Question week - Drtyore



  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If you were mod and had to perma ban 5 forum members, who would they be and why?

    How big is that spoon?
  • Macke wrote: »

    What do you think of me?

    Whops. Wrong question! Look out!
  • Macke wrote: »
    What do you mostly play on? 360, PC, PS3? Do you play on all 3? Gamertag/PSN ID?

    Do you like Sports games like NHL? Fifa? etc I consider myself a huge sports fan yet don't really play the games too much.

    What do you think of me?

    I play mostly on xbox 360. I like NHL and just bought MLB 2k12, enjoyable. I mostly like strategy games like Civilization Revolution.

    You seem alright, learning the game and what not. Anyone that digs spiderman is ok in my books. Whenever I see "macke" though, I think of an older guy I played with at Buzzard's game.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    If you were mod and had to perma ban 5 forum members, who would they be and why?

    In no significant order:

    Costanza - he was banned, don't know why he didn't stay that way
    Darbday - racist and rambling. His strategy posts are apparently quite good tho.
    HVEEPoker - thief. Though this is cheating, he kinda got rid of himself.

    Umm... hard to think of 5 total so these two are in jest

    GTA because he's mean to me
    Daniel Negreanu because he never comes and posts.

  • compuease wrote: »
    Not true... and we went over this not 3 months ago..

    I was asked, answered.

    If there's any part that isn't true, he may have paid it back - eventually after significant public shaming, and it took weeks if not months. Further, he was banned, there was even votes on it, and is now back.

  • *edited*

    not going to hi jack thread.

    what's ur favorite thing to take for lunch at work?

    How many wominz you fornicated with?
  • costanza wrote: »

    not going to hi jack thread.

    what's ur favorite thing to take for lunch at work?

    How many wominz you fornicated with?

    Probably chicken fajitas when I make it myself, but eating out, LA Frank's great.


  • DrTyore wrote: »


    1.Of those 11, how many were actually in the room with you at the time you were fornicating?
    1b. Of those 11 that you remember, how many do you think remember you?
    2.Why do you think, in your semi-professional opinion, does costanza have to use words such as "wominz", rollz, wat, halp?
    3.How do you explain losing HU to me in the last two Forum SNG's we played together?
    (both only had 6 players, sadly, no medals.)
  • You are going to be marooned on a deserted island . . . you are not allowed electronic devices of any kind. All food and clothing for a 5 year stay will be air dropped as required. What three things do you take with you, to make your stay more pleasant, and why?
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    1.Of those 11, how many were actually in the room with you at the time you were fornicating?
    1b. Of those 11 that you remember, how many do you think remember you?
    2.Why do you think, in your semi-professional opinion, does costanza have to use words such as "wominz", rollz, wat, halp?
    3.How do you explain losing HU to me in the last two Forum SNG's we played together?
    (both only had 6 players, sadly, no medals.)

    All 11 ass! AND I've turned some down that I really didn't want to (see crush post earlier). I'd bet 10 remember me, hell, I'd say I still am in contact with more than half in some way!

    Knowing nothing about costanza, I can hardly say... it's more than likely internet 3l33+ speek

    You out drank me?

  • Milo wrote: »
    You are going to be marooned on a deserted island . . . you are not allowed electronic devices of any kind. All food and clothing for a 5 year stay will be air dropped as required. What three things do you take with you, to make your stay more pleasant, and why?

    Water as well I'm assuming? Well, I'm going to say generator, laptop (w/internet connection), and hot brunette... pretty sure reasons are self-explanatory.

  • No electronics . . . please edit for accuracy, that goes for the brunette, too (that is my fault, though, as I did not specify that you would be alone).

    So . . . for clarity.

    Alone, with unlimited food and water, and NO electronics of ANY kind. what three items and why?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    In no significant order:

    Costanza - he was banned, don't know why he didn't stay that way
    Darbday - racist and rambling. His strategy posts are apparently quite good tho.
    HVEEPoker - thief. Though this is cheating, he kinda got rid of himself.

    Umm... hard to think of 5 total so these two are in jest

    GTA because he's mean to me
    Daniel Negreanu because he never comes and posts.

  • Milo wrote: »
    No electronics . . . please edit for accuracy, that goes for the brunette, too (that is my fault, though, as I did not specify that you would be alone).

    So . . . for clarity.

    Alone, with unlimited food and water, and NO electronics of ANY kind. what three items and why?

    My bad.. read it quickly

    Hmm.. in the spirit of the question I won't say big ass boat. I'm assuming I MUST spend 5 years there.

    One of those all in one exercise gyms - may as well come back lookin good.

    Probably a guitar, something I used to play and keep meaning to pick up again

    For the third, a collection of various things I would need to keep the guitar and gym in good working order (tools, replacement parts).

  • How handy are you? Ever built anything cool?

    In a similar vein, how handsy are you? Does it get worse with an increase in adult beverage consumption?

    You can own any type of animal that exists in nature (must have actual proof, no Sasquatch/Yeti/Compuease) and you will be provided with the needs and ability to care for it. What animal do you want?

    Same question, only now you get to pick from fantasy animals (not the ones on the pron videos; they're still people). What animal do you want?
  • I think you are a habs fan iirc...

    Assuming the lockout doesn't happen or ends before they cancel the whole season, who will finish with a better record this year, leafs or habs?

    Who will win the cup next out of those two teams?

    (honest hockey opinion)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    How handy are you? Ever built anything cool?

    In a similar vein, how handsy are you? Does it get worse with an increase in adult beverage consumption?

    You can own any type of animal that exists in nature (must have actual proof, no Sasquatch/Yeti/Compuease) and you will be provided with the needs and ability to care for it. What animal do you want?

    Same question, only now you get to pick from fantasy animals (not the ones on the pron videos; they're still people). What animal do you want?

    I'm not too handy, in that I don't really enjoy fixing / making things. As such, I've never really developed skills in that regard. I can and have fixed things moreso since buying a place (installed thermostat, dishwasher, microwave, repairs in general, maintenance and such), but I have to it :)

    I'm very handsy - and no booze required lol.

    Any animal in nature? sloths seem kinda cool, and more my speed too!

    Fantasy creatures? Succubus.

  • reibs wrote: »
    I think you are a habs fan iirc...

    Assuming the lockout doesn't happen or ends before they cancel the whole season, who will finish with a better record this year, leafs or habs?

    Who will win the cup next out of those two teams?

    (honest hockey opinion)

    Habs will end with a better record. Not sure what happened last season, but MTL is a very very angry city when you don't perform, unlike the leaf fans who will eat shit pie and ask for more.

    Montreal wins before the Leafs again, I've no doubt. Toronto really doesn't have any core guys to build around. Kessel's just now starting to really produce, there's no goaltending, and Phaneuf is not leading the team.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    My bad.. read it quickly

    Hmm.. in the spirit of the question I won't say big ass boat. I'm assuming I MUST spend 5 years there.

    One of those all in one exercise gyms - may as well come back lookin good.

    Probably a guitar, something I used to play and keep meaning to pick up again

    For the third, a collection of various things I would need to keep the guitar and gym in good working order (tools, replacement parts).


    You are only allowed THREE items, so your third entry is invalid.
  • I think you said you were a Buffy fan. Rate Joss Whedon's shows (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse) in order from the one you like the best to least. If you haven't seen one of them you can leave it off.

    Also, your favorite male and female Buffy/Angel characters.
  • who are your top 5 ACTIVE forum members for tournament poker?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are only allowed THREE items, so your third entry is invalid.

    This is a lot of work for a not interesting question.

    Fine. Guitar, porno mag, and non-mechanical masturbation aid.

  • I think you said you were a Buffy fan. Rate Joss Whedon's shows (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse) in order from the one you like the best to least. If you haven't seen one of them you can leave it off.

    Also, your favorite male and female Buffy/Angel characters.

    Seen them all - without hesitation


    Buffy beats Firefly only because of 7 seasons. I bet if Firefly had the same run, it'd win.

    As for the characters, I'm guessing you mean Whedon-created only, eliminating The Avengers? Male: Xander Harris (Buffy) and female: Willow Rosenberg (Buffy). 2nd place for men would be Cpt. Mal Reynolds (Firefly), Xander edges out again just for sheer # of awesome moments, while Mal seems like a stunningly interesting character. 2nd place for women would be Buffy. Willow gets the edge here simply because of the stunning character growth throughout the series trumps Buffy, however, Buffy herself still is a great character (though, a bit too much "poor me" at times, but it was the 90's, it was in).

    Guess my character loves also lend weight to the series preferences. Shoot, just realized you said characters were only Buffy/Angel... so my 2nd choice for men would be... Spike - love the attitude.

  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    who are your top 5 ACTIVE forum members for tournament poker?

    I'm going to have to qualify this one. I know there's a lot of guys that play online and such a lot more than I really follow. The five guys I play tourneys around town here with most (in no particular order) and generally live who are ALSO active on the forum

    darbday (only played online with him, but he seems to play lots and does well)

  • All right I'll ask a question, Whats with the hard line stance on pot? In my experience people who deal with the justice system(not as defendants) are usually pretty liberal with there views. Life has a lotta vices out there, is mary jane really that bad if used by consenting ADULTS? I can buy a beer, but not a joint? Take it and run. I'd be very interested to hear your views
  • TheMill wrote: »
    All right I'll ask a question, Whats with the hard line stance on pot? In my experience people who deal with the justice system(not as defendants) are usually pretty liberal with there views. Life has a lotta vices out there, is mary jane really that bad if used by consenting ADULTS? I can buy a beer, but not a joint? Take it and run. I'd be very interested to hear your views

    See, here's the thing

    I don't really care about pot. Legalize it, sure. I've tried it, doesn't do much for me. If you're talking about the whole "Darbday thinks it's good for you" thread, well, my biggest problem isn't even that he's completely fucked in the head wrong. I just want some of the other forum members to realize, they're feeding into what he wants. And that doesn't sound all that bad, but this is a guy who needs professional help, and he's not going to seek that out as long as he's getting his rocks off somehow.

    I know it's also not terrible scientific, but of all the kids I've worked with in 8+ years now, I'd say, 95% of them admit to using pot - some even on the level darb reports he does. I'm not saying the drug itself is a problem, though there are clearly some issues from studies, but the drug culture (which I HAVE always hated) bothers me. Movies like Harold and Kumar / Cheech and Chong for you older folks glorify it and make it funny and idolized. Then we get these guys that go out and think they're good to drive because they're more relaxed? THAT drives me nuts. My alcohol tolerance is likely higher than anyone on here, that doesn't mean I think I can drive after 5 beers. I know the rum isn't helping me out health wise, but I'm not hurting anyone else. The second you take a chance behind a wheel on any substance? You're betting my ass on your abilities, and no thanks.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I know it's also not terrible scientific, but of all the kids I've worked with in 8+ years now, I'd say, 95% of them admit to using pot

    Ya not very scientific. Kind of like that old commercial
    Announcer: "60% of drug users live in the inter-city"

    <white kid on skateboard rolls by in the suburbs>

    Announcer:: "Guess where the other 40% live
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    See, here's the thing

    I don't really care about pot. Legalize it, sure. I've tried it, doesn't do much for me. If you're talking about the whole "Darbday thinks it's good for you" thread, well, my biggest problem isn't even that he's completely fucked in the head wrong. I just want some of the other forum members to realize, they're feeding into what he wants. And that doesn't sound all that bad, but this is a guy who needs professional help, and he's not going to seek that out as long as he's getting his rocks off somehow.

    I know it's also not terrible scientific, but of all the kids I've worked with in 8+ years now, I'd say, 95% of them admit to using pot - some even on the level darb reports he does. I'm not saying the drug itself is a problem, though there are clearly some issues from studies, but the drug culture (which I HAVE always hated) bothers me. Movies like Harold and Kumar / Cheech and Chong for you older folks glorify it and make it funny and idolized. Then we get these guys that go out and think they're good to drive because they're more relaxed? THAT drives me nuts. My alcohol tolerance is likely higher than anyone on here, that doesn't mean I think I can drive after 5 beers. I know the rum isn't helping me out health wise, but I'm not hurting anyone else. The second you take a chance behind a wheel on any substance? You're betting my ass on your abilities, and no thanks.


    lol wow dude
  • I see no questions in the last two posts.

  • Best episode of Buffy?

    Best episode of Angel?

    Really, Firefly? I've only been able to watch 2 episodes so far. Not getting the gigantic hard on everyone has for it. Am I just not giving it enough of a chance?
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