"The Bristol Street Bender: 24 Hours of Poker" - May 26-27 (Waterloo)



  • So far so good...

    My 33 beat Tye's AA... Tye's a donk... but hey, I've already had like 4 beers, and AWAY WE GO!!! First break all!


  • I was the only one to start play with only 50K in chips, I didnt have enough sponsorships to get the 100K. Anyway, I'm down to about 36K and am still in last. Everyonestill remains....and I'm already getting tired.


    p.s. Pinhead says "Pinheadd is a donk"
  • Ok, Im at about 28K now and still in last. Alhtough last isn't looking as bad as dead last, sorry Tom. Tom went out with JJ vs. Watts AA after Watts KK beat Tom's AA.....

    We're ordering Pizza now from Pepi's....

    Getting tired...

  • Are there any cash games going on right now? I wouldn't mind stopping by.
  • I'm up to my highest point now with 70K in chips, most are still above 100K. 11 players remain.

  • 9 beers and 140k in chips

    I took down "23" Braad, and won his chip set... Mmmmm... also out is "TNORTH" Tom... not sure how, but he was out first.

    Godspeed to me! Off I go for the 300-600-75 round

  • I'm out, at home and exhausted. Good luck to those that are still in. Rob played the hand that he beat me on amazingly, nice level of thinking on that one....Thanks for the great time.

  • We've just raced off the (25) chips and 10 players remain in the tournament. If anyone's going to be up, we'll be at Benny's for breakfast just after 8am.

    The hand that Shannon's talking about I flopped Quad 5s. That woke me up.
  • I'm out in 10th.

    After I busted Shannon, I had just over 160,000 in my stack. In the cutoff I have TT and get two limpers at the 400-800 level. I make it 5,300 to go, and Gow raises another 10,000 on top. He's got about 100,000 in his stack and I really think he's on Aces or Kings here. I call hoping to hit a set and bust him.

    The flop comes Ten high and Gow bets out. I call, the turn is not scary and Gow moves all-in. I call and he flips overs Aces. Two outs and a 200,000 pot. I scream "No Ace!" which was the wrong thing to do, as one of the two remaining Aces comes on the river and brings me down to 45,000.

    Fast forward a while and I'm roughly at the same amount. I get QQ in early and raise to 3,500 on blinds of 500-1,000. I get called by John Pinhead+1) and the flop comes T high with two clubs and he bets 4,000. I raise another 25,500 and he calls. He turns over Ax of clubs and the club on the River ends my run at close to 7am. On to the next game...
  • And the carnage continues....

    8 players left after I bust Tye when he pushes in for 5600 on top of my 4000 raise, I call with KQh, and he shows A7c.... three hearts puts out Tye, and I'm doing "okay"... not "suckout" Gao okay.. but okay


    P.S. Fatigue still nto too much an issue...
  • Hey all,

    Wraych and I are heading out for breakfast and some shopping, but then I'll be popping by lookin' for a side game or Guitar Hero!!

    See ya around 1-130ish.

  • I go in with the best, I get out-drawn.

    No, it's not JUST Phil Helmuth's sob song, it also happens to be the story of my night.

    Started with 100K in chips, topped out at about 165K.

    1h 45 min. later new low at 35K. Build up say in, play smart.

    I never had more than 65K after that.

    Then Pinhead draws out on the Turn and I'm left with 10.6K (Blinds 500/1000 Ante 100). Ouch!

    A 7 clubs. Push against Mark. Go in ahead, then I'm All Out!

    Tooo Much Funn! Not Soooo tired.

    Great job Rob!

  • We've lost Flint Bones and we're now down to 6 players. Not too bad. We've played 17 hours of poker and have just eliminated over 50% of the field. :)

    People are getting stupid and the busted out players are currently battling in a $5 winner-take-all game of Hold'em-opoly! I'm the first player eliminated after I flop a set and lose to Tom's bigger set on the turn. I dump everything I have to Tom to take on the collusion of Easy/TwoThree.

    Sadly, I got no action when I flopped a Royal Flush. :(
  • Wow it sounds like you guys are having fun. I sit in VIA station in Montreal jealous I'm not there. GL if anyone's still playing
  • Huh...

    Funny thing about NLHE... one bad hand and you go from chip lead to only 114kish.... oh well, M=10... must battle back.. blinds are starting to get worrisome.

  • The money bubble has finally burst at 4:38pm; 4 hours before the end of the 24 hour period (as we started late at 8:30pm the night before)! With Gow heading out of the tournament in 5th place he wins a beatuiful set of coin inlay chips. The remaining players are; "beanie42" Trevor, "Pinhead" Brad, "SirWatts" Mike and "DrTyore" Mark.

    The next player out will make an astonishing $15 profit for 20+ hours of poker playing.

    Some of the players are beginning to see things, and we've moved the side game to the backyard as it's beautiful out.
  • That is a solid final 4. I'm not the least bit surprised to see that any of them made it 20 hours.

    The average stack has to be nearly 300 000. I'm sure there's potentially a lot of poker still to be played.
  • Sir Donk is out in 4th! The remaining players have an average stack of nearly half a million chips with blinds at 5,000-10,000 (1,000) so there's still plenty of action left.
  • Chips are low...

    Fatigue is high....

    Delirium is off the charts... I'm starting to shake for no reason whatsoever....

    however, we're down to three, with both myself and Trevor at about 230k, and Pinhead has a MASSIVE 750k ish lead

    Wish me luck... or sanity

  • Whoops!!

    So, pushing from BB all in with 44 isn't the best idea when someone has 77.... so I'm out in 3rd, leaving Trevor and Brad

    Heads up:

    Brad 893,000

    Trevor 357,000

    Good luck to two great players... a fantastic "day" of poker... literally.

  • Congrats to all the players, and to Trevor and Pinhead for making it heads up.

    Good job Mark.
  • Great tournament Rob.  It was a blast, and while the tired players got a little silly, the poker remained fairly high calibre.

    With 5 left, I got super-lucky.  I became really short-stacked with only about 6BB left, and pushed a few hands and picked up blinds, and also won an all-in hand against Mike.  Unfortunately, I didn't recount my chips to see where I was at, and with AQs I pushed all-in.  As I counted it out I realized I had just over 140,000 and wasn't in push territory anymore - whoops.  Then Gow insta-calls with AKo, and I'm severly dominated - big whopps.  Spiking a Q on the flop doubles me up, and surprisingly I move up into 2nd in chips.

    Also, congrats to Pinhead for taking this down.  After about 23 hours to get down to 2, we only played 2 hands HU.  I folded the first hand, and second hand picked up 10c 3c.  With blinds at 6000/12000(2000), Brad made a normal opening raise of 40K and I call.  Flop came down QQx with 2 clubs.  I check, Brad bets 40k again, and I re-raise my flush draw to 150k.  Brad thinks and pushes all-in, and Im pretty much commited now, so I put in the last of my cheaps.  Brad has the Q (whoops), and my flush never shows-up.

    Can't wait to try this again - at some point far in the future! :)  But for now ... must ... sleep ...
  • Although I didn't show up until 1:30 PM, I still had a great afternoon

    When I show up everybody looked ( and smelled) pretty good. Lots of jokes and laughs.

    I placed 2nd in the side game, with a BRUTAL bad beat from '23' Brad.

    I get :jd :jh in the SM and move all in. Brad quickly calls and shows :2s :3c! Brad favorite hand!! AAAAHHHH!!
    I laugh and say "You are SO good here!"

    The flop is :ah :5d X!! I start screaming "FOUR, FOUR COME ON FOUR!!!!!!!!!" The turn is another brick, but guess what the river was???

    :4h!!! YAY HOO!!!

    That's right, I was cheering for Brads gunshot! It was too funny.

    Good game all.

  • Thanks, everyone, for a great time and helping to raise roughly $1,200 for the Rebuild project! I've sent a message off to the Board and they're very happy with the results.

    I'd like to thank everyone that helped out, especially Brad who donated a number of chip sets, some of which will be used in the KWLT BBQ, Yard Sale and Silent Auction next weekend. Thanks to Wolffhound for keeping our much needed coffee hot and a BIG thanks to the players who help raise funds for the theatre. I'll be getting together the charitable reciepts and KWLT Big Tickets and should have them out in the next few weeks.

    It was a pretty dumb/excellent idea and we'll make sure the next is even better!

    Here are the official results of the Main Tournament...

    1st: "Pinhead" Brad - 6:25pm
    2nd: "Beanie42" Trevor - 6:25pm
    3rd: "DrTyore" Mark - 6:20pm
    4th: "SirWatts" Mike - 5:25pm
    5th: "Fallen Angel" Gow - 4:36pm
    6th: "Pinhead+1" John - 1:35pm
    7th: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 12:18pm
    8th: "Easy" Amanda - 7:39am
    9th: "8Ball" Tye - 7:18am
    10th: "Zithal" Rob - 6:37am
    11th: "stpboy" Shannon - 4:31am
    12th: "TwoThree" Brad - 3:12am
    13th: "TNORTH" Tom - 12:57am
  • Thanks for a solid 24 hours of poker! That pretty much covers my weekend since i ended up sleeping in most of Sunday. LOL. I bet most of you are still asleep.

    Anyhoo, it was an awesome 24 hours!! The next step would be the big 4-8 right? lol.
  • It was an incredible time. I can't beleive I lasted as long as I did. I have never been more excited to bust out as I was then. Especially once I got home and passed out.

    I must say I rock at Prop Bets. $5.00 into $13.00. Total skyllz!
  • Congrats Brad............

    Sounds like you guys had a blast....Sure hope I can make the next one
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