2010 Canadian Open Poker Championship with 5k HU



  • starting to get excited, hope at least one of us members take down 1 event lol
  • starting to get excited, hope at least one of us members take down 1 event lol

    Thats if you clowns make it there alive.....
  • haha o we will get there haha
  • I am playing Event 9 $2200 buy in. Can't wait to get my ass to Calgary
  • RE: Confirmations (@Jonsey) So, this is how it all works...the e-mails have to be generated manually and are done every few days. The pre-reg form is coming down in the next 36 hrs or so and will redirect to a casino directory for phone ins.

    Each casino will have a list of the players pre-registered for each event. They will hold enough seats to close to the start, but try to show up an hr or 30 minutes before to get your seating card. If you don't show up, they assume you are playing at the next casino as they all have different start times. Only if you don't show at any of the 3 are you charged. Pay in full when you get your seating card and let them know you are on the list. Theoretically, you have a reserved seat at all 3 venues so if you bust in the first hour of each you could make it to the next and still be guaranteed a spot....not exactly a profitable perk though, lol.

    Good Luck all and see you in a couple days, looking forward to meeting as many PFC ers in person as possible.
  • jontm wrote: »
    RE: Confirmations (@Jonsey) So, this is how it all works...the e-mails have to be generated manually and are done every few days. The pre-reg form is coming down in the next 36 hrs or so and will redirect to a casino directory for phone ins.

    Each casino will have a list of the players pre-registered for each event. They will hold enough seats to close to the start, but try to show up an hr or 30 minutes before to get your seating card. If you don't show up, they assume you are playing at the next casino as they all have different start times. Only if you don't show at any of the 3 are you charged. Pay in full when you get your seating card and let them know you are on the list. Theoretically, you have a reserved seat at all 3 venues so if you bust in the first hour of each you could make it to the next and still be guaranteed a spot....not exactly a profitable perk though, lol.

    Good Luck all and see you in a couple days, looking forward to meeting as many PFC ers in person as possible.

    :O seriously?
  • in theory. see you all starting tommorow
  • I'm flying into Calgary Sunday afternoon. Do I have any other options than taking a taxi to Deerfoot?
  • theidolist wrote: »
    I'm flying into Calgary Sunday afternoon. Do I have any other options than taking a taxi to Deerfoot?

    rental car would probably be a cheaper option
  • OK, going to come down on the 26th pm.

    John, is it likely there will be any 1 table satty's to the $2200 event Thursday night?

    Failing that, I'll just play the $500.

    GL to all those playing.
  • Just arrived in Calgary after the 34 hour drive haha. Jonesy9 and I are going to check out the casinos and such, maybe play some poker. If anyone is around feel free to text me at 705-493-6538 or Jonesy9 @ 705-627-7262, if you text us, let us know who you are so we dont have to text back asking haha. Gl everyone :D
  • Just arrived in Calgary after the 34 hour drive haha. Jonesy9 and I are going to check out the casinos and such, maybe play some poker. If anyone is around feel free to text me at 705-493-6538 or Jonesy9 @ 705-627-7262, if you text us, let us know who you are so we dont have to text back asking haha. Gl everyone :D

    Holy phack.....there are airports in western canada....fyi

    thought I was crazy for driving to Vegas, but it was only 20 hours
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    OK, going to come down on the 26th pm.

    John, is it likely there will be any 1 table satty's to the $2200 event Thursday night?

    Failing that, I'll just play the $500.

    GL to all those playing.

    How is it that ur not playing the 1K PLO?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    How is it that ur not playing the 1K PLO?

    lol......good question, I would play if I was going to be their on Wednesday, but don't have enough holidays left for a midweek jaunt.

    If stack sizes for PLO were deeper in live tournies, I'd make it a priority to attend.

    I've kind of learned the live PLO tournies are more of a crap shoot / turbo. In general, you get the same stack size as NLHE, but pots generally take longer to count (ie. some dealer and players not knowing exact pot calculations), as well as longer to deal (4 cards instead of 2). This adds up to alot less hands / hour than holdem = less play. Playing online, obviously you don't have this problem.

    I've told organizers they need more starting chips for PLO, but it never happens. I'll still play them, but not going out of my way to do so.
  • Just got into Calgary today, PM me for my number if stuff's goin down.
  • Quick update, tons of faces we dont know here already in town, some names starting to arrive, much, much talent in the rooms. 248 entries for the 250 player capped super sat today. Will post up $550 numbers tomorrow.

    You should be able to get sngs for the $2200 now that there is money in town. $300 10 player gets first place a $2200, 2nd a $550. Let them know you want an interest list and it should fill fast.

    As far as airports go, we looked into hiring a driver and van, have the driver but we and players are having difficulties getting rentals now. Apparently the hail that damaged a ton of cars earlier in the year has left them all short, thats the story everybody is being told when trying. Will keep you posted on the shuttles, really want them in place yesterday.
  • Single table sats for 1100 lammers anywhere tonight Jon?
  • Any of you guys selling %? And F you all for being there, can't believe i'm missing it.
  • @wetts, we will get some going this evening at Deerfoot for sure. All 3 will run them with interest. $65 for $550 vouchers, best bet we get $180's running 1st for $1100, 2nd $550

    I am the guy shaved head goatee, cpt shirt, look for us to announce these quite actively
  • actyper wrote: »
    Any of you guys selling %? And F you all for being there, can't believe i'm missing it.

    I am willing to sell some %. I am playing the $2200

    PM me with what you are thinking.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Any of you guys selling %? And F you all for being there, can't believe i'm missing it.

    Selling % for the 2.2k and 5k together at 1.25:1, $90/1%
  • Cool pm'd you 2
  • I have 10% of Wetts
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I have 10% of Wetts

    Lets gooooo.

    Playing Deerfoot 1100 today.
  • Good luck to you all!

    But especially Wetts ;)
  • Goodluck Wetts. Keep us updated if you can
  • Running behind so this has to be a copy paste will have complete list up at CANADIAN POKER TOUR                                                very soon, submitted to web guy.

    Come congratulate Gavin Smith on his WSOP bracelet or play with him and previous WSOP final table player Dennis Phillips at Grey Eagle Casino noon today for Event #2, a 3 venue $1100 multi day event. 84 Players remain for Day 2 of Event #1 and will be playing today. Adam Hamoui of Montreal is chip leader going in. Keith Gibson of Las Vegas also with top chips, look for a complete list and chip counts within hours to be posted here.

    297 entries for the $550 buy-in event, with an almost $150,000 prize pool.
  • jontm wrote: »
    84 Players remain for Day 2 of Event #1 and will be playing today. pool.

    Vekked made day 2.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    Keep us updated if you can

    Busted midway through day 1 with top 2 < flopped straight bvb.

    Fields appear to be soft but Im pretty sure I had the worst table draw ever to start with what I would consider only 2 real weak spots.

    Playing the 1100 at Cash tomorrow.
  • Goin into day 2 of the 1k w/ a decent heap of chips. 83k at 1k/2k, avg is prolly ~40k.
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