To whom this may all concern



  • At least I'm not the only one . . . still seems very surreal. Like others, I agree that any funds over and above what is used for our tribute should go to one of the charities mentioned. AJ made a large impact on others in life, it's only fitting that his passing allows him to do so as well.
  • Milo wrote: »
    At least I'm not the only one . . . still seems very surreal. Like others, I agree that any funds over and above what is used for our tribute should go to one of the charities mentioned. AJ made a large impact on others in life, it's only fitting that his passing allows him to do so as well.

    I concur.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I will arrange this

    Milton Slim
  • Ada and family

    my thoughts are with you.

    And my fond memories with AJ are many

    Milton Slim
  • Like T8, I'm out west and never met AJ in person but enjoyed conversation with him here and on FB. My condolences to those that lost a friend or family member yesterday.
  • Still very saddened by the news of AJ's passing.

    The donations coming in for flowers has been very generous. I know that initially the money being sent to me was to arrange for flowers. So far nearly $400 has been sent. I would like to if everyone who has donated is OK with this, is....

    A) arrange for flowers with a portion of the money
    B) take the remaining balance and donate to a charity of the families choice.

    I will send the flowers once I have heard what the funeral arrangements are.

    If you wish to donate, please feel free to send whatever amount you wish.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Still very saddened by the news of AJ's passing.

    The donations coming in for flowers has been very generous. I know that initially the money being sent to me was to arrange for flowers. So far nearly $400 has been sent. I would like to if everyone who has donated is OK with this, is....

    A) arrange for flowers with a portion of the money
    B) take the remaining balance and donate to a charity of the families choice.

    I will send the flowers once I have heard what the funeral arrangements are.

    If you wish to donate, please feel free to send whatever amount you wish.

    I'm feeling sure it's safe to say we trust in your judgement call

  • I was shocked when I read the news.

    AJ's home games was my first ever experience in Live poker. I had a lot of fun playing at Ching Hill. He busted my chops all the time when I would show up to his place wearing Maple Leafs gear. When I check my phone for the scores and he would say "Trust me, they're losing."

    AJ was a great host, funny guy and good poker player.

    Condolences to the family.
  • going to be sending another xfer from Brent this afternoon
  • The charity suggestion sounds like a great idea.
  • My condolences go out to his family.
  • Thank you for all your kind words about AJ this past day. To anyone who is interested in attending; Visitation is from 12pm-3pm Sunday Sept. 8th at Andrews Funeral Home on Dixie Road in Brampton. Funeral service to follow immediately. Cremation will follow after the service. Luncheon - to be announced. Again, thank you for all your support. We hope you can attend. - Ada and Brenda White.
  • To Brenda and Ada . . .

    Thank you for posting the details. I am sure that a great many of us will wish to pay our respects in person. AJ was very respected by the members of this community, and his loss will be felt for some time by all of us. I hope that our feelings in this regard may come as a small comfort to you both in this your time of sorrow.

    God bless.
  • *bump*

    Sorry, but I want to make sure no one misses the info. for AJ's service. I will not do it too often tonight or tomorrow . . . just periodically.
  • Milo wrote: »

    Sorry, but I want to make sure no one misses the info. for AJ's service. I will not do it too often tonight or tomorrow . . . just periodically.

    Normally we do not condone "bumping" but this one is heartily endorsed by the management...

    bump. bump. bump.

    Will be there Sunday..

    Link leads to a map which indicates the nearest intersection.

    Obituary notice..
    A.J (Jim) White Obituary: View Obituary for A.J (Jim) White by Andrews Community Funeral Centre - Brama, Brampton, ON

    Easiest way in for those coming north on the 410 is to take the Clark Blvd. exit and turn right on Clark.
    Take Clark Blvd. to Dixie Road and turn right again.
    South on Dixie until just past the Rogers site.
    Andrews Funeral Home shares a driveway entrance with the Tim Horton's.

    There is a median strip that prevents left turns off of Dixie into the driveway, so the Clark exit, Dixie route is the easiest .
  • Jenn and I will be heading down on Sunday. Planning on leaving around KW around 1, so that we arrive just after 2 for the visitation, and we'll be staying for the funeral. If anybody from here is planning on going and needs a ride, our van seats 8. Just PM me (include a contact #) and we can arrange details.
  • I let the Grails know today about AJ. Needless to say, they were shocked and everyone sends their well wishes to the family. Sorry we can't be there for the funeral but we are out of the country.
  • Very sad to hear this. Met A.J. Years ago at Bills home game also in Brampton, he was a super nice guy and always friendly to everyone. Everytime i ran into him at Fallsview he always had a smile on his face and a story to tell.

    Mike aka toronto pimp.
  • From what interaction we had together on here he seemed like a good man.

  • I just saw this.

    Sorry for everyone's loss.
  • Flowers have been arranged. As noted any additional donations left over will be donated to a charity of the families choice.

    I have simply signed the card...

    With our sincere condolences,

    All of his friends at PFC
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Jenn and I will be heading down on Sunday. Planning on leaving around KW around 1, so that we arrive just after 2 for the visitation, and we'll be staying for the funeral. If anybody from here is planning on going and needs a ride, our van seats 8. Just PM me (include a contact #) and we can arrange details.

    PM sent
  • With only one vehicle and my wife having to work tomorrow (Sunday), I will not be able to attend the visitation or funeral without a ride. If anyone will be going from the Hamilton area, I would appreciate catching a ride with you and will chip in for expenses.
  • I've been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to come up with something to say and the only things that I can come up with are, "Wow" and "So Sad".

    Like others, I never met AJ in person, but have chatted with him on here and have nothing but good impressions of him.

    Quality individual.

    My thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family.

    Long may your big jib draw!
  • Can I toss out an idea?

    For those involved in leagues that he participated in or helped inspire their creation as some have said earlier in this thread, what about an annual tourney in his honour. Half (or more) of the prize pool can be donated to one of the previously named charities. Can also make part of the deal that the first person with their AA cracked gets a free reentry into the tourney.

    Just a thought :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Can I toss out an idea?

    For those involved in leagues that he participated in or helped inspire their creation as some have said earlier in this thread, what about an annual tourney in his honour. Half (or more) of the prize pool can be donated to one of the previously named charities. Can also make part of the deal that the first person with their AA cracked gets a free reentry into the tourney.

    Just a thought :)

    It might be a bit soon for something like that, but I'm sure funds could be raised at the next RC.
  • Shocked and very saddened!!

    My condolences to AJ's family.
  • To all those who plan to attend tomorrow.

    There is a small group of us who are meeting at the Tim's near the funeral home at 1:30pm. We will have a coffee/tea/etc. share a story or two about AJ and then head over to pay our respects.

    Anyone who wants to join us is more then welcome.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Anyone who wants to join us is more then welcome.

    Will be there..
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