Jan 22nd, 2011; Brampton Bounty Tournament



  • 2 words . . . Happy hour.
  • The next event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday Feb 12. Would like to ask those who played yesterday for their thoughts on the following...

    1 - Blinds
    How were they overall? The current blinds are designed to give maximum play especially early on, where they stay pretty small, but maybe they need to jump up abit more. How are the later stages? Should the later rounds jump up more to force action?

    2 - Rebuys
    Right now, there are limited spots for rebuys. If I set up for 24 and only 20 show up, only 4 rebuys, but if 24 show, there would be no rebuys. I'm okay with making this a rebuy format for the first three levels if everyone likes the idea.

    3 - Bounty
    Everyone yesterday was comfortable with a $20 bounty, which I thought originally was pretty high, but everyone seemed okay with it. The original bounty was only $5, but like Adam said, that small amount doesn't really give anyone a chance to bounty some of their buyin back. Maybe having a $10 bounty would be a good thing, but everyone is still okay with a $20 Bounty, I can do that as well.

    I would appreciate any feedback on these areas. Also, if there is anything else you can think of to make this a better event, I'm all ears.

  • Hey AJ,

    Thanks for hosting yesterday's game...even though I didn't cash at least I got a bounty chip!

    I'm okay with the way you had the blinds, re-buys and bounty.

    I'll be out of town on Feb 12th...see you guys in March!
  • Milo wrote: »
    2 words . . . Happy hour.

    It was Happy hour for a while but not for the last few min he was there, Ninja Dan took it all, as well as from a lot of the newer folks to the Hill. It was fun to watch, well done Dan. Well worked out on that call on Happy... His showing you the 10 was a big mistake IMO..
  • Thanks AJ, was a fun day for sure. A little luck and I could have been at final table but f** Wetts.... well what can ya say.. :) He giveth and he taketh...(mostly taketh)

    Sitting to his left, he of course has monster stack, blinds 400/800 I think, He's on the button with A,5 as I recall, I'm in the SB with AK. He raises, I shove for about 11K. He's priced in and calls, I double up to about 25K. (Wetts giveth) Next hand I have 99 on the button, Wetts AK. Wetts' raises to 3K. I re-raise to 9K, Wetts shoves.. Tank time.. Wetts surely doesn't think I would do this with garbage does he??"?? I do the math, I already have almost 40% of my stack in.. Time to make myself a force and bust the Wetts myth... Wrongo.. Wetts rivers his K :( (Wetts taketh away)..
    Win that and I think Wetts and I would have been almost even.
  • Did not play the tourney, yesterday, just lent money to Happy so he could fatten Dan's wallet. Not a big fan of a bounty that's 1/3 the buy-in but, meh . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Did not play the tourney, yesterday, just lent money to Happy so he could fatten Dan's wallet. Not a big fan of a bounty that's 1/3 the buy-in but, meh . . .

    Agreed, maybe $10. max? 1/3 just influences the game too much. If you want more in the pot, up the buyin.
  • OMG...where did that box of TimHortons coffee come from? Wetts, did you get that? I didn't know you could get coffee in a box. If I had know it was there, I would have had some, but I only saw you come in with a tray of about 4 or 5 on it.
  • I would agree that the bounty is definitely high. I think since the first guy bought the bounty, everyone did. lol. I think with a $20 bounty, you are priced to call a lot of all-ins. $10 is the right number here.

    I like the blind structure a lot. If I had one complaint, maybe the ante's kick in too early, but thats just me. I hate counting up ante chips. haha.
  • AJ what do you think of the following blind structure. Basically I just changed the starting 4 levels, but after 8 levels we are caught up to your original structure but with slightly more aggressive antes. Keep the 25mins in length. You will also notice that I removed your 100 - 100 level, IMO just a silly level. There shouldn't be much of a difference in end time from what you already have, but I think this structure flows more smoothly.

    1 - 25 50
    2 - 50 100
    3 - 75 150
    4 - 100 200
    5 - 150 300 25 ante
    6 - 200 400 50
    7 - 300 600 75
    8 - 400 800 100
    Break - Chip Up
    9 - 500 1,000 100
    10 - 600 1,200 100
    11 - 800 1,600 200
    12 - 1,000 2,000 300
    13 - 1,200 2,400 300
    14 - 1,500 3,000 400
    15 - 2,000 4,000 500
    16 - 3,000 6,000 500
    Break - Chip Up
    17 - 4,000 8,000 1,000
    18 - 5,000 10,000 1,000
    19 - 6,000 12,000 1,000
    20 - 8,000 16,000 2,000

    As for bounties, with a $50 or $60 buy in, I think it should be $10. If everyone wants a $20 bounty then have a buy in of at least $80

    Just my opinion since you asked, and I wish I could make it out but I keep having a scheduling conflict.
  • I like the above structure, don't see a need for the 100/100. We chopped after level 14 and I think the stacks were 85k/95/100
  • I like Steve's structure, but don't most tourneys run the same Blinds over two levels once they start the antes? In other words go from 100/200 - 0 ante, to 100/200 - 25 ante at the next level. Obviously, more experienced players would have a better idea than I . . .
  • Just want to say thank you to AJ for hosting his tournaments. I enjoy playing at them. I think enough has been said about blind structure and bounties. Happy bullied people, myself included. 10.00 is plenty high enough for a 60.00 tournament. West Side has used pretty much the blind schedule Steve gave you for years without a problem.

    I very much wanted to play in this tournament. It is hard for me to get work to corporate seeing as I work 3 out of 4 Saturdays a month. But going in Christmas Day for a 12 hour shift with 4 hours notice to do an overnighter I knew would be worth one day. Thanks to Monika for working for me.

    A couple of things first.

    Happy likes to be the centre of attention which is great, he is a funny guy no doubt. He shamed everyone into taking the 20.00 bounty which was a third of the buy because he prides himself on taking people out with junk. Last West Side event he got 12 bounties. So I know that is his mine set going into the tournament.
    First orbit Happy announces/asks, “you have to be seated when the second card is dealt to your hand?” TD AJ responses “YES”. Shortly thereafter he calls out again “Prophet you have some chips yet, I am coming to get them, table change TD”. I say “soon enough my friend”

    I get in a hand involving his wife Erin; she calls me all the way down on a board of high cards with pocket 77. I say she wins and she says let’s see your cards. I show a 5 3 for a pair of 55. Big guy on the table playing pretty solid, thinking watch out for him a bit. He raises my blind, I flat call with suited one gapers. Flop comes low and fills in my hand so if a 7 came on the turn I complete a straight. I check he continuations bets I call. The turn comes a 7, flush cannot be made. I check, he checks. River still no Ace or face I bet a third of my stack. He announces “you have nothing, I call with Ace high”. I turn over the straight and scoop the pot.

    AJ takes two big hands off Lord Pham and I say to myself “why can’t I get in a hand with him. In the mean time I take all what AJ has taken from Lord Pham with two straights. I then get my wish. After raising pre and doing the continuation on the flop and being flatted, I check the nut flush and ponder when he checked as well. River I assumed was no help and I bet enough to put him all in and he announces he will fold 2 pair.

    Table breaks and Happy is to my left which is normally bad news, but it was exactly where I wanted him. New guy at the table Keith, solid player, played at the hill with him before raises the 200/400/ blinds to 1800 UTG. Big guy on the end announces re-raise, making it 6K. I used Ron as a shield to avoid the big guy from seeing me look at my cards. I say raise, put in the 6K and then after a couple of minutes of counting out my stack I say “I am all in”. Folded back around to the big guy, who quickly announces call. He doesn’t catch as a 6 falls to the river and he is out as I had him covered. Keith quickly adds he folded 66 UTG. I told you he was a good player folding a little pair to a re-raise on top of a re-raise. Thanks Keith.

    I get moved to Wetts is table and think just avoid him and get back to your table. Things never happen the way you plan. I take a couple of early pots and then watch Wetts do his thing taking down a few hands in a row, he told me when we went for coffee that he thought his table was soft. He had the chip stack to prove it. Folded to Wetts in the sm blind and he raises, I flat. Flop 9 5 2, I look at his stack and say all-in. He goes in the tank and I think to myself how could he have any of that, I see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me so I turn and look at him. He looked away and so did I thinking is he going to make an Ace high card call for half his stack? He then says “ it smells like Ace King or Queen to me and I think I am good.” After what seemed like 10 minutes, he says fold, I announce I have the best hand, he said what did you have. I said Obama. He said what does that mean, someone from the other table yells out Obama is the 44th president. Wetts turns and said you had 44, I said yes. He said I had a 5 meaning he had paired the 5 on the board and had me crushed!

    We get to the final table and re draw. Happy again is at my table and to my left. Pretty card dead to start the final table. Others are making moves while I am bleeding chips. I pick 10 10 in the cut off only to here raise and re-raise, I fold again. Try making a few moves only to be shut out. Then comes a big hand. Fold to me in the high jack I have K 5 clubs and put in a solid raise, Happy smooth calls and Wetts calls as well. Flop comes K high with 2 diamonds. Wetts checks, I go all in Happy snap calls, Wetts is in disbelief and folds. I ask what he had, he said you first, and turn over K 5, he shows the flush draw. Wetts announces he had KQ for the best hand. No diamond comes, Happy is crippled. Two hands latter I take Happy out. Get all the way down to four players. Wetts raises to 6K folded to me, I come over the top 88 to 24K. Wetts counts chips and then says all-in. I am frustrated, those chips were chips I had earned from taking AJ out earlier. I really thought Wetts was making a move because of the earlier hand when he folded the 5 to my pocket 44. I thought about it I long time before folding pocket 88.

    Wetts and I mix it a few hands later, I say he says I have to call, shows a flush that doesn’t come, I cripple him to 9K. One hand later he pushes, I have 99 and call he turns over one K that he knew he had, then turns over the second card which also is a King he double ups. Two hands later I eliminate Wetts and we are 3 left.

    Final 3

    We trade chips back and forth. When in the small blind Q 9. Flop comes 9 high no flush, and bet 6K. Keith comes over the top for 15K. I say I am all in he snap calls with 9 5 for 2 pair. I lose 45K. Keith asks for a smoke break. While he is gone Ash and I count chips. Ash with 110k I have 95K. Keith comes back and Ash says you want to chop? Keith counts his chips and says yes.

    We each keep our bounty. Flip for the 10.00 that was left a carryover because of a tie, I win the 10.00 with a pair of 55.

    Great Day Everyone!

    Prophet:2h :2s

    PS Sick cash game by Dan, had like 1200.00 when I left.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The next event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday Feb 12. Would like to ask those who played yesterday for their thoughts on the following...

    That would be the curling/cashgameament.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The next event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday Feb 12. Would like to ask those who played yesterday for their thoughts on the following...

    The 12th would be nice for me. I'm off that weekend.
  • moose wrote: »
    That would be the curling/cashgameament.

    Unfortunately, its the only weekend open for me during the month, so I really can't adjust it. Also, I may have to cancel the March game due to West Side, but I'm waiting to hear on that right now.

    Someday, I'll make it out to your game again Moose.
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