crazykoby vs Wetts1012

Ok so a little prop bet has been issued and accepted by both parties, which started in another thread.

This is just a fun little prop bet between two friends

Stipulations so far,

1) Only recognized Tourney's count towards this bet (Casino/Pokerrooms).
2) Buy-in can not exceed 3K
3) All Tournament currency count
4) Players are free to play as many events as they want
5) Live cashes only
6) This prop bet starts now (Friday May 18, 2012)

This will play out up until the Event 12 of Season 7 at OPT Winner of the prop bet will be the person who has accumulated the most in cash prizes.

Loser will wear a dress/drag for the OPT Event 12 which is scheduled for Friday April 5, 2013.

I will try to keep a running tally for everyone here.

Results so far.

crazykoby $8882
Wetts1012 $6190

Feel free to do all your trash talking here, so we don't derail the other thread to much more :)


  • Main thing to remember, This is all in fun!!

    Still waiting to hear from wetts if he is cool with the terms or if he has anything else to add
  • who the hell are these guys anyways? What have they ever done?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Main thing to remember, This is all in fun!!

    Still waiting to hear from wetts if he is cool with the terms or if he has anything else to add

    ya I can update or delete whatever other stipulations you guys have.
  • I am assuming this is just for live cashes only and have added that to the list of stipulations
  • fwiw wetts is a notorious choker when it comes to prop bets lol
  • actyper wrote: »
    fwiw wetts is a notorious choker when it comes to prop bets lol

    This is what I'm counting on!
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I am assuming this is just for live cashes only and have added that to the list of stipulations

    Yeah I thought that was a given, but should add to the terms for clarity
  • So, no OPT or Ching Hill? Just "licensed" establishments?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    crazykoby $0
    Wetts1012 $0

    I don't know about the rest of you, but that just made my day :)
  • Unlike you . . . I expect those totals to increase . . .
  • I fully expect them to increase. It's just nice to see them at my level, even if only temporarily :(
  • ohthisisgoingtobesweet! >:D

    Tough call either way. But I have to give the edge to Darryl on this one (sorry Greg).
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    ohthisisgoingtobesweet! >:D

    Tough call either way. But I have to give the edge to Darryl on this one (sorry Greg).

    No worries AJ, I give the edge to Wetts as well, this is just for fun, I like the challenge.

    Where I'll have the edge is I think I generally play more live events then Wetts, = more opportunity to money
  • Well, if AJ is on Team Wetts, I pretty much have to join Team Koby, if only to inflict the vicarious bad beat.

    OPT gonna make T-shirts, Steve?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Well, if AJ is on Team Wetts, I pretty much have to join Team Koby, if only to inflict the vicarious bad beat.

    OPT gonna make T-shirts, Steve?

    T-shirts? That's classic, I might make up my own team crazykoby shirts.

    AJ you don't get one!! :)
  • mememememememe . . . plz.
  • Vistaprint for tshirts. Inexpensive in moderate volume.
  • Is it really a prop bet when Wetts dresses like this every Thursday night anyhow?
  • Lies . . . Wetts NEVER comes in drag to Ching Hill events. Maybe you were thinking Tuesday?
  • My bad, I'm on West Coast time
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    My bad, I'm on West Coast time

    Oh ok, I thought you guys had different times down there.
  • Shouldn't it be a little more than a dress? I would think wig, makeup (must be whore or prostitute in theme) and, to really make it work, legs/chest must be waxed. Not shaved, no Neet, wax. C'mon fellas, if you're gonna do something, do it right!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Shouldn't it be a little more than a dress? I would think wig, makeup (must be whore or prostitute in theme) and, to really make it work, legs/chest must be waxed. Not shaved, no Neet, wax. C'mon fellas, if you're gonna do something, do it right!

    Save this sort of profile info. for your Plenty of Fish account, okay?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Save this sort of profile info. for your Plenty of Fish account, okay?

    Don't have one of those. Never did. You're confusing me with my dad :D
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Don't have one of those. Never did. You're confusing me with my dad :D

    Sorry, the dress and heels threw me . . . that said, your Dad color matches WAY better than you do.
  • actyper wrote: »
    fwiw wetts is a notorious choker when it comes to prop bets lol

    This ainec.
  • Wetts is playing this sunday in Brantford's $550 Deepstack Bounty Tournaments, and crazykoby is waiting for permission from the wife.

    Will Wetts be the first to money in this prop bet?
  • Bubble +2 finish . . . mostly cuz I missed the BAP.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    crazykoby is waiting for permission from the wife.

    permission has been granted and crazykoby is booked at Brantford as well
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    :Dand crazykoby is booked at Brantford as well

    Sounds like Koby is already getting sized for his dress
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