizing your opponents in the same post is pretty class-less to me.

    I was being honest to my team that I didn't have my top game.
    Also, I'm sure you're an awesome player, but just because you're alive and healthy for the next tournament doesn't mean you'll be guaranteed to "dominate".

    This is being stupid. Mark is justfied at being as outlandish as he wants during the tournament, but if I say "We'll get 'em next time" you attack me for being brash and overconfident. Right.
    BBC_Z I wish you would have either PM'd or said what you had to say to Mark in person,

    Why? He acted like that in the public setting of the tournament. Why isn't it something to discuss publicly then?
    slander our team or Mark specifically when you post it in a public forum.

    Slander is when you make unjustified allegations. I'm just being honest as to what I felt was someone taunting people in thier face and I didnt like it. Are you realy that surprised that I would call someone out?
    I'm not sure why you have to try and taint it with your negative comments.

    I admit my comment to Beanie was over the top. Everything else though is perfectly valid. I'm not 'tainting' anything than maybe how you'll remember that your team wasn't exactly the most well-behaved.
    You just chose to go last. If I knew you better, I would say it's because you wanted to be the hero, but because I don't I won't say it.

    Heres the scenario for you: The heads up matches just started happening all over the place, I finally found out that I'm playing "greg", whoever that is. Spend 20 minutes trying to find him and all the tables are full. We have to wait for one to finish in order to start, no? Keep your psycological disections to youself.

    Your storming out after your heads up match without shaking hands...unbelievable. I am glad to see you made it back to the table before you left to shake g2's hand.

    Hahaha, You make it sound like I was ready to go home before I went back to the table. Yes, I got up and yes I walked to the back then immediately came back and shook Greg's hand. 30 seconds max.
    This kind of talk has ruined a great day.

    If that's actually true, you need to toughen up.
  • Cowardice is, of course, magnified on the internet. However, in this case there is no longer much anonymity as it is likely that we will all meet again. People making indignant responses and statements should be prepared to be dealt with in person. Anything that I say to someone on here I would also say to them if they were standing infront of me.

    Are you trying to say that you want to fight?
    I had a great time, until of course running into BBCz but afterwards found out he was always like that so got over it and moved on.

    Ok. This is funny to me because I don't even remember saying a single word to you. But if you have an issue with what I did at the tourney, give everyone the entire story. I asked for the clock on the Omaha game when you potted it for all my chips. I immediately called time when my turn started and took about 1-2 minutes to decide to move-all in. Sounds reasonable to me.
    I got put on tilt in Omaha

    LoL, I guess I'll take credit for that.
    I agree, I was over animated.

    My problem with your behaviour isn't the action as of itself. It's acting like that around people you don't know well, because it's too easy to get the wrong impression. I see from all the responses that this is just 'standard Mark fare' and I can appreciate that. I only suggest you try to temper it down a bit until people realise it's not intentional. I look forward to dishing back from whoop to ya in the future.

    I consider the case closed.
  • BBC Z wrote:
      I agree, I was over animated.

    My problem with your behaviour isn't the action as of itself. It's acting like that around people you don't  know well, because it's too easy to get the wrong impression. I see from all the responses that this is just 'standard Mark fare' and I can appreciate that. I only suggest you try to temper it down a bit until people realise it's not intentional.   I look forward to dishing back from whoop to ya in the future.

    I consider the case closed.


    I agree.. the one aspect I overlooked was the fact that there were many people there that didn't know me. I am accustomed to playing with people that know I mean no offense, and am genuinely a nice guy. I'm perfectly willing to put this whole thing down, and encourage the others to do likewise. I think beanie42 said it best though when he said he felt we were all playing with friends - just some we hadn't met yet, and I feel that way too. I have great respect for everyone that showed up Saturday, and know that we all have one base thing in common, we love this game. I have already apologized if I made anyone upset, and will do so agan. I ask only that if you were / are upset with me, give me another chance, and you'll see it's just all meant in good fun.


    P.S. I can't promise to stop the WWE impressions though... I gotta be me. :)
  • To All, I had a great time.   Good to meet some of the forum people finally, and also great to see some that I'd met before but only rarely get to spend some time playing with at events like this.

    Toronto Team - We did good.  Really.   I'm sure a lot of people in the crowd felt like they played below expectation, myself included.  But we have to remember that this is a pretty tough field, and with limited events, sometimes you just have to let it go and use short-term variance as an excuse :)   Myself, I found the stud match I was in to be pretty hard-fought, that is until FlintBones flicked the switch to  He-Who-Eliminates-All-Mode.  I finally got all-in against him with a (94)3 only to find myself DOMINATED by (95)3.   I gave myself a big "YPLC" in the limit event... I had a big chip-stack and gave it all away to the chipleader on a marginal hand with a couple shortstacks at the table waiting to blind out ahead of me.... I managed to beat them to it though.    The NL table I was involved in was bizarre...  Tightest bunch of mofos I've seen ;)   We were still 6-handed when all of the other tables were heads-up, and it did become a push-fest.  I felt like I should have picked up a few more points, but again, when the field is this tight, you're going to need some things to fall in the right spots for you to win.  But c'est la vie.

    And yes Mark, you were lucky to get that AQ against the two allins. :)  .  I *did* notice what was perhaps an over-the-top celebration instead of what probably should have been a handshake/"gg" for the people you busted out.   While it didn't overly bother me, it also didn't leave me "warm and fuzzy" when I left the table... but I didn't mention it to anyone.  I guess it was picked up by others as well.   In any case,  I know you were excited, and I didn't think anything of it until I read this thread the next day.

    To be fair, BBC did not choose who he played against or when he played the HU.  I believe he was either vomiting in the bathroom or passed out on the couch when the decision was made ;)   Our whole team (and probably a considerable majority of the room) knew what state he was in... and I think it was actually the OTHER team who slotted their heavy-hitter against him and they had to wait for tables to clear before they could start, so the timing just worked out that way.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    To BBC_Z:

    I'll admit.. I am a very animated player. I throw my entire being into my game, and when I win, I celebrate, when I lose, I am bummed. Just who I am. I'll admit that I can sometimes be cocky / arrogant and less than classy when I win or lose. These are my faults, and I own them. However, I also know two things: Anyone that plays with me often, I think, usually enjoys the experience (though I can't be 100% certain, I do feel most people enjoy having me over - even Wolffhound that fucknut! - Kidding Wolff... much love).

    Second, I was watching the heads up battle, and I think I'm one of the few people that felt bad to see everyone cheering when you got bad beat on that last hand, and I even immediately went to find you and congratulate you. When I did find you, I sympathized and offered some condolences, observing you went in with the best hand whenever it was shown down that I saw. My heart went out to you, and I know how frustrating it must have been.

    Temptation is high to slam you, or to respond with sarcasm and begin another "flame war", but I won't. I agree, I was over animated. You are right BBC, I acted in a less than gracious manner. I apologize if anyone was offended, and I respect the talent of everyone that I played against (in fact, it was this respect that kept my game together). I just want to say that the Omaha game was really fun, and at no point did I get lacksadaisical or feel superior to anyone. The Limit game table showed me that I definately have my weak spots, and everyone at that table outplayed me. The NLHE game was a tough one, and I feel I won it simply by getting the right cards at the right times (BigE can back me up here, AQ suited when three people have an M of 3 or less is ReALLY lucky). Heads up, Dave was an excellent opponent, and as I told my teammates, would not let me get any sort of plan of attack on him, he had me on the defensive for most of the game, and fully earned the win - even though I bribed him ;) . A pleasure Dave, and I would love to play you again this way.

    To anyone who thinks that that "DrTyore" guy is a punk showoff, well, I didn't give you much reason to believe otherwise. I am sorry, I was really pulling for my team, and wanted to win so much. If anyone has a hate on for me because of that, well, not much I can do. Hopefully we'll get a chance to play more, and I can change these opinions. People in K/W (and those nutty guys from Milton) know me a bit better, and I hope my reputation speaks for itself.

    Thank you BBC. You have given me pause to think and a chance to improve myself. I am in your debt.

    Beanie42: Much love for your defense of me. I am very grateful to have fantastic people like you and the rest of your family in my life.


    5k stars HU ??? If not then STFU -- hehe, I kid, I kid. Although I could use the 5k.

    Despite being tired at the end, I had a great time playing you. I thought you were a bit of an ass prior to our meeting (not from anything stated one on one, but just from hearing the outbursts), but like I said previously you were a very good player and, more importantly, a good guy.

    Very classy and introspective response. I'm sure you'll only keep improving as a poker player with this attitude.

    1k? $500?....cmon man I could use the cash...
  • I started my post before the recent responses from BBC and DrTyore.   I also want to stress that I consider the 'over-celebration' part of this closed as well and am not expecting/awaiting any response or justification.

    Man, I used way too many smilies in that last post.
  • Hork42 wrote:

    Man, I used way too many smilies in that last post.

    Yeah, kinda gay man....

    gg smileys
  • Hork...

    I am sorry about that, I was caught up in the moment, and suddenly on a huge rush. You played a great game, and you were one of the people I was most worried about at the table - I know I've played you before, though I can't remember where. I hope that since you were at my table for the most part, you know that i was there to have fun, but want to win!! Anyways.. I owe you a beer next time I see ya! I should have shaken your hand.


    After seeing my heads up game, you think I got that much money for poker? Geez.. and I thought you were a pretty intelligent guy!! :) Just kidding... thanks for the kind words, and I guarantee that most people think I'm a pretty nice guy... maybe an acquired taste.... like asparagus. :)

  • BBC Z wrote:
    Cowardice is, of course, magnified on the internet. However, in this case there is no longer much anonymity as it is likely that we will all meet again. People making indignant responses and statements should be prepared to be dealt with in person. Anything that I say to someone on here I would also say to them if they were standing infront of me.

    Are you trying to say that you want to fight?

    I very rarely resort to violence and I certainly don't hit women.

    Your tough-behind-the-computer-screen-but-not-man-enough-to-speak-your-mind-to-peoples-faces thing is reallly getting old.

    I have no idea why you aren't banned from this forum for your comments.
  • I may have opened pandora's box when I first replied to BBC, and for that I apologize to the forum (since this could have been handled better privately).  I appreciate everyone's comments since then (especially yours GTA, since you were on the Toronto team).  I believe BBC, Mark and myself have all established our reputations both on the forum, in person, and in this thread, and they can speak for themselves.

    However, I think that AcidJoe is right, and we should simply end this (and both BBC and Mark have stated they are done).  Nothing more can be said that will make this any better - we can only go downhill from here. 
  • beanie42 wrote:
    we can only go downhill from here. 

    You mean, like, tobogganing? I'm in....


  • I very rarely resort to violence and I certainly don't hit women.

    Your tough-behind-the-computer-screen-but-not-man-enough-to-speak-your-mind-to-peoples-faces thing is reallly getting old.

    I have no idea why you aren't banned from this forum for your comments.

    I'll be more than happy to tell you what problems I have with you. The reason I didn't say anything to you at Ryder was that I had no issue with you. I also don't recall you saying anything to me, so I can accuse you of what you accuse of me.
  • I had no issue with you at that time. If I had known that you were going to run home and berate people from behind your computer screen after the event then I certainly would have called you a coward to your face.

    I am done with this topic as it relates to you and I suggest that you keep your responses to me both cordial and minimal.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    I had no issue with you at that time. If I had known that you were going to run home and berate people from behind your computer screen after the event then I certainly would have called you a coward to your face.

    I am done with this topic as it relates to you and I suggest that you keep your responses to me both cordial and minimal.

    LoL. Never change.
  • Hork42 wrote:
    I think it was actually the OTHER team who slotted their heavy-hitter against him and they had to wait for tables to clear before they could start, so the timing just worked out that way.

    Just to clarify, actually I didn't slot Greg (g2) against BBC, I had already placed Greg in a slot that was empty opposite, if I had realized the slot opposite Greg was going to be taken by BBC, I may have put myself there...  Just for the fun of it....   lol...  Watching that last few minutes of the g2/BBC match was a little uncomfortable to me... I worried that Greg may have been unnerved by all the attention and pressure. However my fears we're totally unfounded.....   Greg handled it with nerves of steel and exceptional maturity as he always does, win or lose... I may have not been so cool.

    P.S. Greg a heavy hitter?....... Jeesh, he weighs what a couple of our guys would like to lose..... :)
  • Hey Captain, I resemble that remark!

    Milton Slim (not yet)
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