"The Bristol Street Bender: 24 Hours of Poker" - May 26-27 (Waterloo)



  • Zithal wrote:

    We've added a few more names to the list include "Easy" Amanda, who seriously doubts any of the guys are going to be able to beat her to be the highest sponsored player. 

    Since Amanda is SO sure of herself, I'm sure she would make a gracious donation of $5 to my pledge sheet.

    Unless maybe she's suddenly lost her nerve.

  • 8ball wrote:
    Zithal wrote:

    We've added a few more names to the list include "Easy" Amanda, who seriously doubts any of the guys are going to be able to beat her to be the highest sponsored player. 

    Since Amanda is SO sure of herself, I'm sure she would make a gracious donation of $5 to my pledge sheet.

    Unless maybe she's suddenly lost her nerve.


    I'll sponsor you for 6 whole dollars Tye-Tye.

    And I am going to win the pledge race...the only reason the theatre has walls is because I got them donated - I am the fundraising Queen. Sorry Guys, but, I'm gonna end up on top this time.
  • Sign me up!
  • Rob, can you please add one more player for me

  • Donation count:


  • Easy wrote:
    8ball wrote:
    Zithal wrote:

    We've added a few more names to the list include "Easy" Amanda, who seriously doubts any of the guys are going to be able to beat her to be the highest sponsored player. 

    Since Amanda is SO sure of herself, I'm sure she would make a gracious donation of $5 to my pledge sheet.

    Unless maybe she's suddenly lost her nerve.


    I'll sponsor you for 6 whole dollars Tye-Tye.

    Wow ... That was easy...

    See you at the finish line.

  • My count..


    I should really start trying soon. :)
  • Sorry Rob, I need to back out.

  • Oh oh oh, I'M IN!!
    Put me down if there's a spot Rob.
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Oh oh oh, I'M IN!!
    Put me down if there's a spot Rob.

    GOW LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where in the f have you been, bro?
  • sorry, the donation money is going to go down, i won't be around for this... please take my name off the list rob
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Oh oh oh, I'M IN!!
    Put me down if there's a spot Rob.

    GOW LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where in the f have you been, bro?


    LOL!! Sorry to disappoint, but i'ma still breathing! Been in Toronto the past 4 months. You have no idea how much it broke my heart to see Rob's poker events passby without being able to come. I'm still breathing but i'm sure parts of me are dead..Hope to see you guys all soon!
  • CRAP SH@@ f$#% DAM FURGER ALL TO HELL :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

    CAN'T PLAY I HAVE PLANS FOR SATURDAY THAT I FORGOT ABOUT. :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    CRAP SH@@ f$#% DAM FURGER ALL TO HELL :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

    CAN'T PLAY I HAVE PLANS FOR SATURDAY THAT I FORGOT ABOUT. :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

    HAHAHA..Marios' on "withdrawl" tilt..
  • Reserve list has been updated. The blind schedule is almost finalized and should be posted soon.
  • Hey Rob....

    Could you please add Nicole E to the list?

    Thank you

  • News for a sunny Wednesday morning!

    - I think I've settled in on the Blind Schedule based on current turnout. I'm going to guess that we'll have roughly 2,000,000 chips in play when all in said and done, so the current cap is at the 10,000-20,000 level (100 BB's total) I think I've made the schedule as gradual as possible. This *should* last 24 hours. BWHAHAHAHAHA!! We're going to be SO STUPID come 8pm the next night.

    - I'm still on the lookout for more prizes for our side games. If anyone has anything they'd like to donate to the cause, let me know!

    - The extra prize for the top sponsored player is being finalized. The little theatre will be introducing a new program called "KWLT Stars". How the program works is that, for $250, you get a really nice plaque with you name on one of the 65 chairs in the new theatre. There are other bonuses, (such as a personal invite to a "KWLT Star"-only opening show, recognition on our website, etc) and I've gotten the theatre to offer one of these chairs to the top sponsored player. Your name will live in immortality on the back of one of our seats.

    - Finally, I've also been asked to remind everyone to make sure you shower and put some smell-nice stuff on their pits before you come over. Twenty-four hours in my basement is a long time.
  • Zithal wrote:
    News for a sunny Wednesday morning!

    - I think I've settled in on the Blind Schedule based on current turnout.   I'm going to guess that we'll have roughly 2,000,000 chips in play when all in said and done, so the current cap is at the 10,000-20,000 level (100 BB's total)   I think I've made the schedule as gradual as possible.  This *should* last 24 hours.  BWHAHAHAHAHA!!  We're going to be SO STUPID come 8pm the next night.

    - I'm still on the lookout for more prizes for our side games.  If anyone has anything they'd like to donate to the cause, let me know!

    - The extra prize for the top sponsored player is being finalized.   The little theatre will be introducing a new program called "KWLT Stars".     How the program works is that, for $250, you get a really nice plaque with you name on one of the 65 chairs in the new theatre.  There are other bonuses, (such as a personal invite to a "KWLT Star"-only opening show, recognition on our website, etc) and I've gotten the theatre to offer one of these chairs to the top sponsored player.  Your name will live in immortality on the back of one of our seats.

    - Finally, I've also been asked to remind everyone to make sure you shower and put some smell-nice stuff on their pits before you come over.  Twenty-four hours in my basement is a long time.

    Hey there Rob. Good new! well for some MUHAHAHAHA 1st I  CAN come  :D and 2nd I will be being lots and lots of prizes!

    1st off a Metal Inlay 500 pc set for Bubble for the main Tournament!
    2nd! a 500 pc set for the bubble in the other two tournamet!
    3rd! To whoever gets the most $$ in pledges will also recive a 500 pc set!
    and last but not least whoever knocks me out of the main tournament also gets a 500 pc chip set!

    Yes I have gone MAD!!!

    Also if you don't mind I would like to Raffle off some 500pc chip sets for more funds for the cause! if you don't mind!

    last but not least again

    5. "TwoThree" Brad   +1 a :P

    Total Pledges:

    $50 and climbing!
  • I wish I could dontate a prize but I doubt anyone wants a bucket of Chlorine.

    I will have some donations, though!
  • Great to see you in Brad!! (And thanks a TONNE for the donated prizes, that's awesome!!!)
  • Rob, I cannot be there.
    Please take me off of the list.
    Thanks and sorry.
  • I wish I could dontate a prize but I doubt anyone wants a bucket of Chlorine.

    Doesn't Rob still need is garage cleaned?
  • *cough*bump for the cause*cough* this is going to be a blast! can't wait!
  • T - 8 days! I so freaking can't wait!
  • TwoThree wrote:
    T - 8 days! I so freaking can't wait!

    Hell ya!! This could easily be the dumbest thing we've ever done. Not many new developments this weeks, but there are a few...

    - Wolffhound is loaning us a big coffee holder and we'll be having Tim's continually brewed throughout the 24 hours. It'll be fresh and hot throughout the evening. I don't have a lot of mugs, so you may want to bring your own.

    - We've got some REALLY cheesy Super Surprise Bags that will be thrown in to the mix to suppliment prizes. The winner of any side game, in addition to whatever prize there is, will get a pick of their own Super Surprise bag. I imagine the contents of the bag will get better and better the more sleep deprived we are.

    - Music will be self-dj'd by us. The MAC I have has a good method for picking and playing songs (of which I have almost 30 Gigs worth) and I used it for a recent party which worked well. People are free to bring along their favorite music too.

    - The hunt continues for more prizes; a reminder to please let me know if you have anything to donate!

  • Zithal wrote:
    This could easily be the dumbest thing we've ever done.
    You must mean as a group, cuz on an individual basis, it's not even close... (and I think I speak for 90% of the attendees here ;) )
  • Yeah, I have done far stupider things. Hmm, maybe that's a good new thread.

    I am really excited about this tourny. Have I missed it or have you made the blinds yet?
  • I wish I could dontate a prize but I doubt anyone wants a bucket of Chlorine.

    Make that Bromine and I'm there like a bear!!!!

    Milton Slimmer
  • Yeah, I have done far stupider things. Hmm, maybe that's a good new thread.

    I am really excited about this tourny. Have I missed it or have you made the blinds yet?

    Yep. Posted on the front page. Assuming no one busts out, the average stack will be 100 BBs by 6am. :D
  • ddmilcan wrote:
    I wish I could dontate a prize but I doubt anyone wants a bucket of Chlorine.

    Make that Bromine and I'm there like a bear!!!!

    Milton Slimmer

    Bromine doesn't have the same profit margins. It is too expensive, rich guy.
    Of course, you might not be so rich if you're begging for Bromine.
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