
bill s-10......

K i gotta do this....

is anyone here 'for' bill s - 10?

does anyone not know about it?


  • I believe it is designed to impose certain mandatory minimum sentences for drug offences, including Marijuana. Also, it stiffens the penalties for other offences by moving some drugs from Schedule 3 offences to Schedule 1. It also seeks to impose stiffer mandatory sentencing when a weapon is involved in the commision of said crimes. That about sum it up, or am I missing anything?
  • Milo wrote: »
    That about sum it up, or am I missing anything?

    ya that the mandatory minimum for sharing a pot cookie is 2 years in jail....you could conceivably get more too....

    i gotta source the articles a little to get real specific but the laws are crazy.....

    are you indifferent to them Milo, or perhaps for them?
  • darbday wrote: »
    ya that the mandatory minimum for sharing a pot cookie is 2 years in jail....you could conceivably get more too....

    i gotta source the articles a little to get real specific but the laws are crazy.....

    are you indifferent to them Milo, or perhaps for them?

    Please read it before commenting.

  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Please read it before commenting.


    ive read it...please comment while commenting...
  • This is the way it should be.

    Drug dealers grow ops etc. 1st Conviction 10 yrs. THE WHOLE 10 YEARS no parole no SQUAT.

    2nd Conviction Life with No Parole.

    Gun offences. using a gun or any other weapon during the commission of an indictable offence
    1st conviction 20 yrs. 2nd LIFE NO PAROLE

    Murder. Automatic death sentence. Capitol punishment must come back.

    Canada should incorporate a 3 strike law. 3rd conviction ANY CRIMINAL OFFENCE . LIFE with no parole , none of this 25 year horse crap. :mad:
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    This is the way it should be.

    Drug dealers grow ops etc. 1st Conviction 10 yrs. THE WHOLE 10 YEARS no parole no SQUAT.

    Holy sh*t!......okay what about the people who just smoke a joint.....? surely they deserve the same punishment?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Holy sh*t!......okay what about the people who just smoke a joint.....? surely they deserve the same punishment?

    The bill does not cover Joe Dube.

    (i) to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year if

    (A) the person committed the offence for the benefit of, at the direction of or in association with a criminal organization, as defined in subsection 467.1(1) of the Criminal Code,

    (B) the person used or threatened to use violence in committing the offence,

    (C) the person carried, used or threat-ened to use a weapon in committing the offence, or

    (D) the person was convicted of a designated substance offence, or had served a term of imprisonment for a designated substance offence, within the previous 10 years, or

    (ii) to a minimum punishment of impris-onment for a term of two years if

    (A) the person committed the offence in or near a school, on or near school grounds or in or near any other public place usually frequented by persons under the age of 18 years,

    (B) the person committed the offence in a prison, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code, or on its grounds, or

    (C) the person used the services of a person under the age of 18 years, or involved such a person, in committing the offence;
  • btw this bill will never pass anyways.

    Just a lot posturing before a spring election
  • Since you asked, Darb, I am against the prohibition of narcotics. I believe that what an adult ingests is up to them.

    I believe that the massive amounts of capital spent in the War on Drugs can demonstrably be shown to have been wasted.

    Furthermore, I believe that the WoD has caused a serious erosion of our Civil Liberties.

    I would argue that the legalization of Marijuana in this country would be a sensible first step in creating a sensible drug policy. At the very least, complete and total decriminalization should be the way to go.
  • TLDR

    For the 957, 234th time.... deterrent approaches don't work. It's a bad idea.

  • Couldn't agree more Mark :)
  • It won't for the retards. of course. Maybe after 10 years at Millhaven or Collins Bay it Might.
    If you bring back the Death penalty I can guarantee the murdering bastards won't do it again .
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    It won't for the retards. of course. Maybe after 10 years at Millhaven or Collins Bay it Might.
    If you bring back the Death penalty I can guarantee the murdering bastards won't do it again .

    Holy fuck...

    Really? Really? Wow... just....


    Do a search for death penalty on this forum, not only did I prove it was a fucking STUPID GODDAMN idea... I did it in song! :)

    Read, thank me later.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Holy fuck...

    Really? Really? Wow... just....


    Do a search for death penalty, not only did I prove it was a fucking STUPID GODDAMN idea... I did it in song! :)

    Read, thank me later.


    Missing link?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    The bill does not cover Joe Dube.

    what i was alluding to though was if we punish the growers shouldn't we punish the smokers equally
    Hobbes wrote: »
    btw this bill will never pass anyways.

    Just a lot posturing before a spring election

    this you would know more than me about, i wouldn't have guessed that. now that it is being passed back down from the senate i would expect the house of commons to pass and implement it immediately. i hope your right though, i never thought of it....
  • I don't think we should punish any of 'em.

    HVEE, are you serious, or just being a grumpy arse?
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    For the 957, 234th time.... deterrent approaches don't work. It's a bad idea.


    Thought it was 957,236 . . . I may have miscounted, though . . . :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Since you asked, Darb, I am against the prohibition of narcotics. I believe that what an adult ingests is up to them.

    I believe that the massive amounts of capital spent in the War on Drugs can demonstrably be shown to have been wasted.

    Furthermore, I believe that the WoD has caused a serious erosion of our Civil Liberties.

    I would argue that the legalization of Marijuana in this country would be a sensible first step in creating a sensible drug policy. At the very least, complete and total decriminalization should be the way to go.

    this is where we have common ground then...

    we might agree that any sensible person would feel this way....

    but certainly we can show that the liberals presented study after study on real time applications of these law in other countries and that they absolutely lead to an increase in violent crime...

    and if we agree on that it seems obvious that the government is not acting on the peoples agenda but one of their own....

    is there not a fundamental flaw there?
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    If you bring back the Death penalty I can guarantee the murdering bastards won't do it again .

    i agree with your passion, however, when we get down to business, the death penalty may stop the person we kill but will not stop the number of murders, and will likely indirectly create more....
  • Milo wrote: »
    I don't think we should punish any of 'em.

    HVEE, are you serious, or just being a grumpy arse?

    me neither but i also believe they should be punished equally regardless.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Couldn't agree more Mark :)
    DrTyore wrote: »

    For the 957, 234th time.... deterrent approaches don't work. It's a bad idea.


    i guess the point for people who share this view is the government is doing a scary thing. they are making a law the people don't agree with. and for the people who agree with them, we can't say they are unintellegent and therefore don't get a vote....yet they are supporting an increase in crime and a decrease in civil liberty ???
  • Actually darb, I think most people would be in favour of this law. Most people have a visceral reaction to "crime", rather than a rational one.
    Whether something a government proposes matches the will of the people is not relevant, except when it comes to election time, and the people get to decide on those proposals.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Actually darb, I think most people would be in favour of this law. Most people have a visceral reaction to "crime", rather than a rational one.

    Whether something a government proposes matches the will of the people is not relevant, except when it comes to election time, and the people get to decide on those proposals.

    but knowing the facts its obvious this is harsh bad so there is something to be said about these people and the power they should have to vote and decide....

    do we get to decide on issues or just the people and what issues they support, i think its the latter but im asking cause i don't know for sure

    who is right may be up for debate in a liberty sense, but i believe this shows our system needs to be re evaluated.
  • Which system, though? Legal, or political, or both? I think our legal system could do with some tweaking, and I have never cared for our "first past the post" system much, but the idea of continual referendums to decide weighty issues is absurd, too.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Holy fuck...

    Really? Really? Wow... just....


    Do a search for death penalty on this forum, not only did I prove it was a fucking STUPID GODDAMN idea... I did it in song! :)

    Read, thank me later.


    You are entilted to this so called higher education point of view but it doesn't make you right or a bad idea. I am sick and tired of your demeaning posts and every given subject on this forum treating everyone who has an opinion different than your like some lower class citizen.

    Do you get it! If you want to committ a crime no law will prevent you from doing so, captial punishment, life sentences, 10 years with no chance of parole all acomplish the same thing. PUNISHMENT PERIOD. I have worked in the correctional services for a number of years, with rapist and murderer and the law meant nothing it had to be done, an exact quote. Who are the rapist and muderers that you have actually had to work with on a day in and day out basis? I doubt you even have ever personally known either. I would argue until you have your opinion is somewhat less than those of us who have worked int the system of corrections.

    Money is never an issue, our country is own by the likes of China so why should you care what the cost to put to death a serial rapist like paul bernardo or a child murderer like Clifford Olson.

    Your opinion is so educated there is no need to thank-you until you go to a jail were the murderers live and after 3 years tell me if you still have the same narrow minded opinion on this subject!

    By the way you should apologize to Ron

  • You are entilted to this so called higher education point of view but it doesn't make you right or a bad idea. I am sick and tired of your demeaning posts and every given subject on this forum treating everyone who has an opinion different than your like some lower class citizen.

    Do you get it! If you want to committ a crime no law will prevent you from doing so, captial punishment, life sentences, 10 years with no chance of parole all acomplish the same thing. PUNISHMENT PERIOD. I have worked in the correctional services for a number of years, with rapist and murderer and the law meant nothing it had to be done, an exact quote. Who are the rapist and muderers that you have actually had to work with on a day in and day out basis? I doubt you even have ever personally known either. I would argue until you have your opinion is somewhat less than those of us who have worked int the system of corrections.

    Money is never an issue, our country is own by the likes of China so why should you care what the cost to put to death a serial rapist like paul bernardo or a child murderer like Clifford Olson.

    Your opinion is so educated there is no need to thank-you until you go to a jail were the murderers live and after 3 years tell me if you still have the same narrow minded opinion on this subject!

    By the way you should apologize to Ron


    Brent I only treat people as second-class when they act that way.

    I posted proof, scientific, evidential facts that not only does the death penalty not serve to deter crime, it actually results in the rapists / murderers / etc getting out of jail SOONER than our current system. Violent crimes have been decreasing throughout my entire lifetime.

    As for working with the criminal element... you do remember what I do right? Rapists? Yup, Murderers, less so, but had a few attempted murderers. I don't need to qualify myself in this regard, I provided statistics! You could have a monkey displaying it, it doesn't change the validity.

    Though this has reminded me of a fantastic quote from the Big Bang Theory this week - "That's what I love about science, there's no one right answer" (blank stares / awkward silence follows).

    If Hveepoker is Ron, I don't owe him an apology, in this regard if he took a few simple moments to look up the efficacy of his "3 strike" idea, he'd see that in California, where this is in effect, it has resulted in a ridiculous situation of people serving years and years for simple possession offenses. Here, it sums it up in the first few pages... http://www.prisonpolicy.org/scans/sp/3strikes.pdf The crime rate dropped in California!!! About the same as it did nation-wide.... oops. And I don't think that it's a matter of being grumpy on Hvee's part either, he has a history of incredibly ignorant postings.

    Am I pro drug? Fuck no, hate em. I'm just anti-stupidity.

  • Milo wrote: »
    Which system, though? Legal, or political, or both?.

    because the government decides and controls the legal system, it would be more fundamental and thorough to change the government side first.
    Milo wrote: »
    have never cared for our "first past the post" system much

    don't really know what its is (not exactly), just wiki'ed it though
    Milo wrote: »
    the idea of continual referendums to decide weighty issues is absurd, too.

    When we talk about what would and wouldn't work i think we've gone to far too fast.

    The first insight that needs to be realized is our system is fundamentally flawed meaning it can't possibly work for what we designed it for....this isn't the view the major pop takes.....we generally believe the system is 'freedom' and the only fair way....but its certainly not fair nor free.

    As for a continuing referendum although not a perfect solution one idea would be to hold it on the internet we're we can easily present topics where voting is easy and accessible to everyone (as well as an instant database to count it and categorize it), there are many issues to this but its something that wasn't possible when we created our electoral system, there are flaws but their is potential, the more the people get to decide the less the government can pull stupid shit on us.

    What we need is an idea, but at the moment no one searches for an idea...when we don't like things the government gives us a vote, much like a present we get on our big brothers birthday to keep us from getting jealous.

    Elections and referendums are the oldest sales trick in the book, do you want him or him, this or that...you get fixated on the choices and forget about the system....

    its called freedom because we get a choice, but the choice hardly effects anything....

    further more when you break a vote into 13 million parts you can hardly say your vote counts as its a 13 millionth of a part. Although technically fair the person who's vote really counts is the one who can sway the majority to their view, and they don't usually even get a ballot....and they usually have the most money, and the most upper class connection lines
  • Milo wrote: »
    I don't think we should punish any of 'em.

    HVEE, are you serious, or just being a grumpy arse?

    Legalize Marijuana and and tax the shit out of it. If you get caught selling it and don't have a licence to do so. Off to Collins BAY for 10 years.

    Personally I don't touch the stuff, and No I am not being a grumpy arse.

    Take away Parole for some of these offences and put harsh extreme sentences
    on what I have mentioned and believe me the occurrences will drop DRASTICALLY.

    They did in CALIFORNIA after the three strike law was enacted.
    Spousal abuse dropped after drastically after a Zero tolerance policy and the fact the 100k in cash would have to be paid for bail.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Legalize Marijuana and and tax the shit out of it. If you get caught selling it and don't have a licence to do so. Off to Collins BAY for 10 years.

    Personally I don't touch the stuff, and No I am not being a grumpy arse.

    Take away Parole for some of these offences and put harsh extreme sentences
    on what I have mentioned and believe me the occurrences will drop DRASTICALLY.

    They did in CALIFORNIA after the three strike law was enacted.
    Spousal abuse dropped after drastically after a Zero tolerance policy and the fact the 100k in cash would have to be paid for bail.

    Am I on your blocked list? You're using "evidence" that I JUST posted contrary to. I mean, like, science evidence.


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    in California, where this is in effect, it has resulted in a ridiculous situation of people serving years and years for simple possession offenses.


    This is where we mention the privatization of prisons and the huge profits to be made...

    DrTyore wrote: »

    Am I pro drug? Fuck no, hate em. I'm just anti-stupidity.


    we'll do a what is intelligence thread next
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