Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge Match II - Final Roster



  • I cannot wait for this update...come on Mark!!!
  • Who won?

  • So... yeah....

    Some months ago, I decided it would be great to design a game where skill takes precendence. Where the good players will be able to survive bad beats and the cream would rise to the top. Well, after last night's game... F@#K that....k

    I have never seen so many suckouts, I have never seen so many runner runners / two outers / dominated hands win. It was a hell of a ride, but here comes the summaries. I can't possibly note all of the suckouts, but if you see a hand that looks like a routine beat, just assume that the hand previous to that, the person went in a 90% favorite and lost.

    10th place:

    Blinds 50/100 (Hey, we made it through two whole levels without a bustout!)

    Mark raises to 375, called by Trevor in the BB

    Flop 7-4-3 with two spades
    Trevor pushes all in for 1700.
    Mark announces "I hope you're on a draw" and calls

    Mark: AK (K spades)
    Trevor A7

    Turn: 6s
    River: As

    Yup... that is the kinda night it's going to be, and Trevor is out in 10th place.

    9th place:

    Blinds: 50/100 (so much for getting through the rounds)

    5 callers pre-flop

    Flop: 5-7-9 (2 spades)

    Checked to Dave K who pushes all in for 1275
    Tom calls, everyone else folds

    Dave K 66
    Tom 9-10

    Turn / River are both 4s, and Dave is out 9th

    8th place:

    Blinds 75/150

    Dave P raises to 550, Josh re-raises to 1600, and Dave pushes all in 2525 more
    Josh ponders, says that he hopes it's a race, and calls.

    Josh 77
    Dave 99

    Flop: A-2-K
    So far so good!

    Turn: 8
    Wait for it....

    River 7

    Dave's out in 8th place.

    7th place:

    Blinds: 100/200/25

    Josh raises to 500
    Shannon pushes all in Josh calls
    Shannon 77
    Josh QQ

    Board of A-9-10-4-Q
    Best hand won... whadda ya know?
    (It should be noted that Shannon's JJ was cracked by Mark's A-10 all in on a board of 2-3-4-5-J)

    Shannon's out 7th

    6th place:

    Blinds: 100/200/25

    Mario raises to 700
    Josh re-raises to 1700
    Mario calls

    Board: A-Q-6 (2 diamonds)

    Mario bets 1,000
    Josh pushes Mario all-in
    Mario thinks, and calls with A-5
    Josh gets his hand caught in the cookie jar with Q-J

    (NOTE: At this point, Mario stands up, and Mark immediately turns him away from the board screaming "Don't look... don't watch this")
    Turn: 10d
    River Jc

    Mario's out

    5th place:

    Blinds: 150/300/50

    Tom pushes all in and is called by Josh AND Tye

    Tom: A8 (suited hearts)
    Josh : A2 (suited spades)
    Tye: A9 (suited diamonds)

    Wow... strange

    A board of 6c-9d-2c-5c-10s ends Tom's night in 5th place

    4th place:

    Blinds: 150/300/50

    After calling Johnnie's all in pre-flop of 6800 with AA and losing to 77, Mark is short, and pushes all-in for 1450. Josh calls.

    Mark: A8
    Josh: QJ

    Board: 6-10-Q-8-9 ends Mark's night..

    ** A quick colour-up break is held, chip counts going into the home stretch:

    Johnnie: 21, 600
    Tye: 18, 100
    Josh: 10, 300

    3rd place:

    Blinds: 300/600/100

    Johnnie limps from the SB, and Josh raises 1300. Johnnie calls

    Flop: 8c-9c-3d

    Josh pushes all in (5,800), and is called by Johnnie

    Josh: AK
    Johnnie: QJ

    In keeping with the night....

    Turn: Kd (Happy Josh!)

    River: 10h (sad Josh)

    Josh is out

    HEADS UP!!

    Johnnie is a significant chip lead, and Tye is in trouble, so he goes into hyper-aggressive mode, and starts pushing a lot. Two hands make this game interesting again, as Tye pushes all in with 8-9 to be called with Johnnie's K-9, and Tye spikes an 8... another dominant hand is cracked. The next hand, Tye is still short-ish, so pushes again with K-10, but again Johnnie calls, with A-10... and Tye turns ANOTHER 3-outer, giving him chip lead... which lead to this:

    2nd place:

    Blinds: 400/800/100

    Johnnie pushes all-in preflop with 3,800
    Tye calls

    Johnnie Q-9
    Tye K-J

    Board: 8-8-6-6-4

    The best hand wins..... WTF?

    Johnnie's out, and our KWGM II final preliminary game winner is TYE!!

    Tye wins $50, 13, 000 in finale chips, and perhaps most importantly, a grandfathering into KWGM III!!!!

    Updated chip counts are in the OP, the finale will take place on SATURDAY - MAY 13 at 1:00 PM.
    Location: The recently resurrected Park Street Poker Pit!!!

    Good luck to all players, and watch here for live updates on Saturday.

  • Great job through the prelims everyone. The chip count going into the final is pretty damn evil. And, we'll see you at the Easy and Smashy Awards of Excellence at Bristol Street for the post-game party.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Checked to Dave K who pushes all in for 1275
    Tom calls, everyone else folds

          For what it's worth, I had 2075 when I donk'ed out.

              Dave Kostis
  • Note: Over half of the final table of tonight's Bristol were grudge match participants.

    Congrats Mark, Shannon, Tom and Trevor.

    Goodluck East Shit Saturday!!! :D
  • haddon wrote:
    Note: Over half of the final table of tonight's Bristol were grudge match participants.
    Yeah, and the suckouts were just like the grudge match ... same game, different venue.
  • Hey now..

    Everytime I have gone all in and won in both the KWGM and at Bristol last night, I had the best hand before the flop, and on the river.

    And that's the truth.

  • Yeah - but when you go from being a 60-40 favourite preflop to a 80-20 dog on the flop - that is still lukcy :)
  • Hey now

    AQs vs AJo is not 60/40, he has 3 outs... he hit TWO of them... how lucky is THAT?

  • haddon wrote:
    Note: Over half of the final table of tonight's Bristol were grudge match participants.

    Congrats Mark, Shannon, Tom and Trevor.

    Goodluck East Shit Saturday!!! :D

    Note that had one player not made it, the number of Grudge match players at the Final Table would be the same percentage wise as the number of Grudge match players playing in the tournament. (3of9 v 9of27)

    So, congradulations!! You statisically held on to the number of players that entered the tournament. Way to go! You guys did average!

    Of course, none of you placed the Top 2...

    (Hey, gotta start the heat for KWGM III, don't I?)
  • Hrm...

    How did KWGM I players not returning to KWGM II do?

  • Note that 1 player did make it!


    4/9 = .44

    9/27 = .33

    Variance = .33 - In favour of KWGMII
  • Mr. T is never wrong.

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