The Legends of Bristol Street - Feb 26th to March 18th




    I'm in the process of drawing the Day 1 assignments and will have the results soon. (I'll be posting it in a seperate thread)
  • Can someone PM me directions or a house address?  I'm not a complete tool... I've figured out it's on Bristol Street, but a house number would be great. :-)
  • Bump - because I'm either blind or I couldn't find this thread w/o searching for it.
  • Can someone PM me directions or a house address?  I'm not a complete tool... I've figured out it's on Bristol Street, but a house number would be great. :-)
    Same here.  I'm hoping to join the carpools from Milton, but knowing the address would be nice.
    Zithal wrote:
    One Day 1D, the Miton Rocks gets hit by a bus (indirectly increasing the level of play in the tournament... BWHAHA)
  • Rob can you Dennis to the Omaha game.


    Prophet 22
  • Rob

    add Tim"MrLeadoff"

    Prophet 22
  • Rob, if anyone drops out of the PLO tourney, steve block is in there.

    he's also a geek. not that theres anything wrong with that, but ya know!

  • Zithal wrote:
    No shows

    One Day 1D, the Miton Rocks gets hit by a bus (indirectly increasing the level of play in the tournament... BWHAHA) which lowers the number of players by 4.   Since 4 is between 2.5 and 5, but closer to 5, Day 1D will only award 6 seats to Day 2.

    That's not funny, Anyone else driving past on Thursday? Just Kidding! 4 hours to game time (or 2 more sleeps for us old people)

    MIlton Slim (not yet)
  • Hey Rob, I'll have to bail on the Omaha action. I'll just win the stud and not both....

  • Unfortunately I'm going to have to back out of both the Stud and PLO Rob.
    Damn real life getting in the way of poker
  • rob, i'm gonna have to back out of the stud game because of work, but i'm still in for the omaha game. and so is steve now that soem peopel have backed out.

    thanks rob.

  • Rob, please sign me up for the PLO game if room.
  • Is it too late to use my rebuy?
  • Rob, sorry about the short notice, but please remove me from both the Side Events.

  • Hi Rob, sorry to do this but because of family things, nothing bad, I have to cancel out of both tomorrows Stud and Thursdays Omaha. Also Bob S has to cancel out of tomorrows Stud. From the 4 of us "original" Rocks, that leaves Dave (ddmilcan) and Larry L for tomorrow and Dave, Larry and Bob for Thursday. Thx.. Jeff...
  • Hey Rob

    Seeing all the the people who cant make it ... Can i play in the stud now..
    Joe is going so i can to now please..

  • Hey alll

    I've had a significant number of cancelations for both events, so I'm going to cancel/postpone the Stud and Omaha games. My apologies for the late notice! I'll try and contact people via email, and will post this in a seperate thread.
  • There goes my Pre-game shower to waste!
    Hope we can still cancel the Bus.
    Let us know when it will be and the "Rocks" will roll on down that road

    Milton Slim (not yet)

    I'll phone non internet Larry and let him know
  • Without the "ROCKS" it appears things just go all the H!!!!
  • If you are cancelling tonights game will you by any chance be holding a Hold Em tourney tonight? There's 3 ppl that would be interested....

  • Sadly not. :(

    The ironic part for me is that by cancelling both events, I now have to do a couple things that originally clashed. Stupid busy life.
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