"The Bristol Street Bender: 24 Hours of Poker" - May 26-27 (Waterloo)



  • Stop beating me I'll have more $$ then !!

    Milton Slimmer

    Was told the Bromine with a brominator would make maintenance much easier. Came at a time when the wife had broken her hip and I was running a new business. I could have asked you to convert me to Salt. Seems like the thing to do on my street. Any thoughts on this, To me it is still too expensive

    Milton Slimmer
  • Zithal wrote:
    TwoThree wrote:
    T - 8 days! I so freaking can't wait!

    Hell ya!!   This could easily be the dumbest thing we've ever done.   Not many new developments this weeks, but there are a few...

    - Wolffhound is loaning us a big coffee holder and we'll be having Tim's continually brewed throughout the 24 hours.  It'll be fresh and hot throughout the evening.   I don't have a lot of mugs, so you may want to bring your own.

    - We've got some REALLY cheesy Super Surprise Bags that will be thrown in to the mix to suppliment prizes.  The winner of any side game, in addition to whatever prize there is, will get a pick of their own Super Surprise bag.  I imagine the contents of the bag will get better and better the more sleep deprived we are.

    - Music will be self-dj'd by us.  The MAC I have has a good method for picking and playing songs (of which I have almost 30 Gigs worth) and I used it for a recent party which worked well.  People are free to bring along their favorite music too.

    - The hunt continues for more prizes; a reminder to please let me know if you have anything to donate!


    I'll drop off 20 or so Mugs as well...just don't be smashing them in the fireplace....GL all.
  • Didn't you read the fine print wolf, this is a GREEK poker tourney :D
  • Hey Rob....

    Could you please take Nicole E off the list :)


  • Hay Rob,

    Can you please add Ryan "Deuce" Yo to the list....

  • Done and done. The list is now up to date.
  • Rob, sorry, can you take me and MM off the list. Thanks.
  • Done!

    We're now three days away from The Bender. Get those last minute sponsor signed up!!! A few updates to begin the week..

    - Ideally, please bring you sponsor money to the tournament. (It'll make less work for me!)

    - In addition to the prizes that KWLT are already donating (free tickets, the "BIG" ticket, the KWLT Star), the theatre is also providing coffee for the evening (we'll be getting a big bin of Tim's and have that brewing throughout the night) as well as burgers for the lunch BBQ the next day. (you're still free to bring a steak, etc., but burgers will be provided for everyone in the tournament)

    - If cancellations bring us down to 18 players, we'll start with 2 tables of 9.

    - I *believe* that the big 500FPP WSOP Poker Stars freeroll signup opens Saturday at 1pm. There will be two computers available to sign in and sign up for this event as the tournament is capped at 5,000 players.
  • Zithal wrote:
    - I *believe* that the big 500FPP WSOP Poker Stars freeroll signup opens Saturday at 1pm.  There will be two computers available to sign in and sign up for this event as the tournament is capped at 5,000 players.
    Registration starts May 27, 2006 @ 12:00 EST
  • SON OF A.....
    Sorry Rob I'm going to have to bail on this. I have to got pick up my girlfriend at the Airport on Saturday instead of the originally expected Sunday so I won't be able to make it. I was really hoping to break my own personal record of 19 consecutive hrs of poker at this event (and raise money for a very good cause).

    GL to all of you.

  • I'm expecting that all you wussies, backing out at the last minute, will find a very nice player to sponsor instead!
  • If you can't find a very nice player, you can always sponsor me!

  • Luckily, there is a nice player :)
  • and he is right here :D
  • Sorry I'm one of the wussies, as is Ryan_yo. Good luck to all...

  • I don't have any prizes to donate, but i am sooooo bringing a second guitar for Guitar Hero! I need something to do after i lose in poker. And i'm sure Mark will join me shortly there after. Right Mark? ;) How about some Cowboys from Hell on expert??? Hope that's okay, Rob.
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    I don't have any prizes to donate, but i am sooooo bringing a second guitar for Guitar Hero! I need something to do after i lose in poker. And i'm sure Mark will join me shortly there after. Right Mark? ;) How about some Cowboys from Hell on expert??? Hope that's okay, Rob.

    I've only been able to hit 93% complete on CfH on Expert. Grrr..... When I bust early, we can either do that or play heads-up for prize bags. :)
  • Zithal wrote:
    [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    I don't have any prizes to donate, but i am sooooo bringing a second guitar for Guitar Hero! I need something to do after i lose in poker. And i'm sure Mark will join me shortly there after. Right Mark? ;) How about some Cowboys from Hell on expert??? Hope that's okay, Rob.

    I've only been able to hit 93% complete on CfH on Expert. Grrr..... When I bust early, we can either do that or play heads-up for prize bags. :)

    93%??!? Okay...remind me not to play against you. lol. I only sit there and watch the solo's go by. lol. how about something like i love rock and roll on expert. then its just a race to see who misses the first note.
  • Sorry Rob, but I can't make it.

    Dave Kostis
  • Sorry Rob, but i can't make it....

    ...to the final table. Ahhhhh. :D. So we're down to two tables?
  • Yep. Definately down to two tables unless we get some unexpected last minute adds. The bad news is that there's less people, the good news is that we're going to have way more room to play.
  • So it shouldn't be so bad spending 24 hours co-oped up in the basement with only 16 other people. The air will be cleaner. ;)
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    The air will be cleaner. ;)

    Obviously you missed:
    Zithal wrote:
    2am: Pepi's Late Night Snack BREAK
  • HAHAHA!! I'll be over sometime early Saturday afternoon to smell the stink and take down a couple side games. If I can't beat you guys after you've been playing for 16+ hours, I need serious help with my game.

    I assume there will be updates during the evening/night/morning/afternoon?

    Best of luck al

  • Hey Rob.....Im not one to hop on band wagons, but this one Im gonna have too....We wont be able to make it.....Something has come up for saturday morning...which really sucks...we really wanted to play.......IM sure it is gonna be a blast.....

    Well good luck to all................

  • So I was just thinking the first few hours of this thing could be kina boring when the blinds are so small, and that later in the night I'm going to be tired and need something extra to keep me paying attention. Then I realized I'm an idiot and the perfect solution already exists. So bring some quarters/loonies/whatever if you're in, and I call the :7c at my first table.
  • I call the  :2h ! Because my 2's LOVE YOU!
  • Bah you have an advatnge you'll never sleep your props. You noticing a 2 or 3 on the flop is the same as a normal player noticing an ace :D
  • The chips have been divided out, the basement's being cleaned, the music's gettin' ready, the prizes are being spread out, the pop's in the fridge, the burger's are in the freezer, the props quarters are in my pocket, and we're nearly ready to go.

    T Minus 20 hours.

    That's about all I have to add. That, and STOP DROPPING OUT PEOPLE!!!!
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