Question week - Drtyore



  • You and GTA seem to have personality similarities, do you think it could be a lucrative partnership to counsel his phycoligically challenged pets/patients?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    What's it like knowing me irl?

    Who is/was a better roomie, me or Patrick (Or current Patrick equivalent)

    What's the real deal with the Russian...why has she stuck around so long with no commitment?

    Is the little Christmas tree still out?

    If I had to say in one word, knowing you is.... unpredictable

    You were the better roomie - more interesting underwear to root through

    Re: The Russian - I have her hooked on Buffy episodes right now, also... C'MAAAAAAAAAN ;)

    The Christmas tree is sitting behind me as I type.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    Do you like the yes yes yes chant, or the no no no chant more?

    Who is your current fave in wwe?

    Are you scared we are twin brother's? (even more from reading the answers you posted above;)):D

    I like the interplay where the fans chant Yes, and DB loses his mind yelling No - it's good to see the fans reacting and loving him. Also, when he goes face again - instant switch back.

    Always will love Daniel Bryan, but Dolph Ziggler is also someone I'll stop what I'm doing to watch his match.

    If you were like me, I'd be more scared on your end.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Sure - I love fiction.

  • jontm wrote: »
    You and GTA seem to have personality similarities, do you think it could be a lucrative partnership to counsel his phycoligically challenged pets/patients?


    We'd kill each other with our jealousy, me over his mad poker skillz, and my pulling the bitches.

  • Best Asian ever?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Best Asian ever?

    This guy I know Vi.... he's kinda magical - Kristy can vouch.

    We all went to watch a PPV once, and he pointed out some dude at the bar, big black guy, and we joked how he was just posing so his ass was prominent. As Vi is leaving, he taps the guy on the shoulder, and tells him Kristy's been checking him out (she wasn't) and thought that he was pretty hot (he wasn't).

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    For the last 8 years I've been working for the John Howard Society

    The agency in general deals with people who have "Come into conflict with the law" and our mission statement is to find "Humane, just, and effective responses to crime and its causes".

    I personally work with teenagers (anyone on a youth order). I run a "CBT" (cognitive - behavioural group, basically means change how they think to change how they act). The basic breakdown is they come see me for 2.5 hours twice a week (I run two groups / week, varying between Smart choices, Anger Management, Substance Awareness, Employment Readiness, Surviving School, and Life Management Skills). The group breaks down to 1 hour of recreation time, 1/2 hour of eating & cleaning up, and then 1 hour of material covered.

    I found my way into this field in a bar actually. I first went to school for computer science, and then quickly found out I hate programming. At the same time I was taking intro psychology and LOVED the messed up shit people were doing there (pre ethics board), and switched. As I was finishing up, I was telling a friend I had to find some decent paying part time work over a beer - he said "Hey! I'll introduce you to Liz! She runs a house for homeless boys that just opened up!" I said sure, figuring he'd e-mail her the next day or something. Instead, he turned around and tapped Liz on the shoulder, we chatted, and I was working there the next week.

    After a couple years of PT work there, I worked full time while finishing my degree (Honours BA Psychology), but the full time work didn't play out as well, and they didn't renew past my probationary period (i.e. fired). They offered me the PT position again, but my man-pride was wounded and I said no. Looking for work, I ended up at the AIDS committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Area. Again, after probationary period, I got fired again! This time though, and to only partially protect my ego, it seemed to be because of miscommunication / dislike between myself and the interim manager. Also, I didn't seem to mesh as well with the clientèle - teenagers and I get on famously, but less so adults.

    So then I found the John Howard Society. I've gone through 10+ partners, but my current partner - Marisa - and I have been together for about 6 years and get on fabulously. There's only been one partner I didn't get along with (TOTALLY her fault). Partners make a big impact on my job enjoyment, as the kids tend to average out in regards to how frustrating they are. Some are stunningly easy to deal with, and some are incredibly frustrating. The job itself isn't too tricky if you have the temperament, and you see quite often the same set of issues with kids in general (parental failings, idleness, low economic status, mental health / IQ, etc) as the biggest challenges.

    It does become routine in regards to paperwork and the hoops you have to jump through in regards to the office environment, but the kids themselves tend to go in phases - some just want to play cards, some sports, some just shoot the shit, food and material is usually the same (as well as the ensuing behaviour issues).


    Do you find it difficult to get dates when you throw around adverbs like fabulously?
  • philliivey wrote: »

    Are you scared we are twin brother's? (even more from reading the answers you posted above;)):D

  • Favourite finishing move in wrestling?

    Favourite Johnny Cash tune?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Do you find it difficult to get dates when you throw around adverbs like fabulously?

    Of all the things I do to discourage dates, that doesn't make the top 5 ;)

  • Milo wrote: »
    Favourite finishing move in wrestling?

    Favourite Johnny Cash tune?

    Best finisher is the Stone Cold Stunner. It looks good, can come out of nowhere, and can have a buildup too - three things I've always said are necessary for a good stunner. Also, it's very safe to give/take.

    Favorite Cash tune? Could vary depending on my mood, if I"m feeling like a sad song - Long Black Veil. If I'm in a peppy mood, could be 25 minutes to go.

  • What obsure Marvel Universe character do you think would make the next surprise block buster movie? The more obsure the better. Defend your choice.

    Have you ever owned a hairbrush? Why do you shave your head?

    Movie of your life is being made. Who plays DrTyore??

    Mario and Marissa force you to choice between them. Who wins??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    What obsure Marvel Universe character do you think would make the next surprise block buster movie? The more obsure the better. Defend your choice.

    Have you ever owned a hairbrush? Why do you shave your head?

    Movie of your life is being made. Who plays DrTyore??

    Mario and Marissa force you to choice between them. Who wins??

    Marvel hero: Interesting... probably the next one that they should do is "Deadpool" even though he was technically in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, that was not the Deadpool I know. If you don't wanna count him because he's been around already, I'd like to see a Doctor Strange movie, if you consider that obscure (it's not). Sentry would be interesting, but would have the same troubles as Superman. However, since Marvel now has a relationship with Joss Whedon? X-23 movie. For those that don't know, X-23 is a genetic copy of Wolverine, but young and female - here's the wikilink.

    Don't tell me people wouldn't want to watch that - cast Summer Glau, hire Joss Whedon, give them a blank cheque and get out of the way.

    I have owned numerous follicle care products throughout my life, but perhaps three years ago, I finally admitted defeat to genetics, and shaved my head before it completely wasted away. It was pretty thin near the end there.... bottom right (with JohnnieH, Itsame, and stpboy)378_95217775323_1080_n.jpg
    Movie of my life? Animated... voiced by Morgan Freeman, that man's voice is so soothing.

    Mario vs. Marisa? Like, never see one again? I tell Marisa to go- that way she'd go off and finally do some of the things she's said she wanted to... and I'd get punched less.

  • Favourite comic book character?
    Favourite mainstream comic story arc?
    You just met the woman of your dreams. Fill us in on the details.
    Are you doing anything tonight? If not, would you like to have a few beers at McCabe's Pub downtown? Shameless sales pitch. It's my stag and Doe Come one Come all.
    Did ever have a grade school or high school sweetheart and who was she (he?)?
    If not, did you have a long time unrequited crush?
    Cake or Pie?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Favourite comic book character?
    Favourite mainstream comic story arc?
    You just met the woman of your dreams. Fill us in on the details.
    Are you doing anything tonight? If not, would you like to have a few beers at McCabe's Pub downtown? Shameless sales pitch. It's my stag and Doe Come one Come all.
    Did ever have a grade school or high school sweetheart and who was she (he?)?
    If not, did you have a long time unrequited crush?
    Cake or Pie?

    Comic Character: Probably Wolverine, he's over exposed for a reason.

    Comic arc: The first 13ish issues of Astonishing X-men was great (they bastardized it in X-men 3, it's MUCH better than that). I do also like the arc where Logan loses his Adamantium from Magneto though

    Tonight's plans involve coming to your stag and doe with Mario - we discussed last night.

    Woman of my dreams - hopefully she's there tonight, I've been waiting damned well long enough. Hot, brunette, tomboyish, kinky, and low standards please. ;)

    High School crush - met her in grade 9, and the woman ruined my life for years on end. I still see her now and again since I can't shake her even today! I thought I was safe in University when I moved to St. Cat's for Brock, she moved to St. Cat's for Niagara. I thought I was safe when I came back to Guelph to finish University, she came back home! Moved to Kitchener and worked in Cambridge, she moved I kid you not 10 minute walk from my work, still lives there now AFAIK. The gal's my kryptonite, but I have it taken care of now. Funny story, we got drunk one night, and were fooling around (FINALLY about 8 years in) - ask Mario about how it started sometime - Anyways, a part of the conversation goes like this
    Her: Do you have any condoms?
    Me: Yes
    Her: Get one
    Me: Wait... didn't you say you had a boyfriend?
    Her: Let's just forget about that for tonight

    .... no, I didn't - still don't know if it was the right call.

    Cake - don't like pie much.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    It was pretty thin near the end there.... bottom right (with JohnnieH, Itsame, and stpboy)378_95217775323_1080_n.jpg

    Detroit, on the way to Vegas? I remember I didn't want to join in, and didn't.
    DrTyore wrote: »
    Mario vs. Marisa? Like, never see one again? I tell Marisa to go- that way she'd go off and finally do some of the things she's said she wanted to... and I'd get punched less.


    Like this answer only cuz Marisa doesn't lurk but Mario does?
  • Favorite mod and why? ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Detroit, on the way to Vegas? I remember I didn't want to join in, and didn't.

    Sure is! You missed out though!

  • compuease wrote: »
    Favorite mod and why? ;)

    On here? Is there really any that do anything? ;)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    On here? Is there really any that do anything? ;)


    this is NOT an answer. Rules state ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED!
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Sure is! You missed out though!


    FAIL. First day at Harrah's.

    THIS was the man loving in Detroit:

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    this is NOT an answer. Rules state ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED!


    Compuease is the only person I know is even a mod, so by default he's my favourite. Of course, I've had my disagreements with his calls at times.

  • [QUOTE

    Is this 3 grown man having a tickle fight on a bed together?

    Remember answer honestly!
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Compuease is the only person I know is even a mod, so by default he's my favourite. Of course, I've had my disagreements with his calls at times.


    Isn't wes a mod too?
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    Is this 3 grown man having a tickle fight on a bed together?

    Remember answer honestly![/QUOTE]

    Sure is!

    Not quite sure why this shocks you!

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Isn't wes a mod too?

    Pfft.. worst asian ever can't possibly be best mod!

  • crazykoby wrote: »

    Is this 3 grown man having a tickle fight on a bed together?

    Remember answer honestly![/QUOTE]

    Also, if you'll look closely, two of us aren't wearing pants.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Is this 3 grown man having a tickle fight on a bed together?

    Remember answer honestly!

    Sure is!

    Not quite sure why this shocks you!


    Not shocked, just need conformation first for next questions.

    Who won the tickle fight?
    Was it a two on one tickle fight or every man for himself?
    Did this lead to a pillow fight?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Sure is!

    Not quite sure why this shocks you!


    Not shocked, just need conformation first for next questions.

    Who won the tickle fight?
    Was it a two on one tickle fight or every man for himself?
    Did this lead to a pillow fight?[/QUOTE]

    Everyone wins in this kind of fight

    It's every man for every other man

    There were pillows involved technically - have you seem "Planes Trains and Automobiles"?
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