team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • lol, so what's the next snag....? location? Methinks it will be one excuse after another... Challenge trophy? Unless it's more than NL disciplines it's nothing but a hollow shell..
  • Wes. I don't know why Jeff would request me either. I make no claims to be anuthing more than a recreational player. I don't make "special apperances". I will not be going to Toronto.

    I have my holidays and events planned. He can call me whatever he wants. As I told him before, I am the only person who has a full time job in my family, my wife stays home to look after our son, who has autism and CP so I don't take huge risks with my money for ego. As the qualities you put forth for him as being a husband and father are his attributes, hopely that will be a good enough cowardly excuse for him.
    He didn't show up in Calgary for personal reasons, here is mine.

    As for his challenge, I played him in Vegas, I was on "The CPT" team and pocketed $350 for my time. He takes shots at me answering "Keep it you need more than me", but He thought it was important enough at the time to write this article: - Issue 6/26. You will see there is no mention of me at all in it, just him beating Kelly. So if he wins against me I lose and If I win, I lose.

    Hopefully this arguement is not crossing between you and I Wes, but I have nothing to prove to Jeff. I play poker to win money, not for attention. I chop a ton more than I win, becuase I like money and tommorrow nobody cares about most tournements and eventually someone wins the next one. I am happy to see my friends suceed and will congratulate them and when it is noteworthy, do everything I can to spread the word.

    There are about 100 things Jeff can challenge me on in this thread and he picks poker, the one thing I make no claims on. Everyone that has played with me thinks I have game at my level and as "a student of the game". If need be, I can dig up an article where a sponsered pro backs it up. Mostly he was impressed by me asking questions that people would poke at, yet ignore them, take his critisim and improve. He took the time to mention me with the sites POY and WSOP package winners, 1 of about 5 names. The blast went to 50k+ members and was their annual highlight letter, so does that make me famous too? I was 257 on their (SPadeClubs) POY list btw, playing recreationally against low limit players and when he was done with me had 31 finals and 1-4 win ratio of those, up to 600 player fields in 60k hands. So there are my stats. When I follow my coaches SNG strategy, I can maintain 10% ROI on Sharkscope in the micros. Nothing near pro. The Card Player coach had with almost a million in cashes gave me kudos for that. I am content with that. The anaylasis software of several coaches and sites put me as intermediate, but I have long forgoten about trying to be pro because I know enough of them to know their thinking levels and natural skill, dedication and everything else to know I am miles from there. I do keep stats though and am well in the black. Good enough for my bank. Live I have won prob a dozen $60 tourneys, choped a dozen more, finalled a dozen more. Fields of 40-100. My current game is best at those parameters as I am looking to build strengths to have an honest shot at the medium limits. Everytime I do better. People find my game consistent, my medium limit friends have game and aren't afriad to back me. All of them have TV tables and one I guarantee you is known by a ton of the live pros you mention. He is also a recreational player and I refer to him by his nickname as his TV time and mag covers before my time writing caused his home to be invaded and his family put at risk after a 100k win. He beat Dennis Phillips two of 3 at COPC and Antonio the last year. He doesn't consider himself pro, even though he plays up to 50/100 and beats it live regular, sometimes bigger. I have some friends who ball, I have been invited to play on their stake in buy-ins I couldn't afford, but I know enough to know when it is not plus EV. Sometimes I accept a smaller event or sell action, based on the field but I respect their money as much as my own. What I am good at is judging who is exceptional. I am not afraid to expose my track record.

    Have fun with it ^^^^.

    Have a blast though. Good Luck!
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, so what's the next snag....? location? Methinks it will be one excuse after another... Challenge trophy? Unless it's more than NL disciplines it's nothing but a hollow shell..

    LOL seriously.....Read the thread....

    I have already said i am the only BS player that plays at a competeive level in all 10 games.....

    so a shell it will be.....
  • jontm wrote: »
    Wes. I don't know why Jeff would request me either. I make no claims to be anuthing more than a recreational player. I don't make "special apperances". I will not be going to Toronto.

    I have my holidays and events planned. He can call me whatever he wants. As I told him before, I am the only person who has a full time job in my family, my wife stays home to look after our son, who has autism and CP so I don't take huge risks with my money for ego. As the qualities you put forth for him as being a husband and father are his attributes, hopely that will be a good enough cowardly excuse for him.
    He didn't show up in Calgary for personal reasons, here is mine.

    As for his challenge, I played him in Vegas, I was on "The CPT" team and pocketed $350 for my time. He takes shots at me answering "Keep it you need more than me", but He thought it was important enough at the time to write this article: Canadian Poker Player Magazine - Issue 6/26. You will see there is no mention of me at all in it, just him beating Kelly. So if he wins against me I lose and If I win, I lose.

    Hopefully this arguement is not crossing between you and I Wes, but I have nothing to prove to Jeff. I play poker to win money, not for attention. I chop a ton more than I win, becuase I like money and tommorrow nobody cares about most tournements and eventually someone wins the next one. I am happy to see my friends suceed and will congratulate them and when it is noteworthy, do everything I can to spread the word.

    There are about 100 things Jeff can challenge me on in this thread and he picks poker, the one thing I make no claims on. Everyone that has played with me thinks I have game at my level and as "a student of the game". If need be, I can dig up an article where a sponsered pro backs it up. Mostly he was impressed by me asking questions that people would poke at, yet ignore them, take his critisim and improve. He took the time to mention me with the sites POY and WSOP package winners, 1 of about 5 names. The blast went to 50k+ members and was their annual highlight letter, so does that make me famous too? I was 257 on their (SPadeClubs) POY list btw, playing recreationally against low limit players and when he was done with me had 31 finals and 1-4 win ratio of those, up to 600 player fields in 60k hands. So there are my stats. When I follow my coaches SNG strategy, I can maintain 10% ROI on Sharkscope in the micros. Nothing near pro. The Card Player coach had with almost a million in cashes gave me kudos for that. I am content with that. The anaylasis software of several coaches and sites put me as intermediate, but I have long forgoten about trying to be pro because I know enough of them to know their thinking levels and natural skill, dedication and everything else to know I am miles from there. I do keep stats though and am well in the black. Good enough for my bank. Live I have won prob a dozen $60 tourneys, choped a dozen more, finalled a dozen more. Fields of 40-100. My current game is best at those parameters as I am looking to build strengths to have an honest shot at the medium limits. Everytime I do better. People find my game consistent, my medium limit friends have game and aren't afriad to back me. All of them have TV tables and one I guarantee you is known by a ton of the live pros you mention. He is also a recreational player and I refer to him by his nickname as his TV time and mag covers before my time writing caused his home to be invaded and his family put at risk after a 100k win. He beat Dennis Phillips two of 3 at COPC and Antonio the last year. He doesn't consider himself pro, even though he plays up to 50/100 and beats it live regular, sometimes bigger. I have some friends who ball, I have been invited to play on their stake in buy-ins I couldn't afford, but I know enough to know when it is not plus EV. Sometimes I accept a smaller event or sell action, based on the field but I respect their money as much as my own. What I am good at is judging who is exceptional. I am not afraid to expose my track record.

    Have fun with it ^^^^.

    Have a blast though. Good Luck!

    I understand Jon...and this is not crossing andy line with me...Were good

    This is stright from Jeff's mouth to my ear to the Keyboard...thats all...I will pass on the info...
  • I would be asking for expense money if I were you Jon. Not that cheap a trip.
  • I would help with $$$ for flight and accomodations John. I don't want to speak for anyone else that would represent OPT but if that would be the only thing stopping these guys from playing I am pretty sure the group could pitch in and cover your costs.
  • Appreciate the offer blackmagicz, but it's a waste of money and surely my presence wont make or break this. It's not just about money. I have three weeks of holidays a year.
    I took some time to go to Foxwoods and have booked a week at the lake. I am going to take a few more days for WCPC (which I have some business in Edmonton I can combine) and take a shot at the 550, because it is also my wifes birthday and we going with a group. I want to keep a week for Vegas open but may not go if it feels like it will be foolish. My son is having surgery either before the end of the month if a slot opens or after the summer to fuse anklebones. I am leaving a week and change to help around the house and there will be other appointments as he needs to be in a chair for 3 months and then physio. Besides him I have 2 other kids that groups and things they do so unless it is important, I try to be around. This is far from important. If my wife hadn't talked me into going to Foxwoods to pop bottles with the November Nine, i found some other business in Montreal to justify the trip, network and break even so went via that route or wouldn't have....
    if I can offer a gauge of how highly this ranks on my priority list. Love to hang with the OPT, but I know I will see them somewhere sometime without them footing the bill.
  • I just mentioned the expense thing Jon. I know you have a family to look out for. That's more important than anything else.
  • Thanks, that you guys would offer is tres cool and means a lot.
  • Save your money Jon...gonna need it at the Slap Chop Challenge.
  • Naah, Jon, that boy of yours means a lot. This is just some interwebz bullshit . . .
  • Why is there always a media aspect in this?

    Im good with everything in terms of the game structure, and I love the orphans as much as the next guy, but I dont get why there has to be a charity involved. It absolutely makes no sense other than its going to be spun in some way after the fact.
  • Well, The Guy is a publicity whore. What do you expect.
    Some unrealistic expectations IMO.
    Can't expect JonTM just to pick up and leave for a couple of days. I am sure he would rather be home especially with his son.

    Charity donations well . I wouldn't have a problem giving a donation to say Sick Kids Hospital . We could probably get a bunch of the forumers to kick a couple of bucks towards a donation.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Why is there always a media aspect in this?

    Im good with everything in terms of the game structure, and I love the orphans as much as the next guy, but I dont get why there has to be a charity involved. It absolutely makes no sense other than its going to be spun in some way after the fact.

    This for sure, don't mind giving to a worthy charity like Sick Kids but NOT ok with some publicity hound getting media coverage out of it. IMO it should be done almost anonymously. Most charity tournaments that I am aware of around here, no one INDIVIDUAL is taking credit.
  • compuease wrote: »
    This for sure, don't mind giving to a worthy charity like Sick Kids but NOT ok with some publicity hound getting media coverage out of it. IMO it should be done almost anonymously. Most charity tournaments that I am aware of around here, no one INDIVIDUAL is taking credit.

    So True, But I think we know were this is heading. Nudge nudge wink wink..
  • Sooooo To write another chapter in this never ending story....

    After speaking with jeff...and talking things over about the challenge...

    He would like challenge to happen, and at a reasonable price (stake) and location....

    Here is what Jeff has come up with now and i am sure you will find this more then reasonable...

    We will meet at a Mutual Location in the GTA....
    The date will be late August or Early September....
    Stake should be $100-200 and a portion should go to Charity...(each team would declare the charity before hand)
    This would be an annual challenge for bragging rights and Trophy...
    HU play in the morning with a Double KO format...
    Then SNG in the Afternoon, followed by a MTT...The starting stacks in the MTT will be adjusted accordingly to points each team has gathered in the first 2 events.
    It would be nice if this could be done over 2 days….otherwise it’s going to be a long day
    Last but not least….Jeff has requested the presence of Jontm (Mr. Jon Harnish) why??? Personally I don’t know…
    Any other details or stuff that would like to be worked out, you can contact me Via PM or continue this thread…

    Again Remember I am the messenger….. I don’t mind being the middle man for talking; JUST DON’T SHOOT ME…..

    So i'm assuming that this offer is off the table since jontm can not understandably make it. Nor should he be expected to. But out of curiousity what would now be a exceptable location in the GTA? I thought according to him he could only play in ligitimate establishments.
    For the most part i find the suggested format reasonable, i think it needs a little bit of tweeking but nothing major. The only really big thing that i would add is there has to be more then just NLH, I think at a bare minimum there has to be a PLO game. If you're going to call youself a Pro poker player/best player north of Toronto then you need to be able to play more then one style of game.

    All that being said, i speak for myself and not OPT. I would never agree to play this on the pure fact that everything that A10 has done regarding this match up has been to generate somekind of media hype for himself. It is that kind of ego and antics that has turned me off of being a supporter for him. If i believed that all players involved would have an opportunity to benefit from any percieved media interest/hype then my opinion might be different, but based on things that i have read in this thread, and things that i have seen for myself, i imagine that the situation would end up with all players involved on there knees while A10 attempts to stand on our backs.

    If this match was to ever happen, it should be based on friendly competition, a fun day of poker, some reasonable yet not over the top bragging rights. It should not be a platform for one man to attempt to promote himself.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Why is there always a media aspect in this?

    Im good with everything in terms of the game structure, and I love the orphans as much as the next guy, but I dont get why there has to be a charity involved. It absolutely makes no sense other than its going to be spun in some way after the fact.

    Don't you have a tourney to win? Darryl, once again, pissing excellence in the (Winnipeg) a.m.

    Go take a nap, horsey . . . :)
  • Comp, since you have an "in" with Father Time, can you hook me up with the 40+ minutes I just wasted on reading this thread and the one on A10's site? Kthx.

    Also, I have no bloody clue who the hell A10 is and didn't bother to google him because A - it would be giving him exactly what he wants, publicity and B - it's just not worth my time.

    Now where are those nail clippers?
  • Cerb,

    Picture the biggest douche you know, add a stooooopid looking hat that is supposed to resemble a hockey helmet, and a mouth bigger then Phil Hellmuths'..... Oh and don't forget to add the scantily clad women to pose for website promo pics.... and there you have it! No need to google.
  • reibs wrote: »

    Picture the biggest douche you know, add a stooooopid looking hat that is supposed to resemble a hockey helmet, and a mouth bigger then Phil Hellmuths'..... Oh and don't forget to add the scantily clad women to pose for website promo pics.... and there you have it! No need to google.
    They were women? :confused:
    I thought Black Sabbath was redoing the video for War Pigs. lol
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Comp, since you have an "in" with Father Time, can you hook me up with the 40+ minutes I just wasted on reading this thread and the one on A10's site? Kthx.

    Also, I have no bloody clue who the hell A10 is and didn't bother to google him because A - it would be giving him exactly what he wants, publicity and B - it's just not worth my time.

    Now where are those nail clippers?

    ROFL....Okkkkkkk.... and u havent given that to him already by visting his website or posting about the topic....

    Good one......:confused:
  • ROFL....Okkkkkkk.... and u havent given that to him already by visting his website or posting about the topic....

    Good one......:confused:

    Actually, I went into it openminded, thus the one and only visit I made to his site.

    You misunerstand my intent. The post I made was here, which will not get him anything, I made was foe the sole purpose of making the joke at Comp's age so I could check my reflexes when it comes to ducking the banhammer.

    Yeap, still good :-)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Actually, I went into it openminded, thus the one and only visit I made to his site.

    You misunerstand my intent. The post I made was here, which will not get him anything, I made was foe the sole purpose of making the joke at Comp's age so I could check my reflexes when it comes to ducking the banhammer.

    Yeap, still good :-)

    LOL . If I can get away with the War Pigs comment I am sure you missed by a country mile Cerberus......
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    LOL . If I can get away with the War Pigs comment I am sure you missed by a country mile Cerberus......

    to much....Just to much lol....
    go back to cashing 1 out of every 7-8 27 man $5 lol
  • Boy, sure wish I had an army of trolls to defend me...
  • to much....Just to much lol....
    go back to cashing 1 out of every 7-8 27 man $5 lol

    BWAHAHAHAHA That's original........
  • So is anything going on this? Are there any behind the scenes arrangements being made? Did any BS members win bracelets in Vegas? It appears that cardrunner guy hasn't logged on since the later part of April and there is still very few posts on the BS site at all. It looks almost dead, only cardrunner and A-9 post occasionally. A-9 posts about how well his Vegas trip went, I think he beat about half the entrants in most of the tournaments he played... :)
  • I am gonna say that Ace Ten stepped up to the plate and played a WSOP event, the only real thing that the OP/Blog challenged him to do. Around an equal amount of BS and Players played at WSOP and Vegas side events, with the OPT coming out...ohhh, about 700k ahead. Not that this was any official challenge, but I'd have to say there really isn't much left to prove. Card runner made an FB comment after WSOP about needing to surround himself with better players he can learn from, he does have game, that I know, I would say burning the Bombsquad hoodie would be a start...

    That site is dead, load times are completely horrible, I might actually read more if it didn't take 2 minutes to come up from google homepage
  • Hey guys, its not that i dont check in every now and then, i just havent used this as a hub for my poker sources latley....more pokerroad or 2+2 of pocketfives....I would say the OPT came out on top for congrats to Pudge and the rest of the OPT for a great series!!! you guys did yourselves and Canada Poker fans proud for the matter!!!! Great Work...! I know of 3 BS players that played the wsop this year and not 1 of us cashed...I was knocked out before the $$ day one with 16 mins left in the last level for a 70k stack KK < 66... aipf... Sigh.... but thats poker as far as i know i belive i did the best out of the BS down in vegas this year....I chopped a
    Ceasers mega for a 3k on a $120 investment, made a deep run in a Venetian deep stack for another 2k as well cashed in 2 Grand series events as well as 3 Cashes in the Deep stacks at the Rio.... A10 had a cash at the Venetian in a deep stack, and i believe another in a rio deep stack but only had a chance to play 3-4 events while he was there so he did well... My comment after the series was more less about the people who i chose to take the trip with.... and 0 BS memebrs were in the company i went with.... a few of my friends (Jeangrae, mahowny777) rented a house with other players both live and online and it seemed they were more focused with surrounding themselves with better players that they could discuss the game with and about.... the group i choose to go with just didnt take it serious enough i felt.... so thats where that commet came from... BTW Ty for the comment Jon.... Apart from not having the role to play at the level i need to play at to get recongnized....I know i can play with theses guys, and my ROI has always been great and there to prove i can play....Just need to continue to grind more & more or find some staking lol....
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