I have questions for all you VEGAS vetrans....please help.



  • The difference is that it would be unCanadian to ban you from the beer store for life but in Vegas, despite the fun party atmosphere, the gaming laws are taken seriously, very seriously. I remember one time I just sitting at an empty slot machine waiting for my wife while she was in the washroom. First I got ID by the security guard even though I wasn't gambling, then I was told not to sit there unless I was gambling. :D
  • You will be able to get into alot of places w/o idea but I would wait until you are 21.
  • I don't know what stakes you plan on playing while you're in Las Vegas but the casinos keep pretty good track of large wins, which means that for any sizable game you WILL have to present ID when you are cashing out. And I really doubt you'll be able to recoup any of the local taxes when you get back to Canada and you may well have problems cashing out if you have a substantial tournament win. At the very least winning will require you leave a paper trail that could well cause you problems down the line. You probably won't have a problem getting to play, but what's the point in spending a month playing if you can't actually earn anything substantial?

    Why not spend the summer playing in Vancouver, which is a nice and cheap place to live? Vegas, for all its charms, is a hot and grimy place in the summer anyway.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Why not go somewhere that you're legal? It's only a few months and won't eff things up for the rest of your life.

    Since you are just throwing money around, you can fly to Europe these days for the same price as a trip to Vegas. There are tonnes of casinos over there where you only have to be 18 to play. I don't have any personal experience, but that is where all the young US poker kids go. Ever see the EPT on TV?

    Better yet, take a break from poker and enrich your life since you are already rich. The weather is great, go work for Habbitat for Hummanity for a month, head up North and plant trees in a clear-cut logging area, or got to Europe learn a lot about history, and hit up a couple casinos along the way.

    Starting to sound like a Freedom 55 commercial, so I will stop. GL with whatever you decide to do.
  • I don't understand how we got 3 pages of responses to such a post? You've obviously made your mind up and you feel you'll be able to pull one over on the local authorities so go nuts...and if you manage it, kudos to you. I just don't understand questions like this 'Hey, I'm underage, I know I am and I just wonder well like umm, what do you dudes think will happen to me, no like really man, think I can pull one over on them them?....then when everyone answers 'It's against the law, you may get busted.' you respond, 'yeah I know but I can handle it man, I'm above all that...I've been tricking the system it for years?' Utter stupidity. So, go enjoy the unbearably hot weather in Vegas, scratch your itch and good luck at the tables....and if it doesn't work out, lesson learned...hey we won't even say we told you so....but please put this ridiculous post to rest.

    I don't know you Josh, I played one tournament with you and you seemed like a nice kid but I certainly don't have the right to judge you, however, my impression is you're young, if you decide you want to do something you're going to find a way to justify it and do it regardless of what others think, so why bother clogging up the forum with this kind of stuff. I know people will respond that you don't have to read what I post but I've been to Vegas, when I saw the title I thought it may be a worthwhile question I may be able to answer...then I get sucked in reading a bunch of nothingness and that's a waste of time.
  • Big E wrote:
    I don't understand how we got 3 pages of responses to such a post? You've obviously made your mind up and you feel you'll be able to pull one over on the local authorities so go nuts...and if you manage it, kudos to you. I just don't understand questions like this 'Hey, I'm underage, I know I am and I just wonder well like umm, what do you dudes think will happen to me, no like really man, think I can pull one over on them them?....then when everyone answers 'It's against the law, you may get busted.' you respond, 'yeah I know but I can handle it man, I'm above all that...I've been tricking the system it for years?' Utter stupidity. So, go enjoy the unbearably hot weather in Vegas, scratch your itch and good luck at the tables....and if it doesn't work out, lesson learned...hey we won't even say we told you so....but please put this ridiculous post to rest.

    I don't know you Josh, I played one tournament with you and you seemed like a nice kid but I certainly don't have the right to judge you, however, my impression is you're young, if you decide you want to do something you're going to find a way to justify it and do it regardless of what others think, so why bother clogging up the forum with this kind of stuff. I know people will respond that you don't have to read what I post but I've been to Vegas, when I saw the title I thought it may be a worthwhile question I may be able to answer...then I get sucked in reading a bunch of nothingness and that's a waste of time.

    You're right, you DON'T know me.
    Your impression WAS wrong.
    I took and am taking to heart everything posted. I am looking at other options.
    The forum is for discussion. And yes, some threads are useless and do not pertain to the everyone who posts here, but so what? Do you think I care about the 10000 online hands posted? I say live and let live, and unlss sloth or wes etc, have an issue with my posts I am going to continue to use this venue as I please. I learn lots, get lots of info and have a few laughs while it happens.
  • I have just finished reading all the comments that you have received and I believe most of them, are good suggestions but I also know that it is your life and you are going to do what you are goping to do. What ever it is I wish you luck.
    aside from all the legal comments ertc I think the one suggestion you should give serious consideration to is going overseas and playing the europ[ean tour. It is legal and fromwhat I have seen on T.V. they have some great casinas overthere.
    as you said, you are young, you are single, why not give it a shot. If you go though make sure yoiu can be quickly identified as a Canadian and nt an American. They love Canadians but Americans are questionable.

    Good luck with whatver yoy decide, we will miss yiou at the KW events and keep everyone informed about how you are making out whether it be from Europe, Vegas, Western Canada or someplace in between
  • Thanks for the kind words Bob!
    I'll never stop posting on this board...you'll see and read PROBABLY more than you care too about my adventures.
  • I'm moving to Vancouver in August, gladly take a poker playing, obscenely rich roomate.

    Even if his taste in music is somewhat questionable.


    go with the Europe thing man. I spent some time there a few years ago, nothing but amazing. Would not give back a second.
  • I still think Europe would be the best bet. My God, a young Canadian in England, France SWEDEN, Holland. The girls will just love you. Vegas was and still is a fun fun city in the middle of a desert but 6 months or so in Europe would be something that you would never forget. GIVE IT SOME REAL SERIOUS CONSIDERATION. If I was only 50 years younger!!!!!!

  • For those that say a month in Vegas would kill them, I did it way back in 85. The only thing that kills you is the JD on the rocks that you consistantly drink while playing.....J/K. I actually did a lot of travelling from vegas so I took breaks from the gambling. Went for a week to the grand canyon, day at hoover dam. I went in the summer and bet and watch a ton of baseball. If you act like a mad man then it will catch up to you. You soon tire of playing 48 hours and sleeping 20. As for the ID thing, if you can pull it off go for it. But don't be surprised if you get caught. And the casinos share a ton of info so if you get busted at one you'll probably be busted for the trip.
  • Can i ask a personal question? How is it you have so much money? this is a completly serious question
  • define "so much".

    And no I don't think I am going to answer that on a public forum.
  • Back to the original subject...

    Why don't you move to Calgary for a year?

    It's an awesome party town (if you live in the SW quad) and has 3 poker playing casinos within the city limits.


    Plus: you can walk around wearing a cowboy hat and *nobody will laugh at you*!
  • If you're going to stay in Canada, to hell with coldgary, and get to Vancouver, aside from the crippling depression you'll experience in the winter months when it rains for weeks, the place has it all. Mountains, Oceans, a crappy NHL team, and a few casinos spreading a variety of games and daily tourney's.


    P.S: Can we play the how did Haddon get so loaded guessing game.

    I'm going with hit man...you look the type.
  • morty wrote:
    Back to the original subject...

    Why don't you move to Calgary for a year?

    I have booked my ticket, got my id, leased a condo and well am going with a do or die attitude.

    May not be the right choice, but its the choice I feel I need to make!! :D
  • Good for you man.

    I don't know a thing about you, but if you've managed to get as far as it sounds by totally untraditional means, then I'm sure you'll be just fine. My understanding in Alberta right now is that if you don't have work, you don't want it. So I'm sure there will be lots of opportunites to find some small thing to occupy your time away from the tables.

    Best of luck, be sure to keep us posted on your progress.

  • So does this mean you're going to Calgary or Vegas?

    If it is Calgary, I lived there for a while and I am curious where you'll be staying.

    Good luck, Josh. I wish you the best.
  • Leave for vegas on Sunday at 6:10PM...

    (I wish I was a hitman.)
  • I don't have a poker blog set up...will do tomorrow. So here is my getting there report. Sorry if this is the wrong section.

    Wow. I left Neil’s house (Where I was staying before I left) exactly 24 hours ago and pretty much haven’t stopped since. I am in Las Vegas, typing this by a pool while beautiful girls frolic in the water. My plane was scheduled to leave Toronto at 6:10PM and with a ‘quick’ stop in Pittsburgh, I would be in Vegas by 10:10 Vegas time. This was not the case. US Customs was not a fan of me. I had to go for further screening. Where I lied through my teeth until they let me through. When I got through they allowed me a room to check my luggage to ensure that there is nothing missing after the search. Well…guess what? One video camera and $800 Canadian dollars later I am screaming bloody murder at anyone in a border guard uniform. I was then calmed down by this really nice woman with thick framed glasses…YES…my favourite. Anyway, she had me file a formal complaint and give the number of where I was staying and that it would probably be replaced. Still no word from them, and I’ve called three times today. But I am hopeful.

    So after that fiasco I got pretty drunk waiting for my plane. 11 beers in 45 minutes. As I was walking to my gate for my scheduled boarding time, I heard the delay announced over the PA. YES! I can’t wait to miss connecting flight I thought. I went back to his bar and took care of some more business. The lady at the bar cut me off nicely and gave me a free sandwich to sober me up so I was happy. Finally I board this puddle jumper plane for Pittsburgh. The plane HAS RUST ON IT! And one of the windows was fixed with like poly filla or something…wtf? Anyway, it was really loud and hot so I naturally had 3 more beers. Mmmm…warm beer or a warm plane.

    Touchdown in Pittsburgh. I had 9 minutes to catch my Vegas connection; they have been boarding for 21 minutes. US Airways got me a golf cart because the gate we were parked at and the gate I needed to be was “around a 12 minute walk” the flight attendant told me. So we are humming along in the golf cart and it goes ahead and breaks down. I am so lucky. I grab my laptop case and start running through the airport like a madman and within 2 mins of jogging another golf cart picks me up and I make it. I step onto the plane sweating, panting and drunk. I have a window seat and hog both armrests because I know the women beside me won’t say anything. She asks where I am from, I say Toronto, Canada to make things easier for here. She says, “Oh, you’re from the Canadian part of Canada?” I almost laughed. But instead I told her I was born in the U.S. part and moved to the Canadian one. She said she hadn’t been to either but had lived in Pittsburgh her whole life. Honestly, this woman was so dumb. Over the course of the flight she made at least 10 more dumbass comments like, “This plane is quieter because it runs of propane.”

    The movie on the plane was Last Vacation. What a fucking joke. Don’t see it. Don’t think about seeing it. It is like someone was sitting at home thinking, “How can I write the worst movie possible with the most unrealistic twists and most unfitting soundtrack?” Well, they succeeded in their goal.

    We landed in Vegas. A 15 minute walk through the airport to the baggage pickup is great when you are coming down from a drunken haze. Our bags didn’t come out for over an hour. By ours I mean, everyone’s but mine. How can one person’s trip fuck up so much? I don’t know. My bag was found and I went to hail a cab. But at the Vegas airport, there is no hailing of cabs. There is a long line, Disney style, but longer. There was a line of at least 4000 people waiting for cabs. Naturally I was pissed, but apparently cabbies have it down so in 5 minutes I was on my way to Binions for my first night. I figured I’d spend my first night there and then check into the Hostel for the remaining nights until May 22nd when my condo is ready. Binions poker room is very cool. There was tons of fish. I mean like tons. I flopped a set with A7 suited in the big blind and got called down by KJ suited thinking his turned pair of Jack was good. Fair enough. I was tired though. I won $85 at Binions in about 25 mins so I got up and went to sleep.

    This morning I had a slice of Pizza for breakfast, showered and got a cell phone. I checked unto the hostel, called the airport a few times and figured out this wireless internet stuff. Now it is 12:50PM in Vegas and I am finally settled. I’ll probably go play some poker. I am tired of writing, I hope my trip there report is decent. Don’t fly U.S. Airways unless you must. It totally sucked.
  • Great report Josh... keep em coming.

    US Airways does suck. I flew with them once and it was so bad, they voluntarily refunded everyone on the plane $250 US a piece*** for missing connecting flights and crap.


    Edit: ^ *** and that was 7 or 8 years ago when US $ were worth a whole lot more in CAD $
  • Awesome Josh.

    Best of luck, and please keep in touch.

  • Had I been thinking earlier, we should have made some plans for me to accompany you and create a documentary of this whole adventure/experiment. If the next few weeks are going to be anything compared to the first day, this is going to be one hell of a story!

    Great report! Keep the updates coming!
  • Haha great report. Have a blast down there man and keep the reports coming.
  • Thanks for reading guys! I am typing this by a pool...ooo! I just put in 2 more hours or so of poker at Binions...up $65 more after some impressive donking on the Wheel of Fortune slot machine...

    On my way back I went to a mini mart for something to drink. I am in old vegas, by the Fremont Experience. Anyway, I just saw this cracked out lady come up to the counter while i was paying and put 10-12 items on the counter, she then put her HUGE bag on the counter. So she is standing 2 feet away from me. The cashier is making my change and the crack head thinks she is cool to fill her bag with the stuff she didn't buy and leave ONE item on the counter....tinfoil. I get my change and am sort of standing dumbfounded as the cashier asks the women, "Maam, what else do you have maam?" The crack head said, "I jus gotta go piss so hurrup." The cashier picked up the bag, dumped all the contents out and the crack head started freaking out. I left...

    Oh boy..I think I'll go play more poker.
  • Sweet, say no to crack. Glad you're having a good time.

  • Here is my new found poker blog...

    I'll write other stuff because it is funny, but eventually I'll post some hands. Like when I check raise Phil Ivey and he folds. Or when I tell Doyle he looks younger on T.V.

  • http://joshplayscards.blogspot.com/

    Wow...in a drunken haze I forgot to post it.
  • haddon wrote:
    up $65 more after some impressive donking on the Wheel of Fortune slot machine...

    'Wheel of Fortune!!!!'

    I can still hear this machine calling my name....I did pretty well on it when I was there...and I was hooked on that damn thing...even in the airport waiting to fly back, it's a sweet machine for sure, there nothing better then getitng that top wheel to spin!!!!'
  • Like serioulsy, somebody help this guy...... Just read this...

    Here is a quick update:

    -Poker is going well. No losing session yet…well, at least not at the poker tables…DAMN THAT Wheel of Fortune machine!!
    -My tan is coming along, nothing special but I am not as pasty as I was when I left.
    -I have been writing lots and lots of comedy. I will start performing at local comedy clubs soon.
    -This weekend was a drunken fiasco and I spent $19 in 72 hours…HOW?
    -I took one of the other guests at the Hostel for $200 in 20 minutes in poker today. He would call me down with mid pair saying, he “wanted to keep me honest”…every time?
    -I got mugged by a guy with an 8 inch blade...I only had $120 on me.
    -I saw a women tell a guy she would 'suck him dry for a dolla' and he punched her in the face only to get owned by 3 guys that were close by.
    -Prostitution is ABSOLUTELY NOT legal in Las Vegas.
    -If you knew the rest, you'd probably wish you were me. This place is incredible. My life is awesome.

    Well, I need to go; one of the female guests is a masseuse and offered me a free massage at 8PM so I’m going to go take her up on it. Oh Vegas baby!
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