West Side is celebrating its one year anniversary on March 25th. Sold Out!!



  • iam for sure 5/5 would be greaty
  • Brent buddy...I don't see myself on the list. Get me and Abdul on there.
  • You guys are #117 and 118. Do you read your cards that wasy?

    Prophet 22
  • I don't see myself on that list
  • I want to play for any stakes as long as Cole is sitting at my table.
  • lol whys is that
  • ...because I dominate you.
  • uve never played me , but iam sure u would but i may river u
  • hey brent don't forget Grant and Kurt want on the list
  • What's up Brent...I won't be able to play in the tournament, please give my spot to Dr. Ventura
  • can i also add BankItDrew to the waiting list.....

    and can u email me directions again.. thanx :as
  • Our game is full. If you were on the waiting list your are in the game. I am asking players to be there no later than 11:30 am. We would like to start at 12:00 sharp. Late players will be given one half hour of protection. If you are no there by the start of the second blind level your spot will be given to someone on the waiting list. Players should expect this to be a 12 - 14 hour tournament. I have been given extra time so as to not rush the final table. Seating assigment will be pre done to try to save time at registration.
  • Hey Brent,

    Again sounds like you have a great event planned, and from talking with lots of people that do attend your event, I wish I could of been able to get in and attend this event. Hope it goes well for you, and I would like to donate some prizes to the event. We want to offer some free entries to our tournaments. If you are interested in this email us at airportpoker@gmail.com

  • Dear Brent,

    I have decided to not be a bad friend anymore and discontinue my 'Weekend Vacation to Waterloo' streak.

    I'm told that friends are more important than gambling...or something like that...

    Soooo, I will not be playing on saturday. Congrats on one great year just the same!!

  • Easy wrote:
    I'm told that friends are more important than gambling...or something like that...
    What about "gambling with friends? We'll miss ya Easy...
  • Can I have directions e-mailed please.
  • done, sent to your forum account

    See you saturday

  • Thanks for those who have contacted me about not coming. The game is full and seating assignemnts done. If you are not going to make let me know as soon as possible. I have contavted all those who where on the waiting list and they should expect to play.

    The last time I will check my computer is tomorrow morning at 7 as it will take some time to set up. If you have any questions about directions make sure you let me know today. I am pretty sure everyone has directions.

    Prophet 22
  • Hey Brent,

    Looking forward to tomorrow, glad you could get me some seats. Heard great things about these events and glad to finally be able to play in one.

    Talk with ya later tonight and seeya tomorrow.

  • Brent,

    Would it be to much to ask for you to display the seating assignments?
    Thanks, you lucky guy you....

  • Hey Brent, I won't make it out tomorrow. GL everyone.
  • How do I see a players list for March 25th?
  • the list has been moved for seating purposes and to update it. all who were on the lsit are playing including those on the waiting list.

    Prophet 22
  • Good luck to everyone in the tourny today! I'll see thinking of ya, while I'm at work.... here... at 5am in the morning...

    Ps. Work is for suckers.
  • If it makes you feel better Zithal, I'll have a beer for you later in the day :).....
  • I am signing off for the day. If someone could check the site before they come and get the late cancellations I would appreciate it.

    Prophet 22
  • brent can you give my spot up i gottta worksorry buddie might make it for the cash game
  • Just back from Westside, out in 8th... My A,Q runs into chipleaders A,7,, You know the rest......
  • Thanks to everyone who made our one year anniversary a success. I will post the details on Monday.

    Prophet 22
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