West Side is celebrating its one year anniversary on March 25th. Sold Out!!



  • sign up Happy... Beware I will be bringing my 'A' game this time :rage:
  • Happy420 wrote:
    sign up Happy... Beware I will be bringing my 'A' game this time :rage:

    You don't have an "A" game, you have a "K8" game.
  • Hey Brent, can you sign up one more of the Milton Crew. Bob S...
  • Hey Prophet 22,

    sign me up for this one.
  • I'm in there.
  • Add me too...99% sure I'll be there, but I'll confirm closer to the tourney
  • Sign me up. Not 100% sure yet though. Will have to confirm sometime next week.
  • Hey Brent....

    Could you please add Lonnie H and Chris H to the list please.

    THank you

  • We are now sold out!!!!

    Our first champion ever Jeff "Camblor" and Casino Brantford's Ultimate Challenge II Champion will be joining us again.

    Thanks to everyone who signed up and helping us celebrate our one year anniversity.

    Look forward to seeing everyone!!!

    Prophet 22
  • Hey Brent
    Can you put a friend of mine on the waiting list. Name is James H.
    Is there any chance you'll open up to 140 people?
    Many Thanks.
    Larry L.
  • i have a friend for the waiting list as well... devon/allaces brother...... jared..

    ill find out at the game 2nite if there will b more for the waiting list......
  • Please add me to the waiting list.
  • hey brent justwondering with this many people wat do u think the payout will be like top 15 for 140 players
  • Big_Chips wrote:
    i have a friend for the waiting list as well... devon/allaces brother...... jared..

    ill find out at the game 2nite if there will b more for the waiting list......

    LOL... this is how I find out what my brother is up to...
  • Chuck me on the waiting list as well Brent
  • teach wrote:
    Chuck me on the waiting list as well Brent

    Good thing this isn't Wednesday night football, or is it?? Glad to see you out either way.....

  • I am going to have to withdraw from this event Brent. Please take me off the list.

  • Due to the overwhelming response to this event and to thank all those who want to help us celebrate our one year anniversary we have opened up more tables. This will be it. When this list is filled we will be sold out and those on the waiting list will not be guarantee a seat in this tournament. I can believe it is still 2 weeks away. Let me also take this time to tell you the doors open at 11:00am and the tournament starts at 12:00 pm. The longest part of this process is getting everyone signed in. Please start arriving at 11:00 am so everyone is signed in and at there seats by 12:00 pm so we can start on time. It looks like at this point if you are not on this list you will not get into the tournament.
  • Put me down for a seat, name is Usher
  • brent put me down for 1 more spot , thanks
  • teach wrote:
    Chuck me on the waiting list as well Brent

    now i have to play...
  • can i reserve two seats. i will know if i need them in the next day or two.

  • hey there wanting to know if i can grab two seats to this anniversary game ..am a friend of big fish ..anyways look forward to playin ya all and am glad to have been told of this site i think it rocks  :6h :9h :  DINNER FOR TWO
  • Brent,

    Add me and cristina P for this please if there's still room, or put us on the waiting list.

  • The list has been updated to reflect the drop outs and addtions.

    Prophet 22
  • Um, I'll most likely be in town so you might as well add me to the waiting list...or just kick someone less good looking off the reserve and add me :D

    Thanks Brent....
  • Hey Brent,

    The Wednesday night guys from Kellly's Place are looking for 6 seats, let me know if you can get us in the tourney.....

    Where can we play Wednesday night now????

  • You know whos cleaning up this time.

    Count Abdul and I in.
  • Hey Brent,

    can you also add: Johnny B Good and Skobla to the list

    thanx :as
  • I would like to see a 2/5 or a 5/5 game after... Anyone else interested in a little bigger stakes?
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