The Legends of Bristol Street - Feb 26th to March 18th



  • looks like fun but like most bristols they are either full when i see them or i am on afternoons and can't play.
    the only event i can make is stud so sign me up and i will at least get a small part of the experience
  • Rob,

    Are there points awarded for these events?
  • Are there points awarded for these events?

    I was thinking about it and decided against it... just a little too much for me to keep track of.

    PS> As a reminder, don't forget that the Day 1 assignements will be done THIS SUNDAY, with Day 1A, being the next day!! So PLEASE remember to check back Sunday evening to determine which Day 1 you'll be playing at!!!

    PPS> Reserves are complete and up to date as of Monday morning. Please double check that I have you down on the list!
  • I won't be able to play 1B.

    I am available for ACD.
  • Rob,

    Sorry but Miranda and I wouldn't be able to make it to Day II so we have to back out. Surprise Bday party.
    Oops not a surprise now!!

  • While I didn't specifically mention it Rob, it would be a lot easier if Aimee and I were on the same day.
  • Update Rob,

    I am only available for A and C. I hope you can accomodate this!
  • Rob,

    Brent signed me up for the main event, unfortunately I"m on night shift for the 2 weeks your running the qualifiers so you"ll have to take me off the list. However I can make it out to the Omaha.

  • Hi Rob, can you sign me up for the main event On Day 1C. Should be a great tournament!

  • Rob, I would love to play in this event, the only Day 1 day I can make is 1C, would also like to play the limit Stud event.

  • No shows

    I've gotten a few questions from people on how no-shows will be handled. It's a great question because, for example, if everyone but 8 people show up due to cancellations, should those 8 automatically move to Day 2? No, it's not fair to the other players as they didn't work their way into Day and it isn't fair to the players that advance because they'll be short stacked comapred to everyone else. So, here's how it going to work...

    On the 26th, we make the Day 1 draws and will have an even (plus or minus one) number of players on each day. From this we determine that we're giving out 1 seat for every N players. Then, for every N people that cancel from the day, one less Day 2 seat is awarded. Here's an example...

    On the 26th we end up with a grand total of 80 players, 20 per day, which means that 1 seat to Day 2 is being awarded for every 2.5 people.

    One Day 1D, the Miton Rocks gets hit by a bus (indirectly increasing the level of play in the tournament... BWHAHA) which lowers the number of players by 4. Since 4 is between 2.5 and 5, but closer to 5, Day 1D will only award 6 seats to Day 2.

    Clear as mud!
  • Hey Rob, my wife, Cvette would like to play also. She is available for A or B only. If possible she would probably like to come with me on whichever day I play, but I said I was available for A, B and D, and I don't want to make your job any harder, so if that works out, cool, if problem. Thanks again.

    Sean S
  • Having re read my post, I thought I should be more clear. If we can't play on the same day, she would still like to play, so could you sign her up. Thanks.

    Sean S
  • Add my friend Tim to the roster for the ME, day B. thanks!
  • Hey Rob,

    Can you sign Mandy and I up for the Omaha event as well.


    :as :ah
  • Rob, I am sorry for any inconveneince this may cause you, please remove me from all events,thanks.

  • Rob -

    Please sign me up for the main event.

    I am good for A,B,D
  • Hey Rob can you also order Tom a salad?
  • Rob...can you change me from C,D to B,D...I have a tourney online on the 1st of March
  • Thanks Brad!

    That would be great - however, make sure it is oil and vinegar based as I do not do the creamy dressings. And dont even think about making it iceberg.

    Thanks for everything. Brad can you bring the Green Tea and yoga mats?
  • And don't forget to wear pink shirts! Nice avatar Tom ;)

  • it's heating up to be a good one folks. and hey, tom looks cute in pink........

  • Hey Rob

    I will play in limit stud.. I dont know why Joe didnt ask me sheesh what a guy ....
  • OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cancel that :'( I have to work .. Dam work gettin in the way of playin poker again .. I tell ya...
  • Hi Rob,

    I would liked to be signed up for the main event. I can make days A,C and D.
  • Hello dhentges. Welcome to the Forum!
  • Thanks Flint. Looking forward to the tournament.
  • Rob,
    You can delete my name from the PL Omaha game. I'm dead money when it comes to PLO.

  • Rob please add
    Perry D for AC, he has to play with Marty V

    Please change Mmoose to AC

    Just send me the start days for all for of us and I will pass the info on.

  • Rob, my apologies, but please change me to day D. I can't make it for the other days I stated earlier.
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