Toronto Team Thread



  • If we are looking for a alternate (just in case) I think we should ask riverrat Josh. He asked if he could be part of the team. I contacted the other person we spoke about and he has a commitment that day.
  • I agree about RiverRat, and also hadn't noticed that Cam was out.
    So we definitely need another player to replace Cam first of all.
    Does anyone know Josh or should we just post in one of his posts.

    The thing about having a "spare" is who would want to do that...come out to play just in case someone didn't show, and what if everyone shows, then this person sits around? I know I wouldn't want to be that guy.
  • I didn't think Cam was out for the 18th, only for the practise last weekend.

    I don't think anyone would want to just sit in the wings either waiting for a no show, but in the same way, I think it would be a good idea to have a reserve in the case one of us can't make it for whatever reason.

    Josh is a good candidate IF he doesn't mind.
  • Since we can't come up with a name, how about some original like............ Toronto WON. After all we are T.O.s first team.
  • Good luck Team Toronto you can do it. :D
    Big :fish:
  • Woo! We have A Fan!!!!
  • Must have heard of my BIG WIN last week and figured we had a good shot at the Cup! :D
  • Its to bad you lost your captain MDSGUY but with SOS and the rest of the boys you should finish first.
  • Thanks for the support Big Fish (whoever you may be!)

    Now how many teams can brag about having their own fan club??
  • Allright!!! Big Fish, we'll pull it in for you and all the legions of fans out there.

    Back to business....has anyone contacted Josh?
    I noticed a post by KRT that he was looking to get on a team and since he lives closer to Toronto than the other places, i sent him a pm to ask if he's still avail...he is

    also I got a pm from pokerdro the organizer asking if we were ok, i guess he browses all teams posts.
    I think we're ok, we just need a few things
    1/ a player to replace Cam
    2/ a name
    3/ $50 from Joe and Dave and whomever we invite as an 8th

    awaiting replies....

    hey wait a sec...Big Fish are you free on the 18th?
    Big Fish was originally going to be part of the team but didn't register on the forum in time...he's MDSGuy's friend.
  • SOS wrote:

    a player to replace Cam

    Whoah whoah whoah. I thought Cam was in, but we wanted to find an alternate in case ANY of the members can't make it for some reason.
  • I'm good for the $50, don't worry. I don't see how I can get it to anyone prior to the day of the event unless we do a neteller transfer in usd,
  • Hork42 wrote:
    SOS wrote:

    a player to replace Cam

    Whoah whoah whoah.    I thought Cam was in, but we wanted to find an alternate in case ANY of the members can't make it for some reason.

    This was my understanding as well. Cam just couldn't make it out to the practise last Saturday, but I thought he was still a go for the team. I'll PM him and see what's going on.
  • Just heard from Cam. He is still in for the 18th, and will be bringing his buyin at that time. Unless anything severe happens with his family between now and then, he is still IN.

  • My buy in will be given on the 18th. I did msg MDS to try and arrange getting it to him and he said to bring it on the 18th. If it's needed before then please let me know and I'll get it to you.
  • If you guys need someone last minute just let me know.
    Go TORONTO. :D
  • Apologies all, and especially you Cam, I misunderstood when you posted about not making it.

    So we're all set....except for a name, and a captain.

    Among us all I think the guy who travels around the most and may therefore have an idea as to match-ups is Joe
    Joe gets my vote to replace MDs as captain, any others?

    Thanks for the offer Big fish but it looks like we're all making it on the 18th.
  • Thanks for the vote SOS, I'm willing to do it, with Cam as co captain. He also knows a lot about the other players. If this is acceptable to everyone.
  • Works for me Joe.

    Also, Cam and I have been discussing our play in Omaha and Stud. I believe I was signed up for Omaha, and he for Stud. If it's alright with everyone, I would prefer to the Stud segment, and Cam has said he would rather play Omaha.

  • It doesn't matter, I'm taking down the Omaha

    Can someone tell me how the scoring/prize pool works for this thing?? I'm just playing for fun, but it would be nice to know
  • Easy.

    If we all win every game, the team wins the tournament. :D

    Now, wasn't that easy??

    Seriously, I think this is described in detail on the other thread "Ryder Cup", first few posts. I'll try to find it somewhere.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    It doesn't matter, I'm taking down the Omaha

    Can someone tell me how the scoring/prize pool works for this thing??  I'm just playing for fun, but it would be nice to know

    GTA it is in the spreadsheet I sent to you. Look at the tabs.
  • You and your spreadsheets, I'm simply not that smart. I need someone to type it for me, in caps, and slowly...maybe a large font
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    You and your spreadsheets, I'm simply not that smart.  I need someone to type it for me, in caps, and slowly...maybe a large font

    D              O                 N                     K                        F                    I                             S                             H............

  • dumb it down a notch
  • I'd just like to re-iterate my committment to this ryder cup thing by outlining my schedule from Glasgow -> Toronto on friday night.

    12:30 ET flight to heathrow, 4PM ET flight to Toronto that sees me land at Midnight in Toronto Friday night
  • Then barring any other crisis, we should be good to go! :D Hope you're not too jet lagged BBC to be on your A game (you do have one, right? Hork seems to think it's more like a B-) :D

    Should be a great day.
  • If hork's been saying it's a B-, that means I must have improved substantially.

    The only person who earns an A+ on that scale is hork himself.
  • BBC Z wrote:
    The only person who earns an A+ on that scale is hork himself.

    Really? Hmmmmmmm, wonder why he hasn't brought it to the league games yet? Must be setting us all up for something bigger in the future...sneaky bastard! :D
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