To whom this may all concern



  • I just got back from Ada/Brenda house. I gave Ada the remaining money, a total of $800 and let her know that it was from all of AJ's friends at PFC.
  • As others have said, thanks for organizing this, Greg. You're a mensch.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You're a mensch.

    mensch or mensh (mebreve.gifnsh)n. pl. mensch·es or mensch·en (mebreve.gifnprime.gifshschwa.gifn) Informal A person having admirable characteristics, such as fortitude and firmness of purpose.

    I second that.
  • Brenda here and I concur. He has had to receive calls on his cell from AJ's phone which has to be jolting if not down right spookie. Sorry to other in the same situation. Facebook is worse according to Ada. the word she used. As I am not in the electronic sphere as the rest of the world, be patience with me for a bit longer. Bill Wood used to tease AJ that he was THAT GUY, the one without the cell phone.
    There are too many of you who have shown your personal concerns for Ada and I, and expressed you heartfelt feelings for someone who has touched so many as AJ has, that I can not thank you individually. Besides how do you send a card to Hobbes, Highflyer, or MrChatty. We copied as many condolences as there were on Sunday the 8th. and sent them with him. All will be copied and kept as a reminder of who he was to everyone in your world. People he considered friends. Who he greeted as Brother at our door.

    The flowers were beautiful and represented your thoughts and feeling for your loss of a friend. and where appreciated. The balance raised is to be put where Ada has chosen, hoping for school fund boost, with some going to the Christmas Kettle Fund. As he couldn't walk past one without dropping in something. Trained Ada up from a toddler to do the same.
    I won't drag is on much longer but thought some of you would understand this bit.
    AJ's Mount Forest minor ball players have a team still, the Longhorns. They're all grown up with families of their own, and were shocked with his passing. Many made the trip down to say their farewells, share stories and tears. I am passing on here what they have done in his memory. All team members(now co-ed) are to have a will and insurance by Christmas to insure the peace of mind of all they love and support. Please think on this yourselves and know you are doing a good thing.
    Ada and I do miss the laughter, loud talk; even the tense silences toward the end of the evenings topped by the loud WTF.... when 'sure' hands are sunk on the river. Even the squeekie floor board from a tense bouncing foot. Well maybe not that part.
    My love, thanks and appreciation to all who donated, sent condolences, called. I know you lost as much as we did.
    Brenda and Ada White.
  • I dont have the time for poker that I once had, but am saddend to hear the news of AJ passing. AJ's win at Buzzards tournement holds a great memory for me. AJ won the August 2010 tourney and myself, the Aux and AJ were the last 3. I recall AJ being funny, polite and great to share a final table with. He chatted with me like i was an old friend.

    Peace be with you AJ
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