2nd Annual CPF Golf and Poker Tournament; Sat July 24



  • Yeah, as the "Villain" involved in taking the first half of Dave's 10k, the hand was a complete cooler. He flopped TPTK, only to find out I had flopped top set. Karen's hand against him was basically the same deal, no errors made, just unlucky falls of the cards.

    Nines seemed to have some sort of mystical properties on table 2.

    Karma has a way of exacting revenge, though. Karen and I were the two big stacks (top 3 at worst) when I flopped my boat v. her set. She had KJ to my QJ on a flop of QJJ. Ninja Dan folded AQ, as all the chips hit the middle. Karen gets her K on the turn to leave me crippled with just my lammer to cash . . .

    After that, it was slow but steady playing until she turned a straight to moose's top pair to take it down.

    For a tourney that was supposed to run until around 11:00 p.m., there was so much action that were done by around 9:00. Great night . . .
  • Sorry I couldn't get everyone, hope others took some pics.

    Hole 1; Ninja Dan
    Tippy Toe Ninja
    INeedaNick; Golf Champ
    Garry Winding Up
    Nice Shorts!!
    Ninja Dan: Closest to Pin
    Garry, INeedaNick, and Sean on Green
    It Plays!
    Final Hole Approach; Muffed it Badly

    Even with the little bit of rain we had, it was a great day. If anyone else took any pics, please post.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Final Hole Approach; Muffed it Badly
    Is that your underwear hanging out? Musta been quite the game! ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Is that your underwear hanging out? Musta been quite the game! ;)

    With those shorts? Who needs underwear??

    Just my drying towel. The rain made the grips abit slick, so I just hung it off a belt loop instead of having to go back and forth to the cart for it.
  • Looks like a great time! Wish I could have made it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    With those shorts? Who needs underwear??
    Ugh, why do I bring these things up? Slap myself silly...
  • Thanks to AJ and the Mrs for their hospitality. Sorry I had to bail on the golf at the last minute.
    Karen. Congrads, I had a feeling after the first few hands that it was your day as I watched her stack get bigger and evryone else reaching for the lammer. lol
    Nines were good most of the time . Thought I was golden pairing 9-2 on the flop and Milo sitting their with A 9. Oh well , That's poker.
    Put the game at my place in 2 weeks up on the Ontario section.
    Hope to see you all there.
  • AJ, thanks for all your efforts hosting this. It was a great time and I look forward to next year.
  • Had a great time despite my inconsistent game of golf; I made a mockery of the game on some holes! Still, it was nice to get out despite the little sprinkle we had. It was nice to put some faces to avatars/nicknames too. Everyone was just so gosh darn nice that I'm glad I couldn't play the poker game, I would have felt too bad robbing you all blind! Definitely looking forward to the next one. Would 2 a year be too much to ask I wonder? One earlier and one later int he golfing season?

    Big props to AJ for organizing!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Would 2 a year be too much to ask I wonder? One earlier and one later int he golfing season?

    I would love this! Might I suggest something closer to KW? I could host the poker tournament also.
  • I see no reason why this cannot rotate to various locations within the CPF community. Might be a bit difficult to get #'s out to SK if Sharantyr wants to host, but who knows?

    If we do decide on two per year, why not spring in the GTA, late summer/fall in the KW?
  • +1000 to all the above. It was a fantastic day. Huge thanks to AJ for organizing, Quimby for driving, and to everyone for proving once again that the poker community is full of great people.

    The golf gods smiled on me all day. The poker gods....not so much. I realize my poker game is nowhere close to most people on this forum, but damn! I'd like to think that 2 of my 3 hands played themselves. A better player could have folded on the other. Oh well. At least I'm 99.9999% guaranteed to do better next time.
  • I'd say you were 3 for 3 on your hands Dave. Not much you could have done. Same thing happened to me later . . . that's poker.
  • Thanks guys. The club was also excellent with hosting this event, and even offered us a couple of complimentary day passes to add to our swag of prizes. They were very helpful with assisting me the past couple of months and I think everyone will agree they were great.

    I have no problem with two a year either. One in the KW area, and one at Mayfield if you like. I can organize the Mayfield event if someone wants to do the KW event.
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