I have questions for all you VEGAS vetrans....please help.

I am thinking of going to Vegas because the itch is unbearable. (She was such a slut and I should have seen it coming.)

Anyway, do casinos swipe IDs or would a fake ID work in most places?
Any hints on cheap cheap hotel rooms, because I want to stay for like a month at least?

Please help, I NEED TO GO.


  • I never saw anyone check an ID. But then again I don't look 15.

    Hotel rooms vary. The cheaper you get the more hookers you get.

    A month? Find a place to rent.
  • Right this way Mr. Papagorgio .... :D

    When we were there in 2004 we had been ID'd multiple times (probably about 5 times in 4 days). Always at blackjack tables and usually when it was slow (i.e. the pit boss just needed something to do). Also if a really young person did come to the table, sometimes they took that opportunity to check everyone's ID.

    You won't be able to sign up for any players cards or anything either since they usually check IDs too. Also (now most people won't have this problem) if you do hit a jackpot or something you will need to have ID.

    Good luck if you go ... how long do you have to wait to be "legal"?
  • I'm not 21 until Feb.

    So they just check IDs then? No swiping to verify the strip info?
  • If you get a place for a month, I'm crashing. You can use my ID. If you can act even half my age, you'll be ok.
  • I am actually considering living there...but not until I make sure I can get into casinos. So the month is a trial thing.

    Acting half your age Greg? So like shit myself, watch sesame street and eat mushed peas?
  • No, I don't think they ever swiped them. However that was almost exactly 2 years ago, so don't know if that technology is more available or not.

    What's the big hurry? There are casinos around here that allow you to scratch the itch. I know that it isn't close to like Vegas, but a casino is a casino.

    I guess you have to calculate the EV. Is it worth getting in big trouble if you are caught? Maybe the first time they just take your money on the table and escort you out. Maybe the second time too. Or maybe Joe Pesci will drag you out into the desert and stab you repeatedly with a pen. You sure don't want to end up being banned or anything. The casinos share a lot of security information.

    Do you plan on working down there? Professional Gambler?
  • I have a cash job lined up doing dishes if I need it, but I would like to just take a break, play some cards, see some sights...

    Joe Pesci isn't shit, I will take him into a cornfield and bury him alive...

    I just really want to go, and if I have an awesome fake id, why not? I am young, free and have nothing better to do.
  • I am pretty sure that Vegas cannot swipe an Ontario ID. The Canadian Privacy Laws would forbid them from storing any information. I could go more in detail but well I just don't want to.

    If you are really planning on spending a month, find a place to live. Getting a hotel would be just silly.
  • When I was there 6 weeks ago I got ID'd at every casino I played at. No swipey though.

  • stpboy wrote:
    When I was there 6 weeks ago I got ID'd at every casino I played at.  No swipey though. 


    Baby face.
  • Thanks sooooooooo much guys.

    I am going!!

    I will probably wait til after the grudge match...I guess.

    Fuck, thanks soooo much! I am so stoked!
  • A month? Find a place to rent.

    A month is ridiculous. If you're worried about finding cheap hotel rooms etc, you've got bigger cost worries. Little secret, it isn't the hotel/flight costs that kill you in Vegas...and it isn't the gambling either, unless you love playing high stakes -EV HA games. It's the other stuff that kills you (booze, food, strippers, etc.). Don't get me wrong, Vegas is a blast...but a month would kill me I'm sure (hell a week would kill me). Top that off with that fact you might get shut down at each and every casino you walk into...well the trip seems -EV IMO. 9 months isn't that long, and there's plenty of B&M donks to take money off of in the area...
  • haha, ok...

    I'm pretty sure I'll be fine.
  • I worked with a guy who went to Vegas with his family. He was 18 at the time.

    He and his older brother (20) got bored one night and headed down to one of the casinos, with there fake IDs. Of course, they got caught and were detained for 4 Hours by Security. They had their pictures taken, (and added to a data base), their fingerprints put on file and their fake IDs confiscated.

    Maybe you should stick to BCC and Niagara, Josh.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    I worked with a guy who went to Vegas with his family.  He was 18 at the time. 

    He and his older brother (20) got bored one night and headed down to one of the casinos, with there fake IDs.    Of course, they got caught and were detained for 4 Hours by Security.  They had their pictures taken, (and added to a data base), their fingerprints put on file and their fake IDs confiscated. 

    Maybe you should stick to BCC and Niagara, Josh.


    I was thinking the same thing, most of the casino's share data when it comes to people "not following the rules" so the last thing you want is to be down there your first day and get added to the banned list and not be able to enter any casino's. What's wrong with saving you money for the next few months until you turn 21 and then going?
  • He has the itch.

    I understand the impatience, but you should wait Josh. Why risk it?
  • I know all the risks.

    The more I research, the more I see why NOT to go.

    I want out of this area so badly. I am bored. And hell, it is my life and I am sick of sitting around all day. I need to leave, and what better place for my vices than vegas?
  • Why not try some of the casino's out west, they are suppose to be very good.
  • haddon wrote:
    I want out of this area so badly.
    Wow - if K/W doesn't have enough poker for ya, then you definately need to live in a casino ;) .  Also remember TO isn't that far away, and there's plenty of clubs.
    haddon wrote:
    The more I research, the more I see why NOT to go.
    Smart move Josh ... your birthday will be here before you know it!
  • Beanie,

    I go to Toronto every night I am not playing with you guys...:)
  • That's a long walk everynight...or did you find a bus route to Toronto that you'll take?
  • I go with Brent...
  • I know it really sucks having to wait til next Feb to go, but perhaps you can use it as a challenge to yourself. In any of the stuff Daniel N's said was that he'd play the games around here til his bankroll hit $X, then take it to Vegas and get blown away. I'm not saying that you have to do that, but you could do something similar.

    For example, work the casino's here and build up enough cash to make your accomidations for a month (a year?) a complete freeroll.

    I had a friend who had trouble at the border, was suspended for a bit, tried to go back and now he's barred from ever going back. You really don't want to cause trouble with crap like that.

    Nine months til your of age vs. the 60+ years you'll have after that. I know the itch is strong, but it seems like an easy decision to me.
  • Great advice Rob...I am just...meh, I dunno...DYING!
  • haddon wrote:
    Great advice Rob...I am just...meh, I dunno...DYING!
    No offense Josh, but if you really are feeling that way about not playing all the time, I think you may need to look at this a whole different way.  Take a break, maybe a week off.  You'll get burned out if you're going at it that hard constantly, and you'll also need the discipline to be able to stop playing when you hit that bad streak or you just can't bring your best game for some reason.  Think of it as training - even the pros take a day off and the occasional vacation.

    It sounds harder than it actually is - I thought it would bug me a lot.  I took 2 weeks off this month, and it wasn't that difficult (and it really helped me get re-focused).  Just a thought...
  • All my life I have had one HUGE hobby that I fell in love with.

    When I find it I want to do it all the time. I have the money to go to LV and lose for a few months if I do get bad bad cards. For four years I have worked my ass off and finally I have time and I just want to go. I feel like a 40 year old trapped in a 20 year olds body. This place is driving me nuts.

    I know all the advice you guys are giving is excellent, I am just so tired of K-W. Haha.
  • haddon wrote:
    All my life I have had one HUGE hobby that I fell in love with.

    When I find it I want to do it all the time. 
    I know exactly what you mean since I've got the same obsessive type of personality. I've just learned (the hard way) how unhealthy that can be, and I'd hate to watch a friend blindly stumble down that path (even if they do suckout on me occasionally ;) ).

    But, if you got your eyes open and you want to run at the cliff, I wish you a nice trip and a soft landing...
  • I think this thread has helped me see that there is indeed a cliff...which gives me an edge in not failing.

    Thanks so much though, really. :)
  • So Haddon's got a hardon for Vegas? And it just won't go away till he gets spanked? The only part I don't get is the having to use fake id. Why not go somewhere that you're legal? It's only a few months and won't eff things up for the rest of your life. If you're lacking even that small amount of discipline, I'm concerned.

    I met you recently and had a lot of laughs at the Westside tourney with you. I hope some of your true friends are preparing for the 'intervention'.

    Nothing but best wishes for ya, buddy.
  • I have used a fake id, saying I was born in 1980 as opposed to 1986 for years. In order to rent rooms, apartments, buy beer etc..

    I am just not convinced it will be different to swindle those in vegas.

    I have discipline, just no concern.
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