305?!?!?! Omfg!!!



  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Progress Report; Week 1
    Same scale, approx same time of day....289
    loss of 16lbs

    That's what I'm talkin' about! CONGRATS!!!

    Since no one started Pokerforum Fatboy Challenge (Ah Hum, joeheartsdi)

    AJ weight loss pool?

    awe come on, guys, Ching takes the summer off!

    Thursday's I have sorting my sock drawer as my excitement

    Milton "Wanna Be" Slim

    i was in panama for the week , my bad ! :)
  • Wow...never used the LAST hole in a belt before!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wow...never used the LAST hole in a belt before!

    FUCKING SWEET! I love that feeling! Everyone says buying new pants is the best part. No no no. As a long time fat guy, I know you can stretch, alter and defy the laws of pants without others knowing. Belts are the ultimate in truth about waistlines. If you have to add holes, everyone knows. If you end up being able to wrap it around you twice, EVERYONE KNOWS :)

    Keep it up! And get on with the walking! Btw, as bad as smoking is for you, think of your diet similar to what a woman is going thru in pregnancy. You've got so much change going on right now that to alter something that big in your lifestyle might actually cause more problems.
  • There are two pregnant women in the office at this time, and both have noticed the 20lbs before anyone else has. I guess they notice that kind of thing when they seem to be getting bigger and waddling around. Told them both we they come back from maternity, may not recognize me ;)

    Smoking is the vice my doctor wanted me to tackle first, but its a tough one to get ahold of. One thing at a time, we'll see how things go when I hit my target.

    Ever notice how when all you eat is salad...you notice the flavours more? Couldn't tell you what a cauliflower tasted like although I've eaten it in the past...but now, makes a salad a treat.
  • I didn't read much of the first couple of pages, but something that maybe wasn't mentioned....

    A good body cleanse while doing the lifestyle change is very good as well. Get rid of the toxins that are being stored in your body....they make the weight loss more difficult...Isagenix is a good one, and they have different programs to suit all needs.

    The other thing, and I am sure someone has mentioned it...but you really shouldn't be so much concerned about the weight (though it is one of the easiest indicators), so much as size, and body fat....a small workout/exercise regime will burn up calories/burn off fat.. and keep your muscle mass.

    Good luck sir, and I applaud your efforts!!

    I will have to do the same when it is time to start getting rid of this sympathy weight... :)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    There are two pregnant women in the office at this time, and both have noticed the 20lbs before anyone else has. I guess they notice that kind of thing when they seem to be getting bigger and waddling around. Told them both we they come back from maternity, may not recognize me ;)

    Smoking is the vice my doctor wanted me to tackle first, but its a tough one to get ahold of. One thing at a time, we'll see how things go when I hit my target.

    Ever notice how when all you eat is salad...you notice the flavours more? Couldn't tell you what a cauliflower tasted like although I've eaten it in the past...but now, makes a salad a treat.

    If smoking is the biggest vice, I would personally say don't do it first. If it's that big of a problem, you're going to be much more stressed/worried about trying to solve it than this eating/working out/losing weight deal. By doing this, you're able to show yourself that you have control, you are in charge and you make your own decisions. When you take control of this, you'll know that you can take control of anything to do with you. The doc is right that you need to stop smoking, but you have to believe you can do it first. This will help you believe.
  • Progress Report; Week 3
    Same scale, approx same time of day....280
    loss of 6 lbs, total loss to date 25 lbs

    That's the first 25lbs!!! I'm using the last hole in my belt, and the pants and shirts are starting to hang just a little bit. Starting to feel good about the changes too.

    Met with the dietician last weekend. Her scale put me at 279, so may be some variance between scales, but I'm not too worried about that. She did say I was eating breakfast way too late, and need to eat before I leave for work instead of three or four hours later. So now I'm takign the time in the morning to have a bowl of low fat ceral and a piece of fruit. Also, she is encouraging me to eat more often during the day. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, then a full dinner. Nothing after 7pm whatsoever other than water. Apparently, the human body's metabolism shuts down at around that time, and anything you put into your body after that does absolutely nothing but turn to stored fat. She is also encouraging me to eat some bread and potatoe again, although very little. A sandwich at lunch with my salad, and a small to medium potatoe or other carb with my dinner. She highly recommends sweet pototoe over white potatoe too, and I just happen to love sweet potatoe. :D

    The only thing I'm having an issue with with her recommendations on the initial visit is my coffee. No cream or whitener at all, must use 1% or nothing. And she wants me to cut back on the sugar. Now, I can actually drink coffee black, but without sugar?? Tough one...we agreed that would try 1.5 to 1 for now.

    Started walking as well. Have taken the dog on a couple of half hour walks so far, and the goal to so about 3 to 4 times a week for now. Its rather relaxing too, giving me time to think through issues that pop up during the day.

    So far so good...starting to see a glimmer of light at the 240 mark in the far off distance.
  • Timmies is a killer. Just stand there for a few minutes and listen to the people ordering double double, triple triple and so on. People are addicted to the high fat content in Tim Horton's cream. The coffee itself sucks and is usually very low rated. Even McDonald's serves better quality coffee, but the fat content in the cream is not as high and that's what people are addicted to.

    From the TH website, an XL double double is 280 CAL and 14g of fat, 9g of Sat. fat, 60 mg of salt and 34 g of carbs, and 34 g of sugar.

    By comparison 250 ml Coke is 110 CAL, 30 mg of salt, 30 g of carbs, and 30 g of sugar. So if you think Coke is bad for you, you would have to drink almost 3/4 L of Coke just to get the same calories.

    And a TH apple fritter has only 11g of fat and 16g of sugar. Yes you would be better off stuffing your face with a fritter than drinking that double double.
  • moose wrote: »
    Timmies is a killer. Just stand there for a few minutes and listen to the people ordering double double, triple triple and so on. People are addicted to the high fat content in Tim Horton's cream. The coffee itself sucks and is usually very low rated. Even McDonald's serves better quality coffee, but the fat content in the cream is not as high and that's what people are addicted to.

    From the TH website, an XL double double is 280 CAL and 14g of fat, 9g of Sat. fat, 60 mg of salt and 34 g of carbs, and 34 g of sugar.

    By comparison 250 ml Coke is 110 CAL, 30 mg of salt, 30 g of carbs, and 30 g of sugar. So if you think Coke is bad for you, you would have to drink almost 3/4 L of Coke just to get the same calories.

    And a TH apple fritter has only 11g of fat and 16g of sugar. Yes you would be better off stuffing your face with a fritter than drinking that double double.

    Knew there had to be SOMETHING in a timmies that was addictive. There are so many that can't seem to drive anywhere without getting a timmies. Always thought it was the coffee, but sounds like its the cream that's laced with addictive compounds.

    I normally don't go to TH. Make my own coffee for the most part, or get it off the coffee truck at work. Have no idea what he uses for cream/milk, what ever is cheapest I imagine.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    That's the first 25lbs!!! I'm using the last hole in my belt, and the pants and shirts are starting to hang just a little bit. Starting to feel good about the changes too.


    Not eating anything after 7pm is a HUGE deal when trying to CHANGE YOUR DIETARY LIFESTYLE. When you get hungry at 7:30, it's your bodies way of asking "Are we going to eat something, or should I just take some fat off your ass?"
    moose wrote: »
    Timmies is a killer. Just stand there for a few minutes and listen to the people ordering double double, triple triple and so on. People are addicted to the high fat content in Tim Horton's cream. The coffee itself sucks and is usually very low rated. Even McDonald's serves better quality coffee, but the fat content in the cream is not as high and that's what people are addicted to.

    From the TH website, an XL double double is 280 CAL and 14g of fat, 9g of Sat. fat, 60 mg of salt and 34 g of carbs, and 34 g of sugar.

    By comparison 250 ml Coke is 110 CAL, 30 mg of salt, 30 g of carbs, and 30 g of sugar. So if you think Coke is bad for you, you would have to drink almost 3/4 L of Coke just to get the same calories.

    And a TH apple fritter has only 11g of fat and 16g of sugar. Yes you would be better off stuffing your face with a fritter than drinking that double double.

    I had no idea that TH coffee was that bad. That explains a few things. In any case, I'm DONE with Tim Hortons. The last coffee I had there was absolutely terrible. If anybody calls me Un-Canadian, F YOU, They're owned by Wendys, Inc.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I had no idea that TH coffee was that bad. That explains a few things. In any case, I'm DONE with Tim Hortons. The last coffee I had there was absolutely terrible. If anybody calls me Un-Canadian, F YOU, They're owned by Wendys, Inc.

    Funny article the other day about which coffee companies in Canada that stated which one had the most caffeine. They ranked in this order (from my memory, these were for larges. They listed it for all sizes at each place):

    Second Cup - 425mg
    Starbucks - 380mg
    Timothy's - 360mg
    Tim Horton's - 125mg

    So if you're trying to get a little more awake, Tim's is not the place to go.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Funny article the other day about which coffee companies in Canada that stated which one had the most caffeine. They ranked in this order (from my memory, these were for larges. They listed it for all sizes at each place):

    Second Cup - 425mg
    Starbucks - 380mg
    Timothy's - 360mg
    Tim Horton's - 125mg

    So if you're trying to get a little more awake, Tim's is not the place to go.

    Did it say anything about Williams? There's a new one close to my building (@WLU) and I now go there instead of TH. The coffee is way, way better! I only get a medium (which is the same size as TR Large) but I did notice the caffeine was much stronger. It also tastes better (ie..like coffee), is FAIR TRADE, cheaper by .12c and they have a stamper card. Every 10th coffee is FREE! Pretty sweet!
  • glad to hear the diet is going well AJ. Haven't read this thread for a while. Sounds like you took some of my advice. The carbs are the real killer. You probably are at the stage now where you don't miss them and you probably enjoy your food more since the food you are eating has more flavour. Now that you are down 25, don't start to slack off because its too easy to get back into old habits.

    Funny you mention the belts because when I started to put on some weight I bought a couple new belts and recently went back to the store to get some new smaller holes punched :)
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    You probably are at the stage now where you don't miss them and you probably enjoy your food more since the food you are eating has more flavour.

    Actually, the food I am eating IS tasting rather well. Surprised by that really. Its nothing I haven't eaten before, but I do notice the flavours a lot more.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    Now that you are down 25, don't start to slack off because its too easy to get back into old habits.

    Have no intention of that. Like I said, I can see the faintest glimmer of my first target, but its still a long way off. Determined to get there.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    Funny you mention the belts because when I started to put on some weight I bought a couple new belts and recently went back to the store to get some new smaller holes punched :)

    You know what's even better than that? Out playing poker last Saturday at CrazyKoby's game and he mentioned that I'm indeed looking better. Great when the people you know see the change and compliment too. :)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Progress Report; Week 3
    Same scale, approx same time of day....280
    loss of 6 lbs, total loss to date 25 lbs

    That's the first 25lbs!!! I'm using the last hole in my belt, and the pants and shirts are starting to hang just a little bit. Starting to feel good about the changes too.

    Met with the dietician last weekend. Her scale put me at 279, so may be some variance between scales, but I'm not too worried about that. She did say I was eating breakfast way too late, and need to eat before I leave for work instead of three or four hours later. So now I'm takign the time in the morning to have a bowl of low fat ceral and a piece of fruit. Also, she is encouraging me to eat more often during the day. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, then a full dinner. Nothing after 7pm whatsoever other than water. Apparently, the human body's metabolism shuts down at around that time, and anything you put into your body after that does absolutely nothing but turn to stored fat. She is also encouraging me to eat some bread and potatoe again, although very little. A sandwich at lunch with my salad, and a small to medium potatoe or other carb with my dinner. She highly recommends sweet pototoe over white potatoe too, and I just happen to love sweet potatoe. :D

    The only thing I'm having an issue with with her recommendations on the initial visit is my coffee. No cream or whitener at all, must use 1% or nothing. And she wants me to cut back on the sugar. Now, I can actually drink coffee black, but without sugar?? Tough one...we agreed that would try 1.5 to 1 for now.

    Started walking as well. Have taken the dog on a couple of half hour walks so far, and the goal to so about 3 to 4 times a week for now. Its rather relaxing too, giving me time to think through issues that pop up during the day.

    So far so good...starting to see a glimmer of light at the 240 mark in the far off distance.

    This has me thinking for some reason. What about people who work nights and sleep during the day, everything they eat is just stored fat. Or is this going by your time schedule.

    Also congrats on the big 25. Not easy to do and you seem to have stuck with it quite well. Good work, your an inspiration to us all ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You know what's even better than that? Out playing poker last Saturday at CrazyKoby's game and he mentioned that I'm indeed looking better. Great when the people you know see the change and compliment too. :)

    Why wife always complains that I am too skinny... she likes the chunky jah.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Why wife always complains that I am too skinny... she likes the chunky jah.

    Now that's something I will NEVER hear from my wife.
  • This has me thinking for some reason. What about people who work nights and sleep during the day, everything they eat is just stored fat. Or is this going by your time schedule.

    I would expect it how your body's clock is organized. If you're day is starting at dusk and ending at midday, then your body adjusts to the most active time schedule you are in. How those who work rotating shifts adjust, I have no idea. By the time your body adjust to one shift, you change it all over again. Would drive me crazy.
  • Yeah thats what I would think, so just wondering what time does your day usually start and end, just want to see and compare to my own to make an estimation as to what time my motablism would shut down.
  • I'm up at 5:30 most mornings, maybe 6:30 on weekends, and I crash around 10pm...willing or not. Sometimes, its a struggle to stay up past 9pm. Sign of getting old I think.

    Weird, in my early to mid 20's, I could stay out drinking and partying until 3 or 4 am, crash for a couple of hours, get up to go to work for 7, and then continue drinking/partying until the wee hours the next day. No way in hell I can keep that schedule anymore.

    I miss my youth.
  • Maybe the weight loss will help with that, Im young and the only time I can stay up late is if im at a poker table, I could probably play for 36 hours, as I played for 24 hours last week and felt like I could go longer.
    I just hope when Im older I can still hold my own like the great doyle haha.
  • Congrats AJ

    or should we call you

    Chinguacousy Slim:):)
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Chinguacousy Slim:):)

    Quite a long way to that nickname sticking...but its a future goal ;)
  • Progress Report; Week 4
    Same scale, approx same time of day....280
    loss of 0 lbs, total loss to date 25 lbs

    WHAT THE HELL??? Nothing?? I've lost nothing this past week? You're kidding me, right??

    Disappointing to be sure. Over the weekend, my stepsons and I spent the entire weekend tearing down and replacing the old fence on my property in the rain. It was a lot harder work than we expected, even with the post hole digger (which btw, if you never used one, can be a tool from hell when it catches a rock or tree root). I'll admit, Saturday night dinner was a bit heavier than my normal dinners of late, and I did have one single beer on the weekend, but come on...it couldn't have made that much of a change that I didn't lose a fucking pound.

    Mind you, at the request of both my doctor and dietician, I have reintroduced potatoes and bread in my diet, but nothing...NOTHING like before June 1! The amount of potatoe on my plate is barely noticeable with the veggies, and I've had maybe four slices of bread this past week and one wrap. Have had no junk whatsoever, not even popcorn or softdrink, and the only fluid I've had other than that one beer has been water. I'm not even eating white pototoes or white bread...its been yams/sweet potatoes and ancient grain bread!

    Not sure if I should expect weeks of no loss or not. Not sure its normal, but it will be discussed with the professionals I'm seeing, count on it.
  • Yeah thats what I would think, so just wondering what time does your day usually start and end, just want to see and compare to my own to make an estimation as to what time my motablism would shut down.

    this is why i don't believe in this, on top of this what if you work out at night, you can't let your body starve as it searches for protein...
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Not sure if I should expect weeks of no loss or not. Not sure its normal, but it will be discussed with the professionals I'm seeing, count on it.

    its perfectly normally to have big gains at the start and then slow down. usually you lose some fat in the beginning then if your getting any exercise and a decent diet you still lose fat but put on some muscle. soon if you keep working out you will still gain muscle but the basic caloric requirements of your body will be higher, so you will burn more fat naturally and the fat will burn off faster. you should be losing weight and plateauing losing weight and plateauing etc. as you feel yourself at a plateua your body has probably adjusted to your new routine and you need to spice it up whether more or different exercise or spiffed up diet or both. If your not drinking green tea yet just adding that should tip the plateau again.
  • But green tea is so goddamn horrible!!

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    But green tea is so goddamn horrible!!


    and coffee isn't? maybe you don't drink coffee.

    the Asians always wonder why we try to judge our foods rather than learning the specific taste of them. people ask why do you drink it without sugar and i ask why you want everything to taste like sugar.

    i get the same complaints about eating plain brown rice....i don't think these people actually know what rice tastes like....its not bland its very distinct

    learn to experience the taste of 'green tea'....or just buy the pills, they're quite natural ;)

    anyways green tea is a very powerful fat burning tool, if you can't stomach it try it cold with honey
  • Progress Report; Week
    Same scale, approx same time of day....278
    loss of 2 lbs, total loss to date 27 lbs

    Well, its a loss, which considering how I jumped off the wagon on Saturday this part weekend, is surprising. I totally expected a gain from my little indulgence session.

    I had enough salad. I wanted something more, and the urge was just too compelling...broke down and had an A&W burger, poutine, and Diet Coke for lunch, then at about 8pm, finally had time for supper, but neither the wife nor I felt like cooking after being in the backyard all day rebuilding the garden, so we ordered pizza. Like I said, total abandonment on the weekend. Back on track now though.

    And why the hell are there so goddamn many fast food commercials on TV during prime time?? I mean Holy Christ, for every three minute commercial break, three are for fast food chain, two are for new cars, and usually one for insurance. Never noticed it before, but now it just pisses me off.:mad:
  • At least you don't live in the USofA

    U.S. burger joint unleashes 1,500-calorie sandwich - The Globe and Mail

    PS -- you bet ima eat one if we come across a friendly's on our 3 week camping/road trip
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