



  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Can anyone figure out where this 'over-developed sense of self' comes from though? I assume it is an 'on the forum' persona only...as anyone with that openly expressed such a superiority and arrogance probably wouldn't have any teeth left in real life. What is his personal life like? Is he in a relationship? What does he do for a living? Is he made to feel small in real life? Inquiring minds want to know ???

    I love drama bomb posts.

    You've made up your mind about the man....just ignore him. Everything you think about him right now is ten times worse irl.

    Have a look into the heart of the beast if you dare......

  • We should do that again . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I would love to read your dissertation on "How the World Works". It has been a pretty crappy week, and I could use the laughs . . .

    I do not believe in the Tooth Fairy. Only one of us is correct in our belief.

    I am just going to state that this is 100% prime bullshit.

    Finally, Mark was not bullying you . . . he was making some rather pointed observations and comments. He may have an over-developed sense of self, but he actually is a pretty smart guy when he keeps his pants up.

    in reference to your second point there milo, there are quite a lot of people who argue that there is no such thing as race. if you are actually interested i can try to find some links for you. i've taken a crap ton of cultural studies courses back in the day and there is a lot of literature on the subject of race and it's complete arbitrary nonsense.
  • Milo wrote: »
    We should do that again . . .

    +1 ...

    id really like to know some more about people that we converse with on the reg...
  • That thread answered most of my questions and I'm only half way through. The main thing I took from it is he is in his mid thirties, lives in his parent's basement and drives a smart car? What a bizarre psych study he would be. I figured that arrogance and superiority complex had to be covering for something but wow. I also know know why he hates 'big trucks' so much too...he probably ends up in a snowbank every time they pass him in the winter ;)...and no doubt gets chuckled at even by people driving Hyundai Accents. Geez. Kudos for him being so honest in that thread, and in all honesty he seemed far less arrogant back then (has something recently happened?). I'm depressed now. Thanks man. :-X
  • trigs wrote: »
    in reference to your second point there milo, there are quite a lot of people who argue that there is no such thing as race. if you are actually interested i can try to find some links for you. i've taken a crap ton of cultural studies courses back in the day and there is a lot of literature on the subject of race and it's complete arbitrary nonsense.

    I will stipulate . . . these days I tend to swap "race" and "ethnicity", and use them to mean the same thing. Bad Milo, I know, but there it is . . .

    Still, I think that, when discussing cultural or ethnic divides, use of the term "race" does speed up the conversation, despite it's imprecision. We all know that homo sapiens are all one "race", broken into many evolutionary ethnicities, but that is just too much of a mouthful to speak, let alone type every time . . . hence "race".
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    That thread answered most of my questions and I'm only half way through. The main thing I took from it is he is in his mid thirties, lives in his parent's basement and drives a smart car? What a bizarre psych study he would be. I figured that arrogance and superiority complex had to be covering for something but wow. I also know know why he hates 'big trucks' so much too...he probably ends up in a snowbank every time they pass him in the winter ;)...and no doubt gets chuckled at even by people driving Hyundai Accents. Geez. Kudos for him being so honest in that thread, and in all honesty he seemed far less arrogant back then (has something recently happened?). I'm depressed now. Thanks man. :-X

    You should read some of the other ones . . . we are an assorted bunch of nuts, to say the least.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You should read some of the other ones . . . we are an assorted bunch of nuts, to say the least.

    Don't read mine!..

    Been gone a lot lately, sorry, family medical concerns are kinda #1 on my priority right now but I have skim read some.. Like the way the thread is going, may be able to do a mass banning in the near future. ;) Now that would be a story to tell my grandchildren..... oh wait... I already have a bunch...

    Just kidding on the bannings... I'm enjoying this... Wonder how many complaints upper management is getting... This lowly peon has his complaint line turned off...

    On the matter of the question thread re regs, good idea should I start one again..?
  • Sure, seeing as how I missed my 10k post celebration, I will even volunteer to go first.

    For now . . . off to soccer.
  • I love drama bomb posts.

    You've made up your mind about the man....just ignore him. Everything you think about him right now is ten times worse irl.

    Have a look into the heart of the beast if you dare......


    Wow HM!

    I was just thinking about the Q&A thread this morning, and thinking of setting up a new one ;)

  • SuperNed wrote: »
    That thread answered most of my questions and I'm only half way through. The main thing I took from it is he is in his mid thirties, lives in his parent's basement and drives a smart car? What a bizarre psych study he would be. I figured that arrogance and superiority complex had to be covering for something but wow. I also know know why he hates 'big trucks' so much too...he probably ends up in a snowbank every time they pass him in the winter ;)...and no doubt gets chuckled at even by people driving Hyundai Accents. Geez. Kudos for him being so honest in that thread, and in all honesty he seemed far less arrogant back then (has something recently happened?). I'm depressed now. Thanks man. :-X

    A few updates though:

    I moved out of my mom's place about 2 years ago, and now have a decent little condo apartment in Kitchener - fun fact: "TwoThree" Braad moved into the same building about a month ago!

    I just said I'd willingly open a similar thread up again, for Q&A time - prefer if it didn't get troll-y, but it will. I was arrogant back then too, but most of those questions were light hearted and fun. It was the theme of the idea - and if you read all of them, I do call some people out straight up on their doucheyness.

  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Lord this poker message board is frequented by a bunch of women and whiners and people with superiority complexes....I guess that would fall under 'stereotypes'? >:D
    it would fall under sexist ^-^

    Edit never mind:
    trigs wrote: »
    don't forget sexist.
  • SupeNed is not capable of being sexist . . . he has told me many times that he rejects the concept of gender.
  • Just don't mention "tablets" . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    I would love to read your dissertation on "How the World Works". It has been a pretty crappy week, and I could use the laughs . . .
    Well I thought thats what we were getting to, we can move onto the monarchy. The thing is the dissertation is not a sentence its an observation. And its a circle to be observed, so we can't discuss it in it parts.

    I do not believe in the Tooth Fairy. Only one of us is correct in our belief.
    No, I am correct, this skin we wear is not real, what comes after this is real, and after this, there is no race. Race is a physical thing we shed when we die. I'm correct.

    I am just going to state that this is 100% prime bullshit.
    we spend 12 years on math, reading, written, etc. and how many do we spend on sharing, caring, peace, and religious tolerance? None. Now why is it we pray for peace, and say peace is impossible, we fight for peace, we covet it.....yet our public schools systems have no class for it, instead you are bred to compete, evaluated and graded, taught to segregate, taught that different is wrong, and basically compete in a survival of the fittest environment....thats in class at school and in the hallways with peers and social functions.

    School instills conflict or you still 100% think no? But we are not there yet first monarchy.
    Finally, Mark was not bullying you . . . he was making some rather pointed observations and comments. He may have an over-developed sense of self, but he actually is a pretty smart guy when he keeps his pants up.
    You are not talking about what I am talking about. I don't really wish to get into it. I actually had to tell him to stop, not because I was sad and crying, but because he was interfering with my conversations with others. What are you sticking up for? Its done its over, I don't want to get into, I just put a big giant abrubt stop to it, and he did stop. I just wanted to make sure he remembers when he talks to me.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    I wouldn't fuck with the JDL. They're considered a terrorist organization by the FBI. They might bomb your house if you mess with them.
    this isn't racist at all, but its 11 times more racist than what I said.
  • darbday wrote: »
    this isn't racist at all, but its 11 times more racist than what I said.

    I don't think so.
    The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a Jewish organization whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary".[1] While the group asserts that it "unequivocally condemns terrorism", and states that it has a "strict no-tolerance policy against terrorism and other felonious acts,"[2] it was described as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation[3] in 2001.[4] According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting terrorist attacks within the United States.[3]]

    Jewish Defense League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    This is the 8th or so time I've asked someone to point out a quote of mine so we can examine it, but people are still just calling me a racist.......anyways you need to quote that with a single quote of mine that is not 11 times less racist than yours.
  • I didn't see what you wrote that everyone thinks was racist. Thread was deleted.
  • Milo wrote: »
    SupeNed is not capable of being sexist . . . he has told me many times that he rejects the concept of gender.

    You left off the key word 'reassignment' :)
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    I didn't see what you wrote that everyone thinks was racist. Thread was deleted.
    Then how are you going to say that what you said wasn't more racist?
  • What I said isn't racist at all. Just stating a fact that can be verified.
  • darbday wrote: »

    we spend 12 years on math, reading, written, etc. and how many do we spend on sharing, caring, peace, and religious tolerance? None. Now why is it we pray for peace, and say peace is impossible, we fight for peace, we covet it.....yet our public schools systems have no class for it, instead you are bred to compete, evaluated and graded, taught to segregate, taught that different is wrong, and basically compete in a survival of the fittest environment....thats in class at school and in the hallways with peers and social functions.

    School instills conflict or you still 100% think no?

    Ok, I've stayed out of this, but now I'm fucking pissed. Let me make this clear, as this is something that so many people say (and not for the well intentioned reason Darb is trying to say it; yes I mean that seriously).


    I am so bloody sick and tired of hearing people yammer on and on and on about how school has failed the children. Those are the same people who don't go to PTA meetings to express their concerns and expect the teachers to fix every problem their ignorant punk of a child has that they have instilled into them for 10+ years prior to them showing up in their class.

    School teaches you skills, things to use to get a job. That is what it is right now (as Darb has said, but I think people are taking it the wrong way). Whether that is what it should be is a different conversation. When people start popping off about the state of education, I say look at the state of parenting first. You want to blame TV for your kids' shitty attitudes? Try watching TV with them for a night, then explain to them what was wrong and what was right about the programs they just watched.

    EDIT: I also have to state that my school experience was much different than the vast majority. I went to a junior high that sucked, there was bullying and violence all over the place. High school was fantastic! The whole place centered around giving a damn about each other and treating each other with respect. Hell, our mascot was the Warm Fuzzy!
  • Cerberus wrote: »

    Still mad?

    EDIT: I also have to state that my school experience was much different than the vast majority. I went to a junior high that sucked, there was bullying and violence all over the place. High school was fantastic! The whole place centered around giving a damn about each other and treating each other with respect. Hell, our mascot was the Warm Fuzzy!
    That's great! did everyone in your school have a great time? or just some people?
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    What I said isn't racist at all. Just stating a fact that can be verified.
    ya thats what i said in post 109.

    Are you suggesting if it can't be verified then its racist?

    What I said was Israel is an illegal state, and a puppet of the US, and if you look up top people in US government, media, financial, and entertainment, you'll find a correlation of Jews.

    And I was warned if I type what I just typed again, I'll be banned.
  • actyper wrote: »
    I've always differentiated discrimination vs racism with the latter involving hatred.
    no discrimination is judgment based on segmenting a certain population...

    racism is a form of discrimination, as is ageism, sexism, sithism (jedi's are full of)

    Not sure if I said it yet, but I'm not against any race but I'm against the Jewish faith, but I'm against all faiths...and not really against, just not down with.

    Also atheists are really just Christians.
  • I don't know, man. Maybe yours was more of an opinion? Anyway, I don't have any power here. I'm just a wage slave working for my corporate masters.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    I don't know, man. Maybe yours was more of an opinion?

    Anyway, I don't have any power here. I'm just a wage slave working for my corporate masters.
    Don't worry, we're about to deconstruct economy. I realized a few weeks ago it can be done in a day, this wasn't so before Internet.

    Because economy is a Judaic/Christian belief for us....Muslim etc. for others.
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