Question week - Drtyore



  • Best video game you've played in the last few years?
    Best video game other than Arkham City that you've played in the last few years?
    What's your family breakdown (siblings, parents, step family, nephews, nieces)?
    Tell us about a book, film or song that really moved you emotionally and why?
    What would be a dream vacation if money wasn't an issue?
    Favourite tv series currently on the air? Firefly on Netflix does not count.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Best video game you've played in the last few years?
    Best video game other than Arkham City that you've played in the last few years?
    What's your family breakdown (siblings, parents, step family, nephews, nieces)?
    Tell us about a book, film or song that really moved you emotionally and why?
    What would be a dream vacation if money wasn't an issue?
    Favourite tv series currently on the air? Firefly on Netflix does not count.

    Arkham Ci... oh...

    Umm, I enjoy a lot of the sports games, so Tiger, NHL, and I just bought MLB are all decent, but game that is actually like a game game (and not Arkham Asylum/City)... Civilization Revolutions is fantastic.

    I'm kid 3 of four, basically goes for the most immediate family:

    Mom Esther (1945 - )
    Dad John (1941 - 1991)
    Sister Lisa (1964 - 1988)
    --> Nephew Tom (1983 - )
    Sister Kim (1967 - )
    Me (1977 - )
    Sister Dayna (1978 - )
    --> Nephew Tyler (2007 - )
    --> Nephew Trent (2009 - )

    Book - my favorite series is "Sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind, but I read 1984 and Catcher in the Rye usually once a year.

    Movies - Forrest Gump makes me bawl like a hungry angry baby sometimes.

    Song - My favorite tune is "Tangled up in Blue" by Bob Dylan, but the one that probably hits the emotional chords to most would be "How far is heaven" Kitty Wells, Johnny Cash's version of Hurt, and John Prine's "Hello in There" scares me to no end.

    Vacation - I'm not a big tourist kinda guy, hate to go sight seeing. If I had an unlimited BR, Vegas would be amazing, though I probably would have a lot of fun at Mardi Gras too...

    Community is probably the show I'm hoping to get more of, it's kinda in limbo. Have been enjoying Louie though.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Arkham Ci... oh...

    Community is probably the show I'm hoping to get more of, it's kinda in limbo. Have been enjoying Louie though.


    Ya, I'm wondering what kind of new episode concepts Community can come up with this season. I don't like them all but many of them are simply hilarious and amazing. Louie is one of my favs as well. I love how it's can be crude and hilarious and other times dark and profound all woven together so well.

    Who is your favourite wrestler of all time?

    What do you thing is the best thing about WWE right now? The worst?

    Any predictions for SummerSlam this weekend?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Who is your favourite wrestler of all time?

    What do you thing is the best thing about WWE right now? The worst?

    Any predictions for SummerSlam this weekend?

    Favorite of all time : Stone Cold Steve Austin. He had the total package.

    Best thing about WWE right now? The new, exciting wrestlers they have. Ziggler, Bryan, Punk, Sandow, Rhodes. All those guys are under 35, good stuff.

    Summerslam's usually a good show, it's one of the top tier ones. If I was booking, Sheamus goes over Del Rio, Punk retains, Lesnar kills HHH, I don't care about divas / tag teams. I read a good scenario where Sheamus beats ADR, then Wade Barrett comes out and destroys Sheamus to make an impact again, Ziggler cashes in MITB and is champ. Then, Ziggler is facing Y2J, but not for the belt. Jericho wins, but no strap (since he's leaving)

  • Wrestling Questions.

    What do you think of Edge and Christian?
    How did you feel when Edge Retired?
    Back when there was WWF and WCW, what one did you like better? and why?
    Were you an nWo Fan?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Wrestling Questions.

    What do you think of Edge and Christian?
    How did you feel when Edge Retired?
    Back when there was WWF and WCW, what one did you like better? and why?
    Were you an nWo Fan?

    E&C should be given credit for the resurgence of tag team wrestling in the 1990's. Hardy, Dudley, E&C were the core, but E&C did the most. I remember more of their skits than any others - 5 second poses for those with flash photography, playing Kurt Angle's intro on kazoos, and the in ring product. What was the hardy's? Falling off things?

    Edge retiring was a sad moment. I just recently watched the "Top 50 OMG" moments of WWE video, and it showed Edge's first title win after a Hell in a Cell against Cena when he cashed in MITB. Seeing him celebrating afterwards really shows just how much it meant to him, so that made knowing he was cut short just more painful :(

    Always been a WWF/E guy, WCW didn't do too much for me. I am a big fan of the "Shut up and Wrestle" theory. WCW did a lot of weird shit, and their goto guys (Goldberg, Hogan, Nash, etc) work like arthritic zombies. I tuned in more for the Lance Storms, Jerichos, and cruiserweights.

    Before it finally died, I'm pretty sure 98% of people were in the NWO no?

  • We have never met but what the heck.

    When you go to a pfc card game/tournament/event:
    1) what player do you look at and say, "that's the best player here" (aside from yourself)
    2) what player do you look at and say, " i can't stand that a$$hole?" (aside from youself..)
  • is this thread as fulfilling as you thought it would be?
  • We have never met but what the heck.

    When you go to a pfc card game/tournament/event:
    1) what player do you look at and say, "that's the best player here" (aside from yourself)
    2) what player do you look at and say, " i can't stand that a$$hole?" (aside from youself..)

    Good thing you put the "can't say yourself"

    Mostly I get the same regulars over and over at the games I attend, there are guys who's game I respect, guys who always have my number, guys who are just hard to put in a box because they're so unpredictable. Guys like beanie42, Zithal, Moose, DataMn, Cory, Buzzzard, to name a few.

    As for can't stand that asshole? I get along well with like, 99% of people. However, when I do find that 1/100 that I just hate, it seems that I'm usually well founded in not trusting them. Just as an example, the last fella 'round here that fit that category was HVEEPoker

  • costanza wrote: »
    is this thread as fulfilling as you thought it would be?

    Anything you'd like to know, or just hoping to troll?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Anything you'd like to know, or just hoping to troll?


    hey hey! you answer questions!
  • trigs wrote: »
    hey hey! you answer questions!

    In that case, I'm not sure I'd say fulfilling, but I'm sure it's about to get much moreso

  • Recycling from my week . . . What is your "best" drunk story?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Recycling from my week . . . What is your "best" drunk story?


    Again, Steve's stag tonight - everyone available should attend at McCabe's downtown Kitchener tonight, so work in progress? Failing that, I'll respond tomorrow during hangover

  • Well

    Outside of prop betting, getting drinks from strangers, and shenanigans, pretty uneventful night.

    Don't much have a great drunk story... though Mario gettin ghammered, passing out on my bathroom floor, and coming into my room at 4:30 in the morning (when I was in there with my then girlfriend), shivering and asking for a blanket was pretty funny.

    Another one about puking (and Mario) too, but nothing too outlandish.

  • thats your best drunk story??

    idk why, but I was expecting something way better lol.

    what were u drinking tonight (at the stag)

    would you sit down and chat with me IRL if our paths cross given our history?

    best childhood memory?

    who is your favourite ALL TIME blue jay ( I think you like baseball dont u?) (if not, disregard)
  • Ya, I don't have many outlandish drunk stories.. i can pack it back, but don't get stupid. I have had guys pull guns on me, seen men stabbed, and run-ins with the cops, but nothing exciting.

    Tonight, as most nights, spiced rum and coke. Another issue I have is gout. Beer aggravates it, well, any booze does, but beer seems to kick my ass most. When it hits, I can hardly walk for a week or more because of the inflammation and pain.

    I'll sit for a drink with anyone. But I'm guessing you're wondering if you and I would get on well? Not likely, though I'd likely stick around long enough to confirm a few theories on you.

    Best Childhood memory would be the various songs my dad sang to me when we all went on vacation. He would sing classic tunes, and after he died, I tried to find many of them.

    A great story is trying to find a song I thought was called "Elijah", this was before google was everywhere. I tried finding it based on the one line "Elijah was a wooden indian standing by the door". Anyways, couldn't find dit.. but one day I buy a best of Hank Williams CD and track 6 is "Kaw-liga".. "Kaw-liga was a wooden Indian standing by the door..'

    Waterfalls of tears.. probably been 2-3 years at that point.

    All time blue jay? Probably Ricky Henderson - but only because he came from Oakland! :) Something could be said for Roger Clemons too though

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Ya, I don't have many outlandish drunk stories.. i can pack it back, but don't get stupid. I have had guys pull guns on me, seen men stabbed, and run-ins with the cops, but nothing exciting.


    ur trolling me right?
  • costanza wrote: »
    ur trolling me right?

    Not really...

    They just aren't overly exciting stories. Came out of a bar, kid was stabbed in the gut, sitting there leaning against the wall - told a cop. Was walking downtown guelph, passed a house party, dude on the front porch asked where I was headed - "Downtown for a pint" - "Think you'll make it?" (pulls out a gun and points it towards me) - "Hope so!". LOL's and puts it back in his pants, and I walk away quickly.

    I guess one funny story, I'm walking home in like February, had a couple, but by no means wasted. Anyways, hands are in my coat pockets and I'm walking down a slight hill, hit a patch of ice and start falling forward. I go to brace myself, but hands in pockets means they get to about my bellybutton and I proceed to faceplant... scratch myself up pretty good and chip a tooth.

    A cop is at the intersection not 50 feet away, turns on the lights and pulls over to talk to me - I'm thinking well fuck. I talk to her and tell her what happened, and that I'm not completely bombed. She tells me to get inside, but that she's just going to give me a ride home. I get dropped off at like 12:30 bleeding, by a cop. Kinda funny. Found the pic - attatched.
  • Did you get her number?

    Did you even try?

    Was she worth trying to get her number?
  • How did you and Kristy become roomies?

    Have you and Kristy got into really heated arguements?

    What wrestling move would you put on Kristy?:D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Did you get her number?

    Did you even try?

    Was she worth trying to get her number?

    No, no, and HELL no. Not the kinda female cop you wanted her to bust out the cuffs if you catch my drift.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    How did you and Kristy become roomies?

    Have you and Kristy got into really heated arguements?

    What wrestling move would you put on Kristy?:D

    Well, I was buying a place, and wanted a roomie to help offset the bills. Kristy and I get along surprisingly well, so I offered, she said sure.

    We DEFINITELY get into arguments though, we both are opinionated, and get vocal. However, we're usually on the same side of things, we're more left-leaning, you know, all for no death penalty, and homosexual sex in schools and what not. I do remember a few times I've pissed her off, but we get over it pretty quickly. She was telling me about some threads online (non PFC) and the random humourous things they were doing (dressing up my table as various characters for one). I'd had a long day and turned and said "You know, the more you tell me about all this stuff, the less I really care". I don't think she talked to me for a few days after that one.

    We did go to Niagara once, and in a shitty dive hotel room got into a throwdown (playful), broke a picture frame, and may have sprained Kristy's wrist. If I were to throw a move on Kristy.. hmm.. well she's pregnant now, so no Senton bombs or that.. May just have to stick to the figure four out of respect for the mini-human.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Again, Steve's stag tonight - everyone available should attend at McCabe's downtown Kitchener tonight, so work in progress? Failing that, I'll respond tomorrow during hangover


    Thanks to both you and Mario for coming by. That was really cool. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Sorry about you not winning any prizes but I came through on my promise that I was 100% sure you may or may not win something. I'm still not feeling top notch yet so needless to say, I had a good time.
    Did anything come of your chatting with that cute asian, Kim? I got a chance to talk to her later in the night and she seemed really fun and interesting.
  • Hey!

    It was fun! I rarely win anything anyways, so I'm cool wit dat. Hell, the worst part was losing a bet to pay for the cab on the way home!

    Kim was alright, and Mario and were going to bet if I could get her number or not, but we left before we could really set that up lol!

  • Who is "Fed"?

    What did he/she do to make you dislike them so?

    Why do you think that certain newcommers are him/her?
  • TammiM68 wrote: »
    Who is "Fed"?

    What did he/she do to make you dislike them so?

    Why do you think that certain newcommers are him/her?

    Fed (or "Fedh8r") is the original nickname of the current user Costanza.

    There was a big kerfuffle a while back where he basically tried to scam another forum member, was called out on it, told to repay it, didn't, and was banned. He then proceeded to revisit the site, opening new accounts repeatedly and eventually revealing who he really was and being banned again (happened at least 3 times). Anyways, he was perma-banned, which around here translates roughly as "You're banned until you sneak by as a legit user for a week, then all is forgiven".

    Truth be told, I don't have many feelings one way or another on fed. I've known his type of guy before, and I'm smart enough to keep clear. If anything, I'm more disappointed in the administration / moderation for not standing by their decision.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Fed (or "Fedh8r")
    There was a big kerfuffle a while back where he basically tried to scam another forum member, was called out on it, told to repay it, didn't, and was banned.
    Not true... and we went over this not 3 months ago..
  • What do you mostly play on? 360, PC, PS3? Do you play on all 3? Gamertag/PSN ID?

    Do you like Sports games like NHL? Fifa? etc I consider myself a huge sports fan yet don't really play the games too much.

    What do you think of me?
  • If you were mod and had to perma ban 5 forum members, who would they be and why?
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