2nd Annual CPF Golf and Poker Tournament; Sat July 24



  • Milo...I AM a golfing excuse!!

    Golf. A good walk...ruined.
  • My new customized golf cart JUST arrived!

    Going to have some fun NOW boyos!!

  • One question, AJ:

    How's a bow-legged, (less) round bellied old fart like you supposed to climb into that behemoth?

    And, of course, SHOTGUN !!! :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    One question, AJ:

    How's a bow-legged, (less) round bellied old fart like you supposed to climb into that behemoth?

    And, of course, SHOTGUN !!! :D

    Who you calling OLD??

    Needed something to carry my driver from last year
  • Milo wrote: »
    The Mrs. has informed me we are playing poker, too . . .

    see you in debtor's prison, I guess . . .

    Me thinks in the olden days they sent the wife to DEBTORS PRISON.
  • Al. I have a couple of company hats from baseball left over. Red with BMSPL on back
    BIG MANS SUCKOUT POKER LEAGUE lol just joking .
    And my company name and logo embroidered on the front. You want? Let me know I will bring them along.
  • Sorry AJ, absolutely can not make this anymore.
  • Hey AJ! Put me down as in for the golf and I will be tentative for the poker after. Thanks for putting this together, I have been itching to get my clubs out this season. Let me know if I am too late tho, I haven't been on the forum in awhile.
  • back and forth between rain and sunny!
  • Hey AJ! Put me down as in for the golf and I will be tentative for the poker after. Thanks for putting this together, I have been itching to get my clubs out this season. Let me know if I am too late tho, I haven't been on the forum in awhile.

    Ninja Dan can golf?? Who knew? Yes, you're in. I have to finalize the numbers later this week, but we'll still have enough come out to enjoy ourselves.

    Lets hope for good weather on Saturday.
  • Poker Tournament Blind Schedule; for consideration

    Starting Stack: 10,000
    Blind Times: 25min

    1000/2000 BREAK
    1500/3000 COLOUR UP

    Based on total participants, this game should go well into the evening. I suspecting two tables to start, even if short handed to begin with. Is 25min too short, too long, or just about right??
  • Wife will like starting with lots of chips. she will like it more when she steals mine, as well. Looks good to me, but I hate antes, so what the hell do I know?
  • Last Call for any other players interested in attending this great event. If you've been putting it off, now's the time to sign up. I have to give final numbers to the club tomorrow.

    A reminder that the first tee time is 10am Saturday morning. Please be ontime to start the round. There is a small driving range available as well as a putting green. Group 1 will tee off at 10am.

    Following the golf event, we will all meet at the clubhouse for some liquid refreshments, hand in score cards, award prizes, and shoot the bs until its time to head to my place for poker. I suspect poker will start at about 5pm or sooner, so eating some dinner somewhere would be a good idea. My BBQ is open for anyone interested in using it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Last Call for any other players interested in attending this great event. If you've been putting it off, now's the time to sign up. I have to give final numbers to the club tomorrow.

    A reminder that the first tee time is 10am Saturday morning. Please be ontime to start the round. There is a small driving range available as well as a putting green. Group 1 will tee off at 10am.

    Following the golf event, we will all meet at the clubhouse for some liquid refreshments, hand in score cards, award prizes, and shoot the bs until its time to head to my place for poker. I suspect poker will start at about 5pm or sooner, so eating some dinner somewhere would be a good idea. My BBQ is open for anyone interested in using it.

    Just a suggestion. Pleas don't rag on me. After we are finished. If everyone is in agreement.
    Why not have evryone throw in 10 bucks. I will even offer to go to the grocery store:D Grab some salad , burgers, dogs, condiments and whatever else and we do a BBQ. This way everyone will get to eat.
    If there is enough left I can also pick up a box of barley bevies or you can put the remainder to the pot for the poker.
    Just a thought:)
  • We can discuss this during the round. If everyone is in agreement, I have no problem with everyone cooking up a storm on my bbq. I'll even pitch in the potato and pasta salad, even though I can't eat it.

    Greg (CrazyKoby) has sent me an email saying he has to pull out of the golf round due to a death in the family, but hopes to make the poker game. Looks like we'll have about a dozen for golf...should be a fun game, even with the forecasted weather. Weather permitting, we might even have the poker game in the backyard until it gets too dark to see. And if enough interest is generated, a small 1/2 game can be made available as well.
  • It will be tight for me as my kid's baseball day wraps at 4 pm but I will still try and make it.

    Another suggestion: 5k with a 5k lammer that can be used anytime up to the first break, at which point it is put in play. If you don't put your lammer in play right away it will prevent early bustouts for those with a long way to travel.

    and the schedule is a little fast. 16 players, if you start at 5pm it will end about 11 pm, unless that was what you meant by well into the evening. 12k and 30 min pushes it back to about midnight.
  • Im in for the poker. BBQ sounds great as well :). Lets just hope the weather outlook starts to look nicer.
  • I cannot make the poker, however, I would like to donate half of a buy in ($25) as one of the golf prizes, either closest to pin or longest drive.
  • I'm in for the BBQ as well...

    I like Moose's suggestion for the tourney, at least I'll know I won't be going out in the first level. Also, can I suggest adding another level at the beginning, 50-100, the structure now is no different than 1000T starting at 10-20,

  • Im in for the poker. BBQ sounds great as well :). Lets just hope the weather outlook starts to look nicer.

    Forecast is calling for scattered showers for Saturday, so bring some kind of rain poncho, just in case.
    Muddguts wrote: »
    I cannot make the poker, however, I would like to donate half of a buy in ($25) as one of the golf prizes, either closest to pin or longest drive.

    SWEET! Already a +EV game ;) Thanks Ed!
    garryc wrote: »
    I'm in for the BBQ as well...

    I like Moose's suggestion for the tourney, at least I'll know I won't be going out in the first level. Also, can I suggest adding another level at the beginning, 50-100, the structure now is no different than 1000T starting at 10-20,

    This can be done. I also like Moose's suggestion, so I'll seriously consider it. Gives the early busts a second chance w/o rebuying.

    Like I said, bbq is open, so bring MEAT!!>:D
  • Sorry to do this AJ, but switch Karen to tentative for both golf and poker. She started hemming and hawing last night. I am going to try and keep her in, but she has been sick the last 2 days, so I don't know how that will play.

    If it matters, I am for leaving the starting stacks alone. If you're worried about busting in level one, don't shove into my J/10 suited . . .
  • Keep me posted Milo. I'll keep her on the list as I need to confirm numbers this afternoon.
  • At first I thought it was too quick starting with an M of 33. But then I realized that we actually sped it up last year because it was going too slow. Wetts and I chopped just to end it because it does end up being a long day with driving, golf, poker, and driving again.

    The tourney should end around 11 with that schedule which I think is fine.

    I like the lammer idea.
  • For those coming for the BBQ, it may be a good idea to bring a lawn chair. I have a few, but not many.

    I rather like Moose's idea, and think we'll try it out for this event. That way, an early suckout won't mean a short end to your night.

    The tournament should be done by 11ish I think, which should be a decent time for one and all with travelling. I'll consider Garry's blind suggestion and see where that puts us. I'm all in favour of more play time and less bingo.

    I've confirmed the numbers with the club, but if any last minute addons want in, please PM me.
  • 1st person to hydroplane a golf cart will be.............?:D
  • Good grief!
  • philliivey wrote: »
    1st person to hydroplane a golf cart will be.............?:D

    Whoever buys their beer here.
  • Anyone who has volunteered SWAG, please bring it with you on Saturday to the golf course. I'll also try to pick up a couple of small gift cards to round out the prizes for closest to pin and longest drive.

    Due to the change of numbers, the previously posted foursomes will change up abit, and I'll make the new foursomes known prior to tee time at the club.

    I'll also make up a small map and directions from the club house to my place for those not sure where the hell they are, as well as my address for GPS and cell number.

    Weather forecast for Saturday keeps changing, and not for the better. I still think we can make this happen though and have a great time.
  • AJ, Karen is definitely out for both events. Just got off the phone with her. She's back at work today, but does not want to overdo things. :-[
  • Milo wrote: »
    AJ, Karen is definitely out for both events. Just got off the phone with her. She's back at work today, but does not want to overdo things. :-[

    Oh come on Karen...you're well enough to go to work, you're well enough to play with the big boys. Come on out and have some fun!!:)
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