Dead Pool 1 Team lists



  • compuease wrote: »
    looks like a chop imo...

    meh, we're only 25% through the year. I'm sure once somebody checks out, that will start a parade of the dead/dying.
  • Hey, it's Hollywood . . . fashionably late is an ART FORM.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Another miss.
    You guys really suck at this don't you...? I can see this going into overtime for 2011, just to get your first score...

    Are you any better at poker?
  • Ya know, comp . . . I knew that putting an embargo on your name would come back to bite me in the ass. :-[
  • I can't believe nobody thought of Pat Burns.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Ya know, comp . . . I knew that putting an embargo on your name would come back to bite me in the ass. :-[
    Saved you getting banned though.. didn't it? On second thought, I'm not sure that is a reward... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    You guys really suck at this don't you...? I can see this going into overtime for 2011, just to get your first score...

    Are you any better at poker?

    No, according to stats I am not better at poker. Well actually that's not true. I have won A (singular) forum tourney and a few other games online.

    Yes, we apparently do suck at this particular type of draft. I will be seriously hurt if one of these poor buggers on my team doesn't kick the bucket this calendar year. I mean... Come on... How long can they ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL hang on. Not one?
  • Well, I am going to Cuba next month. Not suggesting any skullduggery, but I am not not suggesting it either . . .
  • milo wrote: »
    well, i am going to cuba next month. Not suggesting any skullduggery, but i am not not suggesting it either . . .

  • Hey, I'd be doing all the heavy-lifting . . .

  • That sucking sound you hear is Lynn Redgrave mocking us from the hereafter . . . :-[
  • I'm beginning to think you guys are so bad at this I should have encouraged you to pick me... Might have guaranteed myself immortality.. :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm beginning to think you guys are so bad at this I should have encouraged you to pick me... Might have guaranteed myself immortality.. :)

    Just checked my handy dandy D&D PFC guide book and it says that Compuease Level 63 as a Moderator comes with BanHammer and Immortality. You're fine. :)
  • Did you really just reference D & D? Yowza . . .

    Gary Gygax would be so proud, if he weren't mocking us from the grave, as well.
  • You're just mad because you didn't make the D&D-BanHammer connection sooner.
  • Careful, young wastrel, lest I fetch my Vorpal blade from yon chamber, and ensure your head sleeps elsewhere from your body . . . :o
  • Well if this doesn't take the cake. lol
    I can't believe none of you took Dennis Hopper.
    Kieth Richards and Ozzie are so well preserved they may go on for another 20 or 30 years.
    If I was on this sooner I would have put a team in for sure.
    Bunch of sick Bastards. I love it...
    Good Luck!
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Well if this doesn't take the cake. lol
    I can't believe none of you took Dennis Hopper.
    Kieth Richards and Ozzie are so well preserved they may go on for another 20 or 30 years.
    If I was on this sooner I would have put a team in for sure.
    Bunch of sick Bastards. I love it...
    Good Luck!

    Hopper was a consideration for many I would guess, but it was a draft. You make cut throat decisions with pressure on you. Richards was chosen I believe, but due to a drafting error was removed from a team.

    Ozzie will never die as long as I have anything to do with it.

    And yes....we are sick bastards. Unfortunately just not smart ones or capable of predicting demise.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Well if this doesn't take the cake. lol
    I can't believe none of you took Dennis Hopper.
    Kieth Richards and Ozzie are so well preserved they may go on for another 20 or 30 years.
    If I was on this sooner I would have put a team in for sure.
    Bunch of sick Bastards. I love it...
    Good Luck!

    I have a feeling there will be another CPF DPL in 2011. Here's the link to the '10 sign up and draft page:
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I have a feeling there will be another CPF DPL in 2011. Here's the link to the '10 sign up and draft page:

    I have a feeling we could be just keeping this one going!
  • Why not? the team members seem to be . . .
  • I have a feeling we could be just keeping this one going!

    NONONONO. There'll be a new draft. No way I'm getting stuck with these healthy, life loving people for another year.

    Of course they'll all keel over on New Years Day 2011 :mad:
  • We could add an extra little side bet to this whole freakshow of longevity.

    How 'bout a bonus for who ends up with the first team member to kick the bucket? Could give some of these louts some incentive to expire?
  • We could add an extra little side bet to this whole freakshow of longevity.

    How 'bout a bonus for who ends up with the first team member to kick the bucket? Could give some of these louts some incentive to expire?

    I'm fine with this. I think I might take matters into my own hand.
  • So.......................who's interested in the sidebet of first dead and what's the amount?

    And yes Johnnie, we do suck at this. Horribly, truly, horribly, fucking awfully so.

    I'm actually saddened that we can't predict death better than 5 months away when people are supposedly on their deathbeds and about to kick the bucket. I'm surprised that any of us are even haphazardly reasonable at poker based on this. Hmm, actually this is indicative of my game of late!
  • over/under on the total of all the stiffs you will accumulate collectively by year end? I would put it at perhaps 2..... :)
  • The summer is hard on sickly people..too many parties and good times during the summer just when they are starting to feel better...

  • Don't forget the elderly/sick + failed A/C units = $$$
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