2010 Canadian Open Poker Championship with 5k HU



  • Met both Wetts1012 and Vekked today, great guys. We have chip counts from day 1 up now with player names and regions, truly is a coast to coast showing. Some tough tables for sure, we could pick any random table of the 192 player starting field for the $1100 and find at least 4 players with over 200k in tourney cashes or a canadian championship title.

    A few hiccups with the 3 venue today, very small fields at Cash and Grey Eagle. We did not start the tourney at Cash and immediately moved the players to Deerfoot. Grey Eagle played down to the dinner break and the field was shuttled and placed at the identical table arrangement into the Deerfoot Field. The players where very supportive and played down to level 12 today, with 49 remaining. Will have those counts up at canadianpokertour.tv under the "schedule" tab by mid day. Day 2 won't complete till about 10 pm tomorrow most likely. Vekked looking great for chips.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Busted midway through day 1 with top 2 < flopped straight bvb.

    Fields appear to be soft but Im pretty sure I had the worst table draw ever to start with what I would consider only 2 real weak spots.

    Playing the 1100 at Cash tomorrow.

    That's what I say every week at Ching Hill. Good fortune in your next event, Darryl . . .
  • Vekked wrote: »
    Goin into day 2 of the 1k w/ a decent heap of chips. 83k at 1k/2k, avg is prolly ~40k.

    I don't play tournies -- is this a good/normal structure where avg stack has only 20bb going into day 2?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I don't play tournies -- is this a good/normal structure where avg stack has only 20bb going into day 2?

    I guess people adjust. I would say no but I saw the following yesterday:

    1) Old dude at Vekked tabled limp/folds with like 5BB. He had an awesome golden bull card protector tho so hes ok by me.

    2) Young kid shoves like 12BB and middle agish guy with like 30-35BB open folds AK.

    3) I shove 3 consecutive hands with like 9BB from HJ,CO, Button. When I ship the button BB open folds 55.

    I guess my point is, to alot of the field, 20BB is like a mountain of chips.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I don't play tournies -- is this a good/normal structure where avg stack has only 20bb going into day 2?

    Its not amazing by any means but decent. 20bb average stack is like your normal online freeze out for the most part. For a 1k live its not bad, in comparison the 1k's in port perry have about 10bb avg stack later on with chip leader around 35bb, and I'm not even positive they have antes. The 550 in brantford I last played had 20bb chip leader at the final table with around 8bb avg stack, so I'm def not complaining. Obv wpt type events will have 40-50bb avg stacks with 120bb or so chip leader, but those are 4 day or more.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    1) Old dude at Vekked tabled limp/folds with like 5BB. He had an awesome golden bull card protector tho so hes ok by me.

    Pretty sure it was a golden wolf, or else I'm an idiot for referring to him as wolfman/wolfy.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    1) Old dude at Vekked tabled limp/folds with like 5BB. He had an awesome golden bull card protector tho so hes ok by me.
    Vekked wrote: »
    Pretty sure it was a golden wolf, or else I'm an idiot for referring to him as wolfman/wolfy.
    It was my kitty... tyvm... :)
  • Finished 10th in the 1k today to get money back, wetts was still in with a an ok stack, prob sitting around 6th, not to sure. i had about 60k blinds 2500/5k button raise my BB i shove with 33 he has ak. O well.
  • Finished 10th in the 1k today to get money back, wetts was still in with a an ok stack, prob sitting around 6th, not to sure. i had about 60k blinds 2500/5k button raise my BB i shove with 33 he has ak. O well.

    I just got back to Calgary, does that mean Wetts is through to day 2?

    Run horse run
  • today was only 1 day event
  • today was only 1 day event

    which event #?

    I see event 2 and 3 listed as 1.1k events

    ...so he is final table?
  • Yes, final 10 was final table. Event #3
  • Yes, final 10 was final table. Event #3

    at cash?

    whats first pay?
  • Just texted Wetts, he's cl 3 handed...first is 22k
  • Wetts 2nd for 17k gg.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Wetts 2nd for 17k gg.

    Sigh. Had like 500K chips of the 800 in play 3 handed. Make a probably bad shove with K10dd and villain wakes up with A10.

    HU hes got a 450/350 lead. I open AQ min from the button he flat. Flop Q63 I bet 55 he flats. Turn 10 I shove he calls 10/6 spades gg me.

    Have to go to work soon.
  • Wow sick!!!
  • Very nice Wetts, Online AND Live, you da man!
  • When I grow up, I wanna be like Wetts . . . win 17k and be annoyed about it. :o
  • Congrats wetts
  • GG Wetts.....staying for the week now?
  • I think he redeyed and showed up for work at 7am :)
  • Wetts is a beast. I already bustoed the heads up 5k 1st round... sucks to not make hands vs. a massive station.
  • gg wetts that was your 5 fig cash goal or what?
  • Congrats to Wetts1012 on the $17K cash. Is final tabling a Sunday Major the next goal? :cool2:
    darbday wrote: »
    gg wetts that was your 5 fig cash goal or what?
  • Tonight:

    met wetts,
    got my free monies,
    played live pokerz (for about an hour) for the first time in a couple of months,
    made a bit of money myself,
    bluffed a player wearing sunglasses after almost overtly mucking my hand

  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    met wetts,
    got my free monies,
    played live pokerz (for about an hour) for the first time in a couple of months,
    made a bit of money myself,
    bluffed a player wearing sunglasses after almost overtly mucking my hand



    woke up at noon,
    realized had 17k cash,
    went to bank with said cash,
    bank would not deposit said cash,
    spent remainder of day with cash stuffed in my pants like a crack dealer,
    met gta,
    gave away some monies,
    watched gta bluff some guy after obviously meaning to muck,

    the end.
  • banks don't take cash these days?

    i guess you are now officially the bank
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    banks don't take cash these days?

    i guess you are now officially the bank

    They basically said that theyre fraud nits and told me to deposit in toronto.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    They basically said that theyre fraud nits and told me to deposit in toronto.
    unreal, and serious why did they give you cash and why did you walk around with it. im no one to talk 17k woulda killed me in like 35 mins. but if the bank wouldn't deposit it i woulda made a hilarious (only to me) scene with the irony
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