305?!?!?! Omfg!!!



  • DrTyore wrote: »
    My #1 new loved healthy food?

    Ground chicken tacos... holy crap they're good.


    Taco shells = bread. Off the list. But yes, I have had them in the past, and they are very tasty. Try it with ground turkey sometime, even better!! My biggest problem with eating tacos is volumn. Two won't do.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your support and advise. I've got a goal and a timeline, but I'm not sure if its feasible or maybe too lean, I've got to meet with the doctor when I get a chance. Right now, the goal is 65lbs by New Year's, but like I said, not sure if this is practical at the moment.

    Went out shopping for groceries last night, stayed in the veggie aisle mostly. Juices instead of soft drinks. Granola bars instead of chips & chocolate. Hung out in the red meat section just to say goodbye too :-[

    Not going to be easy, god knows, but I'm determined to get it off.

    One word of caution, be selective with your fruit juices.

    Also, if you want to try a medically supervised weight loss program, try googling Doctor Poon (stop laughing . . .). When Karen was following the program, she was losing 2-3 pounds per week. That increased when she started exercising. She is in the process of getting back on track. It is very restrictive to start, much like Atkins, but eases up progressively as you lose more and more weight. Best of all, he's in Brampton, and OHIP pays the freight.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Taco shells = bread. Off the list. But yes, I have had them in the past, and they are very tasty. Try it with ground turkey sometime, even better!! My biggest problem with eating tacos is volumn. Two won't do.

    Volume yes, can be bad.

    Bread is NOT BAD!!! For crying out loud!


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your support and advise. I've got a goal and a timeline, but I'm not sure if its feasible or maybe too lean, I've got to meet with the doctor when I get a chance. Right now, the goal is 65lbs by New Year's, but like I said, not sure if this is practical at the moment.

    Went out shopping for groceries last night, stayed in the veggie aisle mostly. Juices instead of soft drinks. Granola bars instead of chips & chocolate. Hung out in the red meat section just to say goodbye too :-[

    Not going to be easy, god knows, but I'm determined to get it off.

    juices are full of sugar, but I think tacos shells are ok (if you want non-glutien but not taco chips obviously).
  • I hear you AJ. I have been threatening myself with dropping some weight for ages now but have yet to get it in motion. It's always "after the weekend I'll start".

    The thing is, I DID lose 25 lbs a few summers ago and I felt great! My breath was back, people were complimenting me like crazy (you'd be amazed how good that feels) and I actually became addicted to exercise. Hard to believe but I just couldn't wait to get in the pool or on the eliptical machine or out for a run. Got lazy again and now back up to 240.

    It's tough for me because I have 2 major strikes against me- I don't eat a single fruit or vegetable. Haven't since I was 7 years old. I know, crazy. However, I bet you can eat those food groups and that will obviously help you out big time.

    You need to expend more calories than you take in. Swimming is amazing exercise. If you get past how gross it is to swim in everyone's germs, I think it would help you tremendously. It's easier on the joints and it works damn near every muscle. Remember how ferocious your appetite would be as a kid after you went swimming? It's because you expended a boatload of calories and it's no different now. Don't worry about being embarrassed about taking your shirt off, you'll be submerged in the pool anyway :-)

    Another thing I recommend is to have a cheat day. Pick a day in the week and have that pizza or burger and fries. If you deny yourself everything you love, you'll be miserable and it'll be harder to unload the lbs.

    If you want to have a small to medium "The Biggest Loser" prop bet, let me know and I'll get in on it. Otherwise, good luck and just do it. There are a whole bunch of people that dig their Thursday poker host and want to see him live a nice long happy life full of donating :D
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    There are a whole bunch of people that dig their Thursday poker host and want to see him live a nice long happy life full of donating :D

    Leave it Ed to get to the nub of the thread . . .
  • Don't worry too much, what is bad for you today will be good for you next week.;)

    Like just the other week they said red meat is good for you now
  • Don't tell Kristy . . .

    where is that girl, anyway? :(
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Taco shells = bread. Off the list. But yes, I have had them in the past, and they are very tasty. Try it with ground turkey sometime, even better!! My biggest problem with eating tacos is volumn. Two won't do.

    Buy whole wheat or spinach wraps.
  • Biggest things to do, from my experience both with my own weight struggles and working in the health food industry:

    -Fruits and fruit juices before late afternoon (no later than 5pm). The sugars in them are ok in the morning because it does help to get you going and does get burned off. The later you eat them, especially at night, the worse it is for you.

    -DON'T KILL THE CARBS COMPLETELY! You're body will purge a lot of weight right away. Most of that will be water weight, as well as weight from actually absorbing the nutrients from your food. Gluten in wheat and certain other grains clogs the intestinal tract over time. If you think of your intestines like a seive, the gluten covers the holes, causing you to not get as many nutrients. The problem with cutting the carbs completely, a la Atkins, is that when you do jump back on the carb wagon, you balloon. Big time. You also do damage to your kidneys (can't remember for the life of me how exactly, but it happens). Finally, carbs produce seratonin in your body, helping you be happy. North Americans kind of overdo it on the carbs a lot, so when you take them out, you become the biggest asshole on the planet in about 3 days time. Not fun. Lessen the carbs, eat more whole grains, especially rice and corn. Whole grain breads, not whole wheat, as a lot of these are still stripped of their nutrient content (not bleached, but hulled, which holds the majority of nutrients).

    -Drink more water. If you feel like you're drinking enough now, drink more. And only 30 minutes before or after eating. Drinking fluids with meals will actually flush some of the nutrient content out. Make sure you're drinking a LOT of water. It'll help, especially as you add more veggies, as it'll flush the junk out of your system instead of the nutrients.

    -Don't eliminate anything without finding a replacement. My biggest problems are cookies and ice cream. While I have yet to find a really good cookie replacement, I was given a recipe for a home made chocolate mousse that, when mixed with ice, tastes like a frosty from Wendy's. The catch? It's made with unsweetened almond milk (soy has too high an estrogen content for my liking and rice is too thin), cocoa powder, honey and avocado. I didn't believe it until it was made for me and it's awesome. If you're a potato chip or cracker fan, I will suggest getting Blue Diamond Nut Thins. They have Almond, Pecan, Smokehouse Almond, Ranch, Cheddar (I think the ranch and cheddar are almond with flavouring) and another variety I can't remember. Super crunchy and so tasty, but a healthy alternative.

    THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT: EAT BREAKFAST! When I was in grade 12, I had terrible eating habits and weighed 240lbs. I was usually not eating anything until 4pm each day for various reasons (mostly lazy/sleeping in, but I never admitted that). Anyhow, I knew I didn't want to be that size for my graduation on May 26. So on Boxing Day, I started eating breakfast every morning, no matter what, even if it was crappy food. Same for lunch. I lost 55lbs in five months. I was eating fast food nearly every night but because I had started getting my metabolism going and actually feeding my body consistantly, it was able to get rid of the junk I was carrying around.

    If you want and are able to get to T.O. they give free nutritional tours at my old store, The Big Carrot. You just call them and book an appointment and tell them what you're looking for. The nutrtionist will take you around the store and help you figure out what to add, what to take out and how to replace your craving foods. Tell them I sent you and they... well, maybe you should just say you saw an ad somewhere.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Diets don't work, never have.....
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Taco shells = bread. Off the list.

    this is how you 'might' fail.....

    the atikins diet prescribed a diet that allowed people to eat their bacon and their eggs but skip their toast. it advertises WEIGHT LOSS not FAT LOSS....and carbs are not the enemy never were.

    (sorry this shit drives me nuts).

    i saw alot of good corrections in this thread though
  • +1 on the Breakfast thing...

    Also, if you do get protein shakes, make sure you get WHEY protein and not SOY protein, for the same reasons as the soy milk - more studies are showing that it is having negative impact on males (fatty breast tissue, somewhat counter-productive at the moment no?).

    And whatever the granola motherfucker at a health food store says about how it's the best, do NOT - I cannot stress this enough - DO NOT get the "Vega" brand shit... it's like drinking water with twigs and shit in it.

  • No money in diets, everyone's fat
  • anyone willing to run a pokerforum.ca weight loss challange? i would be down for it!
  • anyone willing to run a pokerforum.ca weight loss challange? i would be down for it!


    All in favor

    Your move

    Milton "Soon to be" Slim
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    +1 on the Breakfast thing...

    Also, if you do get protein shakes, make sure you get WHEY protein and not SOY protein, for the same reasons as the soy milk - more studies are showing that it is having negative impact on males (fatty breast tissue, somewhat counter-productive at the moment no?).

    And whatever the granola motherfucker at a health food store says about how it's the best, do NOT - I cannot stress this enough - DO NOT get the "Vega" brand shit... it's like drinking water with twigs and shit in it.


    Agreed. Personally, I always get the rice protein because I find it's easier on my stomach. The whey protein from True Nutrition (small store here in Windsor, don't know if it's available elsewhere) is really awesome stuff though.
  • Must be a summer theme, as I also am looking to lose a little weight. Its hard to lose weight being a poker player though, just so quick and easy to make a sandwich or something quick like a pizza or hot dogs when your in a tourney. Youll have a rough road a head and you just have to stay committed but in the end youll be very happy you stuck with it. Im at like 250 which Ive always said would be my maximum, so I need to lose like 20-30 pounds. I just love food to much haha gonna be hard.
    Anyways gl sir, i wish you the best of luck.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    +1 on the Breakfast thing...

    Also, if you do get protein shakes, make sure you get WHEY protein and not SOY protein, for the same reasons as the soy milk - more studies are showing that it is having negative impact on males (fatty breast tissue, somewhat counter-productive at the moment no?).

    And whatever the granola motherfucker at a health food store says about how it's the best, do NOT - I cannot stress this enough - DO NOT get the "Vega" brand shit... it's like drinking water with twigs and shit in it.


    The "soy tits" thing isn't necessarily true. Since going vegan I've obviously started eating a lot more soy products, and drinking soy milk and my man boobs have gotten smaller. And pretty much every other vegetarian/vegan I know don't have any problems.

    As a side note, I noticed Cerberus mention Almond milk. Chocolate Almond Breeze is quite possibly one of the greatest drinks I have ever had.
  • Progress Report; Week 1
    Same scale, approx same time of day....289
    loss of 16lbs

    Seems a bit much in one week. Here's what I've done

    Elminated all bread, pasta, and pototoe. This was not as hard as I thought it would be.

    Eating a shitload of veggies...salads for lunch and dinner. yogurt for lunch, and a fruit bowl, maybe a granola bar...dinner includes steamed or boiled veggies with the salad plus a piece of meat (mostly chicken this week, but have had some fish, and some red meat, but NOTHING like I was eating)

    Eating breakfast, which is new to me...usually a hardboiled egg with either some left over meat from the night before or something, and a piece of fruit or yogurt.

    Have elminated soft drinks totally. Mostly water, and those Crystal Lights, which I'm sure aren't good for me either. Still have my same coffee amount on a daily basis though...always double/double, so I'm sure that should be considered next to adjust. Fruit juices somewhat but mostly water, especially at dinner/late night.

    No eating after 8pm whatsoever. Late night snack (before 8pm) has been an apple or granola bar.

    I can't say I've been hungry yet either. I've eaten enough to fill me, even if it isn't potatoes and pasta and bread. There are times I feel the urge to snack, and if a bag of chips were hanging around, it would have been destroyed, but frankly, having a bottle of water has been working out.

    Have not yet started the walk routine yet, but I am going to start with taking RJ out on 1/2hr walks around the neighbour. I'm sure she'll appreciate that too.

    So...in your opinions...is 16lbs in one week too much? Or should I have expected that considering the changes in my eating habits outlined above?
  • I was wondering where you have been, I was worried you went postal or something:D
  • Hey

    At your start weight, 16 lbs is not that big a deal... it's the "water weight" people talk about. It'll slow down considerably in the coming weeks / months, but don't lose heart. When you stabilize, 1-2lbs / week loss is about ideal.

  • And I would not be too concerned re: coffee. Worst case scenario, switch to sweetener, and make sure you use half and half instead of 18%. You'll be fine.
  • Progress Report; Week 1
    Same scale, approx same time of day....289
    loss of 16lbs

    That's what I'm talkin' about! CONGRATS!!!

    Since no one started Pokerforum Fatboy Challenge (Ah Hum, joeheartsdi)

    AJ weight loss pool?

    awe come on, guys, Ching takes the summer off!

    Thursday's I have sorting my sock drawer as my excitement

    Milton "Wanna Be" Slim
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Progress Report; Week 1
    Same scale, approx same time of day....289
    loss of 16lbs

    Seems a bit much in one week. Here's what I've done

    Elminated all bread, pasta, and pototoe. This was not as hard as I thought it would be.

    Again, be careful with this. Don't completely kill it, but cutting back drastically is great.

    Eating a shitload of veggies...salads for lunch and dinner. yogurt for lunch, and a fruit bowl, maybe a granola bar...dinner includes steamed or boiled veggies with the salad plus a piece of meat (mostly chicken this week, but have had some fish, and some red meat, but NOTHING like I was eating)

    Not much wrong with eating fish. Only thing to worry about is the mercury levels.

    Eating breakfast, which is new to me...usually a hardboiled egg with either some left over meat from the night before or something, and a piece of fruit or yogurt.

    Takes time to get used to eating breakfast. Basically, the brain creates pathways for you to basically go on automatic (muscle memory). Supposed to take 7 days. However, to remove those pathways takes 21 days. So adding in new stuff isn't going to be as tough as you think. Getting rid of the bad stuff takes a little while to stick to it.

    Have elminated soft drinks totally. Mostly water, and those Crystal Lights, which I'm sure aren't good for me either. Still have my same coffee amount on a daily basis though...always double/double, so I'm sure that should be considered next to adjust. Fruit juices somewhat but mostly water, especially at dinner/late night.

    Water, good. Crystal Light, not great but not as terrible as other stuff. If you get the better version of Crystal Light, it's called Emergen-C. You can find it at any health food store. Basically what Gatorade is supposed to be without the sugar. Depending on how much coffee you drink, you're fine. Also depends on how acidic your system is. If you want to switch part of it, get rid of the cream not the sugar. As weird as this sounds, when you add cream/milk to coffee, it goes from being PH neutral to acidic. I always figured it would be the sugar, but colour me wrong. DO NOT SWITCH TO SWEETENER! Aspartame is absolutely terrible for you! If you're only having 1-2 coffees a day, the 2-4 sugars in them aren't going to be detrimental.

    No eating after 8pm whatsoever. Late night snack (before 8pm) has been an apple or granola bar.

    Granola bar good, apple bad. Fruit sugars after 5pm no good.

    I can't say I've been hungry yet either. I've eaten enough to fill me, even if it isn't potatoes and pasta and bread. There are times I feel the urge to snack, and if a bag of chips were hanging around, it would have been destroyed, but frankly, having a bottle of water has been working out.

    You'll find because you're eating more nutritionally complete foods you won't need nearly as much. When you only get 3% of your daily nutritional value of fibre in a 1/4 of a giant bag of chips (completely made up number, but you get the drift) but you can get 75% out of 2 stems of broccolli, you're not going to need as much food.

    Have not yet started the walk routine yet, but I am going to start with taking RJ out on 1/2hr walks around the neighbour. I'm sure she'll appreciate that too.

    So...in your opinions...is 16lbs in one week too much? Or should I have expected that considering the changes in my eating habits outlined above?

    See the italics. 16lbs, as Mark said, was a lot of water weight. When you make moderate to big amounts of changes in your diet, weight will fly off. You sound like you've eliminated a lot of things over salted, which would have had you holding a lot of water weight. Keep at it!
  • One thing I am noticing is my ability to stay awake. Before I went to this extreme, I was having difficulty staying awake past 10pm or 10:30. Now, I'm falling asleep on the couch by 9pm 9:30. Is that normal??
  • I wouldn't call it abnormal by any means. Your body is adjusting to a lot of change. It'll be a little bit draining. Are you still getting up at the same time each day? Maybe you just needed more sleep in general too. Plus, I've been told (haven't searched it out as fact but these people have literally never been wrong) that for every hour of sleep between 8pm and midnight, your body essentially gets 2 hours of sleep. :)
  • Good for you AJ! I would like to add my +1 on the 16 lbs is not bad for the beginning. As stated, most will be water weight, and your body flushing itself out. You will likely find that most of the weightloss in the beginning will be quick, and likey comming off your stomach. That is the area that men tend to lose first when losing weight.

    I would recommend that you watch what granola bars you are eating as snacks, as most times they are not as healthy as you think and are full of sugars. You would be better off buying bagged granola for breakfast with fresh fruit. Its good sprinkled on yogurt too.

    I wouldn't worry too much about mercury levels in the fish you are eating, unless you have all of a sudden started eating over 16 oz fish/shellfish per week, or suddenly decided you will only eat shark or swordfish. It is good to be aware though. Most fish/shellfish that are commonly consumed carry traces of mercury but this is not a health concern. If you do eat canned tuna, remember that Albacore contains a higher amout of mercury than the light canned. The main concern with mercury consumption is usually geared towards pregnant women and younger children.

    Way to go on all your changes, and taking notice of yourself and what those changes are doing for you. We know you can do it, and it will make you sooooooo happy:) Keep it going! (Love the update).
  • you made some incredibly good changes and 16 lbs is fine and great, you might not progress the whole time like that however but you have to remember that the scale is not the deciding factor, a body fat test every so often would be because as you get in shape and lose fat the muscle could make you weigh the same or more. especially if you start to work out. but if you start a walking routine you'll notice the same change over the next couple weeks. you have a great start.

    ill suggest green tea if no one else has, it is a main ingredient in all weight lose pills and supplements but of course its natural and doesn't spike you so much like coffee.
  • Congrats AJ - good start for sure.

    I guess one thing to add, it's a small difference but could mean alot - cut the double/double to a regular. Small adjustment but would help more than you think.
  • Progress Report; Week 2
    Same scale, approx same time of day....286
    loss of 3 lbs, total loss to date 19 lbs

    Not quite the same result as last week, but still heading in the right direction. Still have not had a slice of bread, potato, or pasta since I started.

    Visit with family doctor yesterday for a physical. Took some blood and other fluids to test, but shouldn't have anything strange show up. Diabetes runs in my family as does heart disease, so its a good idea to check it all. Also took my blood pressure and noticed it was down considerably. However, still have to take the daily meds until its more under control. New goal...get off the fucking daily meds! I hate having to take pills everyday. Of course, he's asking me to quit smoking as well. Jesus, one torture at a time please.

    I live in Brampton and my family doctor is 2hrs away, so he couldn't refer me to a dietitan anywhere local, but I managed to find one close to home and have made an appointment for this Saturday. Imagine that...a Saturday afternoon appointment. Hopefully, she'll make sure I'm staying on the right path.

    In the mall this weekend with the wife and kid, and we all started to get hungry. I started to dredge the fact that the food court doesn't offer anything decent for my new lifestyle, until I found Salad Creations that is. A fast food chain that caters to salads ONLY. Huge lunch salad, various kinds of lettuce and toppings and dressings. Along with a bowl of soup, made a good lunch.

    Salad Creations Franchise Sales - Salad Restaurants

    Wife and kid had MSG polluted Manchu Wok. Discovered wife and daughter are pure EVIL and both are in kahoots with Satan himself.

    Haven't started the walking yet. Need to start.
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