305?!?!?! Omfg!!!

That does it!! I've had it! No goddamn wonder I've been feeling like a bag of shit lately. I have no energy, get out of breath way too easily, my legs are numb, and all I want to do is sleep lately. And even that is not the best sleep lately.

I've embarressed myself to no end just now, and its enough for me to make some serious personal changes in my life, starting today.

I just weighed myself. On the scales at work, which have been calibrated recently. I'M 305 FUCKING POUNDS!!

Where the fuck did they come from??

I have no idea what my IDEAL weight should be, but if you go by the BMI from high school, it will likely say I need to be at 160 or some stupid shit. Well, I'm a realist, so I KNOW that will never happen. So my FIRST goal is going to be 240lbs.

So, why am I posting this? Why would I think anyone gives a rat's ass? Cause I'm making a committment to myself via CPF that I CAN...and I WILL...DO THIS!! And you lot have just voluteered to be my witnesses, as well as my coaches, mentors, and whenever necessary, the ones to kick my ass when required.

Regardless, I'm doing this, starting today.


  • Good luck, sir (with all sincerity).

    I've got a few pounds to lose myself, but your goal is going to take a lot more work than mine.
  • prop bet?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    prop bet?

    You read my mind and beat me to it.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    prop bet?
    westside8 wrote: »
    You read my mind and beat me to it.

    Terms and conditions?

    I wasn't going to have money get in the way of this, as this is something I need to do for myself. I'm not against anyone betting on or against me, just not sure if I want money to become MY incentive.

    But curious what you're looking to offer.
  • Dr Tyore won the first one
    We all ponied up $$ Had pre start weigh in
    Ran until the Royal Cup
    Had final weigh in
    We all posted our successes through out
    It gives you a little more incentive

    I lost nearly 40 lb.
    Think that might have been good enough for second

    %age of weight loss, not total weight

    Milton "Not So" Slim
  • Someone read my mind too..
  • Thought you would have lost weight chasing the daughter's boyfriend away:D


    STOP EATING!:p:p:p:p:p
  • and I thought I was upset when I pushed the scales at nearly 180 back in Feb after I got back from Florida. After a little effort, was able to get it back to a reasonable 160. Here are my tips to shed the pounds:

    - you got to cut out the carbs, this is the big killer. Any bread, pasta, pizza, etc. (rice is fine in moderation). Its really tough but after a couple of weeks, you won't miss it and you get use to it. If you are really gung ho, I would suggest no dairy as well for the first 2-3 weeks. It really helps clean out the system naturally.

    - water, water and more water. Drink lots of water throughout the day. Whenever you get hungry, more water.

    - for breakfast, have a protein shake. If you are giving up carbs (no cereal or bread for breakfast), you really need this to get your day started right. I buy this vegi protein powder, add water and frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries, banana, etc.) and you are good to go.

    - meats are fine as long as they are lean. I mainly stick to chicken breast and fish.

    - no booze and limit the late nights (playing poker, etc.). You really got to get your body into a normal sleep cycle/routine. Try to also eat your meals at a regular time (no late eating before sleeping).

    - exercise is good, even just walking.

    Hopefully this will get you started. You follow these tips and you will start shedding the pounds. If you employer covers it, I would suggest seeing a naturopath doctor that can help you track you progress, get you on a calorie regiment and that way you are properly tracking your calorie intake to meet your weight goals.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Where the fuck did they come from??

    Ass in chair in front of computer, mouse in right hand, beer in left......I'm up as well. I've got 20 to lose so I can actually get into the company soccer league again and not totally embarrass myself. 20 more after that to be competitive. so from 230 (ish) to 190...... I love food too much though so this is going to be a tough one. :)

    and fuck me I have a stash of good beer and scotch to enjoy this summer....
  • Jah's advice was dead on but I'd like to add something.

    First thing's first. Consult a doctor, and maybe get a nutritionist to help you plan out your diet and exercise regime.

    Also, get your in a good head space. Remember that you ARE NOT ON A DIET, YOU ARE CHANGING YOUR LIFESTYLE. You've already done the hardest part: Admiting that you're unhealthy and need a change. Talk to your family and friends (I assume you have more friends than just us :) )
    Get Mrs and your daughter in on the action of helping Daddy. Their support will make this change much easier, although they might complain when their's no junk food in the house. Try to get them on board with the healthier lifestyle.

    Find out what exercise you enjoy (I think you said you love to play hockey?) and get out there! Even if it's just taking RJ around the neighbourhood for a walkies for 20 minutes, or take a short stroll when you're out for a smoke. (The smoking habit is another animal to be dealt with later.)

    You can do this, AJ. Let us know what we can do to help.
  • i once cut 30lbs in two months. without proper understanding of the metabolism its nearly impossible to make long lasting large scale change. when you know how it works your success comes from knowing that it will work.
  • I don't drink much whatsoever, especially beer. Can't remember the last beer I had. So all this extra gut is bad eating habits and low physical activity.

    Jah's advise is my train of thought. Cutting out bread, pasta, potato to start. THAT'S not going to be easy. Driving home from work, I roughly counting the bread slices I have everyday...close to half a loaf!! And all this by lunch time! Giving up spuds is going to be murderous on me. It ain't a meal without spuds of some sort, but goddamn it, I'm doing this right.

    Yes, it has to be a lifestyle change. Diets don't work, never have. Obviously neither is pigging out in front of the tv eating a bag of Ruffles it appears, so out they go.

    This won't be easy for me. I love to eat, I really enjoy food, and the richer, thicker, sweeter, heavier, the better taste. But I can't go on like this so things have to change.

    I've had the wife take measurements and pictures. I'd post, but they're so bad, I"m afraid I'll get banned for them.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I don't drink much whatsoever, especially beer. Can't remember the last beer I had. So all this extra gut is bad eating habits and low physical activity.

    Jah's advise is my train of thought. Cutting out bread, pasta, potato to start. THAT'S not going to be easy. Driving home from work, I roughly counting the bread slices I have everyday...close to half a loaf!! And all this by lunch time! Giving up spuds is going to be murderous on me. It ain't a meal without spuds of some sort, but goddamn it, I'm doing this right.

    Yes, it has to be a lifestyle change. Diets don't work, never have. Obviously neither is pigging out in front of the tv eating a bag of Ruffles it appears, so out they go.

    This won't be easy for me. I love to eat, I really enjoy food, and the richer, thicker, sweeter, heavier, the better taste. But I can't go on like this so things have to change.

    I've had the wife take measurements and pictures. I'd post, but they're so bad, I"m afraid I'll get banned for them.

    You don't have to eliminate the foods you love, just cut back and change it up. Hell, just cut down your portion sizes and dont' eat ANYTHING 3 hours before you go to bed.

    Also, change WHAT your eating No white bread, instead get whole grains. Rice instead of mashed potatoes. Fruit or granola instead of chips and other unhealthy snacks. I could go on and on.
  • my third cent

    If you cut out carbs your body will use protein for energy and it will chew muscle for protein needs. you lose weight fast because the muscle is dense, but in the meantime your body will likely store fat. its. called a catobilc state. eating less generally produces the same side effect, hence skinny girls with ponches.

    the good news is by eating frequently and constantly keeping fed you rev your metabolism. coupled with a little exercise the fat almost melts on its own.

    and instead of cutting carbs switch to whole wheat everything. it burns slower so your body doesn't store exess sugars as fat.

    the only problem people have with carbs is eating to much like having garlic toast with pasta, and toast with oatmeal.

    ill stop there but i do have many many tricks for healthy weight loss. and there is one diet that works, the healthy one.
  • fwiw you dont look like youre 3bills.

    fml no more sour cream and onion?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    fwiw you dont look like youre 3bills.

    Didn't think so either. Imagine my surprise :bs:
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    fml no more sour cream and onion?

    Hell, I blame all you bastards for getting me this huge!! Left over chips and junk never make it to the next game...didn't you ever notice that??:-X

    Seriously though, snacks will still be available during league games. Just that I won't be indulging. And unless someone takes them home, they'll be trashed at the end of the night.
  • Good luck with things AJ.
    Johnnie gave you the best advice so far...SEE A DR.

    Go in for a tune up/check up and consider that your baseline, make sure there isn't underlying shit going on.

    Keep us posted.
  • AJ, I have one brother. He currently weighs in the neighbourhood of 375. He is 53 years old. I will tell you the same thing his Doctor said to him one time: There is a reason you just don't see many 60 yr. old 300+ lbs. people. I wish you success. I will offer one point of advice, and that is to walk. It is a provable fact that, if you change nothing else about your lifestyle, walking 3 times a week (90 mins. total) will cause you to lose weight in a managable fashion. And, it will stay off. If you change your habits, and combine walking with that, pounds will disappear faster.

    Good luck . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And unless someone takes them home, they'll be trashed at the end of the night.

    Bubble prize?
  • Milo wrote: »
    It is a provable fact that, if you change nothing else about your lifestyle, walking 3 times a week (90 mins. total) will cause you to lose weight in a managable fashion..

    Good luck . . .

  • when your 305, there's no point sticking to a whole wheat diet, it will take you forever to cut the weight. Just cut out the bread/pasta/potatos/cereal and this will make a big difference. If you eat healthy proteins, your body won't suffer. If a Brit. like me can give up bread/dairy for three weeks, anyone can do it. For me the first week was tough, more trying to figure out what to eat instead for lunch. Portion control is also critical. Also, having a morning and afternoon stack is good, as long as it isn't a lot of calories. Fruit/nuts is a good choice (non-salted).
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I've had the wife take measurements and pictures. I'd post, but they're so bad, I"m afraid I'll get banned for them.
    Promise, I'll give you a free pass on the banning....:)

    Seriously though, stick with it, all the Rocks are with you.. We need you back on the Ching Hill team... :)
  • Good luck to you AJ. Its a hard road but well worth it. There are lots of things you can do to change and all that has been said so far I agree with. I also find that if you buy a variety of fresh produce and have it handy its easier to start grabbing that for a snack instead of so called "junk".

    If you buy fresh veggies, wash and cut them when you get home, ready for snacking. Most keep better if you do this anyways. You can even have some fine chopped for quick omlettes in the morning.

    My aunt had done the same thing you are going to and was cutting out carbs. Instead of mashed potatoes, she would steam and mash cauliflower.

    If you or your wife/daughter bake, you can make simple changes there that are so much better for you. Instead of using oil in cookie/muffin recipes, you can substitute yogurt or applesauce.

    I make these "breakfast" cookies for my son, which are full of nuts, oats, flax, dried cranberries other fruits etc. He hates eating breakfast but loves these. They are great with yogurt in the morning:)

    I think what you are doing is great, and you obviously will have the support you want and need for something like this. If you ever want ideas on recipes, let me know :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Promise, I'll give you a free pass on the banning....:)

    Seriously though, stick with it, all the Rocks are with you.. We need you back on the Ching Hill team... :)

    Not based on the last Royal, we don't . . . but I agree with the rest of your post. :D
  • I have been working at losing weight since January; I started on the X-Weighted national challenge. I am down 40 pounds since then. It has definitely been a change of habits, not a diet for me. One thing I really recommend that is part of the X-Weighted challenge is to choose a fitness goal. That will really keep you focussed when it comes to increasing your activity level. Rather than just exercising for the sake of exercising, pick a specific goal and a timeline. Good luck.
  • Good luck AJ I had that shock May 9th and have a big prop bet with people at work. I weighed in a hefty 288.6 and the bet is that I have 1 year to get to 199.8 and was given 2 to 1 odds. Not sure its possible for me but I am going for it. 3 weeks in I am down 18lbs and feeling it. I have a free calorie counter site that I log my intake and output and it works like a charm. Its not going to be too easy but its amazing what a few different changes in diet can do to cut weight. Add in some exercise you shuld be fine. I wish you luck man you can do it.

    Sandy you can really tell the weight loss last time I saw you good job.
  • darbday wrote: »
    my third cent
    the good news is by eating frequently and constantly keeping fed you rev your metabolism. coupled with a little exercise the fat almost melts on its own.


    Healthy snacks, smaller meals, pace out the blood-sugar highs and low which also causes hunger pangs.

    Good luck.
  • Went for a nice walk last night . . . 50 minutes in the cool of the evening. Went through the neighbourhood parks I played in growing up, and marveled at the changes.

    Get out there and get healthy AJ, you can do this . . .
  • Thanks everyone for your support and advise. I've got a goal and a timeline, but I'm not sure if its feasible or maybe too lean, I've got to meet with the doctor when I get a chance. Right now, the goal is 65lbs by New Year's, but like I said, not sure if this is practical at the moment.

    Went out shopping for groceries last night, stayed in the veggie aisle mostly. Juices instead of soft drinks. Granola bars instead of chips & chocolate. Hung out in the red meat section just to say goodbye too :-[

    Not going to be easy, god knows, but I'm determined to get it off.
  • My #1 new loved healthy food?

    Ground chicken tacos... holy crap they're good.

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