2010 Canadian Open Poker Championship with 5k HU



  • darbday wrote: »
    unreal, and serious why did they give you cash and why did you walk around with it. im no one to talk 17k woulda killed me in like 35 mins. but if the bank wouldn't deposit it i woulda made a hilarious (only to me) scene with the irony

    Cash casino dont give cheques yo.

    Also - Im a balla.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Cash casino dont give cheques yo.

    Also - Im a balla.

    He had some hoes
  • wow wetts, soooooooooo sick lol, congrats!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    They basically said that theyre fraud nits and told me to deposit in toronto.

    One can fraudulently deposit money? Why? Confused.
  • Lord_Phan wrote: »
    One can fraudulently deposit money? Why? Confused.

    i wish i was there..and you were there with me.....like seriously what is a bank for..

    ..wetts can't deposit cash but they can lend virtual money?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    spent remainder of day with cash stuffed in my pants like a crack dealer.

    I have a solution to your problem . . . add it to this week's prize pool on the Hill.
  • For you guys down there already, any chance of single table sat's for the 2200 if I come out Thursday night? Won't be there in time for the super.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    For you guys down there already, any chance of single table sat's for the 2200 if I come out Thursday night? Won't be there in time for the super.

    I was looking for some for the 1100's on both Friday and Saturday nights and not a single ran. I think there was enough interest but they didnt go off ofr whatever reason.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I was looking for some for the 1100's on both Friday and Saturday nights and not a single ran. I think there was enough interest but they didnt go off ofr whatever reason.

    The rooms in Calgary have a rich tradition of not running the games that players want and then opening more 1 2 tables.
  • LOL Gavinsmithaments. He lasted about 20 minutes. Pretty sure he was in the bag.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I was looking for some for the 1100's on both Friday and Saturday nights and not a single ran. I think there was enough interest but they didnt go off ofr whatever reason.

    Tks, that's the indication I got from some people here as well (that were in Calgary last weekend)....was hoping that might have changed.
  • Cash casino agreed they will run the sngs today as they are sorry to be missing out on keeping players there. We started collecting money from players and paying the entries into the $300 in an effort to sell out Deerfoot ASAP for thursday so there will be even more incentive. Back tommorow night to confirm if any run.
  • Where is everyone playing the main tomorrow?
  • I think I am going to play at deerfoot or cash. I havent decided yet
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I think I am going to play at deerfoot or cash. I havent decided yet

    Take it down Steve!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Take it down Steve!

    I will :P O the other Steve, haha Im fine with that too.
    Yeah Im think deerfoot, cash casino might be weak but I think will be a small field there and its just a shitty room.
  • gl to Steve K&T, also Vekked ftw.
  • Out and I am not to happy about it.
  • out and im less happy about it. 1 outered.
  • betrthanphil sucked out on me to bust me
  • haha its true, funny thing is, after the next break we were short handed again, and i got raised into and I woke up with KK again haha. but this time a didnt stack off some donk :P
  • made day 2 of the $550, play today @ noon Grey Eagle

    87 runners at Grey Eagle yesterday, 21 advancing to day 2

    avg stack was 31K, sitting a little below @ 27K

    heard there were 150 or so @ Deerfoot, so there will probably be 50 or 60 players left going into today

    pretty sure I'm going to ship this
  • 60 runners for Day 2, paid 25........finished 20th

    had average stack until KJ<44 & A4<K9 to bust me....gotta win those fargin races
  • Great meeting alot of you in person finally. Seen T8urmoney deep in day 2 (thanks by the way for support on 2+2) Met betrthanphil briefly, talked to Veked quite a bit, watched Wetts1012 heads up and he helped me find out who was who from Ontario.
    Had some laughs with Kerr and Gavin, shot the shit over a few cold ones. All in all there is a ton to say about what went right and wrong over the series, taking a few days to wind down and let my kids get used to me again.

    Thanks everyone for the support in the thread and attendance, this was by far the best showing of out of town and province players ever seen in Alberta. Looks like 1800 ish entries over the series, about 2200 with the sats. The multi venue thing, kinda a disaster some days, it's to bad the stampede casino was in reciever ship while this was all being organized and planed months ago, deerfoot and stampede would have been perfect. Grey Eagle did a good job and seemed well recieved by players though, all things considered. Back in a bit.
  • Just curious if anyone knows the dates for this year or any info?


  • Hearing Early august start and I know they nailed the event schedule down recently
    We all know by now I am on a complete opposite side of the CPT fence these days, but I like the people at Deerfoot so wish them the best of luck.

    Will mostly be around to hook up with friends.

    Hopefully they get some sort of trophy or ring this year and feed the players.
  • After 7 of the events & 2 super sats I have the total prize-pools at ~ $470,161

    That might be a little out, I can't find a final number for the HU, but I used 32*1800bi*.955 (Charity-2.5, Tips-2% even though ads say 2.5)

    With just 1 event to go, a $151+19, that means it will take roughly 195 players tomorrow to hit $500,000 in PLAYER prize-pools, after 11 calendar days of poker (minus Thursday as the Heads Up finals played out a day early)

    By comparison, there was about $1.7 million last year and one report I read said that they estimated $1.6 million on sell-out this year, though no official estimate by the venue was given.

    Last years top prizes, (deal outs out were) 100k (HU) and $63,000 (ME)

    This Year (Deals out) 25k (HU) and based on a higher pay-out of 28% Of this years ME for first from the $166,170 (I am guessing as it could be anywhere from 23 to 30%) It will be around $46,500

    The highest field attendance number was ~250 over 3 start days for the 4 day $300

    Next best was 123 for the $500, which played to completion in ~ 9 hours

    Most prizes up top were $15,000~$20,000

    So 26% lower ME top prize, 75% on HU. Overall prize-pools total down about 70%

    Think it's time to go back to the drawing board.

    Oh ya, I had nothing to do with the event this year. Funny this thread seemed way mor involved that the single post by CarlosWPS...just saying
  • jontm wrote: »
    Next best was 123 for the $500, which played to completion in ~ 9 hours

    Doesn't sound like much play for a $500 tourney
    jontm wrote: »
    Think it's time to go back to the drawing board.

    Didn't even cross my mind to go down for any of these events. With the relatively small b/i's, field size would pretty much be limited to locals for most events.....and draw the regular CPT crowd for the ME.

    Would be nice to see someone slap guarentee's on a series like this, and have more mixed (PLO) tourneys added.
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