Staking thread



  • Congrats on coming to an agreement and good luck to both of you!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Congrats on coming to an agreement and good luck to both of you!

  • ok, will have to start this after Jan 24 on FTilt -- I believe 60 (me)/ 40 (you) of profit is a standard arrangement -- others can correct me if I'm wrong. Let me know if this is acceptable. The plan would be to go to higher buy-ins if it is working out over a decent sample. You can keep whatever rakeback you get on FTilt (if you don't have rakeback you should get it added to your account).

    As far as record keeping -- I think Sharkscope is pretty accurate, but anyone can correct me if there is a more accurate way to keep track. I think a weekly Sharkscope pic accompanied by a total balance pic of your FTilt account would be ok. I realize you play other games as well, but it is just to make sure things are roughly equal with sharkscope and that you haven't started a new life in Aruba with my $275 -- you can block other info etc as you see fit. If there are profits we will state the total you owe me here once a month and you can transfer to my FTP account.

    All records will be public in this thread if that is ok with you.

    The stake is only to be used for 9man $5 + .50 NLH sngs (50= $275us) unless otherwise adjusted later in our agreement. Just play however often you want. Don't feel that you have to put in more volume than you want to, etc. I don't care much about a profit in a short time (although some profit would be nice:))...just play your normal game and we'll see where things go.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    ok, will have to start this after Jan 24 on FTilt -- I believe 60 (me)/ 40 (you) of profit is a standard arrangement -- others can correct me if I'm wrong. Let me know if this is acceptable. The plan would be to go to higher buy-ins if it is working out over a decent sample. You can keep whatever rakeback you get on FTilt (if you don't have rakeback you should get it added to your account).

    As far as record keeping -- I think Sharkscope is pretty accurate, but anyone can correct me if there is a more accurate way to keep track. I think a weekly Sharkscope pic accompanied by a total balance pic of your FTilt account would be ok. I realize you play other games as well, but it is just to make sure things are roughly equal with sharkscope and that you haven't started a new life in Aruba with my $275 -- you can block other info etc as you see fit. If there are profits we will state the total you owe me here once a month and you can transfer to my FTP account.

    All records will be public in this thread if that is ok with you.

    The stake is only to be used for 9man $5 + .50 NLH sngs (50= $275us) unless otherwise adjusted later in our agreement. Just play however often you want. Don't feel that you have to put in more volume than you want to, etc. I don't care much about a profit in a short time (although some profit would be nice:))...just play your normal game and we'll see where things go.

    60/40 is a bad deal...

    do payment back + 25% imo.......
  • 60/40 is pretty standard for an initial stake.
    You should also have some defined end point.

    50 BI is prob too big for STT. 30 would be better.
    e.g. 1 month /75 games/ $600 would prob be good. That way he has a chance to churn more than once through the initial BR.

    Did you agree on whether make-up is applicable here?
    Sharkscope is ok for keeping track, but he should also keep a rail with results. (philli knows the deal here)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    60/40 is pretty standard for an initial stake.
    You should also have some defined end point.

    50 BI is prob too big for STT. 30 would be better.
    e.g. 1 month /75 games/ $600 would prob be good. That way he has a chance to churn more than once through the initial BR.

    Did you agree on whether make-up is applicable here?

    I would rather 50bi I know I tilt less with more bi in my account. I don't follow your example -- you stated less bi and then have more in your example.

    I don't think make-up will apply to this deal -- any profit over the original stake is divided 60/40 -- if he loses it all then so be it. Obviously, I don't forsee this happening or I wouldn't offer the deal -- but I don't want someone on the forum indebted to me.

    As for an end point I think that Phil and I can just discuss here at the end of each month what we want to do unless he has other ideas. I haven't staked online before so I would like to keep this as sort of an open experiment. If the inital 50bi is lost then it will be up to me if I want to restake -- that's my only endpoint.
  • BI do not necessarily = games unless you want it to. i've seen players run 200+ games starting with 30 BI for a nice profit. Running through the BI multiple times is better for profit.

    Good luck to the 2 of you. Hope it's profitable for both.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    I would rather 50bi I know I tilt less with more bi in my account. I don't follow your example -- you stated less bi and then have more in your example.

    I don't think make-up will apply to this deal -- any profit over the original stake is divided 60/40 -- if he loses it all then so be it. Obviously, I don't forsee this happening or I wouldn't offer the deal -- but I don't want someone on the forum indebted to me.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    BI do not necessarily = games unless you want it to. i've seen players run 200+ games starting with 30 BI for a nice profit. Running through the BI multiple times is better for profit.

    Good luck to the 2 of you. Hope it's profitable for both.

    I still don't follow. I am getting a % pf his profit -- the amount of money I send him is irrelevant. If he profits $40 I get $24 whether he started with a $100 stake or a $1000 stake.
  • ok so I started to post then it was dinner time,lol (swiss steak mmmmm), so

    60/40 to start is o.k. with me, I have done that in the past and we can discuss 50/50 if good things happen. :)

    I agree with GTA, 50 buy ins is good, ya most likely won't need that but it will help to avoid "panic" if we run into a bad run, not to sound greedy or anything.

    as for going broke I am very confident that WILL NOT happen, I have only gone broke maybe twice in like the 4 years I have been playing, If it is really going bad and we are down quite a bit or whatever I will prob ask if you want to stop and ship whatever the amount is back.

    As for keeping you updated, we can use this thread or start another, I will keep you updated quite a bit, maybe post some weeeeee hands, or "these fucking gutshot chaser clowns" hands;)

    Jan 24th is good, I will clear out my funds I have on there now so there is no confusion, so if your going to ship funds early let me know so I can get mine off 1st.:).

    I agree with you again for makeup, I hate the feeling of owing money and again I will ask if we are down a sum if you want to end or not.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I have that kid on ignore, no worries.

    please add me to your ignore list; surprised you haven't done it a long time ago
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    please add me to your ignore list; surprised you haven't done it a long time ago

    but yet you read through my entire threads just to hijack them

    also, if I had you on ignore how would I know how to play an overpair for 100bb on a dry board?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    also, if I had you on ignore how would I know how to play an overpair for 100bb on a dry board?

    now I can get two doggy doors installed courtesy of V#1 and V#2; got any contractor references for this kind of job? where should I send the $800 deposit for the work?

    btw, instead of staking someone to play 50 SNGs for $275 (what's the minimum wage in Ontario again??), you probably get a better return on your money having some homeless guys sell Indian smokes at the corner of Bloor and Yonge.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    now I can get two doggy doors installed courtesy of V#1 and V#2; got any contractor references for this kind of job? where should I send the $800 deposit for the work?

    btw, instead of staking someone to play 50 SNGs for $275 (what's the minimum wage in Ontario again??), you probably get a better return on your money having some homeless guys sell Indian smokes at the corner of Bloor and Yonge.
    Jah, please stop trolling. I know you guys aren't the best of friends but it's getting a little silly.. Take it offline if you want to continue.. The popcorn buggy will be by soon...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Jah, please stop trolling. I know you guys aren't the best of friends but it's getting way past little douchey

  • It's actually getting way past that..
  • It's actually getting way past that..
    I was trying to be gentle.... :)
  • The time for gentle was a while back. But I'm feeling pissy tonight.
  • The time for gentle was a while back. But I'm feeling pissy tonight.

    If I can be gentle with fed I think I can be gentle with a reg....
  • Sorry Comp, I was responding to Mole's comment about way past douchey.

    Your kind and gentle (actually supple) hands don't need my advice about how to deal with things...
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    now I can get two doggy doors installed courtesy of V#1 and V#2; got any contractor references for this kind of job? where should I send the $800 deposit for the work?

    btw, instead of staking someone to play 50 SNGs for $275 (what's the minimum wage in Ontario again??), you probably get a better return on your money having some homeless guys sell Indian smokes at the corner of Bloor and Yonge.

    your taking a shot at me cause why?

    Actually, more motivation, continue on............ lol
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    As far as record keeping -- I think Sharkscope is pretty accurate, but anyone can correct me if there is a more accurate way to keep track.

    Sharkscope isn't really that accurate..I'll have a look through my pics. I know I screen captured it once so I could figure out the difference over a small sample size (games they caught v. games they didn't)

    In the context of staking agreement this size.. the amount they missed is significant.
  • If it's on PS philli can request an audit report and provide you with the link and password to open the file.

    It's a spreadsheet.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If it's on PS philli can request an audit report and provide you with the link and password to open the file.

    It's a spreadsheet.

    It's on full tilt, still could keep track of tournament numbers for GTA right?
  • found it, this example pic is from last year..but is for slightly bigger stakes on a MUCH slower moving sight. If they're missing stuff there, it stands to reason that they're even more likely to miss the super fast filling $5 sngs on Stars.

    $200 difference over less than 200 games (I'm sure none of it was MTT or cash, as I'd not played either on Pacific until that very day)

    Good luck guys!

  • philliivey wrote: »
    It's on full tilt, still could keep track of tournament numbers for GTA right?

    Yup and you could screenshot your Tournament History screen if needed
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    found it, this example pic is from last year..but is for slightly bigger stakes on a MUCH slower moving sight. If they're missing stuff there, it stands to reason that they're even more likely to miss the super fast filling $5 sngs on Stars.

    $200 difference over less than 200 games (I'm sure none of it was MTT or cash, as I'd not played either on Pacific until that very day)

    Good luck guys!


    thanks Kristy:), 5 dollar ones fill up fast on Full tilt, at least today, holy crap!
  • Notice that Kristy's 1st tab on here browser is YouPorn :D

    Also SS has a chart that shows coverages by site. Both PS and FT are 99% (I've seen very few misses) while others are as low as 80%
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Notice that Kristy's 1st tab on here browser is YouPorn :D

    Nice pickup...... lol
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Notice that Kristy's 1st tab on here browser is YouPorn :D

    NC Hobbes. I noticed it before posting, but can't remember now if I opened it for the screen capture comedy or if I was legitimately fmb and in the middle.. my thoughts drifted to SS.

    I thought it would take at least 5 posts before someone mentioned it.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    NC Hobbes. I noticed it before posting, but can't remember now if I opened it for the screen capture comedy or if I was legitimately fmb and in the middle.. my thoughts drifted to SS.

    I thought it would take at least 5 posts before someone mentioned it.

    I can spot porn a mile away :D
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