



  • kwsteve wrote: »
    What I said isn't racist at all. Just stating a fact that can be verified.


    ooops late to the party, see the 2 posts above have taken care of this. :P
  • darbday wrote: »

    Actually, I learned things from my parents that they didn't learn in school. They learned them from their parents, and so on and so forth before them. They passed down morals, ethics and a belief in always helping other people. They also taught me things that I learned the concept of in school, such as hard work, but gave me a true understanding of how to apply it.

    Still mad?

    I honestly wasn't mad, I just wanted to make sure I got my point across. It does piss me off to that extent, but at the time I was quite calm. Probably because I was listening to the new Owl City/Carly Rae Jepsen song while I typed :)

    That's great! did everyone in your school have a great time? or just some people?

    My school was awesome. I can honestly say it was awesome for nearly all. There were still cliques everywhere (jocks, artists, etc) but no one ripped on each other for not being a part of one group or another. You were who you were. There was literally zero fist fights the entire time I was there. Still miss that place. It was so differently awesome from crappy junior high.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    My school was awesome. I can honestly say it was awesome for nearly all. There were still cliques everywhere (jocks, artists, etc) but no one ripped on each other for not being a part of one group or another. You were who you were. There was literally zero fist fights the entire time I was there. Still miss that place. It was so differently awesome from crappy junior high.
    What's important to understand is its illogical to expect parents to teach our children unbiased morals, since their only education is their parents and the public school system which only teaches cutthroat. And your parents parents are subject to this, and your parents parents parents. But eventually not 'their' parents, because their parents were forced to read a fake version of the bible as their education, anything else and you were burned at the stake...

    thats where our education/parents morals comes from. But we'll get to that eventually once we get into the monarchy thing.

    Also look at the world...don't you think schools could stand for a 12 grade class on compassion?

    And lastly remember few are fortunate enough to share the positive experience you had.
  • darbday wrote: »
    What I said was Israel is an illegal state, and a puppet of the US, and if you look up top people in US government, media, financial, and entertainment, you'll find a correlation of Jews.

    And I was warned if I type what I just typed again, I'll be banned.

    Once again, Israel is not an illegal state. It is recognized by, and is a member of the United Nations. Unlike, for example, Palestine. As for Israel being a US puppet, a case could be made that the US is the one kowtowing to Israel. Not saying it would be valid, but it can be made.

    Are their Jews in the US government? Absolutely . . . but there is currently a lot of shirt rending that a high level member of Clinton's staff has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, so maybe the US is a puppet of the Islamists, now?

    Disagreed with the first ban, don't think you should get another. As for your thoughts on education, schools are meant to prepare you for the "real world" (jobs, and the like). It is the parents who form a child's character, for good or ill. It is one of the reasons that your comment set me off so much . . . my parents lived through Nazi occupation, so those words have a particular resonance with me. Not going to get back into that, but we will just have to agree to disagree, and I will just have to try harder to ignore your non-poker postings.

    Finally, your comments about race and death and what comes afterward have a very religious undertone for someone who says he rejects faith . . . are you sure about that?
  • darbday wrote: »
    What I said was Israel is an illegal state, and a puppet of the US, and if you look up top people in US government, media, financial, and entertainment, you'll find a correlation of Jews.

    And I was warned if I type what I just typed again, I'll be banned.
    darbday wrote: »
    Don't worry, we're about to deconstruct economy. I realized a few weeks ago it can be done in a day, this wasn't so before Internet.
    Don't flatter yourself, not sure who you think "we're" is but you are dreaming or hallucinating..
    Milo wrote: »
    Finally, your comments about race and death and what comes afterward have a very religious undertone for someone who says he rejects faith . . . are you sure about that?
    This sure looks to be true....

    In short Darb, all you really spout are your strong opinions and "snippets" of conversations and discussions from the net. You are no more in "the know" than most and are coming off as almost as arrogant as Mark.. (Love ya son!)
  • compuease wrote: »
    In short Darb, all you really spout are your strong opinions and "snippets" of conversations and discussions from the net. You are no more in "the know" than most and are coming off as almost as arrogant as Mark.. (Love ya son!)

    Hey, NOBODY does arrogant like me!

  • Milo wrote: »
    Once again, Israel is not an illegal state. It is recognized by, and is a member of the United Nations.
    List of United Nations Resolutions against Israel.

    Unlike, for example, Palestine.
    ya we'll get to that.

    As for Israel being a US puppet, a case could be made that the US is the one kowtowing to Israel. Not saying it would be valid, but it can be made.
    no prob not valid at all (see above link)
    Are their Jews in the US government? Absolutely . . . but there is currently a lot of shirt rending that a high level member of Clinton's staff has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, so maybe the US is a puppet of the Islamists, now?
    The Jewish link is far more important, but later yes we can go into a different link such as Islam and then talk about what these divisions mean and where they come from
    Disagreed with the first ban, don't think you should get another.
    Boom Pancakes!
    As for your thoughts on education, schools are meant to prepare you for the "real world" (jobs, and the like). It is the parents who form a child's character, for good or ill.
    Yes thats how the world works, and look at the people and world we created that way. Parents aren't able to teach there children properly because they got a shitty education than they did. And our great great great.....great grandparents education was letting the king fuck your fiance in the name of Christ.

    Are you really suggesting that our school don't need to teach peace compassion and tolerance? You told me its 100% bull shit to suggest our schools breed conflict and we won't let them teach peace.
    It is one of the reasons that your comment set me off so much . . . my parents lived through Nazi occupation, so those words have a particular resonance with me. Not going to get back into that, but we will just have to agree to disagree, and I will just have to try harder to ignore your non-poker postings.
    Yes the emotional brain is not the logical brain, it supersedes it. This is another class we need in school, its an understanding humanity hides from itself. We are taught to approach things emotionally such as religion, voting, buying things, relationships etc. But we are not taught that you cannot use the logical part of your brain at the same time as the emotional.

    Finally, your comments about race and death and what comes afterward have a very religious undertone for someone who says he rejects faith . . . are you sure about that?
    Am I sure about that? The comments are below and I can assure you it doesn't have 'faith' in them nor does it sound like it.

    Darb wrote:
    No, I am correct, this skin we wear is not real, what comes after this is real, and after this, there is no race. Race is a physical thing we shed when we die. I'm correct.
  • darbday wrote: »
    we spend 12 years on math, reading, written, etc. and how many do we spend on sharing, caring, peace, and religious tolerance? None. Now why is it we pray for peace, and say peace is impossible, we fight for peace, we covet it.....yet our public schools systems have no class for it, instead you are bred to compete, evaluated and graded, taught to segregate, taught that different is wrong, and basically compete in a survival of the fittest environment....thats in class at school and in the hallways with peers and social functions.

    i kind of agree with this. as a teacher myself i am well aware of the school curriculum documents and imo they are quite full of crap. there is definitely nothing about actual peace. (by the way, i took at least one peace studies course in university and it was amazing. i also went to listen to johan galtung speak - he's one of the founders of peace studies and this man is a friggin' genius)

    personally, i think it should be mandatory for high school students to take at least one philosophy course, one peace studies course, and one cultural studies course. there are some extremely important concepts in those disciplines that most people never learn about. it's seriously horrible that we neglect to teach our children this stuff.
  • compuease wrote: »

    Don't flatter yourself, not sure who you think "we're" is but you are dreaming or hallucinating..
    No, you were taught it was an impossible dream but the Internet changed that. Economy is a religion, and religions are simple limitations on a limitless plain. But I realize this is to hard to fathom for you and most, we can get to it though through a bigger conversation, like I said before we should move onto the monarchy.
    This sure looks to be true....
    You are suggesting my quote below has religious influence
    Darb wrote:
    No, I am correct, this skin we wear is not real, what comes after this is real, and after this, there is no race. Race is a physical thing we shed when we die. I'm correct.
    In short Darb, all you really spout are your strong opinions and "snippets" of conversations and discussions from the net. You are no more in "the know" than most and are coming off as almost as arrogant as Mark.. (Love ya son!)
    Yes but sometimes your impression of me can be wrong.

    I would like to suggest your sensing of my 'arrogance' is really just centeredness and groundedness that you don't believe can exist. In your generations educational period you were unable to access information on the world and its history from all perspectives-this changes thing drastically.

    I think we should discuss why.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i think it should be mandatory for high school students to take at least one philosophy course, one peace studies course, and one cultural studies course. there are some extremely important concepts in those disciplines that most people never learn about. it's seriously horrible that we neglect to teach our children this stuff.
    This will never happen under democracy, because democracy/capitalism oppose these types of thinking. And who picks the curriculum?

    About your college courses and speaker, they are all condition well before their college years in public schools to live in conflict. So its great that they are going that direction but until they are free from that conditioning, you are just being taught more conflict that seems like peace.

    I'm glad a teacher is in the convo.
  • darbday wrote: »
    In your generations educational period you were unable to access information on the world and its history from all perspectives-this changes thing drastically.

    I think we should discuss why.

    In Compuease's generation's educational period, courses included

    - Fire makes it good
    - Bareback dino riding
    - Public Grunting
    - Loincloth care and maintenance.

    And no, I wasn't going to include the last one, until the visual image of Comp in a loincloth hit my brain.... now you all must share in my hell too.

  • Also how can I be racist when this Jew is one of my all time hero's and one of the world's saviors.

    Youre Wrong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUZ5gGO0_Pw

    You're wrong about virtues of Christianity
    And you're wrong if you agree with Sean Hannity
    If you think that pride is about nationality, you're wrong

    You're wrong when you imprison people turning tricks
    And you're wrong about trickle down economics
    If you think that punk rock doesn't mix with politics, you're wrong

    You're wrong for hating queers and eating steers
    If you kill for the thrill of the hunt
    You're wrong 'bout wearing fur and not hating Ann Coulter
    Cause she's a cunted cunt

    You're wrong if you celebrate Columbus Day
    And You're wrong if you think there will be a Judgement Day
    If you're a charter member of the NRA, you're wrong

    You're wrong if you support capital punishment
    And you're wrong if you don't question your government
    If you think her reproductive rights are inconsequent, you're wrong

    You're wrong fighting Jihad, your blind faith in God
    Your religions are all flawed,
    You're wrong about drug use, when its not abuse
    I hope you never reproduce

    You're getting high on the downlow
    A victim of Cointelpro
    You're wrong and will probably never know
  • Also are you all suggesting Columbus wasn't a Jew?
  • politics / religion / race and message boards dont mix.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Boom Pancakes!

    All I like to know if you would ever fold aces pre-flop?

    Can someone put this thread out of its misery already please.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    All I like to know if you would ever fold aces pre-flop?

    Can someone put this thread out of its misery already please.
    on a satty bubble in the BB with the rest of the 9 handed table allin?

    this thread will rest but we have to open one on the worlds totality
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