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I believe it's $60 min-$200 max
Jac (aka "Stratford")
Is auto topup enabled? Just kidding. But I'm sure there is a rebuy minimum.
No, you can play smart and top up at any time.
And as many times as you like.
Up to my stop loss, of course.
Is that why everyone else has stop loss parameters?
Milo is a smart cookie...
The chances of a first-time attendee not losing at least two stacks at ANY event's cash table are probably nil.
Suffice to say, no matter how much it disappoints any sharks, I'm not going to be bringing my entire life savings to the cash table.
fyp. Believe me there is money to be made at these unless your are a complete newbie...
Umm, you do know we are kidding, right ?
We are??
Not sure you can buy in that low.
If I'm playing good, I stay. If I'm playing poorly I leave, even if I am winning.
My last session at BCC, I was playing like crap (which seems to work there), so once my table broke I took my profits and left.
comp, the only person to get leftovers from my tourney was AJ.
nice effort, though . . .
Shows how much you know....
I just want to make sure my numbers are right. Max you can be in for in the two tournaments combined is $230? ($60+20+20+40 and $50+40?)
That's the way I read it as well...
Should not be an issue. Bus is now FULL.
Thanks! I'll let the other guy know he can come.