Question Week: GTA Poker



  • 1/ Are you glad you went first during question week?

    2/ Your answers (to date) have been very civil, not even as sarcastic as usual.. Is this a concerted effort? A new GTA?

    3/Are you getting tired of questions yet? Is 1 week too long to be held up to scrutiny?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    If you had to use one type of animal, but could use as many of them as you wanted, to put in the Roman colosseum with Phil Hellmuth, what would it be?

    How awesome was/is Wall-E?

    If you had super powers, would you use them for good, evil, your own benefit or your own amusement? If you want to name the super power(s), by all means.

    Tow Dwan hu for rollz.

    I wanted to watch Wall-E for some reason and brought it with us on my laptop when my gf and I were camping in Joshua Tree last spring. I started watching it and it was interesting for the first bit and then became very lame -- I never saw the last 1/2 of the movie.

    For good. To benefit mankind and, therefore, myself a bit I would think. I think the effortless reallocation of global and individual assets would be a good superpower to have. I would start with the redistribution of food and resources -- it really is a sad state in 3rd world countries. Too few people realize how lucky they are that they were born in the Western World -- can you imagine your life as a child in central Africa? Unfortunately, too much in this world comes down to money and greed.
  • Even with 3+ months to prepare, I have no hope of coming up with enlightening answers the likes of yours. Well done sir, well done.
  • compuease wrote: »
    1/ Are you glad you went first during question week?

    2/ Your answers (to date) have been very civil, not even as sarcastic as usual.. Is this a concerted effort? A new GTA?

    3/Are you getting tired of questions yet? Is 1 week too long to be held up to scrutiny?

    1. It's interesting. The questions have been rather easy. I'm neither glad nor sad. Well, I guess a was a little happy when Kristy seemed to offer-up some sex, but she never responded as to her intentions.

    2. You suck. I have yet to read either a folding AA preflop question in this thread or a that guy was really smart to smooth-call his set 4 ways in a 4 bet pot with a 4 flush on board question, so no need for sarcasm. Both sarcasm and my rapier wit take much more effort than being civil so I'm afraid that I don't understand the meaning or your query. Same GTA.

    3. I don't feel scrutinized nor tired. The questions have been fairly general in nature and not all that probing.
  • Why do you feel that religion should be treated as a mental disorder?

    Are you an Atheist, or Agnostic?

    It should go without saying that I am not trying to spark a flame-war with my first question. This thread is NOT the place for that. I am merely curious based on a previous answer given by GTA . . .
  • How much ya bench?

    In raw poundage, how high would you go in "big girl" terms?

    Whats the biggest difference Calgary vs. Toronto?

    Referencing celebrities, who do you consider a 1 and who would be a 10?

    My cat is 22 pounds. Is that healthy?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Why do you feel that religion should be treated as a mental disorder?

    Are you an Atheist, or Agnostic?

    It should go without saying that I am not trying to spark a flame-war with my first question. This thread is NOT the place for that. I am merely curious based on a previous answer given by GTA . . .

    I'm agnostic. Any logical person could figure this out for themselves so I'm not going to bother at this moment...we could start another thread if you like.

    Edit -- watching the films Religulous and Deliver Us From Evil would provide a good start point for discussions.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    How much ya bench?

    In raw poundage, how high would you go in "big girl" terms?

    Whats the biggest difference Calgary vs. Toronto?

    Referencing celebrities, who do you consider a 1 and who would be a 10?

    My cat is 22 pounds. Is that healthy?

    Bench -- I don't bench much anymore per se because my right shoulder has become more painful with that movement from prior dislocations. I generally use dumbells and do sets of 6-8 incline or flat presses with 110# max. I can probably bench 225# without my shoulder killing me, but there isn't any point.

    Depends on your definition of go.

    I like Calgary much better (I was born and raised in Toronto). You can drive an hour and be in Canmore or Banff, which is amazing. As for the city itself, it has everything I need in a city -- nice restaurants, nice gym, nice neighbourhoods, etc. but it only takes 20-30mins to cross the city in rush hour. Toronto is too big and, in my opinion, there is nothing of interest within driving distance. I did really enjoy living in High Park my last year in Toronto, but I'd still take Calgary any day. As far as poker goes -- 5+ 24 hour poker rooms in Calgary and zero in Toronto.

    I don't follow celebrity stuff much at all. 1 -- Danny Devito wearing skinny jeans? (if you don't watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia then you should really get on it). 10 -- no idea really, I just googled hot celebrities and there were tonnes of hot women, mostly names I don't recognize at all.

    Obviously not healthy. Just like humans, your cat is more prone to diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease and forms of cancer. In addition, he/she probably isn't enjoying life as much as a pet cat should. (I vote for troll question btw).
  • 1. How much road kill have you racked up in your driving lifetime and please supply us with the species
    2. Do you tilt and if not, what's the secret?
    3. animal cruelty sickens me to no end. What should be done to offenders other than a slap on the wrist and tiny fine?
    4. "what's in the basket?":biggrin:
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Well, I guess a was a little happy when Kristy seemed to offer-up some sex, but she never responded as to her intentions.

    Hard to respond in question form...but here goes

    1. A/S/L?
    2. Whatcha wearin?

    Other questions:

    1. Does it drive you nuts that everyone must immediately ask you about their pet as soon as they find out you're a vet?

    2. Also, My 11 week old puppy seems to all of a sudden go to the washroom (pee) like every waking hour but makes it through the 6 hrs I sleep a night, she also now has loose stools and does that about 2-4 times/day (I have not switched her food up) that normal? Is this a concern that can wait three weeks until her check up? Does worrying about this officially make me crazy?

    3. Can you tell us about some of the most insane pet owners you've ever had to deal with?

    EDIT: Love, Kristy xoxoxo
  • 1. Why do I have so much trouble remembering to log in before I post?
    2. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, iyo?
    3. What is the most dangerous animal in and around Southern we have any... poisonous snakes or secret giant spiders running free here? (obv not counting ones in zoos etc)
  • not yet asked:

    What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog on 3 legs?

    Milton Slim
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. How much road kill have you racked up in your driving lifetime and please supply us with the species
    2. Do you tilt and if not, what's the secret?
    3. animal cruelty sickens me to no end. What should be done to offenders other than a slap on the wrist and tiny fine?
    4. "what's in the basket?":biggrin:

    1. None to my knowledge, but one would have to assume that I hit something small at some point as I have driven across Canada 4 times and across the US 6-8 times.

    2. I rarely tilt live. I'm pretty laid back and I understand the maths and the concept of bad beats being good for me in the long run. I used to tilt often online as I would jsut deposit $400 or whatever and single-table NL200 or similar to kill time. Even though I had the correct bankroll in real life losing a buy-in and having only $200 left in my poker account would make a bad beat piss me off that much more. As of last month, with new poker priorities and focus, I am playing with an appropriate online bankroll and have yet to tilt.

    3. If anyone ever harmed my dog I would physically harm them. You can easily extrapolate that to a societal scale.

    4. I don't follow...maybe it's because I got up at 6am for work today.
  • Pure bred, or mutts?

    What is your favourite Opera?

    Your Lady's fave?

    What vocal range is she? Mezzo, Soprano . . .
  • disregard my Q about puppy if it is too specific..I'll probably err on the side of caution and have her checked out.

    What is your fav brand of dog food, (with some mindfulness of price) and what is your least fav brand of dog food? Is the favourite what you feed your pup?
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Hard to respond in question form...but here goes

    1. A/S/L?
    2. Whatcha wearin?

    Other questions:

    1. Does it drive you nuts that everyone must immediately ask you about their pet as soon as they find out you're a vet?

    2. Also, My 11 week old puppy seems to all of a sudden go to the washroom (pee) like every waking hour but makes it through the 6 hrs I sleep a night, she also now has loose stools and does that about 2-4 times/day (I have not switched her food up) that normal? Is this a concern that can wait three weeks until her check up? Does worrying about this officially make me crazy?

    3. Can you tell us about some of the most insane pet owners you've ever had to deal with?

    EDIT: Love, Kristy xoxoxo

    1. I'm 38 -- getting old I guess, but I don't feel it. In Calgary, male. 2. Wearing scrubs, I'm at work.

    1. I don't tell anyone that I'm a vet. I try to keep my work seperate from my private life.

    2. I would take her into your vet for a urinalysis and a fecal this week. Has she been dewormed yet? Have you given her new treats or table scraps, etc. recently? Is there blood or mucous in the feces? Does she strain when urinating? How much is she urinating when she goes? Is there ever blood in the urine? How long has she be doing each of these behaviours?

    3. Insane -- I guess the one that complained to me to the vet board several years ago. Owner comes in with her 15yr old little Maltese. Thin, no teeth. Presenting for vomiting and anorexia for several days. Quite thin, dehydrated, sick. The owner declines all diagnostics and treatment in hospital against my medical advice. I talk to her for 20-30 min and finally give her the option of our taking the dog back to the treatment area to give fluids under the skin and an injection of pepcid to try and settle her stomach and she consents. I tell her that this is only a temporary treatment and that she needs to take her dog to her regular clinic the next day. The dog is taken back to the treatment area and muzzled as it is trying to bite the technicians. The owner storms back into the treatment area (through the door that says staff only) and is screaming at the techs that they are abusing her dog. I see/hear this and tell her to wait upfront. She keeps screaming and I tell her the address of other emerg clinics and to take her dog and never come back. She never took her dog anywhere to follow-up and the dog dies within a week. She then wrote a complaint to the governing body for vets in Ontario that I and the techinicians caused neurological damage through the rough handling of her dog and that it died as a result of that. I told my girlfriend at the time about this and given the client's name she said I should google it. She was some small-time actress -- they are insane.

    As a cool aside, I treated Steve Martin's dog when he was in Toronto for something. It was kind of surreal seeing him in real-life. I treated George Stephanopoulos' dog late one night. My buddy I was working with saw the name in the computer and asked if it was THE George Stephanopoulos -- I had never heard of him, but it was him.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    1. Why do I have so much trouble remembering to log in before I post?
    2. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, iyo?
    3. What is the most dangerous animal in and around Southern we have any... poisonous snakes or secret giant spiders running free here? (obv not counting ones in zoos etc)

    1. It must be a female thing. I had to drive back to the grocery store the other night with my gf to get some grocery bags that she left at the customer service desk. Either that or you are so excited to exchange messages with me that you don't have time to think properly.

    2. 7.

    3. None (poisonous) in Southern Ontario that I have ever have come acrosss as a small animal vet.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    2. I would take her into your vet for a urinalysis and a fecal this week. Has she been dewormed yet? Have you given her new treats or table scraps, etc. recently? Is there blood or mucous in the feces? Does she strain when urinating? How much is she urinating when she goes? Is there ever blood in the urine? How long has she be doing each of these behaviours?

    Thanks for that, I really appreciate it.
    • No table scraps, but she has munched a few maple leaves while we were out..I've tried to get them away from her..but I'm sure she swallowed some small pieces.
    • No blood or mucous in stool..just not well-formed like they had been.
    • She alternates between a little and a normal amount of urine related to how much she's drunk recently, it too seems normal coloured and smelling and the related effort. I'm sure there is no blood in that since she goes on snow..or occassionally my white floor and carpet :D)
    • She's been like this for almost 3 days.
    • She has not been dewormed yet.
  • Hey Kristy,

    Just as an FYI Ontario does have a venomous snake. The Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. If you're a camper there is a great Provincial Park called Massasauga Park, great park can only get in by portage, and it's a named after the Eastern Massasauga because of the large population inside the park.

    Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
  • neat, thanks koby!
  • Not to derail things any further...but Kristy is she drinking and eating normally (i.e. same as before you noticed the change?)
  • Hahah

    I would TOTALLY love to go camping with Kristy, see how that went...

    <Blink blink> What the FUCK are all you goddamn birds chirping so fucking happily about!! Coffee now... what do you mean no coffee? A FIRE? You gotta build a fucking FIRE?!??!

    That's it.... FUCK nature, I'm outta here.

    <Peels off in nearest - not necessarily her - car>

  • yes Bill..she seems just fine, but for the dramatic increase in occurance. I've been feeding her three times a day instead of the previous free feed we had been doing to help control the number two accidents..but it is a comparable quantity.

    I forgot to say that at the start of this 3 days ago she vomitted several times over about 10 mins..but this was directly after an extended car ride. At the time I wrote it off to motion sickness. She hasn't since.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    I would TOTALLY love to go camping with Kristy, see how that went...

    <Blink blink> What the FUCK are all you goddamn birds chirping so fucking happily about!! Coffee now... what do you mean no coffee? A FIRE? You gotta build a fucking FIRE?!??!

    That's it.... FUCK nature, I'm outta here.

    <Peels off in nearest - not necessarily her - car>


    lolol..actually I can build a fire and I have passed out drunk outside..that's pretty much camping iyam.

    I have a strenous objection to the idea of urinating or defecating outside though. I have mentally mapped out the makeshift out house I would build first..were I to ever be stranded somewhere without facilities.
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    not yet asked:

    What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog on 3 legs?

    Milton Slim

    Shake hands. Google makes life easy.
  • Okay, back on the rails again . . .

    If Kristy were bitten by a Massassauga Rattler, while squatting in the bushes, would you save her life by sucking out the poison?

    Would you allow Mark to document said feat for posterity?

    Back to the original question: Mutts or Pure breds?

    Also, Your thoughts aboutthe recent Royal Society expose on genetic defects as relates to inbreeding of "show" dogs. Have breeders gone too far?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Pure bred, or mutts?

    What is your favourite Opera?

    Your Lady's fave?

    What vocal range is she? Mezzo, Soprano . . .

    I like both. However, I see no need to purchase a purebred dog when there are many great mutts in the pound that need homes. I got my dog at vet school from an Indian reservation.

    Favourite Opera -- any that have music from the Looney Toons so I can recognize a fkn song (I think the Barber of Seville is the only one so far). Not sure what my gf's favourite opera is...I don't think she has a specific one she likes best.

    Mezzo Soprano -- Lauren Phillips - Mezzo-Soprano
  • up and down fail.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    disregard my Q about puppy if it is too specific..I'll probably err on the side of caution and have her checked out.

    What is your fav brand of dog food, (with some mindfulness of price) and what is your least fav brand of dog food? Is the favourite what you feed your pup?

    I don't generally work day practice and I'm not much on pushing veterinary diets unless indicated for a specific disease (kidney disease, diabetes, etc.). I currently feed my dog a veterinary diet, but she's almost 13. Up until last year I fed her a decent quality pet store food -- Iams, Eukanuba, Science Diet are all good foods (are these too costly?). They obviously cost more than crap diets, but you also feed less volume per body weight as they are higher quality. I would feed kibble and avoid canned diets -- canned diets are more expensive and there is no real need for them. She has even eaten Beneful and Purina One at times throughout her life (not as good diets). Definitely avoid any grocery store brand diets -- Kirkland, Ol' Roy or other similar crap.
  • Fed, read the instructions. Not even worth a facepalm.
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