Toronto Team Thread



  • Pls PM me with the directions.

  • I'm free this coming Saturday for a tune up game, anyone else?
  • I think I can go for another warmup as well. I'll host if everyone would like. I'll PM all the directions tonight to everyone.
  • Cool, whats the closest casino to you? I have no idea where you are.
  • Are we doing this?

    GTA - STR82ACE is in Brampton, so i think all of the casinos are pretty much equidistant.
  • SOunds good, please let me know...
  • I need to confirm weekend plans at this moment, but will be advising you all on what can be done.

    What's better for everyone?

    Sat afternoon
    Sat evening
    Sun afternoon
    Sun evening (remember, it's SUPERBOWL or some other damn sport thing)
  • whichever for me.
  • If I had to pick one it would be Sat Eve.
  • Saturday Afternoon so I can win your money and spend it on my business trip to Scotland.
  • I'm good Sat. anytime 2pm and onward
  • Can I come watch and talk shit while yous are playin?
  • Saturday afternoon sounds good
  • So when is the PM comming?
  • Sorry, guys, busy night last night, forgot to send it out.

    Saturday afternoon looks good right now. Thinking from 2pm till 5 or 6??? I don't mind Esool railbirding if nobody else does.

    I'll send the PM tonight with address and directions.

  • I"m now good with Saturday as the kid and her friends have stuff planned. Sunday is a complete write off for me. I would prefer afternoon to evening tho.
  • Hi guys,

    I can't make it for the saturday (flight leaves at 8pm) so have fun without me. (I know it can be very difficult without me around, but make do as best you can..)
  • BBC Z wrote:
    Hi guys,

    I can't make it for the saturday (flight leaves at 8pm) so have fun without me. (I know it can be very difficult without me around, but make do as best you can..)

    Damn, I heard your money spends the best...have a good trip
  • No BBC? Hell, who's going to play the ANTAGONIST now? Any takers?

    We'll be thinking of you BBC. Try not to give the pilots a hard time.

    PM will be sent out shortly, guys, watch for it!!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    No BBC? Hell, who's going to play the ANTAGONIST now? Any takers?

    We'll be thinking of you BBC. Try not to give the pilots a hard time.

    PM will be sent out shortly, guys, watch for it!!

    Trust me, I tried to move the flight as far back as I could but I dont think the company would be happy with a $1200 increase in the flight cost so I can kick a little Omahass.
  • AJ I don't know if I can make it my daughter has been going back and forth to sick kids all week.

  • Family First Cam, always.

    If you can make it out, great. If not, completely understandable.

  • YOH!!! Where is everybody??
  • I'm still stuck at work

    Was supposed to be releived at 1:30, so far my releif is a no show.

    My humblest apologies, but it appears I'll be here a couple more hours

  • Hork, Joe, and DeadMoney all come out and we did abit of practise. Good thing too, I need it in Omaha and Stud. Great to have you guys over.
  • Thanks for having us, it was fun and a good experience. Just got home now the roads were dreadful. The number of people in the ditch on the 400 was crazy.
  • There was some discussion yesterday about maybe selecting an alternate to fill in if necessary, should any memeber of the team is unable to make it for the Ryder Cup on the 18th.

    Any suggestions?
  • As we stand now, it's

    1/ STR82ACE
    2/ ACIDJOE
    3/ HORK
    6/ BLAZIN72
    7/ GTA
    8/ SOS

    Only reason I missed Saturday was I got stuck at work
    Only reason BBC missed is due to a business trip
    not certain why GTA missed
    not certain why Blazin missed

    The 8 of us have either paid $50 or have verbally committed to doing so (non-refundable). Therefore if we have any no shows on the 18th we can offer the spot for free to anyone who happens to be at the club on that day.
    Anyone have another suggestion?
  • Hey Trever I posted last week that I could not make it and AJ replied to me.

    Blazin 72
  • The reason I brought up the alternate was only in the case that one of us could not make it for the 18th. Just thought it would be proactive to have someone in the wings 'just in case'. I did NOT mean it to sound as if one of us was actually dropping off the team.

    Sorry for the confusion.
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