West Side Poker Club October 23, 2010



  • do you have space for 1 more?
  • Yeaaaaaaa.

    I just woke up.

    GL all!
  • Looks like it's gonna be an AMAZING DAY. Unfortunately I am in the same boat as MOOSE or I would be there for sure.
    GL and enjoy everyone.
  • Just about to start with about 70 players in the room.
  • So ticked, I didnt make it home in time to play today... GL Everyone
  • Thanks for doing this guys - had fun evn if I did run my 6s into the dealers's THIRD pocket As (they held all three times too, lucky bugger!)^-^

    Poor hubby though: not happy to lose a decent stack to K8 even if it is sooooted...but...that's poker.

    Looking forward to next time, we will be there for sure.

    Curious to know how everyone did.


  • Thanks Al, Brent, Cam and all who helped make it happen. Had a great time. Was running fairly well and was poised to make a push until my 1010 AI PF got rivered by AJo and was crippled. Out just before we collapsed to three tables.
    Such is poker. Was fun though. I haven't played live in a while and I was lucky to be at a table with some good people. Thanks again.

  • Good time as always Brent, Cam and Al. I really never got anything going, got 42K and one point but that was it, finished 22nd. Good news was Helmuths Mole waited for me to bust out so we could play our scheduled Bristol HU semifinal. Thanks for that Chris, appreciate not having to drive to Cambridge or KW on some other day to get it done. Details of that in the Bristol HU thread.
  • I had fun as well, had my pocket kings busted by 57off all because of an "ooops" call when he thought I limped :( But I made my money back in the cash game so all is well! haha Thanks for running it, lots of awesome people and the only person I talked to was ddmilcan or oilcan or something who was beside me at the cash game for a bit
  • What a great day !! First off, thank you Cam, Brent and AL for making the day run very smoothly. It is quite a chore to keep that many poker players organized but you guys made it look easy.

    Everyone I played with today was awesome !! No attitudes, no arguaments, all great fun. And Happy made the final table, he was, as always, very entertaining to play with. As for results, I played short stack for most of the day until the final table when I had, at one point, 1/3 of the chips in play.

    When it got down to three players, we agreed on an equal chop as we all had about the same amount of chips ($500k).

    Again, great day, good poker and awesome people. See you at the next event (I think its AJ's on the 6th of November)
  • West Side Poker comes back strong . . . as if there was any doubt. A great day of cards, and a great chance to meet up with some internet friends . . . Thanks to all involved in a great day of poker.
  • Return to West Side; Cole's Notes Trip Report

    Garry arrives ontime, with new friend who introduces himself as the Asian Daniel Negreanu. BRAG
    Milo arrives late. Beat
    Pick up Lord Phan. Brag
    Garry insists on a Timmies stop, but refuses to buy for all. Beat
    On the road to West Side finally. Brag
    Garry insists on Timmies stop in Guelph. Beat
    I have to piss like a race horse anyway. Brag
    On the road to West Side finally. Brag
    Arrive to see cash game set up already. Brag
    Can't play yet as I have to meet with Al in a few minutes. Beat
    Get some congratulations on my Ching Hill Victory. Brag
    Get laughed at by how freakin close I was to losing it again. Beat
    To Darryl. Beat
    Darryl not here yet. Weird, but got time. Brag
    Dealer's meeting with Al. Al is in a freaking SUIT and TIE. Brag
    Most questions answered by Al, the professional looking TD Brag
    My question remains unanswered Beat
    Get table assignments and everyone sits down, Al starts with the rules. Brag
    Everyone told the bar is CLOSED. It was a last minute notification from the owners of the club. Beat
    Happy isn't Happy Brag
    Tournament hosts offer to drive to down to pick up softdrinks, water, and snacks. Brag
    Happy asks for a beer run. Beat
    Happy gets beer. Brag
    Happy is Happy all day long. Beat/Brag
    Mario is assigned to my table. Brag
    Mario gets moved before the tournament starts. Beat
    Tournament starts. Brag
    Recruit Dataman Al, the TD, to Team Ching Hill for the Royal Cup. BRAG!!!
    Get text from Garry saying Wetts slept in and won't make it out. Beat
    Someone else now has a chance to win this thing. Brag
    No cards. No game. I'm out. Beat
    Two cash tables. Brag
    Cam is dealing main cash table. Beat
    Sid is dealing second cash table. Brag
    I play second cash table. Brag
    Most Ching Hill plays at second cash table. Brag
    I play loose for a change. Brag
    Profit almost $400. Brag
    Value bet Asian Daniel Negreanu on last hand with nut flush by telling him I didn't think he hit his flush. Brag
    Garry insists on Timmies stop on way home. Beat
    Drive home, bragging all the way. Brag
    Get home to find Garry left his PokerStars travel coffee mug at my place. Brag
    Tell wife I'm up almost $400 Brag
    Wife says we need to go shopping BEAT!

    It was a great day. West Side returned perfectly! Al was a great TD, and Brent and Cam both had things well under control. It was great to see everyone again, and hope to see you all soon. Can't wait for the next West Side event.
  • Big ups to Brent and Al for a great day! Even though there was one major hiccup (no bar??!) they still brought off a great day of poker for everybody involved. It was great to put a few faces to CPF names. I even managed to wrangle into 8th place! Woot! Thanks to Highflyer for cheering me on! Sorry I couldn't go deeper for ya!

    I'd also like to thank my fellow dealers for the day. Playing a tournament and dealing every hand is not an easy thing to do, so show them some love! Good work everyone!
  • Thanks to all that came out. It was a great day of poker, with most people playing friendly all day long.

    I did want to point out AJ that you're notes are COLES notes. There are way too few spelling and grammatical errors to be COLE'S notes.

    Added brag and warning: I sent Cole to talk to Compuease since Cole said he can't sign into the site. Everyone's favorite mis-speller is coming back!!
  • Cole is comming bak?

    Kewl . . .
  • Oh yea and Happy was the guy that beat me with the 5 7 haha
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Return to West Side; Cole's Notes Trip Report

    Garry arrives ontime, with new friend who introduces himself as the Asian Daniel Negreanu. BRAG
    Milo arrives late. Beat
    Pick up Lord Phan. Brag
    Garry insists on a Timmies stop, but refuses to buy for all. Beat
    On the road to West Side finally. Brag
    Garry insists on Timmies stop in Guelph. Beat
    I have to piss like a race horse anyway. Brag
    On the road to West Side finally. Brag
    Arrive to see cash game set up already. Brag
    Can't play yet as I have to meet with Al in a few minutes. Beat
    Get some congratulations on my Ching Hill Victory. Brag
    Get laughed at by how freakin close I was to losing it again. Beat
    To Darryl. Beat
    Darryl not here yet. Weird, but got time. Brag
    Dealer's meeting with Al. Al is in a freaking SUIT and TIE. Brag
    Most questions answered by Al, the professional looking TD Brag
    My question remains unanswered Beat
    Get table assignments and everyone sits down, Al starts with the rules. Brag
    Everyone told the bar is CLOSED. It was a last minute notification from the owners of the club. Beat
    Happy isn't Happy Brag
    Tournament hosts offer to drive to down to pick up softdrinks, water, and snacks. Brag
    Happy asks for a beer run. Beat
    Happy gets beer. Brag
    Happy is Happy all day long. Beat/Brag
    Mario is assigned to my table. Brag
    Mario gets moved before the tournament starts. Beat
    Tournament starts. Brag
    Recruit Dataman Al, the TD, to Team Ching Hill for the Royal Cup. BRAG!!!
    Get text from Garry saying Wetts slept in and won't make it out. Beat
    Someone else now has a chance to win this thing. Brag
    No cards. No game. I'm out. Beat
    Two cash tables. Brag
    Cam is dealing main cash table. Beat
    Sid is dealing second cash table. Brag
    I play second cash table. Brag
    Most Ching Hill plays at second cash table. Brag
    I play loose for a change. Brag
    Profit almost $400. Brag
    Value bet Asian Daniel Negreanu on last hand with nut flush by telling him I didn't think he hit his flush. Brag
    Garry insists on Timmies stop on way home. Beat
    Drive home, bragging all the way. Brag
    Get home to find Garry left his PokerStars travel coffee mug at my place. Brag
    Tell wife I'm up almost $400 Brag
    Wife says we need to go shopping BEAT!

    It was a great day. West Side returned perfectly! Al was a great TD, and Brent and Cam both had things well under control. It was great to see everyone again, and hope to see you all soon. Can't wait for the next West Side event.

    Pretty much accurate except that I was NOT late. Also, AJ was incessantly trying to have his chauffer (me) "lose" Garry on the way to the event.
    Cash game was very good to the Ching Hillers present. I am thinking of adopting Sid . . . and would almost be willing to sponsor him to deal in the Ching Hill SET next week.

    Did have the unusual pleasure of learning a new way to save tournament chips, though, courtesy of a Milton Rock. The move works like this:
    Preflop raise, one caller.
    Bet/call on the flop.
    Bet/call on the turn, but then you muck your cards after dealing the river.
    After the river goes check/check, your opponent shows the winning KK, as you realize that your pocket JJ was "expertly" mucked to save chips.

    wp, Slim . . .
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Thanks to all that came out. It was a great day of poker, with most people playing friendly all day long.

    I did want to point out AJ that you're notes are COLES notes. There are way too few spelling and grammatical errors to be COLE'S notes.

    Added brag and warning: I sent Cole to talk to Compuease since Cole said he can't sign into the site. Everyone's favorite mis-speller is coming back!!
    Sure the Grammer , Slammer , Bammer Police will read and post all of the errors. lol
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Sure the Grammer , Slammer , Bammer Police will read and post all of the errors. lol
    Full time job IMO..
    He hasn't contacted me as yet..
  • Thanks for the kind words everyone it was a great day! Full report on Monday. I can barely move right now.

    Prophet 22
  • Man, I wish I had of played. I had a wedding to go to and I HATE weddings!

    AJs post was awesome!
    djgolfcan makes it into the money again? This guy is a cashing machine!
    Wetts slept in? Surprised no one has called him a chicken yet.

    can't wait for the next West Side event!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Pretty much accurate except that I was NOT late. Also, AJ was incessantly trying to have his chauffer (me) "lose" Garry on the way to the event.
    Cash game was very good to the Ching Hillers present. I am thinking of adopting Sid . . . and would almost be willing to sponsor him to deal in the Ching Hill SET next week.

    Did have the unusual pleasure of learning a new way to save tournament chips, though, courtesy of a Milton Rock. The move works like this:
    Preflop raise, one caller.
    Bet/call on the flop.
    Bet/call on the turn, but then you muck your cards after dealing the river.
    After the river goes check/check, your opponent shows the winning KK, as you realize that your pocket JJ was "expertly" mucked to save chips.

    wp, Slim . . .
    mucked the winning hand (split) in the cash game!

    Too excited being back at Westside!

    Great Day though!

    Milton Slim
  • West Side Poker Club would like to thank everyone who came to our event on Saturday, with out you the players it wouldn't be the great success that it was. As with life there are always suprizes. We get to the hall and find out we are locked out of the basement. This causes some refreshment problems when you are expecting 100 people. Then we were missing a couple of dealers and with no warning I asked Johnnie H and Mario to step in because I trusted their ablity to control the table. We would be grateful to have you both on the list for the next tournament.Thanks to everyone who helped with the clean up along, one guy complained to me someone thru out his pizza box and he still had six slices left.

    The results for the tournament as follows for 79 entries:

    Ken "Coach" 900.00
    Devon "Djgolfcan" 900.00
    Dan "Sannitig" 900.00
    Adam "Happy420" 350.00
    Dennis "Mr. Baseball" 240.00
    Graham 190.00
    Steve "Hellfire436" 150.00
    JohnnieH 120.00
    Don "AikiDon" 90.00

    Congradulations to everyone who made the money. Also we had two people cash out 600.00 in the ring game.
    We are looking forward to the next event in Feb\March in 2011 probably at a new hall.

    Thanks again, have a safe holiday and happy new year. Til next time.

    West Side Poker Club
  • I assume this means Adam came up short of the Bounty record?

    +1 for the cash game quality, too. One of the big cashes was a Ching Hiller . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    +1 for the cash game quality, too. One of the big cashes was a Ching Hiller . . .

    Thanks for the great tournament and very happy for Westside to be back.

    The cash game was great! Went fairly well for most people from the Hill from what I saw. I know AJ and I both were very happy with it :).
  • Milo wrote: »
    I assume this means Adam came up short of the Bounty record?

    +1 for the cash game quality, too. One of the big cashes was a Ching Hiller . . .

    Yes, i forgot to mention that Happy announced that he was going for the bounty record at West Side which is 14. He took a guy out with a 4 2 flush, put ended his bounty streak when he folded QQ with a chance for 2 more bounties and then was eliminated himself. Record still intact.

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