I have questions for all you VEGAS vetrans....please help.



  • anyone want to put up some cash that Josh burns out before he busts out??


    congrats on living the life now!
  • hmmmmm id rather an over under
  • anyone wanna put money he's not even in Vegas?
  • folded wrote:
    anyone wanna put money he's not even in Vegas?

    Oh god, I'm having flash backs to that night at your house Cory. Except, now you are me and Haddon is Brent. We're living in parallel universes.

  • parallel universe?

    don't be silly, Arnold.
  • folded wrote:
    anyone wanna put money he's not even in Vegas?

    Actually I was wondering why he would take $800 cdn to Vegas.
  • 11 beers in 45 minutes?
  • folded wrote:
    anyone wanna put money he's not even in Vegas?
    I must admit, the thought crossed my mind as well, but didn't want to appear rude.. lol
  • Maybe Josh should post some pics of himself on The Strip holding todays newspaper. :D
  • Wow.
    Just wow.


    That's for you Cory and Shannon.

    To the rest, come on down here, it's cheap to get here and you get a free beer when you get here (on me).

  • lol. this is some funny stuff.....
  • I think it pretty ridiculous that grown men behave in such ways. Live your own life and shut it.

    If they don't think the shit I write about happens, they should live on Fremont street, 5+ blocks from downtown (Southeast) and see for themselves.
    This whole thing is totally lame. I just wait for the day the jealousy gets so bad that they start faxing casinos my picture saying I'm 20. Ha!
  • Where's the link to the picture of him holding the newspaper on the strip?

    Such involved BS, this is hilarious.

    Waterloo... I mean Vegas North.
  • Josh, Josh, Josh...

    I'm just playing with ya... When you coming home???

  • Then I go to your site and you write this????????????

    I realized today that some of the people I acquainted myself with back home are either totally jealous or complete dick heads. I think it is absolutely awesome that there are some people shit talking me, saying I am probably not in Vegas. Well, excuse this, but a big public "FUCK YOU!" and thanks for being two faced pricks.

    Wow, is all I will say, and careful what you write..
  • I find it humerous that a kid hops a flight to Vegas and he thinks that he has made some enormous accomplishment that is worthy of jealousy, but to each his own.
  • Jeepers Josh, what are they doin to ya in Vegas man? Some of us have been to Vegas many times and haven't experienced all that you are talking about. Calm down, we're just funnin ya...... At least I think we we're. You are in Vegas livin in a hostel, waiting for your condo to be ready, right? Don't be so touchy...
  • Dude people are just playing with you. I'm sure your in vegas having a great time, but its equally obvious that you are exagerating on alot of your stories. You got MUGGED by a guy with a shank and you mention it in only one single line? How could this not be the biggest event of your trip so far?
  • haddon wrote:
    Just wow.


    That's for you Cory and Shannon.

    To the rest, come on down here, it's cheap to get here and you get a free beer when you get here (on me).


    Ugh, I don't know what I said to offend you. All I said in this thread was that it seemed like Cory was picking on you now like I was picking on Brent that night....
    Oh god, I'm having flash backs to that night at your house Cory. Except, now you are me and Haddon is Brent.

  • Josh, ease up on the bullshit parts of your stories and people won't be poking you.

    Starting with the "retired at 20" part...and now you are slinging pizza in Vegas for cash to get a break on your hostel room...
    if you were "retired" then wtf are you doing wasting your time in a fking hostel/making pizza?

    You seem to be able to walk into any bar or restroom and find the absolute worst poker player in the world that wants to play you heads up for 200...and clean him out..
    sounds to me like a better way to spend your time than making pizza for 5/cash/hr...

    Unless "retired" is french for "outta work/unemployed"
  • Josh,

    Take a step back and look at what has been said. You jumped on Shannon for no reason and then you immediately snap at everyone in your blog. If you're having such a great time, don't let this crap bother you so much.

    IMHO your blog seems slightly far fetched because everything is too perfect. Never had a losing session of poker, meet a girl in a week, find donk after donk, and you've never once be caught with the ID (although a bribe worked). Turn in around and ask yourself if you would buy everything that has been written. I am not saying you're a liar or that you're still in Waterloo, but you must admit to A Million Little Piecesing a little of the stories.
  • you've never once be caught with the ID (although a bribe worked)

    I could be wrong, but aren't the cashiers full of cameras watching all of the money transactions? Seems to me a cashier pocketing a $20 would be pretty obivous ...
  • Personally, I've had some pretty unbelievable things happen to me, so I have a bit easier time believing wild stories. I really don't know whether I believe him, and waffle back and forth every day, but to me, it doesn't really matter.

    Josh - if this is all true, I'm glad you're having a blast. Just be careful not to kill yourself slowly. I've been there and the effects last a lifetime - there's a reason I'm still skinny ;) . If you're not there, you write a great story, so keep writing (but you could keep writing and come out for an occasional game ;) ).

    Either way, who cares. His life/stories are a lot more entertaining then some of the "yawn"'s on the forum. Go Josh!
  • Thanks to those of you who sent your comments to me privately as opposed to posting defaming or insulting ones here.

    I'll go ahead and live my life and blog it as I see fit.  If you don't want to read it, it's soooo easy.  And if you do, read for enjoyment and not to criticize my every move.

    I hadn't had a losing sessions til tonight, I did meet a wicked girl and I did sell my business and retire. 

    To Wolffhound:
    I work merely to keep active.  If I didn't work I would be fatter than I already am.  It's funny because I know that you must know a 55+ retiree who 'keeps active', so why can't I without the negativity.  Also, I don't find donks in every bar, so ease up on the "bullshit" parts of your storiies.  In three months I have found two people who are dumb enough to play stupidly high stakes heads up under the cirsumstances.  I must be lying then.  The hostel I am at now holds 150 people.  Usually around 90% full.  Therefore on average I have immediate access in the pool area, lounge, kitchen, lobby etc...to around 5-700 different people a week.  With the current poker boom, and those numbers I can see why it is soooo hard to believe.

    Goodluck man, and I mean that.  If Goodluck is French for "speak of what you know/think before you speak". :)
  • you've never once be caught with the ID (although a bribe worked)

    I could be wrong, but aren't the cashiers full of cameras watching all of the money transactions?  Seems to me a cashier pocketing a $20 would be pretty obivous ...

    Are all tips bribes? Because last time I checked you can tip the cage girl.

    Why can't you guys think without the negative connotation and give me a friggin break..jeez.
  • this is a great thread!!
  • this is a great thread!!

    Hall of Fame material. :D
  • haddon wrote:
    you've never once be caught with the ID (although a bribe worked)

    I could be wrong, but aren't the cashiers full of cameras watching all of the money transactions? Seems to me a cashier pocketing a $20 would be pretty obivous ...

    Are all tips bribes? Because last time I checked you can tip the cage girl.

    Why can't you guys think without the negative connotation and give me a friggin break..jeez.

    I just asked a question, I have never heard of tipping the cashier before. You are are angry, angry man Josh. Stay away from the Mafia down there! Anyone else picture Joe Pesci and a pen right about now? I will leave it up to the reader to decide which one will be Joe ...
  • I am so far from angry. Just sick of people giving me shit.

    I don't need a pen my friend.
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