team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • Steve, Like i said....I am the msngr....Jeff Asked to up it, as did were asking for $500.
    We both know 2 days is better, were talking September...Lots of time to plan for a weekend off...

    Jeff has yet to say anything to me about anything other then what we already agreed upon, and the last thing over on the other forum that was said was let Steve and Jeff hammer out the details.

    So why are you coming on here with details that I have not heard about.

    What is a go is 10 player teams could change to 12 for the 6 max.
    $200 buy in
    Neutral location.

    I know most of my players would rather pay $500 to go to a tournament that will have 100+ players then spend it on this thing that is only for bragging rights.

    We are both right that we think this will never happen, but it really looks like A10 and the bomb squad are trying to make this more or something that it is definitely not.
  • Also September is Borgata and the WPT.

    A10 agreed on his forum that July or august would be best after The WSOP
  • ok....I am just saying what he has txt me....

    I have asked him to post his response to why its changed... so he knows your waiting...

    I dont know what to say
  • Jeff has a deal now and can not get caught playing in a non-licensed environment...You can understand that right?

    This is kind of funny, cause I know Gavin Smith who is signed with Full Tilt plays in a non-licensed establishments all the time when he is in Ontario
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    idk whats going on here, but mine is 12 inches.

    Folded in half.

    WOW glad your on OPT LOL
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    This is kind of funny, cause I know Gavin Smith who is signed with Full Tilt plays in a non-licensed establishments all the time when he is in Ontario

    Again i am passing the msg on that i was given in regards to where he would like to play
  • that's it, I'm changing my forum name to the 56Bomber!
  • posted a few mins ago, by A10

    To make this a real poker challenge it has to have all the elements of a real poker feel......The OPT and the forums section over in POKERFORUMS.CA seem to very positive that they will win this challenge! Well it wouldn't be a proper challenge unless done right......Playing for $200.00 isn't going to work for myself and playing this challenge in a basement won't work for us either...If the challenge needs to be done it needs to be done proper like a poker player would have it or a everyday grinnnnddderrrr for that matter.

    So the game needs to be played in a place like a poker room with real dealers, and people who can watch and witness the great action that my team will bring to the table. The lights, the camera's, and all the distractions that a poker player would go through in a tourney format! Now the stakes need to be higher so that we are all playing at our best and taking hits to the next level...$200
    $550.00 each is perfect! This amount is a common amount the average grinnnnddderrrrrr likes to reach and play to see how good his or hers game can be.

    With a group of money on the line like this the play will be taken serous and have much far greater meaning to all of us. I don't want to play for $200 I want a bigger chunk and as for a team WE WANT IT ALL! So that leaves the prize pool with a huge sum of money with 10 players total on each team =$10,000! Now that's what a challenge is all about and a challenge that a poker player would have to mentally prep for! So now that we have the setting we need to also include a poker players tour.....we make the date well after the WSOP so all players can book time off as a poker player would with his or hers job, second the tourney would have two days sort of like a DAY1A and DAY2B! I have the format being worked on and it will for sure include a points system from the heads-up day which would carry more chips over to the final day of the tourney set-up! Last but not least every poker player has to travel to events like this which means the player needs to prepare for everything such as the long drive and the sense of knowing if you lose it will be a long drive home! So this is going to take place in a card room.....most likely PLAYGROUND POKER CLUB! Here we will also have a TV table that will show our final table day and get coverage on our websites for both sides! This being another poker players dream to play on a TV table for big as far as big money as a 1 person...maybe not! But with $10,000 in the prize pool as a team.....PRETTY BIG!

    To call this a 'REAL POKER CHALLENGE" all the key elements have to be make sure we all through the elements of the GRIND. Travel, Stay, Multi-day event, High Stakes, Booking time off, Prep, and now getting your team ready as a whole!

    I think I could get PLAYGROUND to help us get a bus as well I have some connections in Montreal for a great rate on rooms! So you wanna have a challenge then let's make it worth my time and not waste anymore on this subject!

    I want lot's of people and players to watch this challenge go down so when the winning team is declared the proof will be all over the net!
  • That proves a lot of peoples points. A10 is nothing but in it for publicity.

    The fact is that is no where close to a real poker event. No matter how you organize it, as your own feltgrinder has said it is for bragging rights and that is it.

    If you can do it for $200, at a neutral location in this area where we can get dealers, no cameras, no media, cause the only people that actually are interested in this are those on these forums, so having it in this area they can all come watch.

    That is not good enough for A10 cause he is not It for bragging rights he is it for publicity.
  • posted a few mins ago, by A10

    To make this a real poker challenge it has to have all the elements of a real poker feel......The OPT and the forums section over in POKERFORUMS.CA seem to very positive that they will win this challenge! Well it wouldn't be a proper challenge unless done right......Playing for $200.00 isn't going to work for myself and playing this challenge in a basement won't work for us either...If the challenge needs to be done it needs to be done proper like a poker player would have it or a everyday grinnnnddderrrr for that matter.

    So the game needs to be played in a place like a poker room with real dealers, and people who can watch and witness the great action that my team will bring to the table. The lights, the camera's, and all the distractions that a poker player would go through in a tourney format! Now the stakes need to be higher so that we are all playing at our best and taking hits to the next level...$200
    $550.00 each is perfect! This amount is a common amount the average grinnnnddderrrrrr likes to reach and play to see how good his or hers game can be.

    With a group of money on the line like this the play will be taken serous and have much far greater meaning to all of us. I don't want to play for $200 I want a bigger chunk and as for a team WE WANT IT ALL! So that leaves the prize pool with a huge sum of money with 10 players total on each team =$10,000! Now that's what a challenge is all about and a challenge that a poker player would have to mentally prep for! So now that we have the setting we need to also include a poker players tour.....we make the date well after the WSOP so all players can book time off as a poker player would with his or hers job, second the tourney would have two days sort of like a DAY1A and DAY2B! I have the format being worked on and it will for sure include a points system from the heads-up day which would carry more chips over to the final day of the tourney set-up! Last but not least every poker player has to travel to events like this which means the player needs to prepare for everything such as the long drive and the sense of knowing if you lose it will be a long drive home! So this is going to take place in a card room.....most likely PLAYGROUND POKER CLUB! Here we will also have a TV table that will show our final table day and get coverage on our websites for both sides! This being another poker players dream to play on a TV table for big as far as big money as a 1 person...maybe not! But with $10,000 in the prize pool as a team.....PRETTY BIG!

    To call this a 'REAL POKER CHALLENGE" all the key elements have to be make sure we all through the elements of the GRIND. Travel, Stay, Multi-day event, High Stakes, Booking time off, Prep, and now getting your team ready as a whole!

    I think I could get PLAYGROUND to help us get a bus as well I have some connections in Montreal for a great rate on rooms! So you wanna have a challenge then let's make it worth my time and not waste anymore on this subject!

    I want lot's of people and players to watch this challenge go down so when the winning team is declared the proof will be all over the net!

    This has to be a joke!! This is two local poker groups getting together to see who is the better team, and somehow you want to turn it into one of your circus performing acts. Not all of us want to be part of the freakshow, some of us have dignity.

    -You committed to $200/man
    -You committed to a neutral arena (playground is your turf)

    To me this is all about the bragging rights, the cash is just icing on the cake.

    Man up to your commitments and lets organize something, otherwise admit that you don't want to play against us and we can all move on with our lives.
  • +1. He wants to have everything his way, or else he will take his goofy toque and stay home. Or rather, stay at "his" Playground.

    Basically, it is set up to fall through . . . and then he will, inevitably, claim it was OPT that was too skeered to play him and his boys.
  • Milo wrote: »
    +1. He wants to have everything his way, or else he will take his goofy toque and stay home. Or rather, stay at "his" Playground.

    Basically, it is set up to fall through . . . and then he will, inevitably, claim it was OPT that was too skeered to play him and his boys.

    you just summed it up perfectly Milo, he is setting it up to make it impossible to happen and then be able to claim somekind of victory because OPT was not willing to drive to Montreal to play him.
  • i was saying to Steve earlier today that this is the most fun i've had on this forum in awhile, so when this all falls apart because "OPT won't haul ass to Montreal" at least i got some great entertainment value out of it.
  • he even boasts that because the forums have blown up over this that it has to be made bigger. Well the majority of the players on the forums and that actually want to watch this are from southern ontario, and most likely won't be driving to montreal to watch this circus
  • and now on A10's forum he has closed the main thread to all replies
  • Looks like they want to be big fish in their own little pond..

    Back to our regular programming.... At least we don't charge for membership..
  • Well, how does Steve's original "Gimmick" analogy sound now? Anyone left unsold? Go to the CPT site, read the Bomber articles (flip PDF) prior to COPC written about Jeff by Jeff and the Epic Heads up battle that was orchestrated much like this is now but didn't happen. Read the tall tall tale he passed for the end result.

    Set it up like a real grind for a real player, is this training wheels? Shouldn't results show a prior pattern?

    The entertainment was great and like we predicted, all the delusions and and speeches we associate with the man came out. Motivating Karesh like BombSquad speech, TV angle worked in, unrealistic complications that almost surely lead to a claim of submission.

    It's almost a script in itself

    Listen to the real poker players talking. Why would they want to pay needless overhead for little ROI and essentially pay for you to set up a media event? By god son, these people don't have to prove anything, they have results.

    Everything that was asked to be proved already has.
  • Too bad, I had actually hoped Mr. Burnett would follow through on this.

    As the birthday boy said...back to regularly scheduled programming. Mr. Dressup can be found on the other channel.
  • Can we have any curtain music?
  • Here ya go. This was very entertaining.

    YouTube - Old Days Of Our Lives theme song
  • That's awesome Bill :)
    Here ya go. This was very entertaining.

    YouTube - Old Days Of Our Lives theme song
  • Bahahahahahahaha! That was a PERFECT curtain! Cheers!
  • Just landed.

    Read whole thread.

    Then read other thread.

    A personal favourite of mine:

    "The lights, the camera's, and all the distractions that a poker player would go through in a tourney format"

    Riveting stuff.

    Retards gonna retard.
  • It looks to me that He is trying to turn this into a big circus.

    Challenge was between 2 teams. 10 players on each.

    Play it like the royal with 2 tables of 10.. 5 OPT and 5 Bombsquad.
    Should be all disciplines of poker, Not Just NL

    I did some reading but I was too busy laughing .
    The fuse has been lit. WTF is that.

    Play at a neutral site. You're not gonna get this televised buddy.
    Legions banned poker at all of their halls 2 yrs ago.

    Find a small hall in the sticks or someone in a condo that has a party room and get at er.

    Who's conducting this Guys orchestra anyways?
  • AceTenBomber, or anyone who takes the time to post in his petty little self indulging circus he calls a forum.

    You sir, are a coward and an ass. I believe you were the one to toss the gauntlet originally, and once accepted, agreed to preliminary conditions which were acceptable.

    You now want to change those conditions to your liking, only to inflate your already overblown ego, and turn this into a media spectacle for your own and your diciples reasons, none of which has anything to do with the original challenge in the first place. This is not a sideshow for freaks and performers, this is a poker challenge between two equally strong groups. Yet your ego has gotten in the way once again and you wish to change this into something more akin to your gimmick, where only you can benefit from the hysterics that will undoubtly ensue. I for one want no part of your self righteous circle of Barnum'n Baily rejects, but I was very much looking forward to joining this challenge. No longer.

    In short, sir, you're a fucking coward. Changing the conditions to suit your perference is custom designed to prevent this challenge from happpening in the first place and make the other team look like the ones who pulled out of it, meanwhile you and your team are the ones who obviously have come to realize that your 'talents' lie only in making yourselves look foolish for an audience and esstentially admitting that your combined skills are insufficient to have a chance in winning this 'friendly little challenge'.

    Accept the challenge as it was originally meant under the original conditions, or shut the fuck up.

    I doubt very much you are at all able to perform that last task though. No matter, I'm done here. Steve, if by some miracle this happens under the original conditions, I'm in. If it turns into a circus, I'm not.
  • I guess this means we won't be seeing a Bomb Squad team at the next Royal Cup, since the Royal only has a $50/player, no dealers, and is held in a non-licensed establishment.

    Dam i was so looking forward to them being there.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I guess this means we won't be seeing a Bomb Squad team at the next Royal Cup, since the Royal only has a $50/player, no dealers, and is held in a non-licensed establishment.

    Dam i was so looking forward to them being there.

    Maybe their members will put a team in, the individuals seem like nice enough guys, it's just the kool-aid like spell they seem to be under that is the problem. The A9 guy wouldn't dare come, he's way to proud to play in a $50. event, besides he can't play anything other than NL and we're not even so sure he can even play that well.

    So Greg, does this mean that you will go back to 3-4 posts a month instead of a minute? :)

    Looking at his forum, there were more posts in about this little skirmish than in the whole rest of the forum together. Most threads are ones he started himself...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe their members will put a team in, the individuals seem like nice enough guys, it's just the kool-aid like spell they seem to be under that is the problem. The A9 guy wouldn't dare come, he's way to proud to play in a $50. event, besides he can't play anything other than NL and we're not even so sure he can even play that well.

    So Greg, does this mean that you will go back to 3-4 posts a month instead of a minute? :)

    Looking at his forum, there were more posts in about this little skirmish than in the whole rest of the forum together. Most threads are ones he started himself...
    lol. Entourageaments. This will be a good thread for the Hall of Fame .
    We should have a vote to see if we even want these guys at the Royal.
    A.J Spiked the river with his last post. Well put.

    So Booger.
  • Well said AJ
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe their members will put a team in, the individuals seem like nice enough guys, it's just the kool-aid like spell they seem to be under that is the problem. The A9 guy wouldn't dare come, he's way to proud to play in a $50. event, besides he can't play anything other than NL and we're not even so sure he can even play that well.

    So Greg, does this mean that you will go back to 3-4 posts a month instead of a minute? :)

    Looking at his forum, there were more posts in about this little skirmish than in the whole rest of the forum together. Most threads are ones he started himself...

    What can i say, i've been inspired. :)
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