Kitchener / Waterloo Grudge Match II - Final Roster



  • I have a bunch of pics from Round 1 on my camera, does anyone know what site I can upload them to, for everyone to see?

    I'll bring the camera again tomorrow, unless someone objects.
  • I heard that this one is good, real pretty.
  • Umm.. Johnnie..

    That asks for your login, so I don't think it's the best link

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Umm.. Johnnie..

    That asks for your login, so I don't think it's the best link


    Did you scroll down and look at the pictures??
  • We can't scroll down because all we can see is your login screen without the password. Give us the link to the pictures after you have entered your password, see if that'll work. Go Jays!
  • Ok, I've changed the link. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
  • The link works Johnnie.

    I'd just like to point out that Q10 would have won that hand.

  • Hmmm, no pictures of the best looking guy in the group? Let the GRUDGE CONTINUE!

  • g2 wrote:
    The link works Johnnie.

    I'd just like to point out that Q10 would have won that hand.


    Yea.. but Josh put himself all in, and I called...

    with a 9

    And he was amazed that he "was beat". Until everyone pointed out the 9 in his hand, and we chopped..

  • Great first game. The better player won.....

    One correction: I did raise it to 1675 with my AQ - not my fault Shannon is a donk and call min raises with 103c :)

    As for tonight - unfortunately since I am required to put my career ahead of poker - I will be late. Blind me out unitl I arrive.

    I expect 2 people to be out by the time arrive :)

    See everyone tonight.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Hmmm, no pictures of the best looking guy in the group? Let the GRUDGE CONTINUE!


    Continue? I thought we were friends!

    Ok, pics of Shanny have been posted, as well as one of Homer. Just because.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Ok, pics of Shanny have been posted, as well as one of Homer.  Just because.
    Can I change my vote to Homer? :D
  • Well from second place to second out.

    I show up 1.5 hours late to lose in about 30 mins.

    Blinds 100-200

    I was SB with one limp from Mark UTG.

    I look down and see QQ - golden :) - I raise 4x BB.

    Shannon - in BB says lets gamble - calls.

    Mark folds.

    Flop X Q A

    I bet about 1600

    Shannon - another cold call.

    Turn: 10 (giving a 3 rd spade).

    I push. And ask Shannon if he has his flush - he responds No. YES i]soliloquy[/i


    I flopped a set of Queens but Shannon flopped a set of Aces.

    Apparently this doesnt only happen on Party Poker :) Although I have suspicion that Dave is a mechanic and set up my fall - although giving 2x the chips to Shannon would hardly be smart - collusion ? :)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    I push. And ask Shannon if he has his flush - he responds No. YES i]sililoquy[/i
    After how you've been hounding Shannon, that's a pretty gutsy post! It's soliloquy :D
  • That was a hand for the ages Tom.  Nevertheless I lost 13,000 chips against Dave on a stone cold bluff when he had the nuts.  I raised in LP with 79o, he called in the BB announcing that he didn't really want to battle with the chip leader as he also had about 13K in chips.  He called and the flop came down A Q Q, he bets out 1K and I raise to 4K.  He thinks about it and calls.  Turn he checks and I go all in, he calls with AQ.  I'm an idiot, big mistake, rookie mistake.  With the format the way it is I should have been much more careful with my chips and stayed away from those that can hurt me.  Dave played that hand brilliantly though, I'll give him his props.  I had Dave outchipped by 100 and went out the very next hand.

    The final preliminary match proves to be very important for many of us, especially Mark.  Perhaps he's not doing well because for the second straight game he hasn't seen 78....oh wait here it is....
    Mark "DrTyore"  (7, 8, x)

  • stpboy wrote:
    ... he called in the BB announcing that he didn't really want to battle with the chip leader as he also had about 13K in chips.
    And the rest of the table rejoiced.  It was surprising seeing the 2 big stacks get into a hand against each other, since combined you had over 1/2 the chips in play.  When the flop came down AQQ I just knew nobody was folding.
    stpboy wrote:
    Dave played that hand brilliantly though, I'll give him his props.
    I echo that big-time.  Dave picked his spots well, and used his stack to his advantage (especially when we got 3-handed).

    I also need to congratulate Josh on his play last night.  I've seen him play well before, but I've also seen him play lucky.  Last night though, he showed the complete package, switching gears perfectly, playing a lot tighter, and still using well-timed bluffs.  Great game! (although this isn't how you build a grudge ... :( ).

    For me, the night came down to 2 seemingly trivial hands.  Against Tye, I called his bets pre-flop and on the flop with a big draw.  His push on the turn took away my odds, and I read him for having at least a pair - bad read.  Tye showed a flush draw, and I watched him rake in about 1/3 of my chips from his bluff - this hurt for a bit.  The other hand was when I knocked Shannon out.  He only had 50 chips in and I was the BB, but when SuperStack Dave called from the SB, I decided to push to pick up the sidepot, which was almost 20% of my remaining stack.  And when my "nut ace-high" held up against Shannon and I got the main pot, suddenly my 9BB stack was almost at 14, which while still short, was enough for me to play a few hands and mount a comeback.

    I can't wait for episode 3 - should be a dramatic setup for the finale!  Good luck all!
  • Once again - who took it down ?

    What position did Shannon finish?

    And have the chip stacks evened out - or is there a huge chipstack?

    I know last game 1,2,3 were Shannon, myself and Johnnie respectively - were we the first 3 out this game?

    Trev - thanks for the spell check - havent read much Shakespeare since highschool :)
  • I finished 6th for 3500 chips, I believe I still have the overall chip lead with 16, 500 chips. I'll win the next one though to give me 29,500 chips. Someone got lucky last night to win.... ;)

  • TNORTH wrote:
    Once again - who took it down ?
    I'll let Mark post the results, but let's just say the "host curse" is broken...
  • Well as you can see, KWGM II's second preliminary shook up the game quite a bit... here's the outcome:

    10th place:  "JohnnieH"

    With 25/50 blinds, Johnnie raises to 150 and is called by Tye and Dave.  A flop of 10-8-2, and Johnnie bets 500, which causes Tye to fold and is raised by Dave to 1500.  Johnniie pushes all in for another 2175, and Dave calls with 10-10.  Johnnie shows his AA, and they get no help on the turn / river of Qs 3h.  Johnnie's out in 10th.

    9th place:  "TNORTH" Tom

    Two of the top three out first and second?  Damn, this is a hard game.  Blinda are 100/200, and Mark calls from UTG +1, Tom raises in the SB to 850, which is called by Shannon and Mark.  A flop of A-Q-2 (2 spades), and Tom fires out 1500, which Shannon calls, but Marks folds to.  Turn gives the 10s and Tom pushes all-in for 1375, but Shannon calls.  Tom shows a set of Q's to only run into a set of Aces... ouch... the 6h river ends Tom's night.

    8th place:  "DrTyore" Mark

    One of the consistant players, though not in the good way, Mark finds himself with 2500 chips left when the blinds are 100/200/25.  Tye raises to 800 in MP, and Mark pushes all in.  Mario thinks and thinks.... and folds.  Dave P. thinks and thinks.. and folds.  Tye "reluctantly" calls, showing 44.  Mark's AKd gets no help on a board of 9-10-J-6-7, and he's out in 8th cursing the fact that he hasn't gotten his beloved 7-8 in TWO full games.

    7th place:  "King Mob" Dave K.

    Blinds 100/200/25 and Dave raises 700 preflop, which is called by Dave P.  A flop comes down of 6c-3c-10d, and Dave K. checks.  Dave P. raises 1000, and Dave K. calls.  The turn brings the 5s,  Dave K checks, and Dave P. bets another 1000, which is again called.  The river is a 2s, and Dave K. pushes all in for 2075, which Dave P. calls.  Dave K. shows A-6, which is beat by Dave P.'s 99.

    6th place:  "stpboy" Shannon

    Blinds 150/300/50, and Shannon had just lost all but 100 of his chips after running into a flopped boat from Dave P.  So Shannon pushes all in from MP.  Trevor re-pushes from the BB to isolate with A-3, and Shannon's 5-6 gets no help on a board of J-J-4-2-8.

    5th place:  "8Ball" Tye

    Blinds 150/300/50 and Dave P. limps in from EP, Josh completes from the SB and Tye checks.  A flop of 3-9-10 rainbow and Tye bets 1700, which prompts Dave to push all-in.  Josh gets out of the way, and Tye calls, showing 8-9 to Dave's 10-J.  Just to rub it in, Dave makes the running straight with a turn / river of K-Q.

    4th place:  "ItsaMe" Mario

    Another consistant finisher compared to the field, with the blinds at 200/400/50, and having just lost the majority of his stack, Mario pushes all in for his remaining 500 blind.  The respect Mario's bets get continues as it is called by Dave and Trevor, who check to the end on a board of J-9-7-A-K.  Dave shows J-8, Trevor shows 8-3, and Mario's 6-10 loses to a pair of 10s.

    3rd place:  "Haddon" Josh

    Playing "way tight", Josh pushes all in for about 7k more than Trevor's raise of 1500 with the blinds at 200/400/50.  Trevor calls with 77, and Josh's race is off with his JQo.  The board of 3-2-5-6-J looked promising, until a quick count showed 4 clubs on the board made Trevor's 7c the flush.  Josh is out in a very good showing.

    HEADS UP:  

    After Dave's massive killing spree, and huge chip lead, Trevor had managed to make a comeback, and entered head's up with 21, 650 chips to Dave's 28, 350.  A few hands back and forth, and Trevor managed to get ahead of Dave ever so slightly when the final hand occurred.

    Blinds:  300/600/75

    Trevor raises in the dealer position 1200, and Dave pushes all-in.  Trevor quickly calls, and Dave winces as his move with 55 runs into Trevor's QQ.  a J-J-3-6-7 board ends Dave's night, and wins Trevor 1st place for 13,000 chips in the finale, $50, and a grandfathering into KWGM III!!!

    Next game is Monday, May 8th, let's see how different those results will be.  OP has been update with current chip standings.

  • Thanks for the game everyone. Lots of fun as usual.

    Flopping top set against Johnnie and a boat against Shannon certainly helped my cause. I was then able to coast to heads-up. This is exactly what I wanted. Going against Trevor, I figured aggressive play should work well against his usual tight style. This worked brilliantly for about two hands. Then he slapped me around for the next 20 hands or so...He raised my bluffs, and folded whenever I had something. I might as well have played with my cards face up. When the pocket 5's came, I figured I could finally win a pot outright, or at least be a slight favourite in a race. Well, the queen's ended that plan. Great game Trevor. Hopefully I'll get a second chance against you one day.

  • Ineedanick wrote:
    Hopefully I'll get a second chance against you one day.
    Maybe Monday? :D
  • It's three days later and I'm still annoyed with how I went out.
    Not just how bad a play my final "move" was (more of a movement than a play).Nor my failed "bluff" ( reading Mark's summary of my final hand gives me sharp stomach pains).And I can't be upset with Dave...he made a great call against me (as did Josh earlier).
    No what really eats away at me is that just a couple hands earlier, while Mark was recording his own end, I had a conversation with Shannon on all the very good reasons I had NOT TO GO UP AGAINST DAVE WITHOUT A BIG HAND for awhile.
    It's no use having a strategy if you don't use it.

    See you all Monday.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Hey all

    PM's were sent, but just wanted everyone to know that we're playing at Beanie's again tomorrow night.


  • I cant wait for tonight - it will be very exciting!!!

    Unlike the previous Grudge Match - there are no individuals with runaway chip leads. No one is guaranteed a 20 000 chip stack - so it really counts for everyone tonight as we jockey for position at the final table - this will indeed be one of the most exciting 10 person SNG I have played!!

    See everyone tonight - and Godspeed.
  • Last day of the prelims...I am soooooo pumped!!

    Everyone, goodluck! muahahaha.

    :ts :8s will be taking this one down!
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Trevor    (9, 1, x)         14, 500
    Mark       (7, 8, x)           4, 500

    Mark - I just noticed we both have our favorite hands. Note which one is winning :)
  • obervation.
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