NEW RC X discussion thread... Date is set for Oct 15th, same Milton location.



  • Fish were domiant early then nada since.......I would chalk that up to some bad luck and some good poker played by others.......must go back to the drawing board though as not much seems to work when you always have players dropping out and scramble for new ones. The new ones seem to do alright but we always seem to have 1 or 2 on a bad day.

    Must figure out solution to getting 8 players on "rungood at same time......then maybe my team comes back to"dominate".

    Heres hoping!!! All in all, fun day and thanks as always to those that run this donkfest!!!!

    Of course we will be back for the next one!!!!
  • The chair is mine Jeff tx
  • I was a little shocked by the Chinghill roster and final results...was there some anti-run good, kryptonite like substance in the room? ;P
  • jontm wrote: »
    I was a little shocked by the Chinghill roster and final results...was there some anti-run good, kryptonite like substance in the room? ;P

    Had to be . . . how else do you explain that I stand as the Hill's MVP? :o

    Seriously, during the first couple SnG's I was looking up from the table to try and get an inkling of how the guys were doing, and I would see one or two of them talking to each other . . . I'd get their attention, shoot them the unasked question and receive the 1,000 yard stare. By the time the NLHE SnG started I just put my head down and played.
    Too spooky by half . . .
  • compuease wrote: »
    It could be done but $30. extra on top of a $50. buyin would be a little extreme... Then what would we do about the liquor issue? Another issue would be the spreadsheet scoring. Currently I think it handles 10 teams so would have to be redone. g2 or Pinhead would have to comment on that.
    When we had it in Ktch we had 10 teams and that works ok and we even handles the stud (max 8 handed) issue but going beyond that would really mean a big rework. I would like a bigger venue but no one wants to donate it.
    This one only costs $50. which I fund but most larger venues are looking for $250. and up.

    We also have a few guys that really need to keep a low profile for various reasons...

    Well for the most part yesterday everyone was running off to buying pizza and buying booze anyways, i think easily per person on avg yesterday people were spending 10-20 bucks on food. Obviously there were some that didn't eat or drink at all but for the most part each team was loading up on food, drinks.

    I really commend the amount of work that this event takes to get organized and off the ground and the organizers did a really great job and there was not one complaint. For one day of poker like that I think as team mates and poker enthusiasts we can commit based on discussion on what is an acceptable buy in for an all inclusive day and then see what we can get with the extra funds.

    Like I said I would be willing help scout out locations and see what we can get. Let me know and I can start in the later months and have some options for the april series and people can decide then.
  • jontm wrote: »
    I was a little shocked by the Chinghill roster and final results...was there some anti-run good, kryptonite like substance in the room? ;P

    Funny thing was even with our sub par performance, we were still in the running up until the last event. I think if we had won 2 more heads up battles we would have taken the event.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Two fisting at 10:00 a.m., broken bottle by 10:10 a.m. . . . foghorn impersonation by 10:45 . . . hugs and kisses by 9:00 p.m. - standard Drtyore

    Only one "over-refreshed" attendee. And, of course, Happy . . . you really need to get down for one of these, Bill.

    I resemble that remark.

    Seriously tho - sincerest apologies to my team - I don't even remember if AJ & I played HU or not. Seems we could have used those 10 points.

    Thanks to Moose, MrsMoose, Angel (Sorry 'bout that MVP thing - was looking good there for a while...) Easy, Seek Pete & Zoo for letting me in on this one. IF I'm invited back to play for the next one, I can assure you all, someone else will be fodder for gossip, it won't be me.

    Lastly, thank you to EatMyDust23 for forgiving me.
  • TammiM68 wrote: »
    IF I'm invited back to play for the next one, I can assure you all, someone else will be fodder for gossip, it won't be me.
    Damn, I must have missed that one...
  • She might have had a wee dram . . . ;- }
  • Milo wrote: »
    She might have had a wee dram . . . ;- }

    Understatement of the year!!! :D
  • Really?!? I didn't notice . . . >:D
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