West Side Poker Club October 23, 2010



  • hi I signed up a few days ago and do not see my name on the list. I will be there.
  • If possible I'd like to sign up with the hopes of making it out. Unfortunately my schedule lately has been of the "fly by the seat of my pants" variety. If you can accept my tentativeness I'd love to have a chance to play if possible.

    Also would need directions.
  • I'd like to play, but I'm not sure if I can get there and back. Can you PM me an address?
    I'd also like to know how late these have run in the past if possible.
  • The list has been update with the cancellations and new people. If you are wondering look for your name throughout the list. Also i have given the address out to those who have needed them. If you still need directions please ask.

    Also, the most important thing is this, do not be late if you plan on coming, not only lose the 5k bonus but it will make it very hectic try to seat people while Al is giving directions and then starting the tournament at 12:30pm

    Also, the ring game will start at 10:00am sharp. It will be rake free for the first 20 min. I have 4 people on the list who have asked about it. I have room for a total of 10 players.

  • add me to the list please.
  • Hey can I get on the cash list as well... ill be there for 10!

  • sign me up plz

  • I work until 10am now, so I won't be able to make it for the cash game anymore.....if I show up a little early is that OK? I work in Cambridge and will probably go for a bite to eat and than head out there as I live in Hamilton and no point going home!
  • For all those who signed up for the ring game please pm me your real name if possible. Also look throughout the list for your name. I am constantly andding and subtracting names so people have a realistic idea of the true number for the tournament. If you don't see your name send me a pm and I will include it. the address has been sent to all whom have asked for it. Again if i missed you please ask again. google is a great tool. punch in th address and your address it will give you turn by turn directions.

  • Doors will open at 9:45am for ring game and stay open. Registration for tournament begins at 11:00am. Bonus shuts down when the clock strikes ZERO.

    We thank you.

    West Side Poker Club
  • Sign me up please Brent. Looks like I can actually make it out. Could you please pm me the directions, I've only made it out to this location once before I believe and that was several years ago.


  • Is there a cap on entrants for this tourney? Simply curious.
  • hey brent,
    sry but the 2 friends i had comming won';t be able to make it.
    thought i'd let you know so you could free up 2 spots
    i'm still in though.
    thx cya sat.
  • Sorry, but something has come up and i can't make this. Count me in for the next one for sure
  • Hey all heading out golfing for the day 10;15 tee time won't have time to check the computer til after 7pm no jokes please all are welcomed tomorrow. Jeff if you see anyone asking for directions can you help me out by pm them with the directions for me

    we the few cancellations we should have a tournament of 100 players

  • Hey all heading out golfing for the day 10;15 tee time won't have time to check the computer til after 7pm

    8.75 hrs? Front 9 or Back 9?
    no jokes please

    Am I joking??
  • Sign me up! PM me the address please :).
  • Sign me up! PM me the address please :).

    Hey Dan...if you want to meet at my place by 10am, you can take the short bus with me and Milo.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hey Dan...if you want to meet at my place by 10am, you can take the short bus with me and Milo.

    Thanks AJ, but I am going to be seeing someone later in the evening and likely stay over night in Waterloo. So I will have to drive myself up there, see you @ the tourny! :)
  • Can't wait for this tomorrow! Looks like a very tough field, but i think it will be a good day!

    I'll be wearing my lucky Blue Jays jersey, feel free to introduce yourselves!
  • No babysitting so I am out. gl al.
  • i can't make it.
  • Myself +1(maybe) directions or address to gps if possible :) thanks
  • Sorry Brent, I gotta miss this one.
  • Sending pm
    Myself +1(maybe) directions or address to gps if possible :) thanks
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Sending pm

    Al, can you please send directions to HIGHFLYER as well. He emailed last night saying he needed them. Tx
  • See you just gone 10:00, AJ . . . .

    oboyoboyoboyoboyoboy . . .
  • Cam and I are on our way to the hall.. yes we are in town already. look forward to seeing everyone soon.

  • See you all there soon. I'm also heading out. If you don't know me, come say hi. I'm the old dude with the black fedora hat. Then proceed to donk off your chips to me...:)

    and if I deal you a bad beat, sorry, I may have done it a few times before...
  • Psssshhhht . . . all you West Side rookies, just wait for comp to doze off. Then steal his chips with impunity. Works almost every time . . .
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