
bill s-10......



  • compuease wrote: »
    Now for this statement you get my vote. However that only helps for the educated populous. I would hazzard a guess that a large % of the heavy use druggies would never have been in that education program in any case. I think it's more a product of the home environment not the education system, however I think both have their merits. Maybe we should start punishing the parents of criminals? Or the parents of those who use drugs...? I'm saying that only half in jest...

    I completely agree. A loving family with competent parents generally won't have their kids stealing their TV for meth.

    Also Comp, I think we should have Licensing to parent.
    I know it's a huge damper on our free will, but it's becoming more evident that incompetent or incapable parents breed confused and damaged children. They make easy targets for gangs, prostitution, and crime.

    Here's a little known fact. In BC, approx. 1 in 10,000 mothers commit infanticide. It's so common that the judicial system are unable to jail the parents as they would flood the jail system. This is a reason why its called infanticide and not murder. (evidence given to me by a criminal lawyer friend of mine)
    darbday wrote: »
    i would like to suggest that grouping mj with the other drugs causes people to gateway to the others...

    so many of my peers after realizing that all their parents smoke mj and its doesn't actually make you kill people and go crazy, tried meth...and lost their well being because they weren't properly warned.

    this is an example of how grouping mj in with the other drugs makes usage worse.

    and of course the side effects of the pills are real and incredible yet completely legal and recommended.

    No one is arguing that pot is a psychidellic.
    imo, its probably the least drug we need to worry about, other then maybe caffine. Alcohol and cigarettes should be banned before pot.

    However, Statistically speaking, it IS a gateway drug.
    95% of kids who try pot before 14 will go on to try something harder.
    the stats drop to about 40% for those users who try it before the age of 18.
    THe bottom line is we need to crack down on underage drug consumption, including booze, more so then banning the product completely.
  • darbday wrote: »
    people are always so quick to jump to this which is a very hard question to answer. but i always like to focus on whats obvious, our system doesn't work and cannot work. the more we define that truth the closer we will get to the solution.
    We can not simply tear down the existing structure without having a structure to replace it otherwise we have anarchy.. Truth in itself does not supply a solution...
    We have to define what we want so we know what to work towards.. Define what you want and we'll see if we have common ground. I suspect we do.

    darbday wrote: »
    i think you are in favour of the idea of what democracy should bring. a democratic society is 1/13 million of a vote versus millions of idiots swayed by money, media, and power.

    You are correct I am in favour of the idea, however power and money will always be a corruptor, we are human after all..
  • Great discussion, can't wait until prophet catches up to this..

    Now we need more subjects....
  • As long as humans run a government there will be corruption and scandal.

  • compuease wrote: »
    Great discussion, can't wait until prophet catches up to this..

    Now we need more subjects....

    HA. Totally.

    Since we're on "faux pas" discussions (eg politics), and since we've talked about drugs and politics, why not bring on the Religion debate? After that, we can debate over sexual positions.
    I'm sure by then we can all hate each other equally :P
  • compuease wrote: »
    Are you at all in agreement that there is a component of personal responsibility in any of this? Or is it always "our" fault, whomever "our" is?

    i do not agree whatsoever. tell me something sir....who in their right mind with and intelligent and compassionate mind, does something knowing they will go to jail for it...

    i know what i sound like but contemplate it for a moment, and it takes considerable thinking outside the box.....

    you wouldn't do it, because you have a moral mind....now what part of you chooses those morals (because you are saying its your choice).....is it the mind that wasn't moral to begin with....or was it a blank slate that chooses to be moral......

    you want to say you choose to be moral, but what part chooses

    again, like i said in a quote to milo, if you don't understand this please ask me to re explain its tough (don't have to agree but just understand what im trying to type)
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    However, Statistically speaking, it IS a gateway drug.
    95% of kids who try pot before 14 will go on to try something harder.
    the stats drop to about 40% for those users who try it before the age of 18.
    THe bottom line is we need to crack down on underage drug consumption, including booze, more so then banning the product completely.

    stats maybe facts but interpretation is not of course. and a big part of this as i explain is people think there parents lied about weed so they lied about all drugs. how many people do you know tried weed and not anything else.

    and maybe these people have experimental personalities. weed is not the gateway, we agree im sure lack of education is.
  • darbday wrote: »
    The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,
    And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.
    The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,
    And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.
    Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured,
    And still more often the condemned is the burden-bearer for the guiltless and unblamed.
    You cannot separate the just from the unjust and the good from the wicked;

    kahlil gibran

    i do not just quote or follow this mans writings however i think this shows there are intelligent and revered people that share my thought

    The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder? So, Jordan Manners, or Jane Creba, are partially at fault for getting killed? I call shenanigans . . .

    The robbed is not blameless in being robbed? Okay, this is my stop. I'm done with this stupidity . . .
  • compuease wrote: »
    We can not simply tear down the existing structure without having a structure to replace it otherwise we have anarchy..
    no but when enough people stop tinkering with a system destined to fail, we will have enough minds and brainpower to change it. democracy i am suggesting breeds corruption. People will say im crazy, but i will point to our country and suggest they are crazy.
    compuease wrote: »
    Truth in itself does not supply a solution...
    actually it does....
    compuease wrote: »
    You are correct I am in favour of the idea, however power and money will always be a corruptor, we are human after all..

    yes and i think this is a hint towards the solution
  • Milo wrote: »
    The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder? So, Jordan Manners, or Jane Creba, are partially at fault for getting killed? I call shenanigans . . .

    The robbed is not blameless in being robbed? Okay, this is my stop. I'm done with this stupidity . . .

    this is written be a very well known author....he agrees with me, i agree with him.

    there are many very influential people in this world, that are know for their intelligence that speak the same way....

    calling it stupidity would be calling this stupid

    sometimes the short way is the long way.....

    by getting caught up in the words....you're missing the meaning
  • Darb, methinks you're on a different level.... Now the question is... Is your level above or below or left or right? And who decides..

    Oh and I don't avoid the so called bad choices because I'm moral, it's cuz I don't like punishment.. Simple as that... Well maybe not that simple but you get the idea, after all you're intelligent, right?
  • Words mean things . . . the passages I highlighted are idiotic, taken literally.

    I "get" where Gibran was going, regardless of how I may feel about it.
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    After that, we can debate over sexual positions.
    When does this one start? Better stay away from religion... Even I may not be able to moderate that!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Better stay away from religion... Even I may not be able to moderate that!

    Yeah I'm not going to touch that one... I almost feel out of line by just saying the word "religion".
  • compuease wrote: »
    Darb, methinks you're on a different level.... Now the question is... Is your level above or below or left or right? And who decides..

    there are two types of people, those in terms of this vs. that....and those that don't....
    compuease wrote: »
    it's cuz I don't like punishment..

    how did you come to this mindset.. you are implying that you created it yourself..? again, did you choose this or was it instilled in you.....for someone who doesn't have the ability to avoid punishment, or think ahead.....how is it there fault.
  • compuease wrote: »
    When does this one start? Better stay away from religion... Even I may not be able to moderate that!

    no we will do religion, they are all the same debate anyways....
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    Yeah I'm not going to touch that one... I almost feel out of line by just saying the word "religion".
  • Milo wrote: »
    Words mean things . . . the passages I highlighted are idiotic, taken literally.

    I "get" where Gibran was going, regardless of how I may feel about it.

  • darbday wrote: »
    no but when enough people stop tinkering with a system destined to fail, we will have enough minds and brainpower to change it. democracy i am suggesting breeds corruption. People will say im crazy, but i will point to our country and suggest they are crazy.

    darbday, democracy isn't a fair and just system, but it works. it's the best choice we got.

    Democracy doesn't breed corruption; power breeds corruption no matter the type of government infrastructure.

    You can point to our country and look at its flaws, but I choose to do the opposite. Of all the crap the gov't has shovled to us, at least we have a general right to food and clean water, access to electricity, universal health care, and education, social programs, community and financial aid, and a justice system. I think people in this country really take for granted how lucky we really are.
  • darbday wrote: »
    for someone who doesn't have the ability to avoid punishment, or think ahead.....how is it there fault.

    I call these people the Mentally Handicaped, and they need medical attention. This is why we have insanity plea.

    Anyone else who is just too stupid to think about cause and effect I have no sympathy for.
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    darbday, democracy isn't a fair and just system, but it works. it's the best choice we got.

    Democracy doesn't breed corruption; power breeds corruption no matter the type of government infrastructure.

    You can point to our country and look at its flaws, but I choose to do the opposite. Of all the crap the gov't has shovled to us, at least we have a general right to food and clean water, access to electricity, universal health care, and education, social programs, community and financial aid, and a justice system. I think people in this country really take for granted how lucky we really are.

    Here, here.... Yes it could be better but it's way ahead of whatever's in 2nd place... Darb, you really need to get out there and experience some other systems in some other countries... Reading on the internet is just not a valid comparison. Time to travel the world... Let us know what you think afterwards.
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    darbday, democracy isn't a fair and just system, but it works. it's the best choice we got.
    i hope you read this whole thread first. Democracy isn't fair, i agree but listen to that statement and imagine explaining that to the country and the world.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    it's the best choice we got.

    this is because we don't work towards creating a solution, we were born into and therefore believe we will die by it.
    syphilaids wrote: »

    Democracy doesn't breed corruption; power breeds corruption no matter the type of government infrastructure.
    democracy breeds power

    syphilaids wrote: »

    You can point to our country and look at its flaws, but I choose to do the opposite. Of all the crap the gov't has shovled to us, at least we have a general right to food and clean water, access to electricity, universal health care, and education, social programs, community and financial aid, and a justice system. I think people in this country really take for granted how lucky we really are.

    i don't think we are as lucky as you think....we know there are starving countries, we know many have no water, disease, abused etc.

    in tailand boys are sent off to be turned into girls, for the sex trade...

    who pays for this, who creates this, who allows this, who fuels, this....its obvious our society does, our democracy allows us to use another country as a brothel.

    as long as we live in democracy we can continue to live in peace and let the powers that be pilage the world. we pays taxes to that power, we don't fund it with money though, we fund it with ignorance.

    I don't feel lucky because we are the cause of the worlds suffering. In other words you are indirectly saying you value clean water over morality....
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    Anyone else who is just too stupid to think about cause and effect I have no sympathy for.

    Let me ask you, how you would deal with cause and effect if you were to stupid to think about it.....

    how would you avoid the consequences.....

    to put it differently, if you were stupid....how would you become smart?

    and furthermore, if and animal won't learn by being hit, and we hit it harder and it doesn't learn.....who is the stupid one?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Darb, you really need to get out there and experience some other systems in some other countries

    i don't think so...not so much...neither did this man....
    Without going outside his door, one understands (all that takes
    place) under the sky; without looking out from his window, one sees
    the Tao of Heaven. The farther that one goes out (from himself), the
    less he knows.

    Therefore the sages got their knowledge without traveling; gave
    their (right) names to things without seeing them; and accomplished
    their ends without any purpose of doing so.

    but just my counterpoint would be that our system created and grows the terrible ones.....so although i may benefit from travel, it cannot effect my view in that way....
  • darbday wrote: »
    in tailand boys are sent off to be turned into girls, for the sex trade...

    who pays for this, who creates this, who allows this, who fuels, this....its obvious our society does, our democracy allows us to use another country as a brothel.

    as long as we live in democracy we can continue to live in peace and let the powers that be pilage the world. we pays taxes to that power, we don't fund it with money though, we fund it with ignorance.
    NOT at all.

    you are twisting my words to an exponential level.

    FIRST of all, DEMOCRACY doesn't support thai sex slaves, PEOPLE do.
    Thailand has a responsibility in itself to prevent the exploitation of their own people.
    Although its shameful to find Canadians supporting this act, it doesn't mean our democratic government supports this.

    This can go with your Cause and Effect debate. If the Candian didn't know the consequences for screwing a 11 year old boy, is he still not accountable?
    darbday wrote: »
    I don't feel lucky because we are the cause of the worlds suffering. In other words you are indirectly saying you value clean water over morality....

    This statement is completely out to left field. This is not even close to the point of my rant. I thought we were talking about National government, not World Issues.
    Providing clean water is a moral act for basic survival. You can't say I support one over the other when one is the effect of the other.

    darbday wrote: »
    Let me ask you, how you would deal with cause and effect if you were to stupid to think about it.....

    how would you avoid the consequences.....

    to put it differently, if you were stupid....how would you become smart?

    and furthermore, if and animal won't learn by being hit, and we hit it harder and it doesn't learn.....who is the stupid one?
    The last statement you're talking about is about pet abuse and off topic.

    Understanding cause and effect is a basic result of evolution. Just look at cows. They'll touch and electric fence once and learn that it fucking hurts and not do it again.
    Humans are supposed to be one step above this. Being ignorant is not an excuse. Everyone is liable for their actions, regardless of their knowledge of the consequences.

    If I was really too stupid to even make an EFFORT to find out the consequences before I made questionable actions, I really hope someone out here would take me to a field and shoot me.
    These kinds of people who don't understand cause and effect are the winners fo the Darwin awards.

    darbday wrote: »
    i don't think so...not so much...neither did this man....
    Without going outside his door, one understands (all that takes
    place) under the sky; without looking out from his window, one sees
    the Tao of Heaven. The farther that one goes out (from himself), the
    less he knows.
    Therefore the sages got their knowledge without traveling; gave
    their (right) names to things without seeing them; and accomplished
    their ends without any purpose of doing so.

    but just my counterpoint would be that our system created and grows the terrible ones.....so although i may benefit from travel, it cannot effect my view in that way....

    This letter is about inner spirituallity, not about travelling.
    There is no way you can comprehend anothers civilization without experiencing it. You can only guess.

    Ok this is my last rant for the day, I'll check back tomorrow for more fun debates!
  • I have to say that reading this thread has been fascinating and eye opening to the level of intelligence on this forum. I mean that in a good way, as in it is much higher than I would have initially pegged it. Most forums turn into "fuck you" and "fuck your mom" when conversations go remotely past the most basic of conversations.

    Personally, I have found in my life that I was able to come to my own conclusions. I was brought up with the concept that "if you do drugs, you will be disowned from the family" and, thus, stayed away from drugs. When I turned 18, I tried pot for the first time. I would try it a couple of other times and came to the same conclusion each time: well that was pointless. I've never felt any effects from it, so it was weak stuff, I don't have an addictive personality (completely not true) or I didn't use enough. No matter what though, I came to the conclusion that it simply wasn't worth the time.

    That said, knowing that I had experienced no effect from mj, I never turned to harder drugs. Why? Because I know, through my education, upbringing, seeing what it does to other people and knowing that I have an addictive personality, that it would cause me harm and ruin my life. How was I able to gain this knowledge? Because I live in a country where I am given the opportunity and choice, if my upbringing allows it, to find knowledge and understanding of the world.

    By no means do I think I know everything, or more accurately much at all, but I know that being in Canada has allowed me to live a better life than the majority of the world. It was up to the people around me who influenced me and the choices I made from those influnces that would allow me to become a functioning member of society and, if I saw that society, and within that government, was not working, I could, as a person of sound mind and knowledgable experience, choose to make changes to that society.

    Or I could just say fuck it, make some cash and not give a crap about the rest of the world. These people, the ones that say fuck it, are the biggest issue to me. They give up on trying to help or change because they feel they are only one person or, in some cases, are sociopaths lacking any empathy for anyone else.

    It is the sociopaths and pyscopaths that are, in my opinion, unable to be rehabilitated. There are also those with mental illness, be it low functioning bi-polars or special needs people (I don't want to name types of special needs as the only one I can think of is down syndrome and, quite honestly, there are some people with DS that are higher functioning than most of society) whose brains cannot register and retain certain information and must be helped on a daily basis to make good decisions. The rest CAN be rehabilitated.
  • You're fat . . .

    and why would someone tell you to fuck your Mom, is she hawt? :D
  • I didnt read the whole thread.

    Is it still cool to blaze?
  • as i said earlier we are not to hold each other to our words but the point we were trying to convey, so good that you clarify
    syphilaids wrote: »
    FIRST of all, DEMOCRACY doesn't support thai sex slaves, PEOPLE do.
    democracy is supposed to be run by the people.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    Although its shameful to find Canadians supporting this act, it doesn't mean our democratic government supports this.

    our government may not support it, but having the system the way it is definitely not only supports it but creates and sustains it.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    This can go with your Cause and Effect debate. If the Canadian didn't know the consequences for screwing a 11 year old boy, is he still not accountable?

    this is slightly out of context....if we don't help change society to not foster a murderer then we are just as guilty as the murder. society created the murderer. this boy is a part of society....so likely partially guilty.... he will likely aid in the selling of more children.
    syphilaids wrote: »

    This statement is completely out to left field. This is not even close to the point of my rant. I thought we were talking about National government, not World Issues.
    Providing clean water is a moral act for basic survival. You can't say I support one over the other when one is the effect of the other.

    for as long as you are at peace drinking your clean water, much of the world will have none. yes we can thank our lucky stars....but not our government. keep in mind, much of the water we drink (bottled) is provided by companies that thrive from stealing 3rd drinking water.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    The last statement you're talking about is about pet abuse and off topic.

    no it was an analogy. the criminal is the animal the punishment is the beating...it doesn't work....when we punish more who's the idiot...?

    syphilaids wrote: »
    Understanding cause and effect is a basic result of evolution.

    Society destroyed this effect....until we acknowledge that, people who don't respond to cause and effect will always confuse us. Also you have touched on religion here and more importantly 'the differences between animals and humans thread.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    Understanding cause and effect is a basic result of evolution. Just look at cows. They'll touch and electric fence once and learn that it fucking hurts and not do it again.

    the problem with society is sometimes when the cows touches the fence it gets food, and sometimes it gets shocked...and sometimes it get forced to touch the fence even though it doesn't want to. the cow goes nuts, and is blamed for his radical behavior.

    syphilaids wrote: »
    Humans are supposed to be one step above this. Being ignorant is not an excuse. Everyone is liable for their actions, regardless of their knowledge of the consequences.

    easier to say if you weren't raised by a child molester, or a drug addict, etc. etc.....if you weren't bullied or born with fetal alchohol........
    syphilaids wrote: »
    If I was really too stupid to even make an EFFORT to find out the consequences before I made questionable actions, I really hope someone out here would take me to a field and shoot me.

    My friend.......you were not not born with this ability, you inherited it...and were taught.....you are asking to be shot at 3 years old....when you had no choice to be smart or dumb....much like the criminal we debate about.....when you put yourself in their shoes...you use your own mind, not theirs, when you use their mind its plain to see its not their fault.
    syphilaids wrote: »
    This letter is about inner spirituality, not about traveling.
    There is no way you can comprehend another civilization without experiencing it. You can only guess.

    and just because you traveled there does not mean you comprehend it. But I will say when you follow the teachings from that book that excerpt came from, you will read the inner and outer are one and the same.
  • LOL at Canadian companies stealing fresh water from the Third world to sell here. Darb, the more you post, the more I shake my head. I am in no way responsible for the killing of someone than you are. The person who IS responsible is the person who did the deed.
    And you can get all philosophical about society creating the situation, or allowing it become created, but the truth is this:

    People are responsible for their actions. PERIOD. FULL STOP.

    Anything else is just sophistry.
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