team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • Jeff has made his offer Magic they have declined....

    If they want to issue another or different challenge thats up to them....
  • Lets just go back the original points. This started becuase Jeff didn't like the blog but won't address what he has been called out on. Instead he stands his troops forward. Lets take everyone out of the equation but Jeff and Steve. Just Steves largest cash covers Jeff's career earnings I believe. Steve has competed in prob ten times more "official" events than Jeff. So he should be allowed to voice he discontent on the pedestal that Jeff has created and quite frankly, I am tired of the facade too. Celebrities will always face opposition to the merits of thier fame, It is a common topic. Many of the best players don't get the attention they deserve and many of the ones that don't deserve it do. Kathy Liebert gets the shaft, Doug Lee "the other" and original Canadian Bomber gets torn to shreds even though he has a WSOP ring and is 35th on the Canadian Money list. He tried to own the spotlight and irrated those with pull and just as good of results and it backfired big time as will this all if if he doesn't take the advice of those who are giving mild opinions. Being loud gets you noticed and being noticed means answering questions. Are you going to challenge every reporter or player blogger that questions or expresses opinions on you? At least you will get press, it's easier to write about fun topics and people love drama, but they eventually get bored and move on, except the negatives, stopping what you are building dead in its tracks. Again, learn from Doug's leason. He is a great guy but is now fighting an uphill battle to be credible and he too has TV tables.

    Joe Hachem did a documentray called "Poker Face" one of several pros and grinders who talked about the emotional and physical stress the game brings in proving you are a champion. Even after shipping the WSOP ME he had to prove to his peers that it was deserved and not a one hit wonder. Results are points and how the poker world keeps track.

    Mizzi is one of the best and liked players out there, but he is recovering from bad press. He looks sideways and people scrutinize it. You can't get into pissing matches that everyone that asks, it only makes it worse. Why you are fighting this battle for Jeff is beyond me, it is him that has something to prove.

    Steve never claimed to be an allstar, he wrote a TR and said what he liked and didn't and he is far from alone on his opinions. Some people like the bomber and some don't that won't change. I thought he was a great guy but his ego is getting way ahead of himself and that is a fact everyone is pointing out. You can't avoid the truths of why he is in the public eye, they are not results reasons. That's not a bad thing but gaining fame on that path will always be shunned by the true grinders.

    Take a Super Nova Elite player that grinds a bazillion tables, playing smart poker and profiting by rake back. Dollarwise, they make earn more than most, but don't claim to be as good as someone who has a high ROI and consistent track record. They are patched and bought into events, given swag and VIP treatment, but they don't try to be something they are not.

    Nobody is debating Jeff is well known and both teams have great players. If Jeff can't find the common ground of the players who just play cards, not their problem. Say the OPT backed out and see if helps the BS gain any credibility. Eventully the boasting is gonna piss someone of with a carpal tunnel on NVG and the toolbox thread needs a new bomber.

    The ballas maybe amused now, because they don't have anything else to do for a couple hours. Bottom line is they won't get caught up in an arguemnt between recreational players and lose credibility. Both sides have thrown names forward, but are speaking for someone else. I wouldn't expect Wetts do waste his time with this, it isn't his fight. Nor your ringers. There is really only one person that has anything to prove and it's Jeff.

    He has chimed in and twisted what he wants, grabbing at oppurtunities and that is the original charge.

    He has no big results, is an act that is connected and is not the best player North of Toronto to 99% of the rest of the world. He might have worked hard for it but is not a poker pro. He works like the rest of us but his part time gig has perks.
  • Well i cant say i am not fighting the battle, Just defending you guys are Steve and OPT...however this turned to BS vs OPt is beyoned me other than the comment on a TEAM EVENT...

    I think it should be a Heads up match imo...
  • Beating Steve a hundred times doesn't validate his claims to be a proffesional or the best player north of toronto. It doesn't validate why he is in the press and given the spotlight. It doesn't validate that he has created a larger than life image by knowing the right people and being hired to be a personality and not a top player. It doesn't validate that he his role in the community is as poker promoter first and player second (like me). He hasn't come to grips with his place on the totem pole. That he is a small part of a much bigger picture and not the picture itself.

    Those are the original points that were made.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I thought GTA Poker and I were childish....

  • pokerJAH wrote: »

    and you both of had a ton of turns, so give us one. No doubt this has every bit of resemblance to an elementry brawl.

    I think that all fun side, even GTA would agree that that results are what put you on the score board.

    I wish he did pipe in, he usually goes against the grain but is no idiot.
  • Yes you declined A10 offer.... He had a place a date and a time set out...

    You guys have done no such thing....Ever since Timmytight told you how it is Koby, you attitude has changed...

    I'm confused what exactly did timmytight tell me that i didn't already know?

    cdncardruner whatever your issue is with me, i don't really care enough about it to keep this going. I don't know you, i don't think i've ever met you, don't know a lot about you, got to be honest don't really care to either way. From what little i've heard about you, you sound like an alright guy. Maybe if we met we'd be friends, maybe not. I'll still sleep fine tonight either way. Not trying to sound like a dick i'm just getting tired of this.

    I'll state this one more time to be very clear, this whole thing started because Jeff makes insane over the top claims without any validation. As you can see by this entire thread i'm not the only one who thinks this.

    This turned into a heated debate because rather then aknowledge the constructive critism, or take the issue up directly with Steve. Jeff decided to turn Steve's personal blog loose on his own forum knowing that his supporters would come to his defense. In his defense you have all talked about what a great friend Jeff is, what an awesome guy Jeff is, what a great leader Jeff is, etc, etc. I will conceed all of that, I'm sure he is the greatest of friends, the most awesome of awesome, and the best leader among men. The problem is that is not what was being questioned.

    If you feel like i have somehow directly attacked you then i apoligize. My issue is not with you, or the BS directly. I just find Jeffs antics so over the top that it bleeds into the group around him. That is my personal opinion sorry if you don't like it.

    If you ever want to see what the OPT is about, i'm sure that Steve and the group would welcome you into any game we play.

    As entertaining as the past couple of days have been, I've got to be honest, i'm really starting to regret having posted the initial thread. I was really looking for suggestions from the board for how best to organize the competition. I had no idea the thread would take this much of a life of it's own.
  • get back to work
    Fellow Broker

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    get back to work
    Fellow Broker

    Milton Slim
    Shhhh, just means that if he's busy with this you can steal his business, thus growing your own brokerage which will lead to hiring more people thus more computers and more work for me... :)

    Simple huh?
  • I dont have an issue with you Koby...

    no anyone else...I just think Steve took a little jab towards jeff by the words he chose to use on his blog, if it was worded diferntly maybe it would have shown his support if thats what he really has for Jeff... If Jeff did not get signed by RMS would we be having this convo?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Shhhh, just means that if he's busy with this you can steal his business, thus growing your own brokerage which will lead to hiring more people thus more computers and more work for me... :)

    Simple huh?

    Great plan, but now i'm on to you two.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Great plan, but now i'm on to you two.

    he was talking in Moderator code

    What do you think Check Raise really means!

    Can I deal this Affair..Sounds like fun! sorta

    Milton Slim
  • Back and forth and so it continues.
    I read Steve's blog. I really don't think he was out of line at all.
    Seriously though; Just because a guy gets signed by a company like RMS does not make him a POKER PRO.
    Actually His gimmick does not work for him, like it would for someone like Hellmouth (lol) . People look at him and either say the guy is an idiot or are slightly humored after witnessing the act a couple of times, Then they grow tired of it.
    When he hits a couple of major scores and gets sponsorship by one of the big on line sites or Poker Magazines then maybe He has credibility.
    Right now he looks like the Canadian version of a poor Phil Hellmouth.

    As far as this game goes, I already said what they should do.
    A neutral spot and let the interested folks come and watch. Let someone record it and put it on a site later for those who could not make it.
  • I dont have an issue with you Koby...

    no anyone else...I just think Steve took a little jab towards jeff by the words he chose to use on his blog, if it was worded diferntly maybe it would have shown his support if thats what he really has for Jeff... If Jeff did not get signed by RMS would we be having this convo?

    Honest, i'm trying to get out, but you keep pulling me back in.

    Yes we would still be having the convo, it has nothing to do with getting signed, and everything to do with his ego and antics. I've played with him, had him at my house with a TV camera crew in tow. His antics tilted me then, they tilted me before that and they tilt me now.

    Let me ask you this... Do you believe that Jeff is the BEST poker player north of Toronto?

    Read the question carefully, i'm not asking you if he is the best thing for poker north of toronto, not asking you if he is the most known player north of toronto, not asking you if he is the nicest player north of toronto. I'm asking you if YOU believe that he is the BEST player north of toronto?And if you answer yes, what stats, skill set, monatary gain, etc are you basing your answer on?
  • No i dont...

    there are players like goleafsgoeh (Mike Leah) Mahowny777 (andrew talbot) Jeangrae (aaron mcready) and more.... That have done a lot....
    So to say he is the best north of toronto maybe a stretch, but it all depnds on what your judging criteria is...yours is proven results, as is many others....He is defintly the best poker player north of toronto in terms of marketing, and marketability and he defintly has the playing ability....Just has not had the time or exposure yet...Could he be the best north of toronto? Possibly in the next few years
  • BINGO!

    Players like Mike Leah are why I find Jeffs statement of being the best North of Toronto and pro unjust.

    Mike resently got a Full Tilt Poker patch deal and deserved one a longtime before. He is everywhere in the poker media. He destroys live and online. He is outgoing and charismatic but even with all his accomplishments have never see him boastfull.

    He put out a very modest Facebook announcement when he got the patch deal. Not 4 blogs and email blasts.

    People go to Mike asking for his story, he doesn't ask them to tell it.

    When if he was asked if he that means he is red pro, he replied "still one step away" He doesn't consider himself to be a sponsered player yet to my knowledge. He won't be freerolling into events, most likely he will be paid when he gets RESULTS.

    I don't know the other two yet, but look forward to researching them, sound very solid.

    Huge difference.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Looks like they want to be big fish in their own little pond..

    Back to our regular programming.... At least we don't charge for membership..

    Tell me this is a joke . . . you have to pay this schmo to join his Forum? All for the honour becoming a member of Bomber Command? (or whatever the hell his sycophants call themselves).
  • You must register to view posts. If you want be on the bombsquad, you have to pay for a hoodie and they are not cheap to purchase, iron on not embroidered and return information by mail to be an Official Member. You can have a free one if you do something really special, as he said in said in his Miriam speech to one of the highest gaming lawyers on the planet when he presented it, "these aren't many people that get these"

    Video is on Can ada Pok er. Would post link, but you know...
  • Ok..enough Bowlboy posted a vid!
  • Since i didnt have to pay to get my two cents in here and this is a public forum im going to add it, especially since i took the time to read this epic thread.

    From JONTM
    "Why you are fighting this battle for Jeff is beyond me, it is him that has something to prove."
    I feel like this Cardrunner is like the little man at 00:39 sec..YouTube - Fantasy Island TV Show Opening Theme Season One 1978

    Anyway, since this match isn't getting off the ground i challenge the 'bomb squad' to a game of cribbage. My crew is called the 15two's. if you skunk me you get a free subscription to cribbage times and a 'the rest dont score' bumper sticker.
  • I would sooner pay for an OPT hoodie . . . I like the colours better.
  • I have an LAPD Bomb Squad tee shirt here some where . Does that count. lol
    Got it for free.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I have an LAPD Bomb Squad tee shirt here some where . Does that count. lol
    Got it for free.

    That reminds me off the funniest story. Flying home on Westjet from the Miriam tournament, there is a Bomb Squad member proudly wearing his hoodie, he is just about to walk onto the plane from the boarding ramp about 15 people ahead of me. I hear this little old lady behind me say to her husband.

    Wife - "Honey i've got a bad feeling that are flight is not going to be leaving on time"
    Husband - "Why"
    Wife - "Did you not just see the member of the Montreal Police Bomb Squad board our plane?"

    I burst out laughing, and had to explain to them what/who he was
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    that reminds me off the funniest story. Flying home on westjet from the miriam tournament, there is a bomb squad member proudly wearing his hoodie, he is just about to walk onto the plane from the boarding ramp about 15 people ahead of me. I hear this little old lady behind me say to her husband.

    Wife - "honey i've got a bad feeling that are flight is not going to be leaving on time"
    husband - "why"
    wife - "did you not just see the member of the montreal police bomb squad board our plane?"

    i burst out laughing, and had to explain to them what/who he was

    lol :)
  • Was this even mentioned?


    Why don't you have your little contest there? A10 and 6 bomb squad members will be there.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Was this even mentioned?


    Why don't you have your little contest there? A10 and 6 bomb squad members will be there.

    lol, that's no different than allin-for-the-cure, the cnib and many other charity tournaments. Fine if you want to support the charity but hardly a real poker challenge. Definitely -ev for the serious player as usually 50% or more is coming out of the entry fees. There are several on here that run charity tournaments like these but without the fanfare and publicity grabbing for themselves.
  • Sooooo To write another chapter in this never ending story....

    After speaking with jeff...and talking things over about the challenge...

    He would like challenge to happen, and at a reasonable price (stake) and location....

    Here is what Jeff has come up with now and i am sure you will find this more then reasonable...

    We will meet at a Mutual Location in the GTA....
    The date will be late August or Early September....
    Stake should be $100-200 and a portion should go to Charity...(each team would declare the charity before hand)
    This would be an annual challenge for bragging rights and Trophy...
    HU play in the morning with a Double KO format...
    Then SNG in the Afternoon, followed by a MTT...The starting stacks in the MTT will be adjusted accordingly to points each team has gathered in the first 2 events.
    It would be nice if this could be done over 2 days….otherwise it’s going to be a long day
    Last but not least….Jeff has requested the presence of Jontm (Mr. Jon Harnish) why??? Personally I don’t know…
    Any other details or stuff that would like to be worked out, you can contact me Via PM or continue this thread…

    Again Remember I am the messenger….. I don’t mind being the middle man for talking; JUST DON’T SHOOT ME…..
  • PS..... good Job Darryl!!!! FTW!!!!
  • I guess my $100 bet is alive and well!
  • if they accept...Jah yea it would be!
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