"The Bristol Street Bender: 24 Hours of Poker" - May 26-27 (Waterloo)

On Friday, May 26th, Bristol Street opens it's doors for a solid 24 hours of crazy poker action. In addition, so that people don't look at us like we're on crack when we tell them we're about to play 24 hours of poker, we're going to collect sponsors and do this for a cause that I support; The Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre (KWLT) Rebuild project. Here are the details...
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament - KWLT Fundraiser
Friday, May 26th - 8:00pm til Saturday, May 27th - ~8:00pm
(doors open at 7:00pm on Friday)

$50 Buy-in Freeze-out

$$$ Pay-out - dependant on the number of players $$$
(max. ?? players - we're going to accomodate as many as possible)

Timeline of Events
7:00pm : Doors Open!! Collect sponsors.
2:00am : Order from Pepi's will arrive and we'll take a brief break to gorge.
4:00am : A "Second Chance" $30 tournament will begin, for players busted out of the first tournament.
8:00am : After 12 hours, we'll take an hour-ish break and head to Benny's for breakfast.
10:00am: The "Final Chance" $20 tournament will begin for players busted out of the first two tournaments.
2:00pm : Hourish break for a lunch as we'll fire up the BBQ and throw grillables on it.
8:00pm(ish) : The Bristol Street Bender Champion is crowned.

Each player will receive 50,000 chips for their $50 buyin. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until one player holds all the chips. That player will be declared the 1st place finisher. The last player eliminated will be the 2nd place finisher, the second last player eliminated will be the 3rd place finisher, etc..

In addition, each player will get themselves sponsored to play 24 hours of poker. Ask friends, family and strangers to sponsor you. I'm asking that everyone aim for a minimum of $20 in sponsorship donation. If you reach the magical sponsor level of $50, your starting stack will completely coincidentally double to 100,000 chips. If you reach $100 in sponsorship, you'll also recieve a 2006-07 KWLT BIG TICKET. (free addmission for two to all KWLT shows in the 2006-07 season)

Finally, whoever raises the most money for KWLT will win a special prize; guaranteed reservations for all Bristol Street events for a full year.

Note: Sponsorship is not a requirement to play, but are strongly encouraged. 100% of all sponsorship donations go to the KWLT Rebuild Project. In July 2002, KWLT burned to the ground due to an electrical fire. In one evening, 75 years of history went up in smoke.

Ever since then, this not-for-profit community theatre has employed a hard working string of volunteers to rebuild the theatre at 9 Princess St E. in Waterloo. We're close to finishing, but we're short on funds and need your help. KWLT offers people in the local community a chance to experience all aspects of theatre for the first time and there's nothing like it in the area.

For more information, this link, gives you a brief history of the whole ordeal.

I've been involved for the past six years and it's been a blast. As a thank you to everyone that plays in this tournament, each person will recieve two "admit one" tickets to an upcoming KWLT show. Charitable reciepts can be given out as requested.

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Late players that no show will have their chips removed at the end of the second level.

Sleeping players: If a player falls asleep they will post and fold until they wake up. In addition, sleeping players will be penalized one big blind EACH HAND they are asleep. The penalty chips are removed from play. Don't fall asleep.

The tournament will last approximately 24 hours. We'll accomidate as many players as possible. Tables are 8 max, until the final two which will be 9 max. The second and last chance tournament will also be scheduled to last to the end of the 24 hour period. The final two tables of the Second and Last chance tournaments will also be 9-handed.

Cash games and SnG's will be created as requested through-out the tournament. The official blind schedule will be posted soon.

Please reserve your seat in advance!!

Sponsorship forms are located here to be printed. If you do not have access to a printer, ask Rob to print you off a copy. Copies will also be available at Bristol Street Events during the month of May.


  • Blind Schedule:

    8pm: 25-50
    9pm: 50-100
    10pm: 75-150
    11pm: 100-200
    12am: 100-200 (25)
    1am: 150-300 (50)
    2am: Pepi's Late Night Snack BREAK
    3am: 200-400 (50)
    4am: 300-600 (75) **remove 25 chips at end of level
    5am: 400-800 (100)
    6am: 500-1,000 (100)
    7am: 600-1,200 (200)
    8am: Benny's Breakfast BREAK
    9am: 800-1,600 (200)
    10am: 1,000-2,000 (300) **remove 100 chips at end of level
    11am: 1,500-3,000 (500)
    12pm: 2,000-4,000 (500)
    1pm: 2,500-5,000 (500) **remove 500 chips at end of level
    2pm: BBQ Lunch BREAK
    3pm: 3,000-6,000 (1,000)
    4pm: 4,000-8,000 (1,000)
    5pm: 5,000-10,000 (1,000)
    6pm: 6,000-12,000 (2,000)
    7pm: 8,000-16,000 (2,000)
    8pm: 10,000-20,000 (2,000) **capped (tentative)


    1. "Zithal" Rob L
    2. "TNORTH" Tom N
    3. "Dirty Whore" Mark B
    4. "Pinhead" Brad
    5. "TwoThree" Brad
    6. "Fallen Angel" Gow
    7. "Flint Bones" Andrew
    8. "Easy" Amanda C
    9. "8Ball" Tye
    10. "batmankw" David Sin.
    11. "batmankw+1"
    12. "Beanie42" Trevor
    13. "Pinhead+1" Jon
    14. "SirWatts" Mike
  • Well since my mom got her start in small community theatres such as this - and including this one - I feel obligated to play :)
  • I was gonna make some nasty Tom's mom joke, but to keep things civil... let's just say

    I'm in!!

  • SWEET I AM IN!!!!!! Let me know if you need anything at all to help out
  • Thanks for taking the high road Mark - you are a good guy - so long as its not a Ryder Cup event :)
  • I like poker.
  • I am posting at a cafe in waterloo and while I reading this post I guess I was smiling ear to ear because the waitress said, "Aww you are glowing, what are you reading?"


    YES, I AM IN!
  • me and mm please

    lol posted before reading the details, to avoid the chance of being the bubble boy.  Still in and looking forward to hitting up all the relatives who made me buy all the stupid crap their kids school was selling.
  • Add me.

  • A part of me died when I realized I could not play in this tourney :'( I could have easily raised $100 too. Maybe next year.

    LOL... seriously, if this was any other weekend I would have driven 5 hours to get there!

    Good luck everyone, especially to the KWLT... I hope you make a killing!

  • i'm in for sure if i'm around... tentative status, will be able to confirm by next week

    I am missing my little sister's first communion AND birthday party (FRIDAY/SATURDAY)!! :D
  • You ALL are friggin' crazy....but how can I say no????????????

    COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now how can I explain this to Wraych?

  • Tell her you are getting lap dances at Scores. Tell her you are drinking 'til you puke. Tell her something.

    (Oh Rounders)
  • haddon wrote:

    I am missing my little sister's first communion AND birthday party (FRIDAY/SATURDAY)!! :D
    Unfortunately I can't. I've been planning my plans for that weekend for the last 3 months.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Now how can I explain this to Wraych?


    You say, "Hey babe! How'd you like to sponsor me when I spend 24 hours of my life selflessly devoted to a good, local, non-profit cause!?"
  • Please sign me up for this WILD sounding event.

    I hope the theatre will benefit greatly from this fun filled 24 hours.

    And Rob, it is nice to see that you have taken the opportunity to further increase the calibre of Bristol Street by fund raising for worthy causes.

    Good luck to all and lets work hard to raise as much money as you can.

    PS. Now is a good time to hit up all those girlguides, cubs, scouts, ect that have been hounding us for money for years.

    Thanks, Perry.
  • I'm so in. Is there a sheet for the pledges or do you trust us ...LOL!
  • Hey

    If there is room could you add Jeremy and I?


  • Finally, a game of endurance over skill! I am in and I'm bringing the tequila.

    Dave Kostis
  • What the hell.

    I'll play.
  • sign me up please Rob.

  • Thanks for the great response everyone! I think this tournament is going to be a blast. I'm going to try to get other prizes, fun and events going on over the tournament. The pledge sheet will be complete before the end of the week, and I'm currently playing around with the blind schedue. It should be done soon too.

    If you want to see what the theatre is all about, and also see why I've been nearly invisible this past month, the show I've been the Executive Director for, is opening this week.

    The show is called Popcorn Plays 5 and is a collection of 12 ten minute shows. I'm just getting back from our second dress rehearsal and the show has come together fantasitcally! Local poker fella, "All-In" Steve is featured in a number of the shows and is a riot in all of them. From the world's worst British detective to dead clowns to Gollum on a blind date, there's something for everyone. It's a very strong show and I'm proud of the work everyone's put into it.

    Shows are this Thurs -> Sat at 8pm at the St. Jacob's Church theatre. I'll be there every night, so make sure to say hi if you stop by. If you want more info, feel free to send me a PM. As an added incentive, the first four people I see at the show that are on the "Bender" reserve list can put me down for a $5 pledge on their sheet.

    Also, thanks to those who've offered to help out with the tourney. When the number's start solidifying, I'll have a better idea what I'll need volunteers for.
  • Sorry Rob Aimee and I can't play we'll be in Quebec City during the tourney. However for such a great cause I'll throw Twothree a $20 sponsorship. I am laughing just imagining him with more chips.......
  • PLEASE sign me up for this wacky thing!

  • Hey Rob, Is there any way in hell this could be moved to the next weekend ?! Because I suck hardcore and can't make it this is so sad :( If you can move this (hopes for a act if god) my Pledge sheet will read $50+

    Edit: Like June 3 & 4'th

    Edit: keep me on the *maybe list* till the 10'th going to see if I can sneek out of my comitment.
  • don't bail on me Braad.......Dammmit I want to see you with that many chips...... if you have to I guess I'll have to sponsor another sucker..... I mean strong poker player......

    In that case I'll just play.........
  • Sorry, Brad. The date's pretty firm at this point, and I've got other stuff going on the weekends around it. :(

    I'm sure you can sneak out. Feign the bird flu; I'm sure that'll get you out of lots of committments!

  • I've gotten the sponsor sheet up and hosted and you can find it on the Front page original post, or, if you're too lazy, this is also a link to it.

    I've printed mine off and set it by my desk and, without much begging, have already gotten a few sponsors!

    We've added a few more names to the list include "Easy" Amanda, who seriously doubts any of the guys are going to be able to beat her to be the highest sponsored player. Guys! You're not going to let Amanda show you up are you?!?

    In addition to getting guaranteed reserved seating to a years worth of Bristol Street, I'm also working with KWLT to make sure the top sponsor gets recognition in the new space when it comes up. I have a fairly good idea what this is, but I'll have more details by the end of next week.

    In other news, I'm working on getting some prizes and free stuff for the players (ie. I'm crossing my fingers that Tim's will provide free coffee for the event), and I'd like to get some donated prizes that we can use as top prizes in STT's over the course of the 24 hours for the players, so if you have something you'd like to part with, please let me know. I'd like to reward the top three sponsored players in some way (in addition to the stuff we're already giving away)

    I've also got some sausages and burgers left over from a Rebuild BBQ Fundraiser I ran a while ago, so as long as you don't mind sausages and burgers, lunch will be free for the players the next day.

    That's about it for today! More announcements as they come.
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