Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge Match II - Final Roster



  • The link works for me...

    You probably just assumed it wouldn't work for you. So instead of waiting for the load the finalize, you got up from the computer assuming it was the link, when really the bad karma created by you getting up from the computer before the action was finished made the site not work.

    TT over JJ...what can I say except I hope it happens again?

  • haddon wrote:
    TT over JJ...what can I say except I hope it happens again?
    It may, we'll see. I'd wish you luck, but you already have that, so instead I'll wish you "skilled play" :D .
  • I believe that for the most part the people I play have no idea what I am holding. I think that takes skill.
    But as long as I keep making money in this game, eventually someone, in some distant planet, might just say, "It can't all be luck, can it?".
    Until then, I'll use my big arms to pat my own back when I trap, bluff off a pot or outwitt you elite.

    And when I do suck out on a bad read where I went in behind, I am not sorry, because I get sucked out on all the time.
  • haddon wrote:
    I believe that for the most part the people I play have no idea what I am holding.
    You are correct!
    haddon wrote:
    And when I do suck out on a bad read where I went in behind, I am not sorry, because I get sucked out on all the time.
    We all do (suck out and get sucked out), and I don't feel bad about it either (I'm thinking A9 here :fish:).  Personally, I just prefer for suckouts to be a fallback plan rather than a primary strategy :)

    I'll give you credit though, you've definitely changed the dynamics of the Grudge Match ... should be fun ;)
  • Let the Grudges begin!! See all you lads tonight!
  • Pre-grudge match grudges

    Shannon 1

    Post-Grudge match grudges

    Shannon ? 

    I could lose a lot of friends in the next two weeks lol  :D
    See you all tonight!

  • stpboy wrote:

    I could loose a lot of friends in the next two weeks lol  :D
    See you all tonight!


    Shannon the correct spelling would be lose a lot of friends - and it would be more grammatically correct to say over the next two weeks.

    Let the grudges begin :D
  • stpboy wrote:
    I could lose to a lot of friends in the next two weeks lol  :D
    Corrected ;)
  • Anyone want to drive me to Bristol? :)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    stpboy wrote:

    I could loose a lot of friends in the next two weeks lol  :D
    See you all tonight!


    Shannon the correct spelling would be lose a lot of friends - and it would be more grammatically correct to say over the next two weeks.

    Let the grudges begin  :D

    To whom it may concern,

    I thought I had a lot of friends on this forum, I guess you just really slow played or "trapped" me if you will. If you were really my friends you wouldn't have made fun of the fact that I wasn't grammatically correct or that I spelled a word incorrectly. It's been a long time coming I guess, sooner or later I was going to find out how you really felt about me. It hurts but I'm glad I found out the way I did. I have had some people PM me to let me know that my spelling was off, some were nice about it and others just sent me large font PM's like this one:


    Anyway now that I guess I know, I'm going to have to back out of the CPF spelling bee. Thanks, it's been great getting to know everyone.

  • stpboy wrote:
    To Whom It May Concern,
    This should be capitalized :D
  • My prediction:
    -Shannon's gonna go postal and you'll all be "first out" of the KWGM II Match 1, then stpboy will win by default :)

    Good luck tonight guys!

  • you know what would be wicked....a sweep of the KWGM 2...all three prelims and the final..
  • haddon wrote:
    you know what would be wicked....a sweep of the KWGM 2...all three prelims and the final..

    This would be quite a feat...

    BUt with this field, damn near impossible.

    Trust me... I tried to win 3 in a row.

  • haddon wrote:
    Anyone want to drive me to Bristol? :)


    Since you're such an outstanding business man, why don't you buy a BMW or a Hummer for yourself? Enjoy the walk, sucker!!!


    Updated Grudge count:

    Shannon 1
    Haddon 1 (at least)
  • I am now officially ON TILT!!

    Mr. H, you are dead...dead!.......DEAD!
    Why don't you just call me a cocksucker!!? Huh?

    (I have 5 accidents, 3 on my G1...not allowed to drive.)

    Also, I got a ride, SUCKER!!

    Grudge Count:

    Johnnie H - 1
  • I've studied Moneymaker's play in 2003 all day...this TOURNY is mine!! :D:D

    (If I hit runner runners and win EVERY coinflip.)
  • Sweet.........good luck getting in Dave's car.
  • A guy I play rugby with is 6'2 and 300lbs. His family (who are all HUGE) drive a 2 door Rav 4...

    If they can get into that, I'm sure I can get into Dave's car.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    haddon wrote:
    you know what would be wicked....a sweep of the KWGM 2...all three prelims and the final..

    This would be quite a feat...

    BUt with this field, damn near impossible.

    Trust me... I tried to win 3 in a row.


    Mark you couldn't win three in a row because you didn't win the first match. I believe that was me. 
  • Since I busted out early enough to get home and say goodnight to the kids, I'm curious as to who won (and how late it went)?
  • Game 1 is in the books people!

    Good to see some things never change.  With everyone starting with "only" 5000. the first pot was a measley 1200, and there was an all in called on just the second hand.  Did the KWGM veterans own the night?  Were the rookies upsetting left and right?  Read on to see!

    Blinds 25/25

    A train wreck from the beginining, this was an interesting hand.  Shannon raises to 125 preflop, which is called by Tye, Josh, and Johnnie.  The flop comes down 5h 10h Qs, and Shannon checks.  Tye bumps it to 300 to go, which is again called by Josh, Johnnie, and Shannon.  A Kc on the turn, and all hell breaks loose:  Shannon bets 525, and Tye bumps it to 2025.  Josh agonizes and folds his K-10o, but Johnnie calls.  Shannon, smelling a rat folds his AK suited.  The river of a 8d doesn't seem to help anyone, but what does THAT matter?  John pushes another 2000 into the pot, and Tye goes all in for his remaining stack.  Johnnie quickly calls, showing A-J of hearts for the nut straight.  Tye flips over QQ and grudgingly is out first.

    10th place - "8Ball" Tye

    Blinds 100/200

    Licking their wounds, players tightened up a bit after this.  Trevor raises pre-flop to 650, and is called by Shannon.  A flop of 10d 9s 5h and Trevor pushes all in for his remaining 825.  Shannon ponders, decides that board didn't help Trevor, and calls with 66.  Trevor's AQo gets no help from a turned 4d or a rivered 6d, and he's out after Shannon wins his first race of the night.

    9th place - "beanie42" Trevor

    Blinds 100/200

    Well, screw tight.  After being constantly re-raised by Mario, and running into his high pocket pair when he'd had enough, Josh pushes all in preflop for 2525.  It's folded around to the monsterous stack of Johnnie, who looks down, and sees AA.  Obviously calling, Josh dejectedly flips over QJc.  A board of 5d, 2c, 4d, 8s, and 10c doesn't even make this interesting, and Josh is out.

    8th place "Haddon" Josh

    Blinds 200/400/50

    Tight wasn't right this night.  After folding hand after hand for about 2 hours, Mark had managed to steal the blinds a couple of times, but was still short.  In the SB, Shannon pushes all in to Mark's BB.  Seeing that it was likely a race, Mark calls himself all-in with 66.  Shannon pairs his 10-Jo immemdiately on a flop of 10-K-3, and the 9-K turn and river seals Mark's fate with his second all-in race win.

    7th place - "DrTyore" Mark

    Blinds 200/400/50

    Shannon calls the BB and Dave P. in the SB calls.  Dave K in the BB just checks to see a flop of J-10-8.  Dave P, first to act, bets 1500, causing Dave K. to fold.  Shannon pushes all in, and Dave feels committed, calling with 10-7 of spades.  Shannon's J-9 causes Dave much discomfort, and the turn / river of A-K is no help to either player.  Dave is eliminated.

    6th place - "Ineedanice" Dave

    Blinds 200/400/50

    A dangerous blind level it would seem.  Tom raises to 1600 pre-flop, and it's folded to Mario who decides that his 77 is worth pushing all in for another 3,675.  Tom calls, asking if it's a race.  Mario says it is, but is dismayed to see Tom's 88 - quite the head start.  A board of Qc 10c 5d 3d As is no help to either, and Tom's hand wins.

    5th place - "ItsaMe" Mario

    Blinds 300/600/75

    Four remain, and it's folded to Shannon who calls in the SB.  Dave K checks to see a flop of 7c 8d 2d.  Shannon checks and Dave pushes all-in.  Shannon calls, sensing weakness with his 9d 10h for an open ended straight draw.  Dave shows 8s 4d hoping that his hand will hold up.  A 10d on the turn dashes those hopes, and a 6c completes Shannon's straight, just for good measure.

    4th place - "King Mob" Dave K.

    Blinds 300/600/75

    Tight doesn't always mean right, as the monster stack of Johnnie's had suddenly become average, and after one bad hand, he finds himself short.  Shannon makes it 2500 to go, and Johnnie re-raises all in for another 1975.  Shannon quickly calls with AKo, and Johnnie shows a dominated KJo.  A board of 2d 5s 8s 2s 6c ends Johnnie's (and all the KWGM rookie's) night.

    3rd place - "JohnnieH" Johnnie

    Going into head's up, Shannon has a chip count of 33, 100 to Tom's 16, 900.  Tom managed to wreslle back to even as these two KWGM veterans dueled for the better part of a 1/2 hour.  Until the final hand.

    Blinds 400/800/100

    Tom calls from the Dealer, and Shannon checks to see a board of 10s 3d 6d.  Tom pushes all-in, and is quickly called by Shannon.  Tom's AQs has nothing on Shannon's 10-3s, a turn of the 10h seals Tom's fate as the river 4s means nothing.  Tom's night ends at about 12:40 a.m.

    2nd place - "TNORTH" Tom

    Meaning, the KWGM II preliminary game winner of $50, 13,000 in chips, and (perhaps most importantly) a grandfather clause into KWGM III ....

    "stpboy" Shannon!

    A great game all, with aggression everywhere, nobody was safe.  This could shape up to be one hell of a match.  Check OP for current chip counts, and we'll see everyone Wednesday night for the 2nd preliminary game!

  • Great recap Mark.  I was lucky to have my good hands hold up and win the races I was involved in.  My favourite hand of the night came against Trevor who last time I played against him said
    "I have a tell on you"
      I had been waiting to get in a hand against Trevor as I know at times he thinks I can be playing any two cards, which generally is fairly accurate.  I figured if I got into a big hand with him he just may pay me off.  Anyway....

    Blinds 100/200
    I raise 3.75x the BB in EP with AQ
    folded around to Trevor in the BB who just calls
    Flop 7 A 7
    Check Check
    Turn Q
    Trevor bets 400, I call
    River 7
    Trevor bets 1000
    I just call thinking we're chopping

    He shows JJ and I win the pot, a few hands later I take the remainder of Trevors chips (1500) when my 66 holds against his AQ.  Winning races rules!

    On another note, Mark I completely agree with you.  Both Dave's were not very nice last night and I'd like to see them refrain from bluffing and raising as much as they did.  Of course, they both did give me their chips so they can't be that bad!
    DrTyore wrote:

    "Ineedanice" Dave

  • stpboy wrote:
    My favourite hand of the night came against Trevor who last time I played against him said
    "I have a tell on you"
    Unfortunately, that tell is apparantly of limited usefulness. I'm glad I'm you're favorite, though ;) ,
    stpboy wrote:
    I figured if I got into a big hand with him he just may pay me off.
    More than pay you off - just over 2/3 of my chips.  Pretty dumb, since I'd been so tight, and the few little ones I'd been in I played well.  First hand I play, and I donk off 2/3 of my chips.  I thought you had Ax, but as soon as the A came on the flop, I changed my read to a Q, since I thought I could push you off that hand - lol.  Getting married to a hand is great if you want to get home early! 

    The thing that bothers me most is I didn't play long enough to develop any grudges yet :(
  • beanie42 wrote:
    The thing that bothers me most is I didn't play long enough to develop any grudges yet :(

    Plenty of time for that! Well, unless the KWGMII host curse rears its ugly head again! In that case, you could hold a grudge for us being in your house and playing poker without you for 6 hours.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Plenty of time for that!  Well, unless the KWGMII host curse rears its ugly head again!  In that case, you could hold a grudge for us being in your house and playing poker without you for 6 hours.
    LOL - I don't mind you guys playing without me, I still have my internet, and did pretty good online last night. That said, I'm taking this one down! (maybe :) )
  • stpboy wrote:

    On another note, Mark I completely agree with you. Both Dave's were not very nice last night and I'd like to see them refrain from bluffing and raising as much as they did. Of course, they both did give me their chips so they can't be that bad!
    DrTyore wrote:

    "Ineedanice" Dave


    I've tried being nice, and what did it get me? One vote! (although I'd like to thank whoever made that vote...I'll make you proud) It's time to up the grudge aspect, mister Soft Turd Poop girl. Having won the first prelim, there is only one direction for you to go. We're coming for you on Wednesday.

  • Ineedanick wrote:
    mister Soft Turd Poop girl.

    I knew STP stood for something!!! Dave, do you kiss your wife and son with that potty mouth??

    Thanks to Tye and Rob for letting us play at Bristol, and thanks to Mark for "hosting"

    See yous 'morrow.

  • stpboy wrote:
    On another note, Mark I completely agree with you.  Both Dave's were not very nice last night and I'd like to see them refrain from bluffing and raising as much as they did.  Of course, they both did give me their chips so they can't be that bad!


    If you can let me know ahead of time how often I can raise per hour it would save me some decision making.As for bluffing, I swear every time you folded I had the nuts.Or the balls.
    Let the grudges grow free.

    Dave Kostis
  • I should really edit this now....

    stpboy wrote:
    Pre-grudge match grudges

    Shannon 1

    Post-Grudge match grudges

    Shannon ? 


    Geez you win one GM and your public enemy #1

    Bring it on boys, I'll be absent for the first hour tommorow. My blinds are up for grabs during that time alone. I estimate that I'll only lose roughly 250 chips....
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